
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2751 to 2800 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Janet Tyler

    Live in Woldingham and concerned about increased number of flights flying over the village which is an AONB on the North Downs

  • Jayes Park Estate (Jayes Park Estate)

    The expansion will mean LGW becomes the size of LHW - over 100,000 additional flights and 34 million passengers per annum. The existing infrastructure is poor and the proposed infrastructure is... Read more

  • Jennifer Huggett

    If we have any chance of reaching our climate goals, and halting the increase in global temperatures the last thing we should be doing is encouraging more air travel. Arguing that it will provide jobs... Read more

  • Jeremy Leathers

    I am principally concerned at the noise impact of the proposal as we are on the landing flight path, and already blighted by overflying aircraft on their way into Gatwick. This is already an... Read more

  • Jess Fowle

    I am registering because I am extremely concerned about the climate impact of all airport expansions. This is a national, cumulative issue and not just one that affects local people.

  • Jessica Horscroft

    I am objecting because I am concerned about an increase in road traffic with no improvements to local infrastructure to allow for increased traffic. Also concerned about the impact on the environment... Read more

  • Jill Reeves

    Added pollution in an already very busy area. More traffic and delays meaning added pollution from standing traffic. More staff needed and where will they live?

  • John Glendinning

    We live directly under the flight path and as I type this I can hear a plane flying far too low on its descent into Gatwick. It is bad enough now - planes not observing the correct heights on their... Read more

  • John Robert Hawkridge

    We already suffer intrusive noise polution every day for 5 or more hours, not to mention the chemical polution, which is not monitored. Any increase in traffic can only make things worse.

  • John Simpson

    Even at the moment we get planes flying directly over our house-I mean DIRECTLY. Often well below the permitted height !!!

  • John Stuart Muckelroy

    In view of the shortage of housing and excessive amount of water being taken from local rivers I do not think we need this sort of development in Sussex. In order to encourage airlines to use regional... Read more

  • Jonathan Coles

    Gatwick is very close to an area of outstanding beauty, the North Downs, Box Hill, Leith hill etc, and a number of villages. Increased plane traffic will not only create significant noise pollution,... Read more

  • Judy Underhill

    I am (redacted) years old. I live right in the middle of the village, under the flight path. Night after night, I am woken at different hours. I realise that the fact of being woken up so frequently... Read more

  • Julia Hatto

    The unacceptable impacts on my life and environment are; Loss of green space and increase in hard landscaping will result in more floodwater and pollution in the River Mole, flooding our vulnerable... Read more

  • Karen Weetman

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Kate Rowbottom

    For our day visitors, enjoying time away from the noise and stresses of everyday life; for our residential guests hoping for a good night sleep; for our wedding couples saying ‘I do’; for the children... Read more

  • Kirsten Challis

    This will create further noise disturbance which seems to have increased significantly lately even without another runway.. Even more road congestion through Horley which struggles already even at out... Read more

  • Laurence Seymour

    I object to this development for many reasons. I live under the flight path, the noise pollution is horrid. I struggle to hear the birdsong, you want to make it worse. And plane lights shining into... Read more

  • Leanna McEwan

    concerned about increase in aircraft noise very concerned on impact on climate change concerned about the devaluation of my home concerned of the affect on my wellbeing through increase in aircraft... Read more

  • Leigh Parish Council (Leigh Parish Council)

    I write to you on behalf of Leigh Parish Council. The Councillors have considered the proposal and its impact on it as a community. The following areas are of great concern and asks that they be taken... Read more

  • LHR Airports Limited (LHR Airports Limited)

    This relevant representation has been submitted separately for both LHR Airports Limited and Heathrow Airport Limited, which are related companies within the Heathrow group corporate structure. For... Read more

  • Limpsfield Parish Council (Limpsfield Parish Council)

    Limpsfield Parish Council is a democratically elected organisation, representing the residents of the Limpsfield Parish in the District of Tandridge. We have reviewed the expansion plans, studies and... Read more

  • Linda Hammond

    I am astounded that this project is even being considered. It will cause so much pollution, especially noise. It's terrible for the environment. The local roads are full and we don't have... Read more

  • Lisa Marie Morris

    The DCO application should not be accepted as making best use of existing infrastructure, as Gatwick do not and cannot deliver a 2 runway airport using the current emergency runway. It is misleading... Read more

  • Liubov Chorna

    I oppose Gatwick airport expansion with no extra funding for infrastructure and no compensation for noise for environmental reasons. A 2nd runway would add more noise pollution, over 1 million tonnes... Read more

  • London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames (London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames)

    Richmond Council opposes airport expansion in light of the climate emergency, and wishes to register as an Interested Party in case we wish to make further representations.

  • Lorraine Ashley

    The expansion to the runway will severely affect the lives of residents in this area. We already have to cope with numerous aircraft and related noise and a greater number of planes will cause... Read more

  • Madeline Adams

    I object to any development / expansion of UK airports in light of the Climate Crisis. I would therefore like to express an interest in this proposal

  • Maeve Logue

    There are planes flying over Tunbridge Wells that wake me every night at times that they are not supposed to be flying overhead. It happens EVERY night. Planes fly over the town all day long when they... Read more

  • Mandy Cooper

    I live on the A25, the current new diversion route for the M25. We already have many sleepless nights with the diverted motorway traffic passing through our small village. If the airport expands, this... Read more

  • Margaret Hensman

    I’m writing to express my objections to the expansion plans of London Gatwick. London Gatwick Airport is a single runway airport with an emergency runway (now called the Northern Runway by the owners... Read more

  • Martin David Cope

    I live in Horsham and I fear that a second runway at Gatwick will reduce my quality of life, in many ways. 1) Increase in aircraft noise – with up to an additional 101,000 flights a year, running from... Read more

  • Martin Howard

    I do not want flights re routed over Hever Castle

  • Mary Collett

    I am opposed to airport expansion. We are in a climate crisis which is only going to accelerate if we don’t stop this reckless use of fossil fuel. Planes are the most polluting form of transport and... Read more

  • Mary-Jane Thornton

    I absolutely object to this project because of the airline industry's substantial addition to the causes of Climate Change. Climate change is the most serious and far reaching emergency on this planet... Read more

  • Matthew Loughlin

    I am against the development on a number of grounds: 1. Detrimental impact on AONB and historic protected assets, including Hever Castle, which is a Grade 1 listed heritage attraction set within a... Read more

  • Mia Anna Porto-Romano

    1. Noise pollution - flights have already increased over our home and in addition they are flying lower than they used to. The noise has increased late at night affecting sleep. This will only worsen... Read more

  • Mike Leverington

    Main issues that I want to address are: - local area infrastructure (roads, trains services) being put in place given the increase in flights - noise pollution impact and how this will be mitigated -... Read more

  • Miles Berkley

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – · Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Miranda Wall

    Our roads (motorways and local) are not suitable for the amount of traffic that the additional runway and terminal would bring to the area.

  • Mole Valley and Epsom & Ewell Green Party (Mole Valley and Epsom & Ewell Green Party)

    In order to comply with legally binding carbon-reduction targets for transport, the proposal would necessitate a full network of out-of-road walking and cycling infrastructure, both for the airport... Read more

  • Mr John William Ritson

    How this will effect my child, work and I.

  • Mr Robert Worsley

    The proposal would engender increased reliance on flying and thus reduce the possibility of reducing UK CO2 emissions to meet net zero targets. The associated personnel and housing demand would... Read more

  • Mr T A J Morris

    The DCO application should not be accepted as making best use of existing infrastructure, as Gatwick do not and cannot deliver a 2 runway airport using the current emergency runway. It is misleading... Read more

  • Mrs Elizabeth A Lockwood

    I have lived in the Lingfield area since 1989. Since then, except for the downturn in the national economy in 2008 and then for the duration of the Covid lockdown, there has been a steady increase in... Read more

  • Mrs Faulkner

    I have concerns about the impact to the surrounding area when the works to the road network is undertaken abd would like to know more about this. I would like to know what measures are bring put in... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Baker

    We are already greatly affected by the noise from aircraft on Route 4 flying over this area, even though we are not in the NPR. Gatwick and the regulator do nothing about this, in fact it is getting... Read more

  • Mrs P Morris

    The DCO application should not be accepted as making best use of existing infrastructure, as Gatwick do not and cannot deliver a 2 runway airport using the current emergency runway. It is misleading... Read more

  • Mrs Sherry Partridge

    I am against the development as Hever Castle is a Grade1 listed heritage attraction set within a Grade 1 listed park and garden which, in itself, is within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Redburn

    I live on a country road which has a 40MPH speed limit. It is already very busy with airport traffic and the village has a single lane bridge, narrow winding road and a junior school. Also the... Read more