
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 850 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Custance

    I am not in favour of the current Sunnica plans. Even in its slightly scaled back form the size of the development is obscene. Rather than enveloping all surrounding villages please do not allow this... Read more

  • Miss K J Murphy

    I wish to object to the Sunnica Energy Farm project due to the scale of it.

  • Mr Danny Smith

    I firmly object to the Sunnica proposal for the following reasons: =The consultations were non existent! =It's a get rich quick scheme by charlatans! =BESS batteries are a danger to the residents of... Read more

  • Noriko Tomioka

    Destroying the nature. Scale of the development so close to the residential area, for safety and loss of countryside and sceneries, dog walking area. Danger element of the batteries Ugliness of the... Read more

  • Penny Wright

    I visit my sister who lives in Burwell. We frequently enjoy dog walks and such. Burwell is so unspoilt as it stands and to have it covered in dolar panels with huge battery compounds is very... Read more

  • Philip Rampley

    This is a complete wast of good agricultural land and the impact on our community will be catastrophic to our community i am also the chairman of Fordham pc and completely agree With there comments... Read more

  • Rebecca Brunton

    I reject the Sunnica application fully, I live in the village of Chippenham. Here are some of the reasons to my objection: There will be disruption to my daily life due to the increased traffic... Read more

  • Robbie Holland

    I object to the plan to allow Sunnica to go ahead with their Solar plant for the following reasons: - As an animal lover the disruption to the environment during construction will be devastating to... Read more

  • Robert Thomas Alexander Goff

    I would like to register my strong objection to the Sunnica Energy Farm. The scheme is FAR too big for its location and affects FAR too many villages, causing immense disruption to many people. It... Read more

  • Robin Upton

    The Anaerobic Digester Plant at Bay Farm producing methane requires the same land as the Solar Farm for the disposal of the by-product of liquid and sold digestates, supplying vital fertilizer for the... Read more

  • Roger Skilton

    No Chinese manufactured solar panels used in this development, they should sourced/manufactured in UK

  • Rowley Arthur Fenwick

    I farm next to the solar farm at Six Mile Bottom, I exercise horses most mornings I have twice had horses spooked riding near the panels early in the morning as the panels wake up, the first incident... Read more

  • Sara Cumani

    • The area is far too big • It will be on food producing land • The scheme is more about batteries than panels • The batteries are dangerous and toxic and it’s much too close to an historic centre of... Read more

  • Sarah Moss

    Health and Safety concerns - potential fires and release of poisonous gas 1 mile away from school. 77 Acres of battery storage compounds close to Red Lodge 2500 Acres of good agricultural land laid to... Read more

  • Sarah Whiteside

    My main areas of concern regarding this proposed “green” energy development are: . there is NO GUARANTEE the land can be returned to agricultural use after 40 years! . is there any proposal to... Read more

  • Shari Khan

    I am registering my disapproval for the Sunnica scheme here in writing, it must NOT be allowed to go ahead if we are at all interested in the safety and health of our local residents, environment and... Read more

  • Shona Currie

    The size of this project for our community is extravagant which will result in HGVs clogging up the village and surrounding area. Potential of fires and release of poisonous gas is not only a health... Read more

  • Simon Stafford

    Oppose. Against. Biased and contrived consultation. Deliberately avoided all BESS questions (no excuse its lithium technology which will not advance); no glint and glare report for 1.1 to 1.6 million... Read more

  • Sonia Walsh

    I am deeply concerned that the plans to build a Solar Farm removes the ability to grow crops on fertile land, destroys an eco system preventing wildlife to flourish. The enormous expanse of batteries... Read more

  • Stuart Noble

    This area has highly productive land growing onions, carrots, potatoes as well as sugar beet and other crops. at a time when food prices are increasing rapidly we should be looking to become less... Read more

  • Susan French

    Scale and Location of Solar Farm • The tragedy in Ukraine is highlighting the importance of food security. Much of the land is clearly fertile, high yield land supporting multiple types of crops. The... Read more

  • Susan Houlder

    As a resident of Red Lodge I am opposed to the development because: 1. The size of the battery storage system, I have read that similar systems have had fires which give off toxic fumes and burn for... Read more

  • Tara Mcdonagh

    Hello I'm tara mcdonagh a resident of [redacted] 100meters from where the battery energy storage systems plan to go. I'm [redacted] and I'm very stressed out by the thought of having such dangerous... Read more

  • Andrew Douch on behalf of The Charity of Katharine Shore Registered Charity 212795 (The Charity of Katharine Shore Registered Charity 212795)

    The Trustees of the Charity of Katharine Shore (charity number 212795) are against the Sunnica application as described in the DCO application. Compulsory Purchase The Charity has received... Read more

  • The Jockey Club (The Jockey Club)

    1. The Jockey Club includes Jockey Club Racecourses, (including Newmarket Racecourses), Jockey Club Estates and The National Stud. 2. The Jockey Club operates under a Royal Charter placing all net... Read more

  • Wendy Mackenzie

    I have recently moved to this lovely village in Suffolk and would like to make the following observations about the vast swathes of land which would be needed to house this huge solar farm: Arable... Read more

  • William Field

    I am a supporter of green energy, however I am vehemently opposed to Sunnica’s Solar Power Plant and Battery Storage Systems (BESS) scheme. This scheme is categorically too big for the landscape... Read more

  • Adrian Beaumont

    This development, which has no local benefits in terms of employment, is all for the profit of a Spanish company. The location is of National importance because the Newmarket gallops on the other side... Read more

  • Adrian Macdonald

    I seriously oppose the application by Sunnica for this huge solar farm because 1/ Serious disruption of community life during and after construction. 2/ I accept the need for alternative energy but... Read more

  • Adrian Pratt

    Whilst i support green energy this project is located in an area of beauty near the historic town of Newmarket. It should be relocated to a more suitable area.

  • Alastair Game

    I would like to list my current concerns about the Sunnica project especially East site B. • There is a fully functioning water reservoir which together with this soil type is perfect for growing many... Read more

  • Alexander Nicholas Cheyne

    I have been visiting Newmarket for over 40 years , have supported the Horseracing industry and have enjoyed the wonderful limekilns gallops on so many occasions , the thought of this beautiful piece... Read more

  • Alexander Wright

    I wish to register my objection to the construction of the Sunnica solar farm for the following reasons: 1. The project would remove valuable, irrigated farmland from production permanently at a time... Read more

  • Anabela Pinto

    The present invasion of Ukraine was a wake-up call to alert us of the importance to be self-sufficiency in energy resources. This project is a great contribution, not only to meeting the climate... Read more

  • Andrew Douch

    I object to the Sunnica DCO application for the following reasons: 1. The BESS element of the scheme appears to dominate the electrical generation capacity: it appears as if this is a battery storage... Read more

  • Andrew Geddes

    1. The proposed scheme will remove a substantial amount of acreage of good grade arable land from the food chain at a time when food from other sources is becoming more limited. The UK needs to be... Read more

  • Anna Gallop

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Brenda Lester

    The use of good quality farm land. The battery field is on the doorstep of a very large village and a very busy A road

  • C L Cleere

    I am not against solar power but this is a badly thought out plan that no one in the local area wants. The size of the proposed solar farm is ridiculously large. The residents of the local villages do... Read more

  • C Le Grand

    The size of this development suggests that it sits in 'uninhabited' land of little importance. This seems to have been because the grid is nearby, but also because of the risks of the batteries... Read more

  • Carole Wall

    I have ridden racehorses in Newmarket for over 40 years and know the dangers of this development to them. The noise they make which we cannot always hear, they do, this frightens them and will cause... Read more

  • Caroline Smith

    I am very concerned about the climate emergency and the need for energy security. We have recently installed solar panels and a heat pump. But the last 2 years have also highlighted the need for food... Read more

  • Carrie Harris

    I support the increasing use and provision of renewable energy. I do not support taking essential arable land to create a relatively short term (approximately 35yrs) solar farm which will then take a... Read more

  • Christina Lewis

    Although I may not be directly affected by the building of the Sunnica energy farm as proposed, I have concerns about it. I am concerned about the environmental impact. Over 2000 acres of greenfield... Read more

  • Christopher Sell

    The solar farm with the attendant storage and cabling etc is too large for its location. It will radically change the local environment and remove from agricultural use valuable land for several... Read more

  • Claire Leighton

    I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm on grounds covering but not limited to: 1. Health and Safety 2. Wildlife and rural environment 3. Impact to personal localised requirements

  • Claire O'Neill

    I write with deep concern over this project about the many reasons that hundreds of other locals have also raised. *The impact on local housing prices, traffic through local villages during... Read more

  • Colin Heap

    I object to this application for the following reasons East Anglia has fantastic agricultural land for producing food for the uk This project does not bring any local benefit The benefits are to a... Read more

  • Cortney Hurlock

    I object to sunnica in its entirety. The site selection process has not been explained and seems to be driven by profit motive rather than suitability for providing energy. Given the ongoing and... Read more

  • Darren Elston VR

    This scheme has not been thought out and does not take into account the following:- 1. The land is used for farming and crops 2. The road cannot cope with the amount of construction traffic. 3. No... Read more