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I disagree with this application for the following reasons; Solar farms, and in particular ones built on land as in the proposal, have negative impacts on wildlife in several ways: Habitat loss: The...
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I have been a happy resident in Essendine for 25 years and even thought I welcome change I feel the Mallard Pass development is vastly oversized for the area. And would have a dramatic impact on...
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project seems to be too large with no benefits to local community and many minuses especially to the at present beautiful countryside.
The size of the project will take valuable land out of farming and devalue properties within the local area. There will be a negative environmental impact particularly during the construction on any...
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I don’t think the plans have considered the impact on the local community along with impacts on flora fauna and other environmental impacts, damage to roads and other local impacts during...
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The visual impact on the landscape will be devastating to say nothing of the damage to the local Bio-Diversity and the considerable reduction in Agricultural production. Even if the solar panels are...
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Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note...
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I strongly oppose the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Application. I disagree with change from countryside to industrial landscape. In recent years it has become even more necessary and valuable to develop...
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I object to the Mallard Pass proposed development.
Mallard Pass is planned to be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Why does it have to be located in one discrete block, which will result in a uniquely devastating impact on our landscape,...
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Rutland is the smallest county in England and the proposal of the largest solar farm is outrageous, the impact it will have on the local environment, Essendine and surrounding villages cannot be...
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1. Size of Development: If constructed, Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. As such, full and proper consideration is required to assess the greater impact this...
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Anglian Water is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs UK Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested Party in this examination. We note...
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The Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board has an interest in this project for any matters concerning the Land Drainage Act 1991 (as amended) with regard to any works within any ordinary watercourse...
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Massive impact on the vast and varied wildlife we have around us. Visual and environmental impact on the surrounding conservation area villages. As I understand this Solar Farm only produces 11% of...
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Worried about the Compulsory Acquisition Rights over my property. The negative affect it will have on my property value and its resale potential. Access/disruption to my property during the two year...
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Overall size of the proposed installation Use of prime agricultural land for this development Disruption caused during the lengthy period of time to carry out the works with heavy transport on local...
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My main objection is the size of this project which will use up hectares of good agricultural land which is needed for crops. The UK is suffering from food shortages partly brought on by Brexit, and...
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I recognise that solar energy is the way forward but the sheer size of this site in this location is totally unacceptable. To propose a project that takes precious farmland, surrounds villages ,...
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I cannot understand why as a local resident we would be supportive of this plan. There are no benefits for the local community unless of course you class permissive footpaths surrounded by solar...
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I write to express my strong objections to the Mallard Pass scheme for the reasons set out below. While I recognise some effort has gone into mitigating the immediate impact on the local area, there...
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1 - Loss of good agricultural land 2 - An unsightly blot on the picturesque landscape.
I am against Solar panels going on productive Farm land It is going to destroy the surrounding Countryside & the wildlife that live there It industrialises the Countryside. Solar panels should be put...
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Serious concerns about the use of prime agricultural land and food security. The current shortage of some fresh items highlights the dependency of this country on imported fresh food. As well as...
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I do not agree that the use of quality arable land should be taken up with solar panels. Food security is as important if not more so than energy security. I want to feed my family not starve to death...
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I do not agree with the proposal for Mallard Pass farm. This will have a huge impact on our beautiful country side. This is right next to the village where I live. Am concerned about the impact this...
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I believe this development is entirely out of keeping and proportion with the rural area it threatens. It will in essence destroy a very large area of natural beauty which cannot be replaced. There...
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I think this project will be detrimental to the local country side
Subject: Mallard Pass Solar Park Proposed Development. Dear Sir I am writing to reiterate my objections to the proposed Mallard park solar development on land near Essendine and surrounding villages...
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to register an objection on grounds this is 'gross over development of agricultural land', Renewable energy sources of this kind should be on buildings. Solar panels would be placed on much needed...
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It will be an eyesore and we need the land to grow crops and feed livestock. It will not benefit our country at all and if planning is granted it could be the start of many more solar monstrosities.
We are already losing farm land in the area to housing (without solar panels fitted), gravel quarrying and returning it to Fenland marsh, that's without covering it in solar farms. We are now seeing...
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I am concerned at the loss of productive arable land that would result from the construction of this very large solar array, especially as a substantial proportion of the area proposed for the solar...
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The lack of food security for the UK should be a strong consideration when any proposal such as this is presented. The land would be lost to agriculture for ever. The destruction and devastation to...
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Mallard Pass - Beautiful untouched part of the countryside, surrounded my solar panels will be so unsightly - Such a vast area - I’m all for renewable energy and preserving the environment but I don’t...
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I am concerned about the size of the project and that it will ruin our countryside. I also don't understand why solar panels are not fitted to all new large industrial units which are continually...
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I think this is a huge project that will impact upon a very attractive landscape. It will destroy the wildlife, wildflowers and look awful from the road. This will cover a HUGE area.
- Sheer size and scale of proposed development - Loss of productive land - Use of agricultural land versus buildings / brown field sites - Flood risk - Further amenity loss on top of that lost in...
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As a family, we are generally in support of solar and we recognise that the funding of a project of this scale means that it must me market-led. However, we have the impression that this project has...
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• Firstly the size of the endeavour in area terms far surpasses anything that has gone before. • Secondly, the landscape over which it will sprawl is both rural, beautiful and has no significant...
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This will ruin the village, infringe on our freedom of movement and decimate the local environment
Loss of agricultural land for food production Huge change to local environment - Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carterton Compulsory purchases of homes in Essendine Low output of...
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Issues in respect of the rationale of the project: The proposal in effect takes over 2000 acres of agricultural land out of production. Given recent events across the world both geopolitically and...
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I feel it is an unacceptable loss of agricultural land and worried about the impact on the biodiversity within. Additionally the visual impact will destroy the beautiful countryside.
The main issues I have with the project is the destruction of arable land, the impact on wildlife habitats and traffic issues that will arise during and after construction.
1. Size of Development: If constructed, Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. As such, full and proper consideration is required to assess the greater impact this...
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In my opinion, the proposal should not go ahead, for the following reasons: The site is using valuable, productive agricultural land. Government policy is clear that ground mounted solar should use...
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The matter of visual impact and the health of our local countryside with its links to personal mental health and well-being are at the centre of my response to the Mallard Pass Proposal. I am...
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The scale and complexity of this project is much too large for a rural community with limited infrastructure and roadways to support either the build or the maintenance of such a project. The impact...
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The proposal to build Mallard Pass Solar Farm is not being done in the long term interests and benefits of the residents of Essendine and surrounding Villages, the Rural economy or the environment....
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