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Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 350 of 1222 representations, newest first.

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  • Glenn Anthony Fuller

    I have grave concerns about the loss of valuable farmland and the huge increase in traffic along the already over-conjested A road outside our house

  • Heather Hooper

    Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you to raise my objection to the proposed Mallard pass Solar farm: I have a number of objections as follows: The size and scale of the solar farm, the proposed solar... Read more

  • Heather McGill

    The scale of this development is completely out of proportion to the local area, swallowing an entire village, and impacting many more. The loss of fertile agricultural land is critical at a time when... Read more

  • Howard Phillips

    The sheer size of the development.Consultation has been poor.Compulsory acquisition.Traffic on rural roads. Damage to biodiversity

  • Ian Kirkwood

    I am opposed to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm project (ENO10127) to create a solar farm for the following reasons: The solar farm will be created on good quality agricultural land needed for... Read more

  • Jacqueline Thorburn

    This will impact the local countryside on a major basis with loss of farming land and footpaths. Visually it will be a blot on the beautiful landscape we have. Solar should be on roof tops and... Read more

  • James Scott

    eyesore in local area close to homes and local footpaths affect local property value waste of good farmland could be better sited near existing eyesores

  • Janet Kirkwood

    I am opposed to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm project (ENO10127) in and around Essendine Rutland, to create a solar farm for the following reasons: The solar farm will be created on good... Read more

  • Jem Allport

    I am wholeheartedly against this proposed development. Aside from the obvious sighting of solar panels on roofs rather than prime agricultural land, recent events of this year (Ukraine war and record... Read more

  • Jeremy Francis Hockham

    I have a number of objections to the proposed Mallard Pass solar farm development and I would also like to raise a number of points for consideration. 1) Location and scale of the development a. The... Read more

  • Joanna Plant

    I strongly OBJECT to the proposal. In the essence of speed I have not listed all my reasons but here are the main ones: 1. Loss of land for food production – now more than ever we should be growing as... Read more

  • Joanna Ward

    In previous communications, I have made my objection to this proposal very strongly. The obscene size and location of this proposal would have an immensely detrimental effect on wildlife,... Read more

  • John Alistair Gray

    I am deeply concerned about the loss of agricultural land when food security is such an issue at the moment.

  • John Millard

    I appreciate that solar energy may need to form a part of the non-fossil energy supply in the UK in the future. However this proposed scheme creates a number of its own problems and missed... Read more

  • John Philip Slater

    The land proposed to be occupied is prime arable farmland. Since the country is being encouraged to grow as much of our food as possible it ought not to be used for a project such as this. Brownfield... Read more

  • Judith Slater

    Will be using good agricultural land. Will spoil the countryside where I take walks. During building, great increase in traffic on country roads. Ugly appearance in the countryside. Apparent... Read more

  • Karen Gove

    I have examined the plans in detail and have attended two in-person consultations at Essendine Village Hall, Mallard Pass Solar Farm Ltd answered my queries satisfactorily and included in there... Read more

  • Kathleen Robinson

    This project will be a disaster on many levels. Too large, ruining farm land, estimated inaccuracies about energy production, killing birds and decimating the rural countryside.

  • Kay Roberts

    The size of the development is too big for the site proposed and the surrounding area. Whilst I agree with renewable energy, this will be the largest solar plant in the UK (over 8 times larger than... Read more

  • Kir Inigo Anthony Maitland

    I am strongly against the construction of the Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I am a local and I am concerned about the destruction and disruption of wildlife and their habitats, the destruction of valuable... Read more

  • Kirstie Berridge

    I am a resident of the village of Essendine in the beautiful county of Rutland and on the outskirts of the historic market town of Stamford. While a huge supporter of the production of green energy,... Read more

  • Mallard Pass Action Group (Mallard Pass Action Group)

    Mallard Pass Action Group (MPAG) - Relevant Representation MPAG object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm application for the following reasons: 1. Scale. To date no solar farm has been constructed on... Read more

  • Mary Nugent

    The size of this solar farm will change the character of our beautiful countryside. 8 times the size of the largest solar farm in Britain is outrageous.

  • Maxwell Graham Sawyer

    Unprecedented scale of the project. Some highways to be removed. Woodland surrounded by the panels, with implications for wildlife. No proposals to manage the woodland. No mention of field margin... Read more

  • Michael John Meadows

    I am opposed to the Mallard Pass Solar Plant Development as the proposed site is on good agricultural land and too close to the local community.It will also disrupt the local farming community from... Read more

  • Michael Williams

    Two main concerns: - The size/scale of the proposed project is too large for the area - Food security for the UK is an issue now that we are not in the EU. Sites of the size will take up valuable... Read more

  • Miss Elizabeth Mary Dixon

    As my property is on Stamford Road, Essendine, I strongly object to The Solar Farm Project seeking to possess my land, whether temporarily or permanently. i understand that cables will be laid along... Read more

  • Mr Steuart Moor

    Please see attached.

  • Mrs Ann Cox

    I totally agree with ways to create renewable energy must be explored but not at the expense of sacrificing arable land. If this development is to be allowed over 2000 acres of farmland will be taken... Read more

  • Mrs Joy Faulkner

    I wish to object strongly to possible use of my land as I care for a [Redacted]. Any disruption to my land and/or access to it will make life very difficult.

  • Myhalo Tymoczko

    We must protect our agricultural land, a natural and major asset of our country. The scale of this project will totally erode the base of a beautiful part of the world. The loss of landscape and... Read more

  • Neil Thorburn

    I feel that the proposed project will have a deleterious effect on the local area from an environmental aspect and will result in the loss of high quality agricultural land there are many more... Read more

  • Nicholas Jack Worrall

    The scheme is too big and will have a devastating and permanent impact on a rural area. There will be a huge loss of good farming land. The scheme will blight the lives of the people surrounded by it.... Read more

  • Nicholas James Appleby

    Mindless destruction of precious and irreplacable arable farm land that is needed for the feeding of a nation which is already over reliant on imported crops even before the war in Europe has taken... Read more


    Detrimental to the immediate environment, loss of open spaces, intrusive to all neighbouring villages, excessive traffic and noise, too big not needed this size, individual properties will be... Read more

  • Patricia Mary Holt

    I wish to object to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Project on the basis of the following: Loss of valuable Farm land at a time when we need to produce more not less. Increased flooding in the... Read more

  • Paul Harris

    I would like to hear the arguments for and against from the Inspectorate to ensure the correct solution is reached for the local people.

  • Paul William Battison Huddleston

    The Mallard Pass proposal would be a massive industrial incursion on the local area, affecting land use, biodiversity, and access by walkers and naturelovers to a beautiful rural area. The solar farm... Read more

  • Peter Gookey

    Concerns about the length and scale of project. No benefits for local people. The use of good agricultural land. Environmental effects - e.g. on people, flora and fauna, visual aspects, traffic noise... Read more

  • Peter Hinton

    There is poor understanding of the gain or loss of agricultural out put from the site, perhaps this could be shown as a protein gain or loss. The desperate need to increase renewable energy generation... Read more

  • Peter John Maskell

    Our rural road network, and the number of local schools affected, are totally unsuited to the level of traffic this development would require. Our agricultural land is a key national asset in our food... Read more

  • Peterborough Ramblers (Peterborough Ramblers)

    Locating such a huge industrial development to utilise spare capacity of a sub-station is treating the countryside as an industrial commodity. There is more to the countryside than simple economic... Read more

  • Philip Stephen Dale

    The proposed development is far too large for its context. The extent of the panels will have a severe detrimental effect on people in Essendine and reduce the amenity of myself and others much more... Read more

  • Philippa Worrall

    The scheme appears to have been thrown together without any serious consideration apart from the desire to make money. The residents of the area will have to live with this huge eyesore for the... Read more

  • Richard McDermott

    This project and application is incredibly short sighted and will quite probably cause long term damage to the environment - not be of benefit to it. The project and application seems to be motivated... Read more

  • Rita Wood

    I have seen these Solar Panels from the train to London. They are an eyesore, and are covering huge areas of agricultural land. This is appalling, as we need to conserve the land to grow our food. We... Read more

  • Roderick Mc!eod Campbell

    Far too large on good agricultural land. Too close to habitation. Run off from panels increases flood Fisk to Greatford

  • Rosemary Player

    1.Mallard Pass would be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Much greater consideration is required to assess the impact this project might have. 2.Compulsory acquisition rights were not made... Read more

  • Ross Rennie Edgar

    I am writing to you in opposition to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm. I am a resident of a village in the area which will be negatively affected. As information seems to be drip fed by your... Read more

  • Simon Copley

    Allowing this project to go ahead in such a beautiful area is horrendous! What should be considered is allowing the local farming community and micro industries to prosper from this land than allow a... Read more