
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 450 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Daphne Perring

    Solar panels should not be built on prime agricultural land, They should be built on the masses of roofs in industrial areas, specifically Peterborough and Spalding. We are not aware of the danger to... Read more

  • David Eric Amies

    Size of the proposed project, infrastructure (access for construction will all need to enter the site through minor country roads), quality agriculture land, industrial landscape and decommissioning .... Read more

  • David Patrick Allen

    The plan should have looked at the many disused airfields and sparser populated areas of Lincolnshire instead of focussing on an area full of villages. The Mallard Pass people did not look seriously... Read more

  • Jason Anthony White

    I'm keen to support the proposed project and be a counter to NIMBYs

  • Lesley Sweeting

    1. This project is on an extremely huge scale with a solar area of 1,052 acres and a total site area of 2,105 acres. I believe the size will make it impossible to eradicate all the adverse impact. 2.... Read more

  • Lynda Mary Glover

    The Mallard Pass Solar Farm would cause permanent damage and disruption to local people's lives and to established wildlife and ecology.Proposed potential mitigation is questionable in it's... Read more

  • Marion Ann Paterson

    The scale of this project will impinge on the surrounding countryside for both human beings and wildlife. During the proposed 2 years of its construction there will be extra traffic causing noise,... Read more

  • Paul Douglass

    Loss of BMV land Unsuitable route for construction traffic Without battery storage cannot contribute to peak demand times-inefficient use Impact on wildlife Totally out of keeping with local rural... Read more

  • Christine Hawkes

    The size of the project is utterly inappropriate for the UK. We risk losing huge amounts of valuable farming land and damaging this beautiful unspoilt area. Nature will suffer and the impact on local... Read more

  • Frances Anne Plummer

    The development is too large, will impact the countryside and those living in the area. It will take a large amount of land out of agricultural production (particularly sensitive when we are meant to... Read more

  • Keith Rippin

    Solar panels should be installed on all new builds as a matter of course not on prime agricultural land. This area is a natural habit for all sorts of wildlife and should not be ravaged in this way.... Read more

  • R Stubb

    The project is net-negative. Huge disruption to local residents during building. The impact on an important historical town will affect locals and the tourism industry, vital to this area. Well-being... Read more

  • Simon Henry Davies

    This planning application is inappropriate and should be denied because: 1. The proposed development will change the use of land from largely agricultural use to being occupied by concrete, glass and... Read more

  • Susan Elizabeth Barker

    Whilst fully appreciating the need for the UK to increase its sustainable energy capacity I am totally opposed to this proposal. I briefly summarise my objections as below: 1. Scale of proposal. At... Read more

  • Suzanne Grigson

    The sheer scale of this proposed development is actually beyond belief, and completely inappropriate for this area. The development, given the vast area it covers, will utterly destroy the impacted... Read more

  • Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher

    I strongly object to the size and scale of the proposed Mallard Pass solar farm. I accept that we need alternative energy sources but at 2,105 acres, it is eight times the size of the UK’s largest... Read more

  • Dr John Baldwin

    In principle I am very much in favour of renewable forms of energy, particularly wind turbines. I am also in favour of solar panel farms of an appropriate size and in an appropriate place. However, in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Marlow

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm 1.Concerns regarding construction traffic access routes to proposed site. A project of this scale will necessitate thousands of HGV traffic movements, both during the... Read more

  • Giselle Brannan

    I wish to express my utter dismay at the proposed Mallard Pass solar farm. I live and have lived in Great Casterton, a village very close to the proposed farm since 1995. I chose to live in a village... Read more

  • Jane Cadel

    I live and own land in Careby as have my parents and grandparents before me. We are the oldest family name in the village so have some knowledge of the area. We have been ‘custodians' of land around... Read more

  • Janice Barton

    should not be built so close to surround a whole village project is far too big for this area of England should not be built on such high quality farmland should be built on poor quality land away... Read more

  • Jason Halsey

    Unnecessary loss of good grade arable farm land and increased flood risks to domestic properties and villages, irreversible soil compaction.

  • John Robert Burcham

    I believe that the proposed project is far too large in scale. Also it is taking uo valuable agricultural land thus reducing our ability to grow our own food. A brownfield site would be far more... Read more

  • Michael Parkins

    I am concerned that there are no local benefits to be had with this solar installation, whilst the implications and disadvantages will fall on the population of the area, all the benefits will go to... Read more

  • Mr John Stilwell

    effect bio diversity of the area , noise polution, human rights of local residents, wildlife habitat will be greatly affected , mental health of individuals , building on sight of great agricultural... Read more

  • Mrs Jane Stilwell

    The solar farm is detremental to the village and surrounding area, its not environmentally friendly as its taking away productive farm land. The 2 years of construction and up heavel will also affect... Read more

  • Patricia Barton

    unacceptable on good farming land at a time when home produced foodstuff is in great demand as a country unacceptable so close to other villagers should be built on poor quality land away from... Read more

  • Rupert Elmore

    Project to large for area, loss of productive farmland and impact to area with high levels of wildlife. Major disruption to village life and traffic if construction go's ahead. Areas of natural beauty... Read more

  • Sharon Carr

    This proposed project is far to big Taking all facts and figures it is not viable and does not produce enough power to warrant the destruction of the local area this will be catastrophic Wildlife will... Read more

  • Simon Miles David Williamson-Noble

    I am concerned that the installation is far too large for the area and will take over valuable farmland. I am unhappy that the panels will apparently be manufactured by Uyghurs in China, and that... Read more

  • Will Everitt

    I feel it is an unwise use of much needed agricultural land especially in these times when we are trying to become more self reliant as a nation. The construction of the project is going to have... Read more

  • William Hawkes

    As a local resident i have significant concerns about the size of the proposed facility, its impact on the rural character of the area and the infrastructure challenges associated with the completed... Read more

  • Alastair Gunn

    The main issues from my perspective are as follows: 1. The impact on value of our homes. The planned development is enormous. The village of Essendine will be swallowed by it. The villagers will take... Read more

  • Sarah Barnett on behalf of Barnett household (Barnett household)

    We are against the Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons: * the negative impact on wildlife and nature * the waste of excellent agricultural land which should be used to grow food for the... Read more

  • Evelyn Gelito

    I object strongly to the proposals. I exercise through the naturally occuing footpaths through fields and woodlands. This will all be lost if the development was to proceed. The proposals made by... Read more

  • Glenda Launders

    Site is far too large, it is colossal A huge eyesore for local communities Loss of agricultural land Adverse effect on wild life Noise and impact on residents Construction and building, adverse effect... Read more

  • Greatford Parish Council (Greatford Parish Council)

    Greatford Parish Council object to the development of Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons: We are very concerned about the potential that this development could have upon the speed and... Read more

  • Helga Slater

    A very big NO to this happening - the Mallard Pass solar plant proposal is utterly inappropriate. By building on quality agricultural land, we will destroy a natural resource in the heart of England’s... Read more

  • James Shorrock

    As a local resident, from Wilsthorpe Stamford, I felt I needed to raise my personal concerns regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Development. I realise the country’s need to pursue more sustainable... Read more

  • John Goodliffe

    I am strongly objecting to the principle of destroying valuable farmland for solar energy. There are plenty of warehouses, supermarkets and carparks which could all be used for siting solar panels.... Read more

  • Karen Asker

    I am opposed to the proposals, I am concerned that we are permitting companies who do not have UK interests destroy our countryside for a scheme that has a number of flaws which have been glossed over... Read more

  • Laura Jones

    The disruption in the village, more traffic and large trucks. Losing agriculture land around our village. Noise pollution. The affect on the wildlife. The affect on our house prices.

  • Leandro Gelito

    I totally object to the scale of the proposals which will loose valuable agricultural land but will spoil the peaceful countryside, creating noise and light pollution as well as a visual eyesore.

  • Ruth Dickens

    The size of this proposal is totally unacceptable with far too much agricultural land being used. There are plenty of brown field sites or rooftops that could be used for solar power generation. The... Read more

  • Stuart Asker

    I have strong objections to the whole scheme, not only the construction phase , for which the local roads and infrastructure could not cope with, leading to major problems, but the visual intrusion... Read more

  • Tracey Jane Broome

    The proposed site is enormous and it will be incongruous and ugly within the beautiful landscape of S Lincolnshire. The agricultural land proposed is prime, fertile land and is possibly the 'bread... Read more

  • Brett Walsh

    We have a significant food security challenge in this country (exacerbated by the war in Ukraine) now where 50% of UK food consumption is already imported from overseas. With a cost-of-living crisis,... Read more

  • Christopher Ian Bichard

    The loss of 2175 acres of prime farm land to build this solar farm is completely unacceptable, solar panels are a valuable source of power but should be sited on the roofs of all suitable buildings,... Read more

  • Eastern Properties Anglia Ltd (Eastern Properties Anglia Ltd)

    We have a considerable amount of land and industrial buildings immediately adjacent to the proposed development. We wish to ensure that the development does not affect the use of our premises for... Read more

  • James Everitt

    Sheer unprecedented size of this project Resulting in may construction issues,loss of habitat,loss of amenity and use of good arable farm land. 2 yrs of disruption during building phase in affected... Read more