
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 500 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Tillbridge Solar Limited (Tillbridge Solar Limited)

    Tillbridge Solar Limited is proposing to build a project for the construction, operation (including maintenance) and decommissioning of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panel arrays and a... Read more

  • Trevor John Bridgwood

    This is prime farmland, thousands of acres of food producing farming land if we reduce our capability to produce food locally we will need to import more food from overseas with the associated carbon... Read more

  • Valerie Tromans

    This project will take away thousands of acres of productive farmland which will be a very valuable resource in the future as our population continues to explode and world markets are denied us! Food... Read more

  • Wendy Davis

    This is arable land that should be used for growing crops, as it has for generations - providing food for this country instead of importing cereals from around the globe. This is totally driven by... Read more

  • Amaryllis May Greenaway

    Destruction of farmland Destruction of habitat Destruction of wildlife Imposing a horrifying density of what is actually a huge industrial site replacing a treasured and attractive landscape which... Read more

  • Cammeringham Parish Council (Cammeringham Parish Council)

    1. Much of the scheme is being built of good quality grade 3A land, which would be better suited to agriculture. 2. Farmland should not be used for solar sites until all other locations have been... Read more

  • chris sneath

    It is the sheer size of these farms that is worrying, I realise that in the currant energy climate that we need to do all we can with renewable energy, solar panels in the right place is essential,... Read more

  • Clare Helen Bates

    With respect, I am opposed to the proposed project for the following reasons. I am a partner in our family farm business which grows crops on land adjacent to the proposed site. The land is very good... Read more

  • Daniel Richard Bates

    Waste of good productive agricultural land. Disruption to habitats and local environment. Devaluation of properties in surrounding areas. Colossal infrastructure change to roads/bridges.

  • Dave Laing

    i reject this scheme (schemes) due to the following reasons 1. loss of critical arable farm land at a time where food security is paramount and a necessity for our country 2. Loss of wildlife habitat... Read more

  • David Allerston

    I feel that the size and density of this project (in addition to other, similar local projects) will irrevocably and negatively dominate the local landscape, take good agricultural land out of use and... Read more

  • Derek Moffatt

    1 of 4 closely spaced local applications - this proximity surely defeats energy security policy? This application is too large and destroys residential amenity round homes and villages. This... Read more

  • Dr Paul Marshall

    This application - especially when viewed alongside the other three similar large projects close-by - represents an abuse of the planning system to generate huge profits from the green energy boom.... Read more

  • Ellie Middleton

    I am shocked by the scale of this planned construction and astounded at the prospect of 3 similar applications which will destroy up to 10,000 acres of good farmland. Why are these applications not... Read more

  • Gabrielle Smales

    Lincolnshire Farming land should not be used as a solar park

  • Geoffrey Middleton

    My objection to the Cottam proposal covers many areas. This development is one of 4 proposals within a few miles of one another totaling over 10,000 acres. All 4 sh9uld be counted as one and not... Read more

  • Hazel Walker

    Against proposals- further comments to follow

  • James Allison

    The proposed 'Cottam Solar Project' is totally inappropriate in terms of scale and size for the area. This is before we even consider the fact that it is just one of several similar solar farm... Read more

  • Janice Waudby

    Farm land should be used for growing crops, to help our food security not covered in solar panels. We have plenty of brown fields sites and roof tops for solar panels. I was born in this local area, I... Read more

  • Jeremy Paul Fieldsend

    The development is totally inappropriate. It is too large; will take too much valuable agricultural land out of production; its affect on amenity and wildlife is unsustainable; glare created across... Read more

  • John Bernard Burke

    Feel all local proposals Cottam, Gate Burton, Tillbridge, West Burton should be evaluated collectively as overall scale is detrimental to this area. Easy access to national grid should not determine... Read more

  • Julie Simpson

    I strongly oppose this proposal. The area around where I live - slap bang next to the proposed sites - are both beautiful countryside and prime farming conditions; top class soil for growing and rich... Read more

  • Kate Mckee

    I do not believe this valuable and productive farmland should be being converted to become the largest solar farm in the country. This will also have a significant impact on the people living locally... Read more

  • Katharine McIlroy on behalf of Katharine McIlroy (Katharine McIlroy)

    The proposed project transport routes spans across 3 counties (North notts, Lincs and South Yorkshire) and the impact on the already overburdened infrastructure will create utter havoc on the few... Read more

  • Kathryn Crabtree

    I believe that the impact on the countryside and rural communities would be catastrophic.

  • Katrina Morton

    The Cottam solar project is now one of three applications that have been submitted and are at the pre-examination stage; a fourth application is in the pipeline, yet all of these are being considered... Read more

  • Kimberley Coxon

    i reject this scheme (schemes) due to the following reasons 1. loss of critical arable farm land at a time where food security is paramount and a necessity for our country 2. Loss of wildlife habitat... Read more

  • Lincolnshire County Council (Lincolnshire County Council)

    Please see attached

  • LNT Aviation Limited/ Blyton Park Driving Centre/ LNT Group (LNT Aviation Limited/ Blyton Park Driving Centre/ LNT Group)

    Notice of Acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State ) under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 Thank you... Read more

  • Louise Peace

    As a local resident who feels they going to be surrounded by the various proposed solar farm projects, have the following concerns: How such vast areas taken up by the solar panels will impact on the... Read more

  • Michael Laming

    Sensible on unproductive land.

  • Michael Richard Bates

    I strongly disagree with the proposed project. As a neighbouring farmer to this proposed project I think it is wrong that good land is being taken out of food production. Yields on this type of land... Read more

  • Mrs Pauline Ann Chester

    I am opposed to agricultural land, of any grade, being used for solar farms. We need that land to provide food for the nation now and in the future. I have major concerns about the effect of this... Read more

  • Mrs Rosemary Burke

    This is just one of of FOUR proposals for solar farms within this area which is going to substantially alter the character of the landscape. They should be looked at in total and not as individual... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Gray

    Wish to object due vast and impact will have on area

  • Mrs Vanda Colman

    This is only 1 of 4 sites that is being proposed in this are covering approximately 11000 acres in total this will change a primarily rural landscape into a industrialised landscape and as such should... Read more

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (National Grid Electricity Transmission plc)

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (“National Grid”) in respect of the Project, and in particular National Grid’s infrastructure and land... Read more

  • Paula Waudby

    Loss of good productive farmland.

  • Peter Ralph Strange

    I am concerned about the size of the project which I think is too large for the area. It is too close to villages and would be taking land that would be better used to produce food to save us... Read more

  • Rosalyn Young

    I do not believe that placing industrial scale solar parks on fertile and productive soils is best use of land. There are better ways and places to site solar parks, quite apart from the alternatives... Read more

  • Rosemary Wilkinson

    I just feel that our countryside is being lost . Ive seen recently fields took up by solar panels. What an isore this is . Our farmers are needed for growing crops to feed us all . This is then lost.... Read more

  • S C Neller

    1. The Cottam proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe... Read more

  • Sharon Margaret Lake

    To give up good farming land for 40 years when we should be more food independent would seem to be very short sighted. There should be more incentives for people to have solar on their properties,... Read more

  • Tracey Coulson

    I support sustainable energy solutions. I have grave concerns about the scale of the solar proposal; the appropriate and best use of land when looking to balance all of the issues currently facing our... Read more

  • Vicky Irving

    The Cottam Solar Farm Project is just one of four proposed solar power sites in the area around Sturton by Stow, Martin and Willingham by Stow. If given permission, this would amount to 10,000 acres... Read more

  • 7000 Acres (7000 Acres)

    1. Summary Introduction: Overall, the limited energy security and decarbonisation benefits the Cottam Solar Project claims to achieve are outweighed by the significant adverse impacts it would have on... Read more

  • Alfred Roger Jones

    I live in the village of Sturton by Stow and am concerned that the Planning Inspectorate should be considering a project covering a huge area of productive agricultural land, which with the other 3... Read more

  • Jacobs UK Limited (Jacobs UK Limited) on behalf of Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water Services Limited)

    Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water) is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs UK Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested Party... Read more

  • Barbara Hudson

    I understand the need for energy security but we also need food security. Rather than using prime Lincolnshire agricultural land for generating electrity it would be far better to use another site... Read more

  • Canal & River Trust (Canal & River Trust)

    Please see attached