
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Dick Finch

    The road will cause much damage to the historical site, and to wildlife, especially breeding birds.

  • Dominic Kane

    Damage to world heritage site.

  • Doreen Martin

    Cannot and will not believe that it is necessary to tunnel under a world heritage site to improve this road. Another solution just has to be found or leave road as is.

  • Dr Neil Tunnicliffe

    The scheme will cause irreparable and unwanted damage to a unique World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. It will destroy the... Read more

  • Duncan Parrish

    It is very likely this project would result in serious damage to the most important Neolithic archaeological site in England, and one of the most important in the world. This project cannot make sense... Read more

  • Easter Russell

    I am worried that our unique World Heritage Site at Stonehenge is about to be irreparably damaged for short term traffic management purposes. I am also concerned that, as a country, we are not... Read more

  • Elizabeth Fletcher

    I'm am very concerned due to the impact this will have on wildlife, local traffic and for me personally, the damage to a world heritage site. Being a practising pagan, there are no other places like... Read more

  • Elizabeth Kellett

    I object to this application as it will not solve the traffic problem on the A303 near Stonehenge and will irreparably damage the archaelogical site near Stonehenge. The ancient site of Blick Mead has... Read more

  • Elizabeth Roach

    I am concerned about the planning proposal (Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010025) which would involve putting a dual carriageway through the World Heritage Site which currently exists around... Read more

  • Emma May

    I am appalled that this dual carriageway and tunnel is even being proposed on this ancient site of such archaeological importance. Even UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Eric Yeatman-Biggs

    The fact that Highways England has not considered any alternatives to its current, controversial plan suggests that its tactic will be to use its superior financial strength to force its design... Read more

  • Fawn Ricciuti

    There will be irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. There should be some changes to the layout before plans go ahead, one... Read more

  • Fiona Lorimer

    I object to the A303Stonehenge Stonehenge because: It will cause damage to this WHS that can never be restored. As UNESCO has said, ‘it’s a landscape without parallel.’ This A303Stonehenge seems to... Read more

  • Fiona Yorgensen

    I strongly object to the construction of the stone henge tunnel and flyover, for the following reasons. 1 I am concerned about further damage to the Blick Mead mesolithic site, which has already... Read more

  • Frances Jordan

    As a world heritage sight Stonehenge should be preserved and protected at all costs. It has stood for many years and should continue to do so until it returns to dust naturally not to build a... Read more

  • Frank Winfield

    I am concerned about the threat of irreparable damage to one of the planet's best known and unique World Heritage Sites, not only its archaeology, but also its setting. Stonehenge has been described... Read more

  • Freda Banks

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and the most important archaeological site in this country. I, therefore, object to the A303 Stonehenge Expressway on the following grounds:- 1 The irreparable... Read more

  • Frederick Witts

    I object to the proposed scheme due to the damaging effects it would have on archaeology, wildlife, and the public. It would destroy much vital evidence about the landscape in which the site is... Read more

  • Gary McCrory

    The proposed road development around Stonehenge would cause serious and irreparable damage to the prehistoric landscape and archaeology in the area. This world heritage site is still not fully... Read more

  • George Brew

    Better not to further damage this site. A new road should be constructed well away from this historic site and wider historic landscape. The existing road should be closed. Only to be used as access... Read more

  • Geraldine Price

    I object the currently proposed A303 Expressway expansion due to the following reasons: 1. There will be physical harm (akin to vandalism, is it wasn't approved) to the Stonehenge World Heritage... Read more

  • Gilbert Burleigh

    •Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ •UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Gillian Griffiths

    There is absolutely no need for any interference in the road system as it stands. The hold ups are not every hour, every day. There are far worse hold ups every day along the A303 to and from the West... Read more

  • Gladys Vellamaa

    This project will cause environmental damage, in particular to the World Heritage site. Alternative options must be considered

  • Grant Pagan

    I fully believe that this act will be detrimental to both a valued and ancient monument as well as destroying valuable research in nearby sites, jeopardizing future historical discoveries.