
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Rosemary Hogg

    So often we are left mourning that a species has become extinct, that we have ruined some environmental aspect of our planet, damaged a historical building beyond repair. In between is prehistory;... Read more

  • Heather Miranda

    The building of the tunnel will irreparably damage the heritage site.

  • Jeanette Mackenzie

    I would like to register my dismay at the building of a road through the Stonehenge landscape of of exceptional prehistoric interest. This astonishing landscape is one of the most significant... Read more

  • Peter Wheeler

    Due to monetary constraints existing at the moment what is the logic of sinking a tunnel when for a fraction of the cost a dual carriage way could be built. If previous governments had progressed with... Read more

  • Alan Langston

    1) Why on earth would any right minded persons or organisations ever dream of causing untold damage to such a wonderful site. 2) There must be other answers to resolving the traffic problems that... Read more

  • Anita Parker

    The extreme roadworks to this heritage site can and will cause extreme disruption to the archeological value of the area. It will disrupt what is there. In addition no one will be able to see the... Read more

  • Ingrid Peckham

    The proposed scheme will cause irreparable damage to the archaeology and setting of the World Heritage Site around Stonehenge. It will cut across and destroy parts of the wider prehistoric landscape,... Read more

  • Rachael Jack

    I am writing as someone who grew up at Boscombe Down and knows the area well. My major concern is the damage to the archeology of the landscape both known and that not yet discovered. In particular I... Read more

  • Assuntina Cardillo Zallo

    Damage to wildlife and countryside Loss of view from the passing road Huge expense

  • Anne Sutcliffe

    The proposed scheme will cause irreversible damage to a wider prehistoric landscape that is only just beginning to be understood; it will damage the internationally important Blick Mead site and... Read more

  • Bente Hessellund Andersen

    As a Dane with English reletives, I have visited the site of Stonehenge with ny children and now grandchildren year after year. The place is irreplaceable and should not be damaged in any way.

  • Daniel Priestley

    Increased vehicle noise from faster traffic. Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. Lack of alternative... Read more

  • David Bearne

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and should be treated with the utmost respect. There is much still to be discovered in the wider prehistoric landscape and any new road building or tunneling should... Read more

  • Jackie Surtees

    In September 1918 Lord Chubb, on giving the Stonehenge landscape to the nation, wrote “All controversy will now cease and Stonehenge so dear to our hearts will now rest safe and secure...” There... Read more

  • Jake Stratton-Kent

    I am not satisfied that the potential for damage to this unique and irreplaceable site is being considered properly, there is clearly real cause for concern.

  • John Barron

    What is being done to Stonehenge is sacrilege. Please stop now.

  • Margaret Hartnoll

    I am particularly anxious that none of the important archaeological remains all around the Stonehenge area is disturbed. Would seriously suggest less advertising for people to see Stonehenge. It is... Read more

  • Michael Cope

    I object to this piece of wanton vandalism. In 2016 i did a number of walks in the Stonehenge area. These made it clear that Stonehenge exists in an incredible landscape of historic features. It is... Read more

  • Michelle Sallis

    It is important that j'ust because we can do something, doesn't mean we should', is weighed up in this case. It would seem that alternative options with less negative impact have not been provided or... Read more

  • Steve Lake

    - There will be extensive damage to this world heritage site. Stonehenge is integrated into a complete landscape, it is part of a much larger environment and is not a 'stand alone' monument. The... Read more

  • Alison Onslow

    I object to this plan purely because of the damage it will do to such an important site, to both archaeological remains, flora and fauna and to a a World Heritage site. There is no doubt that... Read more

  • Andrea Moore

    Everyone should be able to see the stones for free, and that includes driving past. Disturbance to the wildlife inc rare bird species

  • Anthony Suddaby

    Although I am not a local, the site is obviously of national and global significance. The possibility of damage (which, in fact, has already occurred) to the surrounding site, which is of equal... Read more

  • David Fisk

    This site is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape and they say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form because of incredible damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. More... Read more

  • Fliss argent

    I am concerned about damage to an ancient national monument and it's surrounding area, including artifacts not already discovered. In addition, the view of the stones will be lost from the road,... Read more

  • Hugh Caslake

    If we drive a tunnel though this precious historical landscape we can never reconstitute the archaeological evidence that will have been destroyed. For a [Redacted] road?! We’ve got plenty of those... Read more

  • james dewhurst

    I believe this public works project will make irreparable damage to the WHS, the unique archaeology of the landscape and the setting of a historically significant location. Changes like these can... Read more

  • John Pollock

    I am profoundly concerned about the environmental and archaeological impact of the proposed scheme. In particular, I am extremely anxious about the Blick Mead site, discovered only so recently in... Read more

  • John Souter

    Concern about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting

  • Kirk Hansen

    I don't want Stonehenge to collapse

  • Laura Blake

    I have huge concerns that alternatives that wouldn't cause irreversible damage to a World Heritage Site were not provided in the consultation. It worries me greatly how many highly destructive... Read more

  • Laura Ingram

    As an avid historian, I am very disappointed and shocked to learn about this proposed development. Our heritage belongs to the people, both present and future, and the road risks impediments to access... Read more

  • Marc Rhodes-Taylor

    please don't damage our stones or any remains near them and please respect the environment and other people's views. thank you.

  • Matt Fitzmaurice

    Stonehenge and it’s surrounding areas are more valuable to this Country and the World at large that it should be protected at all cost. UNESCO has said it is unparalleled. We have a duty to protect... Read more

  • Matt Phillips

    Please don't destroy the world heritage site at Stonehenge for the sake of a bit of traffic control.

  • Molly James

    The tunnel will cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Mr Dominic Palumbo

    This would bring about irreversible damage to this World Heritage site, its archaeology and setting. We have a duty to preserve these sites for generations to come. UNESCO’s international advisers are... Read more

  • Ms Veronica Fraser

    I have been following this application with horror. I understand the need to.improve traffic flow in the Stonehenge area but the current plans are simply wrong. Some years sgo I studied prehistory,... Read more

  • Nicola Hughes

    The World Heritage Sites advisory body has concerns over the plans as it could cause irreversible damage to the site. This is a truly unique part of our heritage and as such we should do everything in... Read more

  • Nigel taylor

    This works are unacceptable in such a special site for what more roads so we can go faster faster killing as we go how can you even contemplate this in an important world heritage site

  • Nina Jacoby-Owen

    Irreparable damage to our most important and spectacular archaeological landscape. UNESCO are opposed to the scheme in its current form. Potential damage to the recently discovered Blick Mead... Read more

  • Rachel Stephens

    I have concerns that the stonehenge tunnel will damage the structure of the WHC and damage the surrounding environment.

  • robert springate

    I believe that the proposed development is undesirable because it will undermine some very important historical sites, and will not be good for the environment. Stonehenge has already suffered far... Read more

  • Sally Fisher

    I believe the current plans for the A303 in the region around Stonehenge do not take into account all the areas of the World Heritage Site, and the potential damage to them - especially in view of the... Read more

  • Sarah Bell

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site. The area around Stonehenge must remain complete, as it currently is, in order to preserve this site for future generations. Whilst I sympathise with the traffic... Read more

  • Stephen Morallee

    I am registering to express my opposition to the tunnel being built beneath Stonehenge. I believe the tunnel will have a damaging effect upon the grounds and energy of Stonehenge something we have... Read more

  • Stephen Staple

    Irreparable damage to our most important and spectacular archaeological landscape. UNESCO are opposed to the scheme in its current form. Potential damage to the recently discovered Blick Mead... Read more

  • Theresa McGill

    As a citizen of the world, I believe Stonehenge as a UNESCO World Heritage Site belongs to us all, and I'm very concerned that this infrastructure project, as currently planned by Highways England,... Read more

  • Kit Thomas

    This is a terrible thing to do to an important archaeological landscape.

  • Alan Welsted

    The plans will undoubtedly cause damage to the world heritage site. The Blicksmead disaster is proof of this.As well as spoiling the iconic view of Stonehenge that is our children’s inheritance it... Read more