
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 976 to 1000 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • DLP Planning Ltd (DLP Planning Ltd) on behalf of Warley Green Limited (Warley Green Limited)

    I am writing on behalf of our client, Warley Green Limited, in response to the notice of acceptance by the Secretary of State for the A122 Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO). The... Read more

  • Alan Wade

    I believe that the location of the proposed site is completely wrong, that it is not value for money, and that it's imposition will be detrimental to the residents of both Dartford and Thurrock , by... Read more

  • Alasdair John Foden

    1) I believe in the light of the changes in inflation and uncertainties in Britain and The World during the last two years the total project cost will be significantly more than the £6.9 billion we... Read more

  • Alison Campbell

    Impacts to listed buildings adjacent to High Road Orsett by the frequency and load of vehicles on High Road during the construction, mitigation and legacy phase of works. In particular the a circa... Read more

  • Andrea Goring

    Public transport needs to be considered above and beyond more roads more cars means more carbon estimated at 6.6 million tonnes.

  • Andrew Smith

    This scheme is completely incompatible with the UK's obligations under the 2015 UN Climate Agreement made in Paris, and should be rejected out of hand.

  • Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

    Anglian Water is the statutory wastewater recycling provider (sewerage undertaker) for the project area north of the River Thames. Anglian Water and National Highways have been in discussion on the... Read more

  • Anne Bulman

    I want to object to the £10bn Lower Thames Crossing. I do not agree with spending public money on a single new road when fossil fuel use & resulting carbon emissions need to be stopped. This road will... Read more

  • Annie Webster

    Hello, as the window for guaranteed climate breakdown is fast closing, I feel that I must object strongly to this application to the Lower Thames Crossing. There is, imho, nothing post about this... Read more

  • Anthony Mack

    I campaigned successfully for National Cycle Route 177 and created the "Cyclopark" activity centre in Gravesham which in its missive statement encourages access to its facilities by sustainable... Read more

  • Anthony Rae

    I am a volunteer climate and transport campaigner, and I have reviewed the issues relating to this project on the Thames Crossing Action Group's, and the Transport Action Network's, websites. The ones... Read more

  • Arundel SCATE South Coast Alliance for Transport & Environment (Arundel SCATE South Coast Alliance for Transport & Environment)

    Arundel Scate is a community group of around 200 residents concerned with the quality of transport infrastructure, impacts of transport on the environment, seeking progressive, evidence-based... Read more

  • City of London Corporation (Comptroller & City Solicitors) (City of London Corporation (Comptroller & City Solicitors)) on behalf of Barking Power Limited (Barking Power Limited)

    BPL has no objection to the principle of the Project. The majority of matters are agreed as set out in the Statement of Common Ground. Its concern the subject of this Representation relates to the... Read more

  • Bev Lang

    I don’t think it would solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford Crossing, the impact to the local environment and communities is too significant and I feel it will make things worse. Traffic,... Read more

  • Brian Martin

    The project would damage valuable green belt land in a rural area, and create traffic and noise pollution. The lorry movements during construction project would also be disruptive to local residents.... Read more

  • Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust (Buglife- The Invertebrate Conservation Trust)

    Buglife has engaged with Highways England prior to the submission of the Lower Thames Crossing application over a number of years, with a focus on ensuring that the proposed mitigation and... Read more

  • C Fox

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Caroline Beattie-Merriman

    I am emailing to register my strong objection to the scheme. More roads = more traffic. We need fewer vehicles on the road even if they are electrical, since the latter contain embedded carbon even if... Read more

  • Carolyn Richards

    I am making this application to register interest as a means to support all those that are asking a change in the transport network of this country. To ask that roads and cars are not at the centre of... Read more

  • Caspar Hughes

    I object to the scheme. Do not increase traffic and carbon emissions in a climate emergency.

  • Catherine Hoggarth

    I disagree very strongly with the Lower Thames Crossing for the following reasons: The large and adverse impact on the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the ancient woodlands is... Read more

  • Holland Land & Property Limited (Holland Land & Property Limited) on behalf of Cheale Group Limited (Cheale Group Limited)

    Our client objects to any permanent rights over the access route identified as plot 44-112 and area identified as plot 44-90 on the Land Plans Regulation 5(2) (i) Sheet 44 that would impede the use of... Read more

  • Chris Todd

    I wish to strongly object to the Lower Thames Crossing which fails to deliver on its objectives, leaving Dartford still over capacity while causing huge damage to people and the environment. It will... Read more

  • Chris White

    I am disgusted by this proposition for many reasons: * In hard times such as these, the Government should be prioritising our money on the less well of * The Government should be concentrating on... Read more

  • Christine Board

    The proposed crossing will make no difference to the traffic, coming from Dartford. The pollution caused will make Thurrock a no go area and quite frankly we cannot afford this to happen.