
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 751 to 800 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Ronald Osborn

    I am very surprised that anyone is prepared to invest money in a project so apparently flawed as this one. There have been numerous studies of airport capacity in the south-east in recent times. None... Read more

  • Sharon Yorath

    I object to mansion being reinstated as an airport because I feel it will disturb people's sleep and this will have an effect on their health.This is particularly important to young children who find... Read more

  • Simon Macartney

    I intend to provide a written representation in objection of the proposed plans to re-open the previously financially failed Manston Airport as a cargo airport due to the pollution, noise, negative... Read more

  • Stan Strangwick

    I would like to add my support to those working towards keeping Manston open as an airport facility. Myself and my family used the airport when it was in operation, and we were saddened when plans for... Read more

  • Stephanie Flower

    I bought a house in Ramsgate 3 years ago when there was no airport. I renovated the Grade 2 listed 1800's house and run it as a Holiday let business bringing in lots of tourists every week. I was... Read more

  • Susan Wallace

    I believe that Manston should be used again as an airport. This brought a lot of income to the area and also gave many of the local residents jobs. This is a deprived area where jobs are essential... Read more

  • Tina Wake

    Re-open Manston Airport to provide jobs for the area where housing is increasing and unemployment is high. To open up a quick route to Europe, a flight to Schipol can hen take you anywhere in the... Read more

  • Trevor Reynolds

    In the South-East of England development sites are at a premium and when they become available, there are always competing demands because we need housing, employment and better communications, to... Read more

  • Wayne Crickmore

    • I believe Stone Hill Park’s plans for developing 3,700 homes would be detrimental to the local area, and in the long term would not be beneficial to the local economy. • Reopening Manston airport... Read more

  • Yvonne Scott

    Aviation overflow airport. With good roads will make an excellent airport for cargo and holidays and supply good jobs for people in the area.

  • Auke Nauta

    Use Manston Airport for business people flights (no easyjet etc.) to main business centre airports in Europe. London Airports now available are too crowded with tourists and cheap carriers, with... Read more

  • Brian Short

    We need an active airport with associated quality jobs significantly more than we do a housing development for more people not to have jobs locally. Whilst an airport does not come with out additional... Read more

  • Catherine Bunce

    I wish to make the following representation:- The opening of Manston Airport would bring jobs to Thanet which is a very deprived area. It would open up Thanet to the creation of new businesses... Read more

  • Charles Daubney

    1) It appears to be unwise to scrap Manston Airport as it appears to be the seventh longest runway in England or eleventh in Gt Britain with little chance of finding a similar site in the south of... Read more

  • David Jillings

    My family and I live almost directly under the flight path and with a 3 degree approach angle, aircraft will be quite low when they pass by our home. I would therefore wish to have a complete... Read more

  • David Pawley-Smith

    I write to give my full support for the DCO for RSP to reopen Manston Airport. I believe the airport will generate many much needed jobs both near and far, and it will boost the local economy. This... Read more

  • Edwina Steed

    Having been born in Ramsgate and lived in Manston for 50 years, I have seen the area deteriorate because of lack of investiture and jobs. It is imperative that such an asset as Manston Airport should... Read more

  • George Box

    During the planning process TDC used an online method of registering views about the 2 applications, the computer system was flawed and and defaulted to represent the councils view, instead of giving... Read more

  • Graham Mills

    Firstly let me preface my letter with the fact that being a local self employed business man I am certainly not against growth, development and regeneration in the area, however I would like to tell... Read more

  • Guy Foord-Kelcey

    Concerned over the environmental impact of Riveroaks plans on Ramsgate. In particular the impact of night flights on the health and well-being of the residents and the secondary impact on Ramsgate... Read more

  • Jeff Laurents on behalf of Jeff Laurents and Polly Barrett

    We are opposed to the Re-establishment of Manston as a Cargo hub on the following grounds:- 1.There has not been a National Policy statement, saying that the UK needs a freight hub at Manston. 2. A... Read more

  • John Gordon Sencicle

    A vital escape route for planes in emergency. A requirement for jobs. An alternative to Gatwick and Southend. Easy access from London via a spur line from Minster from the existing railway and now... Read more

  • Kelvin Hailey

    I wish to put forward my views on Manston Airport. Not only would Manston Airport provide much needed jobs for the local community it would also provide another form of transport for those working... Read more

  • Kerry Thorpe

    I am resident in Cliffsend, directly in the proposed flight path. I have long-term high blood pressure health concerns. Research shows the adverse effect that aircraft noise has on blood... Read more

  • Mariette Castellino

    I am very concerned about this application to bring an operational airport back to Ramsgate. I have lived here since October 2011 and visited local friends before moving here. Although not on the... Read more

  • Max Houghton

    Manston Airport should be brought back into operational service because: It is a national strategic asset that can complement London Gatwick and London Heathrow operations. In its own right it could... Read more

  • John Walker on behalf of Mole Solutions Ltd. (Mole Solutions Ltd.)

    In support of the expansion; economic benefits will be enhanced by consideration of: • Mole Freight Pipeline, refer [Redacted]and o [Redacted] • VHST passenger version of Mole technology; as shown... Read more

  • Mrs Jill Bull

    I don't think an airport is now necessary in this area, I think houses are more important. There will be pollution and long term health problems, for the children in this area. A airport has failed... Read more

  • Mrs Tanya bailey

    I object to the use of manston airport for the use of aircraft and night flights . I currently live next to the airport area and this proposal would have a negative impact on my wellbeing and my young... Read more

  • Nigel Amos

    I am writing to give my full support for the reopening of manston airport, I believe that having such an amazing asset in the thanet area of Kent will boost the local economy and employment likewise,... Read more

  • Olly Hickmott

    As a resident of Manston I am in favour of re-opening the airport to provide job opportunities and reinforce travel infrastructure within Kent. Manston airport is a waste as a site for housing and the... Read more

  • Patricia Porritt

    Are you really willing to jeopardize the future of local children? It is a known fact that sleep deprivation is extremely harmful to health especially for children who need to be alert and focused... Read more

  • Patrick Murphy

    I am happy for the airport to reopen as a freight hub with passenger facilities. I do not wish for the land to be designated for housing or mixed use industrial facilities.

  • Peter Bull

    This airport will disrupt lives, and the noise and inevitable pollution will damage residents health. Children in schools and nearby houses will suffer lasting effects to their health

  • Robert Dean

    I am in favour of the site returning to being an Airport. This will generate jobs in the area, which is sadly run down and scruffy. Additional jobs will be generated whereas other proposals are... Read more

  • Sandra Milton

    As a resident of Cliffsend since 1992 I feel it is my duty to let you know how much my life will be effected by the development of a cargo hub and night flights at Manston airfield. Firstly I am... Read more

  • Simon Burbidge

    As a resident of Ramsgate I have grave concerns about the viability of the proposed project and the impact it would have on the people and the environment. Firstly, the increase in noise and air... Read more

  • Sue Martin

    I wish to make representation against the proposed hub on 3 grounds: the impact on health related to high noise levels; the lack of a business case in the national interest; and the lack of track... Read more

  • Theresa Hailey

    I wish to put forward my views on Manston Airport. Not only would Manston Airport provide much needed jobs for the local community it would also provide another form of transport for those working... Read more

  • Valerie Chapman

    I wish Manston Airport to be open as an airport because I fell that it is an asset to the area because it will provide much needed employment and be of great value in the transport for local people... Read more

  • Alex Alexandrou

    I moved to the village of Cliffsend, (Very close to Manston Airport), in April 2004. The close proximity of the airport’s activity wasn’t a concern at the time. We didn’t mind the occasional... Read more

  • Anthony Barber

    I object to the reopening of Manston airport as I live in the flight path it will have a detremental efect on my quality of life and consequentltly the value of my property. I'd also like to point out... Read more

  • Artist Partners (Artist Partners)

    We are Artist Partners, a locally residing company in Ramsgate and part of the No Night Flight (NNF) campaign. We are against the development of Manston as a cargo airport for the following... Read more

  • Barry Latchford


  • Deb Shotton

    Sirs, I am registering to submit my opposition to the grant of a DCO in relation to the Manston site. My objections are many, but primarily concerns for our health and well-being and those of our... Read more

  • Diane Harris

    I wish for Manson Airport redevelopment to go ahead as an airport as I feel it would bring much needed employment to the area. I would also like to see it go ahead for the purpose of passenger... Read more

  • Diane Loveday

    I live in Ramsgate directly under the flight path of the proposed cargo hub at the former Manston Airport, and I wish to register my concerns I am a resident of Ramsgate who is concerned about... Read more

  • Dr Philip Shotton

    I am registering for two principal reasons: 1) this is NOT an application of National Strategic Importance and therefore completely unsuited to the DCO process, and 2) that the loss of amenity, jobs,... Read more

  • Maureen Griffin on behalf of Herne Bay Labour

    Night Flights We request that the Planning Inspector examines RSP’s actual proposal for night flights. • Opaque documentation, lack of transparency and contradictory statements by the applicant... Read more

  • Ian Clack

    the airport is a necessary part of Thanet