
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1951 to 2000 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Elizabeth Flood

    I have lived in Ramsgate for over 30 years and am extremely concerned that the character and viability of the town will be adversely effected if Manston was to reopen as a freight hub. There is no... Read more

  • Mrs Fiona Gall-Johnson

    I am writing as someone who Lives/works in Ramsgate and intends to start a family here. I’m strongly opposed to the DCO. All extracts are taken from Extracts from Thanet’s local plan... Read more

  • Mrs Helen Smith

    I wish to see Manston Airport reopened as set out in the Draft Order and the supporting application documents. I fully support RSP's DCO application. Thanet is an area of extreme deprivation and... Read more

  • Mrs Jane Wyles

    I wish to register my strong opposition to the development of Manston as a cargo airport. We live in the CT11 area of Ramsgate which is under the flight path from Manston airport. Any night... Read more

  • Mrs Josephine Lalage Mallett

    Residents in Nethercourt Hill since2003, having moved from Londonfor better quality of air. Nethercourt has been identified as most affected by this proposed development due to proximity to the end... Read more

  • Mrs Lorraine Michelle Barker

    I am in favour of the proposals by Riveroak Strategic Partners Ltd to reopen Manston Airport for the following reasons. For the purpose of this registration I will keep to a short form which will be... Read more

  • Ms Rose Lake

    Manston Freight Cargo Hub Objection - Affected Pre-Schools and Schools I wish to object to the proposed Manston Freight Cargo Hub as I have very grave concerns regarding the overhead aircraft noise... Read more

  • Ms. Carmel Togher

    Dear Sir/Madam I am a Ramsgate resident, requesting to be registered as an interested party in relation to the proposed DCO by Riveroak Strategic Partners (‘RSP’) of the former Manston Airport site... Read more

  • Naomi Grady

    As a Ramsgate resident, mother to two school-age children and a Ramsgate independent business owner (employing 10 Ramsgate residents), I would like to register my strong opposition to the granting of... Read more


    Dear Sir/Madam, we refer to the application quoted above for redevelopment of the Manston Airport Site. NATS relies on critical infrastructure on the site and is currently liaising with stakeholders... Read more

  • Neil cooper

    After keeping. A close eye on the proposed airport development I just find too many anomalies in RSP plans. They seem to tell people what they think they want to believe but constantly keep changing.... Read more

  • Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP (Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP) on behalf of Network Rail

    We are instructed by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (“Network Rail”) in relation to the development consent application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd (“the Promoter”) for the upgrade... Read more

  • Nicholas Logan

    I fully support the airport proposal as a lifetime resident of thanet. This area needs employment opportunities, skills training and the multitude of associated business that an airport brings. I did... Read more

  • Nicky Galer

    I am registering my interest as I feel that the airport is very much needed. It will bring jobs, provide much needed extra flight capacity and it is a national asset.

  • Nicola Loud

    I object to the application because:- (a) despitte the assurances and promises given during the consultations, the RSP scheme depends on night flights which will adversely affect the local... Read more

  • Nikki Hildesley

    I am writing to you to express my concerns over the intended reintroduction of an airport at Manston in Thanet Kent. I have lived in Thanet for 9 years and clearly remember the time when aircraft... Read more

  • Norman Seatherton

    I feel that Manston airport does not represent an ideal answer to the movement of freight into and out of this country, situated as it is at an extreme distance from most areas of commerce and... Read more

  • P Kerss

    I am registering as an ‘interested party’ in the consideration of the development of Manston Airport and the proposed night flights. My concern is that due consideration is given to the “right of... Read more

  • Pamela Burns Atkins

    I was a resident in Ramsgate during the years 2003- 2009. The first four years my house was in Plains of Waterloo, a street directly under the flight path.The aircraft flew very low over the house... Read more

  • Patricia cunningham

    I moved to Ramsgate 4 years ago. I love the following. It is small enough to have a community feel but large enough to have privacy. The Royal harbour is breathtaking. It is the only Royal... Read more

  • Patricia Dance

    I would like to register as an interested party. I have lived in Ramsgate for 28 years and am passionate about the town's future. I am deeply concerned by the applicant's proposals to open a... Read more

  • Patricia Fretton

    I want to oppose a 24/7 cargo freight airport ruining our lovely town

  • Patrick McAree

    [Redacted] I disagree to the reopening of Manston Airport as you may have noticed by our home address we live approximately 1 mile away, in the past planes taking off and landing are very low and at... Read more

  • Paul Atkins

    I am writing to represent myself and my family in opposition for plans to implement a freight hub at Manston Airport by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd. My main opposition to this is that such a... Read more

  • Paul Dean

    1) I live directly under the flight path and I am very concerned about the impact that these flights will have on my health and well being and that of my family. 2) The existing road infrastructure... Read more

  • Paul Naudin

    As a resident of Ramsgate, I am writing to object to Riveroak Strategic Partners' plans to create a cargo hub at Manston. I will give a personal statement based on my own experience and observations.... Read more

  • Paula

    Hello live in Ramsgate and would be directly affected by the intention of operating night flights. I have lived under the flight path in Windsor so can appreciate noise pollution and disturbance... Read more

  • Peta Margaret Chater

    I am strongly against re-opening the airport at Manston for the following reasons: 1. Ramsgate is very close to the airport and the town will be seriously blighted by the airports... Read more

  • Peter Binding

    I lived in the middle of Ramsgate between 1992 and 2014, directly under the Eastern runway approach. I no longer live in Thanet but am deeply concerned that my friends and neighbours are now being... Read more

  • Peter Brazier

    Manston Airport has been there since WW1, I think it should stay as an airport because of its history. River Oak's plans make sense, it will bring more jobs to an area that needs them. also Thanet... Read more

  • Peter Collard

    I am a hardworking father of 2. I am agaisnt the DCO and RSP'S Proposal. My main concerns are health problems caused by Aviation pollution plus added pollution from fuel and freight movements from... Read more

  • Peter Stanfield

    I have profound concerns about noise pollution at all hours if this airport proposal goes ahead. I would prefer the land was used to build houses

  • Phil Hyland

    I believe this area (East Kent) needs Manston to re-open and aid the necessary re-generation of businesse, jobs and prospects for all who live here. Nationally, it will help relieve the pressure on... Read more

  • Philippa Garsed

    Dear Sir, I have been a resident in Herne Bay for five years but through family connections here I have been familiar with the town and local environment for sixteen years. Herne Bay in the last... Read more

  • Ramsgate Airport Sceptics (Ramsgate Airport Sceptics)

    As Ramsgate Airport Sceptics, we wish to draw PINS attention to problematic areas of Riveroak’s Funding Statement: P4 para 13. Riveroak claims £9million spent already but not how this was... Read more

  • Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum (Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum)

    The Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum, comprising members of the Ramsgate Conservation and Advisory Group and the planning sub-committee of The Ramsgate Society, ask the Examiners to consider the... Read more

  • Raymond Lee

    Would like to see airport up and running to give much needed employment to Thanet and surrounding areas

  • Rebecca Dance

    I am writing as a mother of two young girls and as a professional Care Worker to register my initial opposition to the proposals for a cargo hub at Manston. I have been a resident of Ramsgate for... Read more

  • Rebecca Hyman

    I strongly object to the Manston DCO application. As a mother to two young children, as a health professional and as a resident of Ramsgate I am deeply troubled by the RSP proposal. My main concerns... Read more

  • Rev Stanley.m.Evans

    I was boy of 10 yrs in 1940 at the time of Dunkirk, Hitler was unexpected to in evade us, my parents could not leave and sent me to my Aunt and Uncle in Cornwall I was very afraid that I would not see... Read more

  • Richard G Oliver

    Hello. I know you have received a number of representations from people and groups recounting the facts around the detrimental effect an airport of this size at Manston will have on the health &... Read more

  • Richard Perton

    I would like the planning inspectorate to investigate the following points when considering plans for an airfreight hub at Manston. Firstly the rationale in having a hub on the far Southeastern tip... Read more

  • Richard Ryan

    As a resident of Ramsgate and a senior officer with an international environmental charity, I strongly oppose the applicant's plans to develop a cargo hub facility at Manston on the following grounds:... Read more

  • Rick Everitt

    In my experience as a resident of Cliffsend – and formerly as a local councillor in the centre of Ramsgate – the impact of night flights, which it is clear are an essential element of this... Read more

  • Robert Fairbrass

    We need to keep Manston as an airport for the jobs it will provide If it is used for houses etc the whole of East Kent will struggle for basic services because the infrastructure is not there to cope... Read more

  • Robert Newman

    I wish to register my opposition to Manston airport being re-opened as a cargo hub. The effect on the health of people living under the flight path has been documented elsewhere, suffice to say, these... Read more

  • Robin Kennedy

    I am concerned that the proposed development will have an adverse effect on the residents of the homes in Thanet and Canterbury Districts due to the noise and pollution from aeroplanes and traffic.

  • Robin Marsh


  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB))

    Relevant Representation by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Our involvement with Manston Airport The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (the RSPB) was initially invited to... Read more

  • Ruth Sinclair

    Manston Airport is a much needed asset to the Thanet area. Jobs are needed more than houses and with the right infrastructure in place it would bring much need jobs and money to a deprived area of... Read more