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Proper planning procedures must be followed, with no undue influence from the Aviation Council who only have one ambition to enlarge Gatwick!
Leigh Parish Council comprises of democratically elected Parish Councillors who represent the views of their electors. The Parish Council and parishioners of Leigh object to the proposal to expand...
Darllen mwy
A step too far for Gatwick Airport. 1. This part of Surrey does not have the transport links to sustain the traffic flow. 2. Air pollution will exceed Gov figures. 3. Night Flights and noise is...
Darllen mwy
We face a climate emergency, and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases – that makes no sense at all. I am totally opposed to this plan.
I am already finding it difficult to sleep at night with the current increased night flights, especially in the summer when windows are open. The noise is almost continuous with the sound of one plane...
Darllen mwy
I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does...
Darllen mwy
The noise pollution from Gatwick is already unbearable. Particularly given there seem to be no time restrictions - low flying, large planes throughout the night (every 2 minutes at 11pm, 12pm, 1am and...
Darllen mwy
Airport infrastructure cannot support this level of growth. Unbearable impact on residents in surrounding area, noise, pollution, traffic. Benefits financial and social are not felt by local area;...
Darllen mwy
I do not agree to the expansion and additional runway at Gatwick airport, for the following reasons- As a country we need to be looking at curtailing our carbon emissions not creating more, we are in...
Darllen mwy
As an aviation expert with nearly 50 years of experience, I represent a number a organisations that express and represent the views and opinions of the senior players across the UK and international...
Darllen mwy
I live in Beare Green, directly under the flight path. Any increase in the current air traffic will have a detrimental effect on air pollution and noise pollution. I live in an AONB and double the...
Darllen mwy
Noise and environmental impact to an already overcrowded sky
I object to any expansion of LGW. The aircraft noise is already intolerable . The environmental impact is already appalling. This airport needs to diminish its noise and environmental impact not...
Darllen mwy
Noise and pollution
To much more noise from more aircraft
I have already seen the escalation of air traffic over my property in the last 2 years, 2023 has been the worst. I understand from local communication that Gatwick are already using the Northern...
Darllen mwy
As a resident in lingfield that lives in a road that is right under the flight path I highly object to a further expansion of the capacity of flights to Gatwick airport. Currently the planes travel...
Darllen mwy
We live in the flight path and I am worried about extra noise and disruption and our house price diminishing
Air traffic noise in Penshurst Kent is already unbearable at times, add the impact to the environment, Gatwick is big enough,
I am concerned about added noise from increase in air traffic. Often planes go right over our garden, very disturbing I am unhapoy about increasing air polution.
I think an extra runway will adversely impact people in the SW Kent area specially in the peak holiday times of the year - main school holidays- and also at weekends when.a lot of passengers tend to...
Darllen mwy
I am opposed to second runway at Gatwick Airport An increase in size will cause huge problems locally and there is plenty of employment in the Crawley. It will be an environmental disaster.
I am deeply concerned at the prospect of Gatwick Airport expanding. The management already show little respect to the views of locals. There is not the capacity either in the skies over our heads or...
Darllen mwy
Proposing another runaway at Gatwick to increase flights by 37 per cent and emissions as well will not comply with the CO2 reduction targets and our contribution to global warming. Apart from the...
Darllen mwy
I totally disagree with the new runway going ahead at Gatwick …we live in the flight path our summers are already tainted by the noise bbqs in the summer and outside dinner parties are ruined by the...
Darllen mwy
The environmental impact of Gatwick’s expansion is enormous The lack of a good public transport system The lack of homes to house the increased number of workers at Gatwick and lack of affordable...
Darllen mwy
The proposed scale of the development of Gatwick cannot be effectively delivered and enabled by the subscale development of the supporting infrastructure. E.g. Proposed public transport infrastructure...
Darllen mwy
The proposal to further develop Gatwick will have a significant detrimental impact on Tunbridge Wells and neighbouring towns. I have previously written to Gatwick regarding the environmental impacts...
Darllen mwy
Inadequate roads, railway, parking in the area.
We can not tolerate any more noise
Noise Pollution Planes cutting across the registered Flight Path
Looking at the information site seems very unclear what the noise implications are. I would be interested to know more about this.
There is already too much noise pollution across our town and outlying areas from the Gatwick “approach corridor”. Planes constantly fly too low causing noise nuisance including at night times. If...
Darllen mwy
Gatwick airport already impose significant noise and pollution in the adjoining areas, with ever increasing impact experienced daily. I consider the propose additional runway unnecessary and a major...
Darllen mwy
The airplane noise is significantly reducing our quality of life, day and night. The planes are flying lower than they were and they are flying more frequently and they’re also flying directly...
Darllen mwy
I’m quite a light sleeper and I have been noticing many aircraft flying in the night from ca.3.30am.onwards. Also the planes tend to fly mostly all the time directly overhead and sometimes it is...
Darllen mwy
I want to oppose the application. Gatwick is already too big and out of control. The flights over our house are concentrated destroying the peaceful enjoyment of our house, garden and surrounding area...
Darllen mwy
Not needed airport not making full use of existing runway. Low level flying over local areas.changing flight paths over residential areas.
The existing noise level and corresponding pollution is already unacceptable, adding to this in the same location is an extreme health risk. A pity ULEZ cant be extended to include the pollution from...
Darllen mwy
I am very concerned about the noise impact of even more low flying aircraft above our home than we already endure and at a time when Gatwick have proved to be utterly untrustworthy over a period of...
Darllen mwy
I live fortunately in a Area of Natural Beauty. Like most of Wealden a conservation area. In order to preserve the AONB on the ground there is strong protection to ensure the amenity is not ruined by...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about even more noise pollution andenvironmental pollution when even more planes will fly over our house as well as the Ashdown Forest as an area of outstanding natural beauty. Our...
Darllen mwy
We have enough aircraft noise overhead as it is. We don’t need any more. The airport infrastructure is not good enough for another runway also the transport links also aren’t good enough. Air Quality,...
Darllen mwy
I object to the construction of an additional runway at Gatwick. It will increase carbon emissions, noise and traffic pollution. There is no need for an additional runway as Gatwick airport are unable...
Darllen mwy
We have a legal requirement, Nationally, to be net zero, so to create a way to use more carbon will not be in the National interest. The noise level in the Gatwick and surrounding regions is already...
Darllen mwy
i am concerned in this time of Climate Change about the plan to expand any airport and would like to join in the consultation
This proposed expansion must be stopped. It will significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and destroy our ability to meet our internationally agreed climate targets. It will also create more...
Darllen mwy
Gatwick expansion plays little heed to the impact flight have on residents- flights are already too low & start very early in the morning after continuing late at night. There has to be a better...
Darllen mwy
I am against the expansion of a runway at Gatwick airport, this would create more air pollution, noise in an area of Kent that is supposed to be peace and quiet and full or nature, we moved here with...
Darllen mwy
Penshurst already has an excessive number of low flying noisy aircraft flying over the village on the approach to Gatwick. It is not possible to enjoy sitting in the garden during good weather due to...
Darllen mwy