
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 551 to 600 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • James Graham Bamber

    As an international airport serving London and the South East it is amazing to think that there is only one runway. Anyone who has waited in a long queue of aircraft waiting for a slot on the one... Read more

  • Jane Lethbridge

    Additional noise and pollution - no consideration for local residents who already have to endure planes overhead every few minutes Stress on the local roads which are already in poor condition No... Read more

  • Jonathan Baker-Brian

    I am concerned about the impact on climate change of increased air travel and would like PINS to ensure that the case is made for how increased flight capacity at Gatwick fits with the need to reduce... Read more

  • Julie Hardy

    Here in Betchworth we are overflown by planes from both Heathrow and Gatwick which contributes to our noise pollution but the main problem is the traffic to Gatwick. Our village is used as a cut... Read more

  • June Horne

    The planes flying into and out of Gatwick are flying over an area of outstanding natural beauty at low altitude and are incredible noisy and disruptive. It is even more intrusive because normally it's... Read more

  • Keith Leslie Harding

    As a lifelong resident of this area I find that this proposed increase in passenger/air traffic to be the the straw that has broken this camel's back and I am considering moving away because of the... Read more

  • Kirk Holmes

    The expansion of the airport will lead to a drop in air quality for the uk as well as noise nuisance for local reidents. Microfine particles emited from aircraft are only just being found to be... Read more

  • Lesley Cruickshank

    I believe the road infrastructure around the airport is not suitable for a significant increase in the number of vehicles a second runaway would attract. I live in a small village which is already... Read more

  • Martin John Needham

    Strongly object to this proposal to expand Gatwick airport on the grounds of environment damage cause by increased aircraft, damaged to local communities, local roads etc

  • Megan Georgeson

    I am very concerned about proposed runway changes at Gatwick, it’s is not an environmentally sound plan and will cause more noise stress for residents

  • Michael Dryburgh

    1.The Government has already come out in favour of expansion at Heathrow rather than Gatwick so these proposals run counter to any airport expansion in the South East . 2. Gatwick expansion is based... Read more

  • Neil Clark

    I object to the new Gatwick runway on the grounds of increased noise and traffic in this rural area.

  • Nelson Ferreira

    We live within 1 mile of the runway at LGW we already suffer from a lot of noise pollution we have serious concerns about this increasing and our quality of life and air pollution. We have alot to... Read more

  • Nicole Sarah Eden

    My concerns about this application surround the impact it will have on the infrastructure of our town Crawley, as the nearest main town to Gatwick Airport. Crawley is an area with very low... Read more

  • Patricia Routledge

    Oppose runway: Noise currently of low flying, landing aircraft into the prevailing wind 3 mins apart. This is noise hell now. This proposal, which will enable 100,000 extra flights a year is... Read more

  • Paul Charles Houlton

    I am opposed to this plan as it will increase pollution of the air we breathe, increase aircraft noise which is already high. It also ignores the increase in fuel usage at a time when we are aiming to... Read more

  • Philip Arnold

    Constructing and using another runway will create an unbearable amount of noise pollution to the neighbouring properties to the north of Gatwick we are already suffering a take off every 30 seconds.... Read more

  • Philip Tew

    I am writing to provide you with a submission for the Gatwick Northern Runway project. I live in Speldhurst, which is a village already blighted by plane noise and other pollution as a consequence of... Read more

  • Ralph Tuckwell

    I live near Gatwick, so I have some noise, but I am also a user of the airport for business and leisure travel.

  • Richard Henry Carlisle

    Opposed to increased air traffic because of climate impacts.

  • Robert Routledge

    Oppose runway: Noise currently of low flying, landing aircraft into the prevailing wind 3 mins apart. This is noise hell now. This proposal, which will enable 100,000 extra flights a year is... Read more

  • Rosemary Pavoni

    I think it is totally unacceptable to extent Gatwick Airport, it will destroy the surrounding area, add noise and pollution and add to emmisions

  • Sara Radford

    The noise levels are extremely high already with the runway usage as is.We appear to be on a rotor and when it is 'our turn' over Beare Green and Holmwood the volume levels are too high to have a... Read more

  • Stephen Rees

    The logic for national airport infrastructure has to be one of the following three options. 1. We need an international airport able to compete with (for example) Amsterdam and Paris. This has to be... Read more

  • Stuart Cole

    The government has held an enquiry into where additional runway should be built. The decision was that it should be at Heathrow despite Gatwick arguing that it should be there. The decision to build... Read more

  • Caroline Clark on behalf of The Clark Family

    I am registering my objections to the proposed new runway on environmental, economic, infrastructure and employment issues.

  • Victoria Clifford

    Bringing the Northern runway at Gatwick into routine use for takeoffs is a bad idea because: 1.It will allow more air traffic, which will prevent the uk meeting its national and international... Read more

  • Wendy Roberts

    I do not want this project to go ahead as the noise level over my property is already much worse since the flight path was changed during covid and there is now little peace and respite from plane... Read more

  • Anthony Kett

    I oppose an additional runway due to increase in aircraft noise, negative impact on climate change, it will devalue my home and wellbeing through increase in aircraft movements, there is a lack of... Read more

  • Catherine Bryant

    Noise pollution to local residents Climate change

  • David J Buckley

    I object to this proposal as it will destroy the surrounding environment and create extensive pollution

  • Den May

    I object to the Gatwick expansion on several grounds; 1. Adverse impact on the environment. In times when we are encouraged to buy electric cars, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. it makes no sense to... Read more

  • Duane John Ayres

    More air traffic over the existing paths New paths implemented More noise Additional noise Additional pollution Additional disturbance Lack of infrastructure

  • Horsmonden Parish Council (Horsmonden Parish Council)

    The Parish Council are not against the expansion of the northern runway but would object to any increase in over flying to Horsmonden

  • James David Morgan

    I wish to register because of the impact Gatwick expansion will have on Edenbridge and also will not help save our planet.

  • Jan May

    Objections to Gatwick Airport expansion: 1. Adverse impact on the environment. In times when we are encouraged to buy electric cars, heat pumps, solar panels, etc. it makes no sense to increase the... Read more

  • Janet Ruth Dixon

    Impact on climate crisis; Impact on well-being of local residents - through increased airport movements and noise; and through decline in air quality; Misleading representation by Gatwick airport... Read more

  • Julian Bambridge

    Live directly under current flight path

  • Lucy K Wills

    Excessive and disruptive noise and vibration Concerns about the impact of this on mental health and stress levels Lack of consideration of how local topography and low background noise magnifies the... Read more

  • Marion Barker

    Dear Inspectorate Examining Team, I am writing to register my concerns about the proposed 2nd runway at Gatwick Airport. It will increase flights by a further 100,000 a year which is the equivalent to... Read more

  • Mr Jay Jolly

    Low flying jet noise from Gatwick flights is already a major disruption over Abinger. This proposal will add significantly to that noise. The Gatwick Airport propaganda does not include this noise as... Read more

  • Rob Lewis

    Gatwick is an essential part of the South East infrastructure and, in particular, a huge benefit to the local economy around Crawley. This proposal in my view is long overdue and will provide benefits... Read more

  • Roffey Park Institute (Roffey Park Institute)

    We only see this development as having a positive impact on the local mid Sussex area and wider South East area. Gatwick Airport is already a major international hub but has little detrimental affect... Read more

  • Stephen Crouch

    We collectively need to reduce our carbon emissions. Reducing number of flights is a significant part of this. I appreciate that flights is your area of business but I think we need to find a way... Read more

  • Terence Day

    As a resident that has been inflicted for over 9 years by Gatwick Noise and pollution I must object to any expansion at this airport. Since 2014 the impact of Gatwick to my local and surrounding... Read more

  • Judith Bartley on behalf of The Bartley Family (The Bartley Family)

    The proposed second runway at Gatwick will increase the noise, traffic and pollution in our village and the surrounding area. Our small roads have no footpaths or street lighting and the increase of... Read more

  • Thomas Johannes Schlieben

    I object to the proposal as we and other residents would suffer additional noise pollution before and during work hours (We as a family work from home a lot) and possible physical and mental health... Read more

  • Vladimir Kim

    Want to examine the proposals to understand the impact on transport infrastructure

  • Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

    The Chichester Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting economic growth, business development, and employment opportunities in Chichester and across our region. We believe that the expansion of... Read more

  • David Christopher Sykes

    I strongly object to the routine use of the emergency runway at Gatwick, for the following reasons: 1. Noise The expansion plans would entail a vast increase in the amount of noise imposed on the... Read more