
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1701 to 1750 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Shirley Dugdale

    I believe that the Gatwick expansion will be good for the area as long as the road and rail infrastructure is put in place as per the details I've seen on the plans

  • Simon Chandler

    Local infrastructure, already on route 4 which can be very noisy with planes flying very low over our house. The changes to route 4 were supposed to spread planes but they are concentrated over our... Read more

  • Sophia Spear-Enzlin

    One of the access roads to and from Gatwick Airport will be the Balcombe Road. It is already heavily used by motorists and I cannot see how this road will cope with extra airport traffic. The local... Read more

  • Southeast Communities Rail Partnership CIC (Southeast Communities Rail Partnership CIC)

    We recognise that the airport plays a major role in the economic development of the region. We are primarily concerned with making sure travellers and airport staff travel to the airport mainly by... Read more

  • Stephanie Page

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Stephen Buck

    Better travel connections, good employment for the County.

  • Stephen Ross

    I object to the expansion as it will increase the noise pollution over Sevenoaks due to flight paths. The noise from planes passing over Sevenoaks is already disturbing. Especially in the summer... Read more

  • Stephen Swan

    have concerns about the increased noise and pollution levels. If this expansion is allowed to progress this will also have a negative impact on the value of my property. With all the current changes... Read more

  • Steve Cowling

    I object to the second runway for the following reasons - Our UK government Climate Change Committee. 6th carbon budget. Aviation – states there should be no more airport expansion until there is a... Read more

  • Steven John Crisp

    More air traffic means more noise, pollution and congestion at a time where we have a climate emergency and need to step back from one of the biggest contributors to global warming- air traffic!!!!... Read more

  • Steven Ransley

    The proposal should be allowed, as its good for growth, both at Gatwick and surrounding areas, it will bring in more jobs, not only to local areas, but uk wide, more money for the uk itself, more... Read more

  • Susan Bajorinas

    I live on the flight path already which is noisy enough. To have more flights would be horrendous especially in the night. I strongly object to this. Planes fly over me all the time which I accept as... Read more

  • Susan Hamlyn

    Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2... Read more

  • Susan Howlett

    I do not believe that Gatwick should be allowed to change its emergency runway into a a second runway. What happens if an emergency happens.

  • Susan Walker

    I am concerned about noise and air pollution. I am already noticing more planes flying over us this summer and when we are in the garden we can hear them. Another runway will make the situation... Read more

  • Suzanne Brennan

    Permission to use the emergency runway as a second runway should not be given for safety reasons.

  • Teodora Rousseva

    Increased pollution, damage to sleep, the list goes on

  • Theresa Ferebee

    I have concerns about the increase in traffic and air pollution expansion would create along with increased noise pollution. I also have concerns about the required amount of extra housing being built... Read more

  • Tim Boden

    The northern runway would be good for jobs during construction, and also afterwards with more flights meaning more people employed at the airport and in the local area I'm for the new runway

  • Tim Johnston

    Gatwick Airport is busy enough already. And the way they run night flights shows low regard for nearby communities regarding noise. There are night restrictions with a limited number of flights, but... Read more

  • Timothy Thornton Jones

    I live under the flight path, where additional flights would cause excessive noise and disturbance (already excessive with existing flights). I am also concerned about the increase in pollution from... Read more

  • Tonbridge and Malling Green Party (Tonbridge and Malling Green Party)

    Tonbridge and Malling Green Party oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is in fact a new runway being brought in by the backdoor– · The policy has been... Read more

  • Tony Earnshaw

    I object to any further development of Gatwick airport mainly on the grounds that any airport expansion is incompatible with the need to reduce air travel and our carbon footprint, thus endangering... Read more

  • Valerie Stokes

    How much of our beautiful countryside will be destroyed for ever when it is covered in concrete to provide this new runway? No mention has been made of the: Numerous buildings to provide all the extra... Read more

  • Carla van der Zanden on behalf of van der Zanden Family (van der Zanden Family)

    We are concerned that there should be no further Gatwick expansion. In this area we have frequent intrusive aircraft noise, increased pollution levels and significant impact on the environment all of... Read more

  • Varun Bhimbat

    I think it is a fantastic idea for the development which will include more development, jobs,increases in property prices and jobs and infrastructure

  • Vic Johnson

    I wish to object to the second runway on the grounds that it will increase carbon emissions, road traffic, noise and air pollution. We cannot afford to increase the release of greenhouse gases,... Read more

  • Sandra Carole Ward on behalf of Ward Family (Ward Family)

    We are against the expansion of a second runway at Gatwick Airport due to the impact this will have on Crawley and the surrounding areas. The M23 and M25 are suffering from the volumns of traffic as... Read more

  • Warren Rainforth

    I am fully supportive of the additional runway at London Gatwick. It is essential for jobs and for our place internationally in terms of trade and tourism and is long overdue. In the last 30+ years... Read more

  • Werner Nijman

    I think it is a good development and will help local employment levels

  • Vail Williams (Vail Williams) on behalf of Windsor Developments (Windsor Developments)

    Jersey Farm - DCO Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport Interested Party Registration - for Windsor Developments. We are writing to register our clients Windsor Developments as an interested party, in... Read more

  • Adam Ward

    There are already frequent noisy and low flying aircraft. To add another runway and allow more air traffic will only compound this already existing and stressful problem whilst also affecting the air... Read more

  • Adrian Gumbley

    Gatwick has not been a good neighbour as can be seen by the recent judicial review, it's very poor and cynical in collecting data to support its business. My objections are as follows: 1) Gatwick has... Read more

  • Alan Erskine

    There are fundamental flaws with this project and the premis of using the standby runway. Firstly, an increase in passenger numbers to the levels expected cannot be accommodated within the current... Read more

  • Alan Robert Hugh Smallwood

    I disagree with the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport on the grounds that it is unjustified by their often fallacious arguments, takes insufficient consideration of the environmental damage this... Read more

  • Alex Alexandru

    GO for it!

  • Andrew Raymond Malyon

    I fully support the additional runway to Gatwick. It is key vital infrastructure that is needed as a viable alternative to Heathrow and other airports that support travel around London. This will... Read more

  • Andrew Wightman

    Concerned about increased noise from aircraft, increased pollution and damage to road infrastructure from the increase in traffic

  • Ann Barclay

    It is not sustainable to increase traffic around an already congested Gatwick. Air pollution will increase and damage people’s health. This would be against the government’s pledges to decrease global... Read more

  • Anne Newson

    Even now, without the additional runway increasing capacity, the noise from planes flying through the night is causing altered sleep patterns which have a detrimental effect on health and well-being.... Read more

  • Anthony Tiani

    Expansion of Gatwick Airport will result in increased noise, air pollution, traffic congestion and diminished quality of life for local residents.

  • Barbara Blackwell

    Any expansion of capacity at Gatwick should be subject to a ban on all arrivals (except if the result of delays) and take offs between 23.00 and 06.00 (similar to the quiet periods that apply at... Read more

  • Ben McMinn

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does... Read more

  • Bethan Parry

    Concerns over the environmental impact of more flights; increased road congestion, air and noise pollution

  • Beverley Taylor

    Air pollution - as you can appreciate we have a problem with air pollution from our planes flying overhead so hundreds more coming over our local towns and villages will add to more pollution. ULEZ... Read more

  • Brett Lawrence

    Increased air traffic and noise over our village. Increased traffic on roads in the area. More pollution from both. More pressure on existing train routes passing through gatwick More to be provided…

  • Brian Williams

    Hi, regarding a planned extension of Gatwick. The tranquility and peaceful essence of the countryside I live in, is already degraded by flight paths overhead. Locally national treasure Hever castle... Read more

  • Carol Archer

    Firstly the impact on the environment. We should be looking at ways to reduce pollution not proposing to increase the volume by another runway at Gatwick. Just a small example during the summer months... Read more

  • Carol Jane Brockman

    Hi Please read my comments below, I am opposed to the new runway at Gatwick. I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been... Read more

  • Charles Dobson

    Greatly INCREASED NOISE which is inevitable if this Plan goes ahead. We live in an area under the current swathe of incoming traffic where arriving aeroplanes (unnecessarily) descend to between 4500... Read more