
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1951 to 2000 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark Gill

    The second runway must not go ahead. The additional noise and pollution to local communities is unreasonable. Most impoartantly, there has to come a point where short and medium term commercial... Read more

  • Mark Henry Streatfeild

    As a resident of Chiddingstone I am woken already throughout the night by planes coming into Gatwick. Also as Chairman of the Trustees at Chiddingstone Castle for 16 years we continually had our... Read more

  • Mark Oreilly

    I like the local community and secure jobs for many years to come.

  • Mark Somers

    The use of a second runway for the UK’s second busiest airport would be a great benefit for passengers and improve operations and flexibility at Gatwick

  • Mark William Davies

    I have lived in Charlwood since 1967and worked at the airport since 1979. I am in no way a NIMBY, but having grown with the airport and seen very little in the way of outside infrastructure increase... Read more

  • Martin Hall

    I want to register my strong objection to the plan to make Gatwick's emergency runway into a second runway for the following reasons: 1. Air Pollution 2. Noise Pollution 3. Violates the government's... Read more

  • Martin Sutherland

    Dear sirs, I vehemently OPPOSE the expansion of Gatwick’s emergency runway into a second runway. I have 3 reasons!!! Firstly, I live in (Redacted) - just east of Gatwick between East Grinstead and... Read more

  • Martyn Jackson

    we already get a lot of low flying aircraft into Gatwick over our house, at times we cannot sit in our garden as the noise is unbelievable.

  • Matthew Canning Smith

    I am against the expansion of Gatwick airport due to the noise impacts on local residents on the flight path.

  • Matthew Higgs

    Further detremental impact to AONB, quality of life & sleep with night flights and lack of flight dispersal.

  • Matthew Stevens

    I live beneath the 'swathe' of entry for air traffic into Gatwick. An already congested sytstem with unacceptable noise and air pollution must not be enlarged with increased traffic. Gatwick and HM... Read more

  • Maureen Peters

    Dear Sir, I would like to state my objections to the expansion of Gatwick airport for several reasons. The expansion may bring more jobs into the area, but this in itself will have a negative impact.... Read more

  • Michael Alfred Edward Gilbert

    The airport already produces un acceptable aircraft unacceptable noise on many occasions. To increasing the number of aircraft movements as a result of expansion of the airport will be unbearable for... Read more

  • Michael Anthony David Pickin

    Think it’s a great idea to enlarge the existing Gatwick Airport and bring the two runways into use. I fly from there regularly and often there are issues with timing slots so this would be lessened... Read more

  • Michael Fordyce

    I am objecting to the proposed second runway at Gatwick airport. Already there is an unacceptable amount of noise pollution and increasing airplanes will only make this worse. The landing swathe over... Read more

  • Michael Hill

    incessant noise with increasing number of planes. appalled that stuart wingate can be appointed co- chair of the aviation council, when as CEO of Gatwick, he clearly has a conflict of interest.

  • Monique Zwaans Cook

    Increased sound and air pollution is unacceptable. The change of use of the emergency runway at Gatwick will impact my property adversely and Hever Castle, which is in an Area of Outstanding Beauty.

  • Mr Jonathon Lane

    Expansion of Gatwick Airport will have a demonstrable effect on my quality of life.

  • Namrata Deepak More

    I will not support for expansion of Gatwick airport route. This expansion is not good for nature Due to all kind of pollution which is going to affect on our day to day life .

  • Neil Hollis

    I fully support this scheme as it will support the future growth and prosperity of the South East. It will also improve safety.

  • Nichola Calnan

    I oppose the application to create the emergency runway into a permanent one. The increase noise pollution will be noticeable and impact mental health. Myself and my family regularly visit areas such... Read more

  • Nicholas Dennys

    Passenger numbers will double, jobs and inhabitants will rise. This is not an incremental increase. We don't want the noise We don't want the vehicular expansion We don't want public services drained,... Read more

  • Olga Kovsh

    I would like to oppose this suggestion for several reasons: - There is already a busy schedule at Gatwick Airport. While leaving not far from the airport we already face disturbance by the airplanes... Read more

  • Patricia Jilks

    An additional runway will mean more flights which is not what we wish for when it is essential to control carbon dioxide addition to the atmosphere.

  • Patricia Saunderson

    I object to the idea of having a second runway at Gatwick on the following grounds Extra noise in the air due to more flights More water needed. Already the south east suffers with a lack of water.... Read more

  • Patrick Hames

    As a resident I already experience significant noise pollution from Gatwick Airport flight paths. The area I live in is part of the high weald, parts of which are designated AOB, it is reasonable to... Read more

  • Paul Carney

    I fully support this project. Low impact infrastructure project which brings significant improvements to air transport and the local economy.

  • Paul Davenport

    I dread to think how noisy my neighbourhood will become if Gatwick expands its capacity. My property is not even considered to be on the final approach and yet it is currently directly overflown at... Read more

  • Paul David Sullivan

    I wish to object to the run way as it will spoil my quality of life due to light and noise pollution created by the increased flight pattern. I propose the runway be placed on a north south aspect to... Read more

  • Paul Harry Newson

    1) Flights in and out of Gatwick already constitute significant noise nuisance in the surrounding area, often at night; further expansion will obviously make this worse. 2) A second runway will... Read more

  • Paul Stepto

    I oppose the application for a northern runway at Gatwick airport for the following reasons: *It is a new runway. The existing 2nd runway has been misrepresented by the applicant and does not comply... Read more

  • Peak Securities Limited (Peak Securities Limited)

    We are writing as freeholder of the above property. The property is currently let to H1(London Gatwick) Ltd (our tenant) for a term of 99 years to 31/10/2085. The property is a Hotel operating under... Read more

  • Penelope Thomson Harris

    I wish to point out the negative and disruptive intrusion of planes directly over my house day and night despite living a 45 minute drive from Gatwick. In Summer, at times, I can’t listen to a radio... Read more

  • Perry Esparon

    Wholeheartedly support the project. Too many naysayers around who don't want to see changes yet complain not enough investments being made to support our public services. Its great for the local... Read more

  • Peter Roy Holgate

    As a resident of Dormansland we are currently overflown directly by aircraft every few minutes during day time and frequently but less often at night. currently it is not possible to hold a... Read more

  • Philip John Gray

    I suspect the second runway is already being used as the air traffic flying over our property has become very disruptive and significantly impacts on ones enjoyment of our garden , particularly in the... Read more

  • Philip Mort

    I oppose the plans on the basis that the expanded flight patterns associated with the proposal along with the increase in number of aircraft will cause significant damage in terms of noise to the area... Read more

  • Rainer Vogt

    I object on the grounds that the proposed second runway is not using existing infrastructure. The proposed extension of the airport will create traffic problems making existing congestion much worse... Read more

  • Raychel Aldred

    I whole heartedly OPPOSE the planned expansion of the runway- making the emergency runway into a permanent/ standard runway. We need LESS air pollution, less noise pollution. And this is already an... Read more

  • Rebecca Angelini

    I strongly oppose a further runway at Gatwick Airport. The Kent countryside is utterly beautiful, and one of the most lovely natural areas of the United Kingdom. We already have many airplanes... Read more

  • Rhoda Dorothy Bardini

    I live under the flight pass from Biggin Hill the noise and pollution constantly affects our well-being . Therefore going to Hever Castle is a hidden gem without noise and pollution. Please help to... Read more

  • Richard Bennett

    what is the justification for gatwick expansion apart from profiteering. The area will not support this level of expansion. This is not to mention the additional noise and environmental... Read more

  • Richard Thirkell

    I side with the concerns expressed currently and previously by Gatwick Obviously Not. The full environmental impact on residents under the flight paths has hitherto been underestimated and hence not... Read more

  • Robert Biddle

    I strongly object to the plan to convert the Gatwick emergency runway into routine use. The air traffic over the area around our part of the south east is constant and intrusive not only during the... Read more

  • Robert Penn

    I strongly object to the second runway for Gatwick. My main concerns are the noise from airplanes which fly over my house which cause disturbance all throughout the day. An increase in frequency would... Read more

  • Robin Hackett

    I am strongly opposed to a second runway. It will contribute to climate change, air pollution and noise pollution. As a resident living in the Gatwick flight path, I already experience significant... Read more

  • Rosemary Hobbs

    I am not convinced there is sufficient evidence of the need to provide for expansion, particularly in an acknowledged climate emergency. Noise, pollution, overuse of roads and lack of joined-up... Read more

  • Rosemary Jenner

    noise, traffic, overflying, pollution, congestion, climate

  • Rosie Dixon

    I oppose this development. It will create a huge amount of additional noise where I live. Currently we can't sleep with the windows open at night because of the sound of overhead planes. This is a... Read more

  • Sally Jennings

    If this 2nd runway goes ahead, it will cause more noise. More air pollution. It will damage the Ashdown forest. Think of the “carbon footprint”. It seems to me that drivers are always to blame for the... Read more