
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2501 to 2550 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Barbara O'Kelly

    The building of another runway flies in the face of environmental commitments, contributing to further air and noise pollution in our skies. There will be an increase in road traffic, further... Read more

  • Brian Thorne

    Impact of the proposal upon the currently unacceptable air pollution & noise regimes , the impact upon the already overused road/rail/emergency services infrastructures, the impact upon the current... Read more

  • Bruce Dalgleish

    I believe that the increase in air traffic and passenger numbers will be extremely harmful to both the immediate surroundings and wider area. We already have many flights that create both noise and... Read more

  • Bruce M Neilson

    I object to the increase in runways or capacity at Gatwick. To proceed with this is to go against climate change and carbon reduction. The result will be increased noise and disturbance to an... Read more

  • Bryony Speck

    I have lives in Charlwood community all my life ,[redacted] years and I don’t consider that a second runway would be beneficial for many reasons . Mainly environmental impact , noise pollution ,... Read more

  • BSmith

    An expansion of the third runway at Gatwick airport will cause more noise. There are planes crossing over our house every 5 to 10 minutes. Even more noise will be detrimental to health. There will... Read more

  • Catherine Jane Wilde

    The plans would effectively give Gatwick a new second runway, but Government policy is that any new runway in the South East should be at Heathrow. (Though i think that there shouldn't be any new... Read more

  • Catherine Ward

    The aircraft noise is bad enough now with planes going all day and late into the night

  • Celia Emmott

    There is no need for an additional runway or extra flying, we are all meant to be conserving our energy for the world survival.

  • Ceri Margaret Blower

    This application is incompatible with the government's emissions targets - net zero by 2050. Aviation is a significant contributor to CO2 emissions, not to mention the increased road traffic that... Read more

  • Chris Philp MP

    As the Member of Parliament for Croydon South, a constituency within 20 minutes of Gatwick Airport, I am writing to set out my support for this project for the clear economic benefits and employment... Read more

  • Christine Baty

    Concerned about pollution and noise issues

  • Churt Parish Council (Churt Parish Council)

    Churt lies under some of the Gatwick flight paths. In 2020 Churt Parish Council set out its aspirations for achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in the Churt Environmental Charter: Net Zero by... Read more

  • Claire Roberts

    We are already disturbed by the flights overhead. We are woken at night and in the summer it is continuous, flights every few minutes in the day.

  • Colin Troughton

    I am somewhat dismayed by the tone of the "Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project" as its views/comments are all centered on the immediate Gatwick and not the villages or communities that surround... Read more

  • Cornelie Usborne

    Any expansion would seriously scupper the UK’s chances to reach net zero targets by the binding date of 2050. The accompanying planned new buildings and services will increase local road traffic to an... Read more

  • Dane Hammond

    The impact on local communities is detrimental and all for what? The gain is clearly financially motivated and that has to be a major concern because quality of life in this area continues to be... Read more

  • Daniel Britton

    The main concern is will the current local infrastructure cope with the increased demand. Will Gatwick be funding improvements to the current road network

  • Daren Callow

    I am opposed to the addition of a runway at Gatwick or any other airport in the UK. The additional noise, traffic, pollution and increase in carbon emissions cannot be tolerated knowing what we do... Read more

  • David Hall

    The huge expansion proposed by Gatwick will result in a massive increase in noise, carbon emissions and air pollution. In addition none of the infrastructure can cope and will lead to considerably... Read more

  • David John O'Driscoll

    I live1km from the runway, so am personally affected by Gatwick's proposals. In general terms I support Gatwick, which seems to be a well-run enterprise serving a genuine transport need. However, I am... Read more

  • David Murphy

    Main issues: 1. Noise from aircraft. Flight paths go directly over urban centres (eg Billingshurst and Southwater) rather than flying above rural areas. Need to vary the flight paths more to avoid one... Read more

  • David Pierson

    my main concern climate change, noise, massive increase traffic in Sussex. If the runway is needed because of increased demand then a more rational way would be to manage it by taxing excessive... Read more

  • David Ward Steel

    Capel already suffers from low flying aircraft just after take off resulting in high noise levels - so loud that conversations need to suspended. A second runway would result in significantly higher... Read more

  • Derek Ian Reeves

    I feel that Gatwick should be allowed to use the northern runway as they please. We should not be trying to block the airport from expanding. The airport is the biggest employer in the area and our... Read more

  • Diana Bach

    The plans would effectively give Gatwick a new second runway, but Government policy is that any new runway in the South East should be at Heathrow. The resulting expansion of flights would be a... Read more

  • Diana Cunliffe

    These proposals will result in increased noise and pollution from air traffic and increased noise and pollution from road traffic in an already congested area. Both these factors will increase CO2... Read more

  • Diana Rimmer

    I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to plans for Gatwick’s northern runway. In Fordcombe we already suffer repeated disruption to the quiet enjoyment of our house and garden, and any... Read more

  • Donald William McBeth

    The amount of noise and air pollution, not to mention road congestion this project will generate over the whole of Sussex and surrounding counties, is completely unacceptable in the current climate of... Read more

  • Doris Edwards

    Noise and pollution Sightings of flights reduce peaceful viewing benefits when out in nature for positive mental health

  • Edward Warans

    I am very aware of the current effect on the nearby villages and Crawley and concerned that health and mental wellbeing will be worsened by the increase in aircraft noise, fuel waste and passenger... Read more

  • Eric Rirsch

    I object on two counts; a) a Gatwick expansion would be dreadful for climate change. Aircraft are a major carbon source. b) the tranquil peaceful natural woods of the area will be spoiled by aircraft... Read more

  • Felicity Mary Lough

    I wish to register my objection to Gatwick’s application to expand capacity. No government should endorse airport expansion anywhere given the impact this would have on the planet - we should be... Read more

  • Furpine Residents Association (Furpine Residents Association)

    Furpine Residents Association oppose the application by Gatwick Airport for a northern runway because: 1) it is a new runway and we believe that the applicant has misinterpreted the Government's... Read more

  • GATW-015

    The expansion of Gatwick would be catastrophic for the environment. Carbon emissions, noise pollution, local road congestion and affordable housing would all be impacted.

  • Gavin Johnston

    I am overall in favour of the runway and welcome the investment in local infrastructure and jobs, such investment is long overdue. Those to try and block the project are a very loud minority and don’t... Read more

  • Geoffrey Ballard

    Increased Noise. Increase Pollution. Increased Carbon Emissions. Gatwick sent out a carefully worded flyer to our neighborhood, that could lead many to believe that expanded airport and all the... Read more

  • Sarah Gleave (Sarah Gleave) on behalf of Gleave Family (Gleave Family)

    This year we have noticed a vast increase in the amount of planes flying over our home. There has also been a concerning and disrupting increase in the extended time window this is happening which has... Read more

  • Herbert John Doree

    I wish to object strongly to the Gatwick expansion plans for the following reasons: - 1 No evidence that customer demand will justify the proposed expansion Despite a sharp rebound from pandemic lows,... Read more

  • Hilary Kay Saunders

    I oppose the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick for the following reasons: It will significantly increase air pollution, which is already a major health problem, particularly for young children;... Read more

  • J.M.

    We need to reduce aircraft traffic to help save the environment

  • Jackie Head

    Whilst I support those arguing on the grounds of increased noise and air pollution in the immediate area, by key concern is the climate impact of increasing aviation capacity at this time. In my view... Read more

  • James Collett

    The government appointed Climate Change Committee has made it very clear that there should be no more airport expansion or increased aviation emissions. The UK is already on track to miss its next... Read more

  • Jamie Dixon

    Several factors Firstly, the area is already heavily disturbed by noise pollution due to the sigiiifcant air traffic that’s built up year on year however, this is the minor point as aviation is one of... Read more

  • Jane Beeson

    This is an environmentally destructive project. It will contribute to climate breakdown and is a threat to net zero targets.

  • Janice Merrion Fraser

    As I write these comments at 06.32, there are planes passing over my property approximately every two minutes. They are not the first of the day. They will continue until after midnight. I am... Read more

  • Janine Creaye

    I object to Gatwick Airport’s application to use the emergency runway as a second runway, expanding the airport infrastructure and massively increasing air traffic in this over-busy airspace. My... Read more

  • Jean Lydia Samson

    The proposed expansion of Gatwick would be an environmental disaster for the surrounding area. Over the years, numerous public consultations have taken place and have clearly shown that the airport... Read more

  • JM & D Quirk t/a Chiddingstone Farm (JM & D Quirk t/a Chiddingstone Farm)

    1. The submission by M Quirk, my business partner, – reference ID: 20043918 – hugely understates the road traffic impact of Gatwick’s Expansion. 2. Mr Quirk assessed this impact as arising from an... Read more

  • John Barker

    The proposed expansion will have a detrimental impact on the environment. Increase in air traffic will cause increase noise and air pollution, increased road traffic in the region, great nuisance from... Read more