
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 751 to 798 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Matty Easton

    Please reconsider developing this site, please. You can never, ever get back what you are destroying. My family and friends have enjoyed this place for generations, my uncle taught me about insects,... Read more

  • Merlin Entertainments Group (Merlin Entertainments Group)

    1. OVERVIEW We – Merlin Entertainments Group (MEG) – are submitting this Relevant Representation (in accordance with Advice Note 8.2) in order to become an Interested Party (IP) in relation to the... Read more

  • Muranda Electrical Solutions (Muranda Electrical Solutions) on behalf of MES Contractors Ltd, Muranda Management Servs Ltd, JDP Property (MES Contractors Ltd, Muranda Management Servs Ltd, JDP Property)

    My company is based on the Northfleet Estates and threatened by the proposals. We have been on these estates for 30 years. It would be extremely difficult to find alternative premises to suit our... Read more

  • Michael Hannam

    This area of regenerated habitat has been designated an SSI. It should be given the highest level of protection in order that the wildlife which has recolonised the site can continue to thrive. The... Read more

  • Michelle Davey

    I'll keep it brief; I heard my first cuckoo in this SSSI area in 2020. I'm 38 and I heard my FIRST cuckoo. That says something! This place is special, it is home to an abundance of wildlife, which... Read more

  • Michelle mitchell

    I would like to keep informed because it will help me understand the resorts planning with regard to environmental impact and on the local community

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Mihai Sorin Banica of MEHI Ltd (Mihai Sorin Banica of MEHI Ltd)

    Outline Objections Of Mihai Sorin Banica of MEHI Ltd Introduction I am the Director of MEHI Ltd of C0 Manor Way Business Park, Manor Way, Swanscombe, Kent DA10 0PP. Nature of MEHI Ltd 1. MEHI Ltd Ltd... Read more

  • Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP (Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP) on behalf of Mobius Recycling Group Limited (Mobius Recycling Group Limited)

    We act on behalf of Mobius Recycling Group Limited (“Mobius”) in relation to The London Resort Development Consent Order (“the DCO”) which is being promoted by London Resort Company Holdings Limited... Read more

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Mr Robert Samuel, Sheerness Recycling Ltd (Mr Robert Samuel, Sheerness Recycling Ltd)

    BC080001 Outline Objections of Robert Samuel on behalf of Sheerness Recycling Ltd. Introduction 1. I am the Company Secretary of Sheerness Recycling Ltd. of Borough Green Sandpits, Platt Industrial... Read more

  • Muriel Dorothy Blake

    People in Thurrock were not given adequate notice to take part in the consultation as the whole borough will be negatively affected, but only a very small number of households actually received... Read more

  • Natl Amusements (UK) Limited (Natl Amusements (UK) Limited)

    We are generally supportive of the proposals, but have some concerns with the impact traffic congestion will have on the surrounding catchment and in particular around Bluewater Shopping Centre, where... Read more

  • Natural Stone Installers Ltd (Natural Stone Installers Ltd) on behalf of Natural Stone Installers Ltd (Natural Stone Installers Ltd)

    My company is based on the Northfleet Estates and threatened by the proposals. We have been on these estates for 15 years If we were forced out due to these proposals: • We could move but it would be... Read more

  • Dentons UK and Middle East LLP (Dentons UK and Middle East LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

    This is a summary of the response of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) to the section 56 notification. Network Rail's full response is provided in a separate document. We ask that... Read more

  • New Policy Institute (New Policy Institute)

    OVERVIEW The New Policy Institute ( is an independent think tank with a 25-year research record in matters to do with economic and social justice and, more recently, climate change.... Read more

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Patricia Dole & Directors (Patricia Dole & Directors)

    Outline Objections of Patricia Dole Introduction 1. I am the Company Secretary of the MJD Group and its subsidiaries (“MJD”), White Cliff, Manor Way, Swanscombe, Kent, DA10 OAL. We have been a... Read more

  • Paul Deeley

    Building the theme park would destroy a significant part of the site which has now been declared an SSSI. If SSSI status is to mean anything, the site must be protected; an application to turn Coul... Read more

  • Paul Shipley

    the clear benefits. of this venture to the County and Country, far outweigh the supposed drawbacks. both through. tourism and employment.

  • Pennie Hedge

    Swanscombe Marsh is not an empty space waiting to be filled by a developer. It is many rich and diverse habitats for insects, birds, plants and reptiles: coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and... Read more

  • Peter Hallen

    I wish to express my support for this project on the basis of 2 main points: 1) The UK theme park sector has struggled badly over the last 2 decades with many parks having closed and most others... Read more

  • Philippa Cottrell

    I attended university at Canterbury, have spent some years living on the Kent coast, as well as visiting frequently since, and plan to return to the county in the next few years. I am appalled that... Read more

  • Winckworth Sherwood LLP (Winckworth Sherwood LLP) on behalf of Port of London Authority (Port of London Authority)

    1. The Port of London Authority (“PLA”) is the statutory harbour authority for the tidal Thames (the “river”). Its statutory functions include responsibility for conservancy, dredging, managing the... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Port of Tilbury London Limited (Port of Tilbury London Limited)

    Please see attached

  • Railfuture Ltd (Railfuture Ltd)

    The applicant’s approach to sustainable transport and minimising impacts on the road network, as set out in their ‘refined transport strategy’, is not one which Railfuture can yet support. “Network... Read more

  • Rebecca Banham

    I want to register as an interested party due to the fact that I live in [] to the proximity of the proposed development. I am concerned what impact this will have on the area especially around... Read more

  • Richard Dawson

    In relation to the report I intend to submit the following points (in brief): The current plan for creation of a 'theme park' on a site of extraordinary environmental importance especially during the... Read more

  • Richard Hearn

    Nature is in serious decline in the UK, despite a multitude of policies and initiatives designed to stem the overall rate of loss. Species monitoring data collected by many thousands of volunteer... Read more

  • Richard Stone

    I personally oppose the Development by London Resort Company for the adverse effects that it will have on biodiversity, the local residential community and loss of business an jobs. The Peninsula is a... Read more

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich (Royal Borough of Greenwich)

    Officers are currently seeking the views of elected Members as to the nature of any representations which might be made in relation to the DCO application. Any representations that are made will focus... Read more


    Introduction The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (the RSPB) was set up in 1889. It is a registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter and is Europe's largest wildlife conservation... Read more

  • Samuel Yetman

    I am writing to respond to the planning application submitted by the London Resort Company. I believe that the proposal for a theme park on the site of Swanscombe Marshes is not appropriate for three... Read more

  • Sarah Champion

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • Sayeed Ahmed

    Travel infrastructure, access routes and increased road traffic. Disruption to local wildlife.

  • Shannon Knight

    I highly object to the destruction of the diverse wildlife habitat in the Swanscombe Marshes, in order to build a theme park which will create traffic, pollution, and only satisfy the greed of the... Read more

  • Shirley Wheeler

    This is a unique area, home to the rare jumping spider and is home to a huge variety of wildlife. It’s importance as a SSSI has been recognised. We cannot allow such a wide variety of animals and... Read more

  • Sinthujaah De Silva

    I would like to make it clear in this application I am not doing so in my professional capacity as Head of Planning for the South East of England for the NHS however I will be using my experience and... Read more

  • Snowgoose Wildlife Trust (Snowgoose Wildlife Trust) on behalf of Snowgoose Wildlife Trust (Snowgoose Wildlife Trust)

    The Snowgoose Wildlife Trust is a registered environmental charity with nature reserves in Kent, Wales and Lincolnshire. I am chairman and a trustee. My knowledge of the Swanscombe marshes extends... Read more

  • Sophie Stubbs

    I live in Greenhithe not far from the Swanscombe Peninsula and as a member of the local community I have big concerns about the theme park and the impact that it will have on us and the wildlife that... Read more

  • Stephen Perfect

    The compelling case for conservation of the Swanscombe Peninsula's varied habitats and huge number of rare species is borne out by the recent granting of SSSI status. The destruction of this very... Read more

  • Suzy Cain

    It is very important to me to keep this beautiful spot as I walk down here every day with my dog - where else is there that has such easy access to an open, green space, where you can see expanse of... Read more

  • Terence Hackman

    I believe that the project should go ahead. I live very close to the proposed development and am concerned that the project may falter and want to support its application.

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    The Woodland Trust welcomes the opportunity to register a representation to the following project. We hold concerns with regards to the potential impact of this scheme on ancient woodland within... Read more

  • Thurrock Council (Thurrock Council)

    Please see attached Relevant Representation

  • Transport for London (Transport for London)

    Introduction Transport for London (TfL) is the strategic transport authority for London. The site on the Swanscombe Peninsula is just four junctions from London on the A2, which is part of the... Read more

  • Uniserve (Uniserve)

    - Increase in traffic and subsequent congestion at the Asda Roundabout (Order Limit) traffic is HGV/LGV/courier/private/office staff/trailers etc from established business occupiers operating 24/7... Read more

  • Vincent Hancock

    The Work and Fun this will bring to a forgotton part of this country.

  • Vincent Robinson

    The proposed transport strategy requires construction over green spaces which are beneficial to wildlife and local residents and will attract traffic through a predominantly residential area that has... Read more

  • Wellers Law Group LLP (Wellers Law Group LLP) on behalf of Vytautas Mickevicius of B2 Car Sales Ltd (Vytautas Mickevicius of B2 Car Sales Ltd)

    BC080001 Outline Objections of Vytautas Mickevicius of B2 Car Sales Ltd Introduction 1. I am the Director of B2 Car Sales Ltd of Unit C0, Manor Way Business Park, Manor Way, Swanscombe, Kent DA10 0PP.... Read more

  • Wildlife and Countryside Link (Wildlife and Countryside Link) on behalf of Wildlife and Countryside Link (Wildlife and Countryside Link)

    London Resort Nationally Significant Infrastructure (NSIP) application - Wildlife and Countryside Link Relevant Representations Wildlife and Countryside Link (Link) welcomes the opportunity to make... Read more