
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 450 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Dr Ian Patterson

    I have a number of concerns about the projected Sizewell C: the main ones are as follows. 1. It is ecologically very damaging. The impact on Minsmere bird life (a habitat and reserve of international... Read more

  • Elizabeth Thomas

    When one considers the extent of the development planned for this area of Suffolk the construction of Sizewell C will impose unprecedented damage on an already fragile stretch of East Suffolk Coast.... Read more

  • Farnham with Stratford St Andrew Parish Council (Farnham with Stratford St Andrew Parish Council)

    The parish council is not contesting the case for a new nuclear facility in principle but we do contest EDF’s transport proposals and in particular the route alignment for a bypass of Farnham and... Read more

  • Finn Dowley

    The project at Sizewell threatens the continued viability of the farm in Theberton and therefore the employment of our 3 farm workers who have been there for many years. On top of their reliance on... Read more

  • Friston Parish Council (Friston Parish Council)

    Friston Parish is home to circa 450 people who live in a pretty, peaceful and tranquil environment surrounded by green pastures. Therefore, its residents enjoy a high-level sense of well-being, safety... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Gail Lee (Gail Lee)

    1. I, Gail Lee, [Redacted], which is one of the dwellings created out of the [Redacted]. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. 2. I understand the rear wing was added... Read more

  • Graham Tomalin

    I have carefully followed the pre planning consultations for the Sizewell C project over the last three years and attended local meetings held by EDF which explained the outline plans for the power... Read more

  • Hannah Wilder

    nuclear energy (& waste) detriment to surrounding nature - fish, birds, wildlife etc

  • Hubbard family (Hubbard family)

    I have the following concerns about Sizewell C: Transport • Road: a construction transport strategy which is largely based on road transport shows limited understanding of local conditions: o The A12... Read more

  • Ian Rowlands

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern: Environment & Landscape I believe there will be an irreparable impact on our landscape because of locality, design and scale; we are in AONB and this... Read more

  • James Rettie

    May I draw your attention to my concerns as follows about the proposed new Sizewell development: *Proposed Site: sea levels are rising, putting the site at risk from flooding and 'hundred year' tidal... Read more

  • Jeremy Bodkin

    I support the Sizewell C application as overall it is and will ultimately benefit the local area and UK plc as a whole. . With a reduction in carbon emmisions Security of electrical supply Be part of... Read more

  • John C Walton

    As a Fellow of UCL, I am aware of the research of its Energy Institute and specifically the work of Dr Paul Dorfman who is a member of several bodies concerned with nuclear power, including INRAG, NTW... Read more

  • Jon Iles

    1. The construction of Sizewell C will have an unacceptable impact on the nature conservation and landscape value of the immediate area. This impact cannot be adequately mitigated against elsewhere.... Read more

  • Joshua Eycott-Martin

    Sizewell C is a damaging project, destroying an area of protected nature reserve. It is also a waste of millions of pounds which could be invested in renewable technology that would allow a more... Read more

  • Kate Laydon

    I object to the proposals to uses the singlectrack railway, not 50yards from ny house in [Redacted] for the purposes of constructing sizewell C Noise at least 5 trains a night Risk of accidents with... Read more

  • Laura Dowley

    1. The site will have a serious negative impacts on the local environment, including causing flooding which has a knock-on impact on the local ecosystem and marine ecology. The site is right next to... Read more

  • Levington and Stratton Hall Parish Council (Levington and Stratton Hall Parish Council)

    The Parish Council has participated in all four stages of public consultation over eight years. This application concentrates on the site for the proposed Freight Management Facility [FMF] in the... Read more

  • Mark Woolnough

    Lack of meaningful engagements - understanding landowners concerns Alternative options - have these been adequately considered Concerns over environmental impact of the project

  • Michael Marion

    I live within the area & feel the project is far too big for our area causing much disruption & permanent damage to our area of 'Outstanding natural beauty (AONB). Tourism will be permanently damaged... Read more

  • Mr M G Burt

    Operating any nuclear powerstation and storing nuclear waste on a coastal site which is sinking into the sea is the height of folly risking harm to health of the population and ecology of the area... Read more

  • Ms J D Clark

    I have the following concerns about Sizewell C: Overall • The scale of the development is too large: o For this fragile and environmentally sensitive location o For a site where significant reliance... Read more

  • Newton J

    Climate change resulting in more stormsdamaging an already moving and rapidly diminishing and eroding coastline. Destruction of the natural and marine environment, and one the largest nature reserves... Read more

  • Nicholas Bell

    I am greatly concerned by the proposed Sizewell C development: 1. A massive detrimental impact on one of Europe's most precious bird sanctuaries, Minismere. 2. A broader negative impact on the local... Read more

  • Patricia Jill Sedge

    The proposed building of Sizewell C must NOT take place. 1)I am very concerned that Sizewell marshes SSSI will be damaged because of the change in water quality which WILL happen due to the draining... Read more

  • Paul Brant

    I own the property [Redacted]. My property boundary backs onto the railway and [Redacted] crossing. The proposed use of the railway for Sizewell C will have direct consequences for my property. These... Read more

  • Peter Robinson

    1 Environmental damage will be done to the area of the site, which will not be met by mitigations. Nature does not work like this. 2 Damage to the local area will equally not be mitigated by poorly... Read more

  • Peter Wyllie

    I think we should be concentrating on wind farms. We also need power more quickly than can be achieved by building another power station. People need to understand how to reduce their use of power and... Read more

  • Philip Gough

    I wish to raise the following concerns I have about the proposal to build two new reactors at Sizewell. This side (eastern) of England is tipping slowly into the sea. Sea levels are rising and the... Read more

  • Rosie Norton

    The Suffolk coast is drastically eroding. Sea levels rising and the site will be flooded by 2100. Extreme annual sea events will happen by 2050. Building on a flood risk site is utter madness. The... Read more

  • Roy Dowding

    It is my resolute belief that the SZC Project should not proceed. As time has progressed, not one of the shortcomings revealed during the four stages of public consultation has been satisfactorily... Read more

  • Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council (Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council)

    As the main development is well distant from our area of interest our concern is mainly of Freight Management. We note that a facility is proposed located to the South-East of the A12 and A14 junction... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Sally Evans (Sally Evans)

    1. I, Sally Evans, [Redacted] since 1981. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. 2. My property is one of the [Redacted]. It includes a pond and a grove of old oak... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Sheilagh Davies (Sheilagh Davies)

    1. I, Sheilagh Davies, am a barrister of 40 years standing and appear under that name. I was married to the late [Redacted]. Under that surname. I have had a home at [Redacted] for over 35 years.... Read more

  • Staffan Qvist

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, My representation regards the flawed way in which EDF Energy and the Sizewell C (SZC) project have assessed the climate and emissions impacts of SZC. This representation... Read more

  • Stephen Norton

    The Suffolk coast is drastically eroding. Sea levels rising and the site will be flooded by 2100. Extreme annual sea events will happen by 2050. Building on a flood risk site is utter madness. The... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal ) on behalf of The Brindley Representation (The Brindley Representation )

    1. I, Eric Brindley, live at [Redacted] and own the property along with my brother [Redacted]. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO on behalf of myself and my brother.... Read more

  • Vanda Rettie

    My concerns about this proposal are:- Unsuitable site as rising sea levels already threaten the land. Hazardous nuclear power station surrounded and pounded by rising sea levels is a threat to life of... Read more

  • Waldringfield Parish Council (Waldringfield Parish Council)

    Waldringfield Parish Council wishes to raise the following issues for the Sizewell C Examination: LOCATION • The project is far too big for the setting and land available. • It is unsuitable for the... Read more

  • Wendy Howard

    I reside at [Redacted], my private residence. The property directly abuts the Ipswich/Lowestoft Rail line where is lies is a shallow cutting. The line would be used to transport construction materials... Read more

  • Alison Cook

    I am totally against EDF plans in building another nuclear plant SIZEWELL C! This would cause tremendous devastation to the wildlife and countryside in the area and further surrounding areas. I am an... Read more

  • Atsuhide Ito

    I am concerned with the following points: 1) destruction of natural habitats for animals and birds, 2) drastic increase of noise pollution due to increasing traffic and construction, 3) a disturbance... Read more

  • Blackwater against New Nuclear Group (Blackwater against New Nuclear Group)

    The Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group (BANNG) wishes to be represented as an Interested Party at the Examination of the application for development consent of Sizewell C for the following reasons:... Read more

  • Brian Boden

    • Lack of meaningful engagements – difficulty of understanding landowners concerns • Concerns over environmental impact of the project • Justification of the need for the scheme – i.e the link road or... Read more

  • Cath Norton

    The Suffolk coast is drastically eroding. Sea levels rising and the site will be flooded by 2100. Extreme annual sea events will happen by 2050. Building on a flood risk site is utter madness. The... Read more

  • Charles Keyes

    Headings : Safety Environment and Business 1.) Safety. Evacuation of all workers, numbering thousands, local inhabitants, schoolchildren and visitors would be impossible in an emergency, the... Read more

  • Christine Laschet

    There are many reasons why the building of Sizewell C and D is totally unacceptable, in this area. * The adverse effect on local tourism, employment and local communities will be immense . * The... Read more

  • Christine Morris

    1. Long term impact on the environment. Storage of nuclear waste, destruction of natural habits and AONB. 2.Immediate impact on the environment. Increased traffic noise and pollution, upheaval during... Read more

  • Cipher Crystal (Cipher Crystal)

    This project has been labelled as the biggest building site in Europe yet Suffolk has no motorway and a road network struggling with current capacity without the additional 1000 daily lorries plus... Read more

  • David Boden

    • Lack of meaningful engagements – difficulty of understanding landowners concerns • Concerns over environmental impact of the project • Justification of the need for the scheme – i.e the link road or... Read more