
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 878 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Margaret Easton

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables application for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 projects occurring consecutively over 12-15 years. -... Read more

  • Maria Rosenthal

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too... Read more

  • Maria Toone

    I object to this Wind farm and request that this planning application is rejected. There should be a ring main around the UK for these wind farms. The proposed wind farm does not take into account the... Read more

  • Marian Peskett

    - Impact on local communities - use of unspoilt countryside at Friston - local road network not suitable for high traffic levels - light pollution - destruction of ancient woodlands - threat to... Read more

  • Marian Wood

    Please see the letter provided with my views.

  • Martyn Verity

    my concerns are Burrells will never be the same again if this goes ahead :(

  • Mary Elford

    Whilst I am supportive of offshore wind energy these ill conceived plans for the onshore infrastructure are brutal and will carve up the Heritage Coast along the cable route from Thorpeness to Friston... Read more

  • Mary Ogden

    I strongly object to the SPR renewables planning application for the following reasons: • The magnificent but fragile cliffs at Thorpeness are completely unsuitable as a site for burying cables. This... Read more

  • Mervyn Hall

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning applicationfor the following reasons: 1) There will be a cumulative negative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring... Read more

  • Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence)

    Please refer to correspondence submitted via e-mail.

  • Mr Alan Russell

    Dear Examining Authority, RE:EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to the ScottishPower Renewables Planning application for the following reasons: - The unsuitability and... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Mr J H Rogers (Mr J H Rogers)

    TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION WORK To date, SPR have been unable to advise in any detail on the likely timing for the construction of the Project, EA1 North, nor how its development will be tied into the... Read more

  • Mr M Pagram

    As you can see from my address I no longer live near to this area. It is an area that I know from visiting family and from holidaying there. It is an area of natural beauty. Not far from it... Read more

  • Mr Peter Curtin

    Cumulative impact on local communities of several energy projects. Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables. Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for huge substation complexes... Read more

  • Mr R A Bailey

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: * Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for... Read more

  • Mr Richard Miller-Smith

    - Ornithology: we believe there could easily be higher than 'minor impact' on local bird population. + We are aware of breeding tutle doves and nightingales on the south-western edge of Knodishall... Read more

  • Mr Robert Legge

    I strongly object to the SPR renewables planning application for the following reasons: • The cliffs at Thorpeness are completely unique and represent a special area of outstanding naturel beauty. It... Read more

  • Mr Roger Miller

    Our objections and concerns are: We support offshore wind energy but feel the proposed plans for the onshore transmission infrastructure will have too great an impact on this small area of Suffolk.... Read more

  • Mr S Ellis

    My mother lives on the boundary of the substation and is 80 years old. Our intent has always be to move her to some were more suitable in older age. She is in a 4 bed house with 0.25 of an acre... Read more

  • Mr. C D Thomas

    I object to the use of land on the Suffolk coast for sub-stations for the East Anglia One offshore power system. This will be a blot on the Suffolk coastal area for years to come. Another area should... Read more

  • Mrs A C Fullbrook

    I support the representation made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too big and... Read more

  • Mrs Cindy Shelley

    I would beg you to reconsider these horrible plans to destroy the Suffolk countryside. The plans are disastrous for wildlife and the coastline.

  • Mrs Jill Temperton

    I was born in Suffolk and live close to the eastern coast. I wish to strongly object to this SPR East Anglia North One planning application for the following reasons: Unsuitable Location: The proposed... Read more

  • Mrs Mary T Sidwell

    with so many invasive actions in this already fragile area of Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB, I can only assume that ancient woodlands, and valuable farmland, air,light and traffic and noise pollution,... Read more

  • Mrs Tania Russell

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - The undesirable,... Read more

  • National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations (National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations)

    We offer the following relevant representation prepared following examination of application documents. We previously responded to the pre-application consultation. While a number of issues raised... Read more

  • Peacock + Smith (Peacock + Smith) on behalf of National Grid Ventures (National Grid Ventures)

    This is a Relevant Representation submitted by National Grid Ventures (NGV) requesting that NGV are treated as an Interested Party throughout the Examination process of the Development Consent Order... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England will email the PINs case officer directly with our Relevant and Written reps as more than 500 words

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • Nicola Fincham

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Nicola Pilkington

    The principal submissions I want to make will enlarge on the following issues Damage and changes to the North Sea Ecosystem Impacts this and other planned Windfarms will have on Marine Mammals-... Read more

  • Oliver Carruthers

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Patrick Fincham

    Firstly, I would like to confirm that I fully support all of the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council in respect of this project. In addition, I object to the planned project... Read more

  • Paul Sturridge

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application because of the damage it will do to the Suffolk Heritage Coast area and its communities. There appears to be no nationwide plan... Read more

  • Penelope MacKay

    Whilst very much in favour of all renewables - solar and wind, I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons in particular. The use of unspoilt... Read more

  • Penny de Quincey

    I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: The cumulative effect on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12... Read more

  • Peter Baker

    >My principal concern is the wilful destruction of unspoiled coastal countryside from Thorpeness Cliffs through Aldringham and Knodishall finally devastating the small Suffolk village of Friston. >The... Read more

  • Piers Sturridge

    I wish to object to SPR's planning application for the following reasons. Cumulative impact on local communities, infrastructure and wildlife of the seven+ energy projects occurring in the Friston and... Read more

  • Richard Reeves

    ? The new proposed compulsory purchase of land belonging to (Redacted), identified only at this latest stage of planning by the previously absent dotted red lines of demarcation around the newly... Read more

  • Robert Brundle

    I fully support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. Cumulative Impact - The Suffolk Coast faces being blighted with not only the proposed construction of Sizewell C,... Read more

  • Rosemary Smith

    LIGHT POLLUTION High levels of light pollution during construction During operation, there will still be substantial light pollution from Security lighting and Car park lighting and during... Read more

  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)

    East Anglian One North Offshore Windfarm Development Consent Order Application Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010077 Relevant Representation from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds... Read more

  • Rt Hon Dr Therese Coffey MP

    The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Planning 27 January 2020 RE: DCO APPLICATION – EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH & EAST ANGLIA TWO (EA1N & EA2) I write in relation to the two Development Consent... Read more

  • Rupert Nicholson

    I am writing to you with regards Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) planning application EA2- PINS DCO application with regards the Friston Substation and register as an interested party. I wish to... Read more

  • Sabrina Nicholson

    I am writing to you with regards Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) planning application EA2- PINS DCO application with regards the Friston Substation and register as an interested party. I wish to... Read more

  • Sarah Brown

    I am concerned about this project for the following reasons: * The substation will be an eyesore on our unique East Suffolk landscape * It will involve carving up our fragile coastline * It will have... Read more

  • Save Our Sandlings (Save Our Sandlings)

    Save Our Sandlings is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty which is part of a thin strip of AONB along the Suffolk Coast. This area of AONB has special... Read more

  • Simon Roberts

    I think that the scale of the proposed solution is out of keeping with the location and not correctly co -ordinated with other on going Infrastructure projects . This will damage the environment in... Read more

  • Chair (Chair) on behalf of Sizewell A & B Sites Stakeholder Group (Sizewell A & B Sites Stakeholder Group)

    Sites Stakeholder Groups (SSGs) were formed with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) under the Energy Act 2004. The groups’ remit is as “a conduit for information between the industry and the... Read more

  • Jacqueline Smith on behalf of Smith Family (Smith Family)

    As a family who live on the East Coast and have relatives living within the development area we are concerned about the following points: • The visual effect on the landscape and lack of mitigation to... Read more

  • Snape Maltings (Snape Maltings)

    Relevant Representations of Snape Maltings 1. Snape Maltings (registered charity 261383) is an internationally renowned concert venue and performance and training centre, attracting leading performers... Read more

  • Marianne Fellowes on behalf of Southwold and Aldeburgh Theatre Ltd (Southwold and Aldeburgh Theatre Ltd)

    It is impossible to quantify what the negative impact will be of this project. However, I do have personal experience of living through major development and the harm this caused to community... Read more

  • Stefania Boughey

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Stephen Drew

    Dear Planning Inspectorate East Anglia One North. I am writing to object to the Scottish Renewables application for several reasons:- Insufficient thought has been given to the cumulative effect of... Read more

  • Steve Verity

    I support the representation made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too big and... Read more

  • Sue Skeen

    I am a Suffolk resident, and live and work in Sudbourne, near the coast of East Suffolk. I strongly support the representations on this specific matter (East Anglia One North) made by SASES and... Read more

  • Trowers & Hamlins LLP (Trowers & Hamlins LLP) on behalf of Suffolk Energy Action Coalition (Suffolk Energy Action Coalition)

    East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010077 Relevant Representations of Suffolk Energy Action Coalition Submitted on 27th January 2020 Defined terms: Application... Read more

  • Suffolk Wildlife Trust (Suffolk Wildlife Trust)

    East Anglia One North Offshore Windfarm DCO Application: Suffolk Wildlife Trust wishes to confine our representation to Onshore Ecology, with comments relating to offshore Marine Mammals being... Read more

  • Susannah Preston

    I am most concerned about the plans for East Anglia One North Side and East Anglia Two and the devastating consequences they will have on: - Our precious Suffolk wildlife - a terrifying 30 acres will... Read more

  • Tessa Solomon

    We object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too big and too close to a small rural village, the development will swamp and... Read more

  • The Hoffman Family

    Dear Examining Authority Re: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE We wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: The proposed sub-station is very big and uses... Read more

  • The Ogilvie Family Trust (The Ogilvie Family Trust)

    ALTERNATIVE LANDFALL OPTIONS We are aware that the Government are considering an alternative strategy proposed for delivery of the energy produced by offshore windfarms to the National Grid, with an... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of The Sizewell Estate Partnership (The Sizewell Estate Partnership)

    ALTERNATIVE LANDFALL OPTIONS We are aware that the Government are considering an alternative strategy proposed for delivery of the energy produced by offshore windfarms to the National Grid, with an... Read more

  • The Suffolk Coast DMO (The Suffolk Coast DMO)

    Relevant Representations of The Suffolk Coast Destination Management Organisation (TSC). 1. TSC was formed in 2012, with the purpose of promoting the Suffolk coast (hereafter East Suffolk) as a... Read more

  • The Wildlife Trusts (The Wildlife Trusts)

    Introduction: The Wildlife Trusts (TWT), with more than 800,000 members, is the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species. TWT has... Read more

  • Thomas Hunnisett

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to... Read more

  • Thompson-Harris Family (Thompson-Harris Family)

    I am concerned about the plans to place a wind farm in this area for the following reasons: I think the substation may ruin an area of natural beauty impacting on local residents and the tourist... Read more

  • Tim Kent

    The Suffolk Coast is AONB and the selected sites will cause irreparable damage to the landscape. There is no reason why the entire project could not be offshore or indeed much closer to the shoreline.... Read more

  • TJ Haworth-Culf

    To represent the views of the ward that I represent. Irreplaceable and irreparable impacts on people’s mental health, their homes and family life. Irreplaceable and irreparable impacts on the... Read more

  • Tracy Kitchen

    I object on the grounds of it ruining the lovely open countryside, inappropriate amount of trenching for 9km and properly protecting AONB land

  • Valerie Irving

    i wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: Unuitablility and fragility of Thorpenesss Cliffs as site for landing cables. Use of unspoilt... Read more

  • Vanessa Jones

    Dear Sirs, I urge you to refuse this application which will have a significant negative and long term impact on this area of outstanding natural beauty and therefore fails to comply with the NPPF. In... Read more

  • Venetia Seale

    I would like to object to the Planning application for the above project on the following grounds. There are multiple objections in terms of dislocation within our parish the cable routes and the... Read more

  • Verity Waple

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on... Read more

  • Victoria Hambley

    Snape is my home and where I work. Like so many people I chose to live here for its natural beauty, peace and tranquillity, its big dark night skies, all of which would be blighted by this DCO. I... Read more

  • Virginia Sones

    I fully support the points made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. I am in favour of renewable energy and offshore wind farms but not the destruction of the countryside resulting from a lack of... Read more

  • Will Olenski

    The suggest plans will wreak havoc to the local countryside - destroying wildlife habitats, migration corridors for mammals & birds will be disrupted. Noise and light pollution are both anti-social... Read more

  • Zeben Jameson

    Dear Examining Authority I am appalled at the proposals for both East Anglia North One (10077) and EA North Two (10078) for the following reasons: - The Thorpeness cliffs are incredibly fragile, soft... Read more