Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Jonathan Clifford

    I am very angry that the planning process has got this far. There was no consultation and I actually heard about the project from my daughter who lives about 5 miles from here. Apart from the... Read more

  • Morrison Family (Morrison Family) on behalf of Morrison (Morrison)

    I am writing to object to the proposal to site the proposed sub station at Oakendene A272/Kent Street and the proposed link to Bolney Sub station on Wineham Lane I think the scheme is poorly planned... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard (Addleshaw Goddard) on behalf of Southern Gas Networks plc (Southern Gas Networks plc)

    Dear Sirs Rampion Extension Development Limited (Promoter) Application for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Project at a location adjacent to the existing... Read more

  • Anna Alexandra Hawkins

    Rampion haven’t thought through and are not making public, the whole process. They state they are using Dragons Lane as an entrance for lorries. As I see it, if this is the case, a dwelling will have... Read more

  • Barbara Hughes

    I am against this wind farm as I feel the detrimental aspects of this proposal. ie energy used in building and positioning the turbines, the damage to the sea bed, interference to migrating birds,... Read more

  • Colin Rayner

    I have travelled along the A272 for work for nearly 18 years, over this time there has been a noticeable increase in traffic on the road with delays caused by traffic incidents, roadworks and... Read more

  • Jane Bannister

    A major concern is the impact on nature, in and above the sea and on land. Also the inconvenience/noise/disruption over a 4 year construction period can't begin to be appreciated

  • Langstone Harbour (Langstone Harbour)

    Langstone Harbour would like to understand more about the requirement for windfarm support vessels both during construction, commissioning and maintenance phases of the project.

  • Michael Stephens

    Traffic on A 272 and other roads, destruction of wildlife habitat,

  • Roger John Starbuck

    See the latest information regarding the actual agreed site plus where the cabling will be sighted One of 3/4 proposed Battery Farms all within a mile or so of each other Noise Traffic congestion... Read more

  • Valerie Swaffer

    I am totally against the proposal of the windfarm with power coming ashore and destroying large areas of habitat on the downs and along the route to Rampions proposed substation at Cowfold. We had no... Read more

  • Angela Broughton

    I am very concerned that the turbines will not only affect the marine and bird life, but also I feel that the turbines do not produce enough power to warrant the expense and visual impact on the... Read more

  • Twineham Parish Council (Twineham Parish Council)

    The Bolney National Grid sub station, to which the cable for Rampion 2 will be connected, lies in the Parish of Twineham. Residents of Twineham Parish have already endured the very badly run contract... Read more

  • Maureen Booth

    • I am opposed to this project for several reasons. • It will be very visible from almost the entire Sussex coast (possibly even Kent coast) which with the height and spread will ruin a view and it... Read more

  • Gateley Hamer Limited (Gateley Hamer Limited) on behalf of Stonegate Group / Unique Pub Properties Ltd (Stonegate Group / Unique Pub Properties Ltd)

    I am unable to advise at this stage as the Applicant's representative has not yet responded to my suggestion of a meeting to discuss exactly why the Applicant needs CA/TP powers over plots 27/13 and... Read more

  • Faye Christensen

    Concerns about this Application are numerous. I ask the Examination Authority to suspend now, or call for the immediate suspension of the Rampion 2 Examination by the Secretary of State while the... Read more

  • Storrington & Sullington Parish Council (Storrington & Sullington Parish Council)

    Members fully support the Government's target to reduce CO2 emissions to zero and believe this should be undertaken as soon as possible. To that end, Members are also fully supportive of the... Read more

  • John Goring on behalf of Wiston Parish Council (Wiston Parish Council)

    Lack of consultation. Not listening to local parish councils and communities. Not trying to minimise disruption to farmers and rural households. Not properly scoping alternative routes. Very poor... Read more

  • Bognor Regis Town Council (Bognor Regis Town Council)

    The application is for an offshore wind farm with an area up to approximately 196km2 comprising up to 90 wind turbines off the coast of Bognor Regis. With the proposed development in such close... Read more

  • Roger James Hills

    Although I support wind farms, I object to Rampion 2. It is an excessive extension, in the wrong location, too close to shore, with turbines that are too large. They will compromise the seascape,... Read more

  • Connie Davies

    I object to the proposals. Economic impact of the Substation at Oakendene I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide in... Read more

  • Matthew Davies

    I object to the proposals. Impacts on Human Health from the construction of the Oakendene substation: I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group. The impacts on... Read more

  • Nigel Peter Ready

    Our house has a beach frontage. I am concerned at possible visual intrusion of the turbines.

  • Geoffrey Hunt

    I am particularly concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed cable route that runs past Cratemans farm, through lowland water meadows and blackthorn scrub, which is rich in biodiversity.... Read more

  • Heather Burles

    We cant use wind power for everything due to geographic limitations: Wind energy can only be harnessed in areas that get a lot of wind. Wind farms are most often seen on the tops of hills or offshore,... Read more

  • John Lucas

    I wish to support the expansion of clean green economically sound energy

  • Norman Swaffer

    The Main issues that I wish to raise. The Phase 2 Turbines planned are very large, and will have a huge visual impact, thus likely to affect important "visitor" income , surely they should be located... Read more

  • Penelope Hopkins

    I object to the proposals. Impact on Kent Street Cowfold: I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group. During the informal consultation and the first round... Read more

  • Robert Wanders

    I believe that the main concern is as to how much the wind farm will impact on our views, and whether this will be detrimental to the tourism of the area, particularly between Littlehampton & Bognor... Read more

  • Tim Facer

    I am opposed to the project. The cable route will go through most of the fields on my farm. I have asked RWE on numerous occasions for copies of the surveys undertaken on my farm but have never... Read more

  • David Harvey Turner

    The huge size of the generators The proximity of the wind farm to the shoreline - why not site it further off shore? The works- we could hear the windfarm off Worthing (Rampion 1?) being built; we are... Read more

  • Bolney Parish Council (Bolney Parish Council)

    · For the amenity of neighbouring residential properties, the construction hours permitted for both the works on the underground cable route through the Parish from the Oakendene substation to the... Read more

  • Graham Richard Diggens

    installing wind turbines only around 8km from the coast is not within Government Guide lines , being on the edge of the South Downs National Park they should be sited at a much greater distance from... Read more

  • Natalie Dittmer

    Opposition to proposed project: Failure to consult adequately with those who will be impacted by substation construction in Cowfold - no public meetings held in Cowfold during consultation. Inadequate... Read more

  • David Martin Coulton

    The wind farm is too close to the shore and should be moved further out to sea or to another location. This will therefore be in an area of greater wind speed.

  • Jonathan Bell

    I do not believe this wind farm will be located in the best position as there is not enough wind power to support it. It will have a detrimental effect on the wild life in the area and the turbines... Read more

  • Kristiane Kronsbein

    Importance of supporting renewable energies in the region to limit climate change

  • Simon Dudley-Warde

    The proposals for this wind farm are unacceptable and have not been consulted on fully or correctly by the applicant. The benefit of energy production in this form is still unproven without the... Read more

  • Victoria Mary Harris

    The proposed turbines are too large and too close to shore. The seascape will be destroyed the damage to the sea bed unnecessary for the kelp farm which is repairing itself. The amount of energy that... Read more

  • Wendy Robinson

    The near shore trawler ban has allowed the Sussex Kelp Forest Project to start to regenerate. Climping Beach residents are talking to research organisations to see if Climping Beach would be a good... Read more

  • Alan John Lovell

    1. The cost of offshore wind generated electricity is excessive compared with other energy sources and we, the end users, will have to pay for it over many years to come. 2. This has all occured... Read more

  • Ancleggan Limited (Ancleggan Limited)

    Representation from Ancleggan Limited in response to a notice served on it pursuant to Section 56 of the Planning Act 2009 on behalf of Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm (the “Rampion Development”). 1.... Read more

  • Robert MILLER

    I am concerned about the size and location of the turbines. Further out to sea would appear to yield a better efficiency compared to the current proposal.

  • Southern Water Services Limited (Southern Water Services Limited)

    Relevant Representation – Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm Project This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of Southern Water Services Limited (“SWS”). SWS is the appointed water and sewerage... Read more

  • Kelly Johnson

    - The proposed site is not a suitable location - Disruption to the local area, mainly traffic lights for potentially six years on the A272 will make local day to day life very difficult indeed, for... Read more

  • Maria Tomalova

    The wind farm as a whole, will be up to 196km2,it will affect not only marine life, the views on the sea disturbed by a bright reflective fence 325m tall across the Sussex Bay. It will affect the... Read more

  • Paul Isaacs on behalf of Eileen Isaacs (Eileen Isaacs)

    We are concerned about the adverse effects the proposed plans will have on the environment and the detrimental impact on the coastline & the AONB viewed from the South Downs National Park

  • Captain Roger Robinson-Brown

    The impact of these 325 m high structures will be detrimental to the Seaside Tourist Industry of West Sussex. The only way they can be justified is to comply with Government Guidelines and comply with... Read more

  • Dennis Buckingham

    • At a distance of only 8 miles from shore, the Rampion 2 site contravenes the OESEA guidelines that offshore windturbines should be at least 25 miles from a National Park ( in this instance the South... Read more

  • Ian Howard

    I am disappointed to read that rampion2 is moving forwards as it goes directly agsinst OLSEA2 government guidelines ie it is not offshore. This, coupled, with the Rampion 1 capacity of 2.25% leads me... Read more