
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 850 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Jaquelin de Trafford

    Issues in respect of the rationale of the project: The proposal in effect takes over 2000 acres of agricultural land out of production. Given recent events across the world both geopolitically and... Read more

  • Jason Fenn

    I feel it is an unacceptable loss of agricultural land and worried about the impact on the biodiversity within. Additionally the visual impact will destroy the beautiful countryside.

  • Jennifer Brattan Gralka

    The main issues I have with the project is the destruction of arable land, the impact on wildlife habitats and traffic issues that will arise during and after construction.

  • Jennifer Margaret Issitt

    1. Size of Development: If constructed, Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. As such, full and proper consideration is required to assess the greater impact this... Read more

  • Joanne Coulter

    In my opinion, the proposal should not go ahead, for the following reasons: The site is using valuable, productive agricultural land. Government policy is clear that ground mounted solar should use... Read more

  • John Crampin

    The matter of visual impact and the health of our local countryside with its links to personal mental health and well-being are at the centre of my response to the Mallard Pass Proposal. I am... Read more


    The scale and complexity of this project is much too large for a rural community with limited infrastructure and roadways to support either the build or the maintenance of such a project. The impact... Read more

  • John Hughes

    The proposal to build Mallard Pass Solar Farm is not being done in the long term interests and benefits of the residents of Essendine and surrounding Villages, the Rural economy or the environment.... Read more

  • Julia Lister

    I disagree with the proposed project because of the inappropriate scale of this development and the impact and irreversible damage that developing a site of 2,105 acres will have on the local... Read more

  • Julia Wight

    Huge scale of area affected is totally inappropriate, not sympathetic to surroundings, with 3.3 high solar panels, 2m high security fencing, CCTV and security lighting, machinery in storage... Read more

  • Justin Paul osborne

    Good evening, We moved to Essendine in 2006, we have raised a family, a dog and are quite settled in the village. The news that one of the largest solar farms in Europe will now surround our village... Read more

  • Karen Brown

    I object to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Plant development. The scale of this project is unprecedented in the UK, and therefore the impact on the local area, the environment and the quality of life... Read more

  • Kathleen Alexandra Knipe

    I feel that this Solar Project is too large for the Community in which it is to be sited. The farm land would be better used for agriculture. The Solar Panels themselves are very large being 9metres... Read more

  • Kathleen Ann Parkes

    I am amazed that this project is being considered in England's smallest county taking up so much farming land when food production is so necessary these days. It will be a huge blot on the landscape... Read more

  • Kevin de Trafford

    Issues in respect of the rationale of the project: The proposal in effect takes over 2000 acres of agricultural land out of production. Given recent events across the world both geopolitically and... Read more

  • Linda Thompson

    I am not against solar panels but totally against the use of perfect agricultural land for this purpose, we can not feed ourselves currently let alone giving up this valuable agricultural land for... Read more

  • Louise Caroline Blaes

    I believe that food security is more important than energy security. Life will go on without the television, it won't without food.

  • Lucy Pengilley Gibb

    The loss of productive agricultural land with such impact to a rural setting is not reasonable and sets a worrying precedent to the future of our landscapes if approved.

  • Luke Mazzocchi

    I am against the proposed solar farm as I believe it will be a travesty to ruin the beautiful landscape locally for many many residents who will have to look at this for many many years to come if not... Read more

  • Lynne Ohara

    I wish to object to this proposals due to the adverse environmental affects it will have on the area and it is far too near human settlements. I believe there will be problems also with chemicals from... Read more

  • Margaret Jennifer Bentley

    Although I support solar I am not sure about this project. I would like the government to have control of large solar farms without any Chinese connections.

  • Mark Hodgkiss

    I object to this project on the following grounds; 1. Size - despite Rutland being the smallest county in the country, this project, if constructed would be the largest solar plant in the UK to date.... Read more

  • Mark Younger

    The size of the development is too big for the site proposed and the surrounding area. Whilst I agree with renewable energy, this will be the largest solar plant in the UK (over 8 times larger than... Read more

  • Matthew Bremner

    Loss of productive farmland. Adverse effect on local villages. Considerable adverse visual impact on local area.

  • Michael Patrick Sharpe

    The Mallard Pass solar farm should not be allowed to proceed for 2 fundamental reasons :- Firstly, if all large buildings ( supermarkets, sports halls, factories etc) had solar panels on their roofs,... Read more

  • Michael Timmis

    Loss of productive agricultural land to produce food.

  • Rita Grundy on behalf of Mr and Mrs Halford

    We object to the use of good land when there are plenty of brown sites available. There should be legislation that all new buildings of warehouses etc should have panels on the roof.

  • Mr Richard John Taylor

    The project is too big and will harm the natural environment and cause a bigger risk of flooding.

  • Mrs Helene Belinda lumbard

    Project is far too big for the area, will destroy valuable agricultural land

  • Mrs Jennifer Trawford

    I am writing to reiterate my objections to the proposed Mallard park solar development on land near Essendine and surrounding villages .I have attended all the meetings in respect of this next stage... Read more

  • Nicola Catherine Younger

    The size of the development is too big for the site proposed and the surrounding area. Whilst I agree with renewable energy, this will be the largest solar plant in the UK (over 8 times larger than... Read more

  • Nicola Richardson

    The local residents when buying their lovely homes in this area surely have some say where they live.. It is totally unfair that this beautiful rural area with its pretty villages should be... Read more

  • Nigel Gareth Eveleigh

    Mallard Pass represents the industrialisation of the countryside. It represents the lamentable absence of joined up thinking in so many areas of government thinking. The use of solar panels has to be... Read more

  • Pamela Adams

    My family and I have lived in Toft for some 23 years, not three miles from where the proposed site MP will be located just off the increasingly busy B6121. Currently we are fortunate enough to still... Read more

  • N/A (N/A) on behalf of Paton (Paton)

    This development and the scale are inappropriate in what is attractive and undulating countryside. Essentially a significant area of productive farmland will be lost at a time where it is becoming... Read more

  • Patricia Rentowl

    I am strongly opposed to the increased traffic on rural roads and the associated pollution, congestion, pot holes, disruption and danger to school children, pedestrians, cyclists and other road users... Read more

  • Paul Biggs

    Concerned about the impact of solar farms on prime agriculture land.

  • Paul Morriss

    I can not see the logic of constructing this inefficient monstrosity on good quality agricultual land which is located in beautiful ungelating countryside that will have such an impact on the wider... Read more

  • Peter Beever

    Damaging to the landscape, countryside and the environment. Unnecessary development to meet government's flawed "net zero" policies.

  • Rachel Herron

    In response to the statutory consultation, I wish to express my objections to the scheme for the following reasons. 1. The proposed site is largely high grade agricultural land which is needed for... Read more

  • Richard Green (Richard Green)

    I fully support this proposal. The project delivers:- Environmental gain to wild life and the local community. Visual impact is minimal The large majority of the land chosen is only used for... Read more

  • Rita Grundy

    We need all the agricultural land we have to grow food for this country. We rely too much on imports. There are many more sites suitable for these projects without taking arable land

  • Roger Burton

    1. Solar power is not a reliable power source. 2. This project will occupy valuable farm land which is needed to produce food for this country.

  • Rutland Solar Action Group Ltd (Rutland Solar Action Group Ltd)

    I am interested in the proximity to housing and the impact this development may have from a noise as well as visual perspective.

  • Samuel John Younger

    The lack of benefits/perks to the local residents of having the farm surrounding us. There is no reason that's counters the huge eyesore/traffic issues the locals would have to deal with.

  • Sandra Chapman

    The scale of the scheme is far too big and will visually and physically overwhelm this attractive rural area impacting wildlife, house prices and recreation and take land out of food production. There... Read more

  • Sandra Maria Trickey

    My home will be subject to compulsory acquisition by the developer and at this stage, the impact on my life has not been sufficiently explained but described in such a way that the developer can do... Read more

  • Sharon forrester-Jeckell

    There is far too much building works taking place in stamford. I know that the land works is in Rutland but all the people working and living on this site will cause the inferstructour in Stamfords... Read more

  • Simon Houghton

    Hello there. I have to admit the scale of this project is frankly ludicrous for the amount of energy it will produce. Would be much better, putting it done the motorway or use up all available roofs.... Read more

  • Simon Moody

    I feel this development is in the wrong place and will do unmeasurable damage to the area and it's community. It is a green field site so will have a massive detrimental impact on the wildlife. We... Read more