
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 200 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanne Roebuck

    My property, lifestyle and mental health will be severely affected by this disgusting proposal to industrialise our rural community.

  • Mary Houlton

    Absolutely NOT on board. Prime agricultural land being put into solar farms is ridiculous. Why not stick the panels on individual homes instead of fields. We should be trying to produce more of our... Read more

  • Mrs Ann Lister

    This project is just far too big and will completely change an entire rural area into an industrial area. Which is a massive impact on rural people. Generating electricity rather than farming is short... Read more

  • Philip Dixon

    This is an abomination. It is totally ridiculous to take out productive agricultural land for solar generation when there are acres of commercial roofs without solar panels. Roofs before fields, and... Read more

  • Dave Pinnock-Humble

    I object to the proposed development on the basis of the following, all of which are due to (a) the size of area proposed to be covered by panels and (b) the unprecedented size of each panel and its... Read more

  • Karen orridge

    I am concerned about the size of the proposed development on good agricultural land. The damage done to hedgerows and wildlife. The damage done to the infrastructure in the development of the project.... Read more

  • Mrs Elizabeth Pinnock-Humble

    I am deeply concerned that given its enormous size, the proposed solar farm will have a highly 'industrializing' effect on the rural green belt. Both the size of the solar panels and the size of the... Read more

  • Paul Everett

    I am concerned about the sheer scale of this project, on productive agricultural land and the impact 4 metre high panels will have. These have not been deployed before and have not been proven to be... Read more

  • Stephanie Elphick

    I am not adverse to solar energy and appreciate it is a necessity, however I have a very strong objection to the sheer size of the proposed development. The disruption of construction and impact of... Read more

  • Rebecca Heuck

    I believe this project is far too large and is industrialising the open countryside. Little regard has been taken as to the impact of the local community, homes and wildlife. I have no issue with... Read more

  • Helen Sutcliffe

    I find it incredulous that such a large scale, supposedly environmental solution is being planned for greenfield sites. Surely it would be better to re-develop brownfield and rundown industrial sites.... Read more

  • Howden Town Council (Howden Town Council)

    We wish to register our interest due to the potential impact of the solar farm on the residents of Howden and surrounding environment.

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • Nigel Turner

    Wish to register my objection against the proposed East Yorkshire Solar farm. I find the use of good productive agricultural land for this type of project totally unnecessary, the farmers should be... Read more

  • Stephen Gore

    concerns about the total industrialisation of our valuable country side and the loss of much of our natural wild life the mental health of my self and many of local residents and the very poor... Read more

  • Alan Horner

    Impact on the quality of life of residents living adjacent to the proposed solar farm Removal of productive food producing land increasing the countries dependence on imports and exposure to global... Read more

  • Alison Turner

    I feel that putting good producing farmland down to solar panels, especially in a time of food shortages, is wrong. Solar panels should be on roofs or over car parks. The road infrastructure around... Read more

  • Helen Moody on behalf of Moody (Moody)

    It is proposed the solar farm will occupy a staggering 3,000 acres of agricultural land totally surrounding peaceful hamlets/villages. If the application is approved it will totally decimate this... Read more

  • Anthony John Brown

    There will be a massive impact on the area and inparticular the villages of Gribthorpe and Spaldington effectively turning the area into an industrial site destroying the way of life for residents... Read more

  • Danny Cook

    I object to the industrialisation of this rural area, I object to the visual impact this will have on a huge area. I object to the loss of arable land that produces high yields of variable crops for... Read more

  • Tom Marrison

    Why ruin such a beautiful bit of countryside. Why bring unnecessary traffic onto our already damaged roads. Why invite criminal gangs into the area,looking for an easy meal ticket.

  • Georga Phyllis Macmillan

    I am deeply concerned on the effects that the solar far will have not just on myself and the surrounding villages but also on our wildlife. The impact that the large vehicles will have on our already... Read more

  • Ian Besford

    Object. The villages will be encircled by fencing and physical barriers, as will the deer who presently roam across the area. The corralling of deer down blind alleys will force them onto the roads... Read more

  • John Yorke

    The solar park will be on land that is essential for agriculture.We cannot keep taking good agricultural land that is used to feed the nation and hope we can continue to buy food from abroad.

  • Julie Besford

    I object to the huge planned solar panel s that will surround the village wrecking it’s infrastructure it’s wildlife and the breakdown of the community It will be like living n a prison and the size... Read more

  • Matthew Dimmack

    The scale of this project is incredible, it is going to industrialise our beautiful countryside, far to large for the area, smaller areas away from villages would be more acceptable. The noise levels... Read more

  • Nigel Rylance

    Landscape I believe the project will have a major negative impact on the landscape and I strongly disagree with the project design. Landscape character assessments repeatedly describe the proposed... Read more

  • Paul Adrian Joseph Taylor

    The project will surround my property on 3 sides, if these were separate applications they would probably not be allowed on cumulative grounds. There is a total lack of adequate screening and borders.... Read more

  • Claire Batty

    Destruction of agricultural land Disruption to local villages and roads Lack of substantial evidence of any significant benefit to creating solar factories

  • Claire Neumann

    I wish to strongly object to this project.

  • Guy Longbottam

    East Yorkshire Solar I have lived in [REDACTED] for 36 years and regard the areas in this planning application to be an important part of the environment we live in. I totally understand the farmland... Read more

  • Jennifer Tiplady

    I wish to object to the proposed Solar Farm development. I am a Howden resident, and have heard nothing about the proposed development from BOOM Power. I have only heard about it via residents of the... Read more

  • Rowena Morgan

    The proposal of the solar farm is horrendous. It is far too large for this area and the many single track lanes. The area will be destroyed by the removal of miles of hedges and mature trees (all... Read more

  • Terrance Martin Beckitt

    My home will be too closely surrounded by the solar panels. Boom state in their application that they will try to minimise the flood risk from the run off water. The land in this area already... Read more

  • Alison Taylor

    I am very concerned about this project. I believe it is far too big and in the wrong place. It will cover 3500 acres of productive farmland and turn a rural landscape into an industrial one. There are... Read more

  • Dawn Tanton

    Too large a project which will industrialise a sparsely populated farming community. Too much industrialization around Drax power station and other projects similar close by. Small rural roads will be... Read more

  • Joan H Selkirk

    The impact on the local wildlife and environmental issues are vast Our countryside and green spaces need protecting from industry and misuse There are enough roofs available for solar panels

  • John C Stoney

    My main objections are: i) with regard to the despoliation of the countryside and the devastating effect it will have on the local wildlife which is already in steep decline. In addition the long term... Read more

  • Lesley Anne Mary Witts

    I do not think prime farming land should be used for solar farms. Also, the size of the solar panels are excessive No point doing solar farms until the grid is built to use the power.

  • Linda Waslin

    Good part of this is on grade 1 arable land. But some is on old bog land. Also in the areas of outer part of Howden all the way through to Holme on Spalding Moor, l can see between the solar panels... Read more

  • Mark Wetherell

    Massive negative visual impact that will be an eyesore in the rural environment, making the open farming landscape an industrial estate with security fencing and cctv towers.

  • Rebecca Wetherell

    This application is not suitable for our rural area, the views will be horrendous and unescapable in our everyday journeys. Although the land is heavy it is extremely productive and this food... Read more

  • Richard Platts

    Subject: Objection to Proposed Solar Panel Farm Surrounding Spaldington Dear Planning Department, I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed massive solar panel farm that is set to... Read more

  • Trevor John Hughes

    We moved to [Redacted], where we had lived all of our lives. We were both retired and wanted to live in the countryside because of our love of nature, lots of wild animals to see, the beauty of the... Read more

  • Alan Ram

    The first issue with the proposed East Yorkshire Solar Farm is its size. It is enormous. More than three thousand acres of rural Yorkshire will be transformed into a photovoltaic power plant. One... Read more

  • Diane Cavenche

    I have huge concerns about this project, it is unacceptable that we will have to suffer the change in local landscape, traffic, construction, a high risk of crime as demonstrated in other areas with... Read more

  • Jonathan Marshall on behalf of Dr & Mrs Marshall (Dr & Mrs Marshall)

    I wish to register my opposition to the proposed East Yorkshire Solar Farm development for the following reasons:- The loss of food production resulting from the loss of 3500 acres of predominantly... Read more

  • Dr Amy Codling

    Whilst I agree with the need for more renewable energy sources, I am concerned about the scale of the project in this area and think more research and discussion is required before decisions that... Read more

  • Harriet Gore

    I highly object to this solar farm proposal. I am a resident of [Redacted], with family living in [Redacted], I have grown up in this area and I am disgusted at the thought of our beautiful... Read more

  • Jane Breach

    The access point through the hamlet of Newsholme is unfit for HGV traffic, the access roads in the village are designated compulsory non-HGV traffic by the highways agency. The proposed access/egress... Read more