
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2301 to 2370 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Rosemary Bond

    I object to a World Heritage Site of this size & importance having a an obtrusive tunnel built within its boundaries. There is still insufficient knowledge of the full extent of the complexity of the... Read more

  • Roy Matthews

    I know this landscape well and think there are many new discoveries still to be made, which will be jeopardised if this scheme is allowed to go ahead in its current form. Its not just about... Read more

  • Rupert Hosier

    I was raised on a farm in the southern part of the World Heritage Site and now work for the family business. I feel very privileged to have grown up in such a unique landscape and I never cease to be... Read more

  • Russell Hogg

    From what I understand the building of the tunnel would permanently damage an ancient site. Given that this work would be irreversible I'd strongly support delaying - in 10 years the need to reduce... Read more

  • Ruth Halliwell

    I am concerned about the damage to the archaeology in particular at the entrance to the tunnels. The tunnels are too short and start in the midst of phenomenal archaeology. The current plan will... Read more

  • Ruth Manvell

    Ruth Manvell – Winterbourne Stoke resident As a Winterbourne Stoke resident, I recognise the traffic problem in the area. However, I strongly feel that the proposed route is the wrong decision. The... Read more

  • Sally Clarke

    It's deplorable! The necessity of speed in the 21st century is impacting on the environment with devastating and catastrophic consequences! It must be stopped. There is absolutely no need for it at... Read more

  • Salmon & Trout Conservation (Salmon & Trout Conservation)

    Salmon & Trout Conservation UK (S&TC UK) was established in 1903 as the Salmon & Trout Association. Having gained charitable status in 2008, we are now the only UK fisheries charity that openly... Read more

  • Sam Taylor

    The potential desecration of the Blick Mead mesolithic site is unconscionable, and is my reason for objecting to the proposals.

  • Sandra Buttigieg

    Although I do not live locally to Stonehenge or Salisbury, I travel extensively in the region and am therefore familiar with the area under discussion. I have many concerns about the proposed tunnel,... Read more

  • Sandra Lane

    Stonehenge is a Unesco site of apparent beauty (a landscape without parallel) the proposed theme will undoubtably cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge, its archaeology and setting.UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Sarah Meyer

    I am concerned that it will irreparably damage a World Heritage Site.

  • Sarah Milteer

    I believe that there should not be any new building or tunnelling close to Stone Henge - it is too valuable a heritage site. Such work is too risky. There maybe other buried historical sites that... Read more

  • Sarah Mitchell

    Stonehenge is part of our history and heritage and should be preserved at all costs. A tunnel or bypass will.not reduce the traffic problems on the A303 but shift them elsewhere on the road . Thers is... Read more

  • Sarah Sweet

    To dig a tunnel under such an important ancient monument is simply not acceptable. As a practicing english pagan I am shocked and upset that Stonehenge could be so tampered with. surely another... Read more

  • Sharon Groom

    I do not agree this work should take place it will ruin the natural wildlife and disturb remains that are sacred. if this work goes ahead it will be very bad indeed for all those who are involved.

  • Sian Forsythe

    It will disastrous all around for this sacred site to be made into a fast track for the gullible and disresptful profiteers and tourists alike. Can you ever imagine this happening beneath the Giza... Read more

  • Sian Waters

    There must be an alternative.sutely even the potential damage to this amazing monolithic site is not worth the risk, without taking into consideration the preservation of our wildlife

  • Simon Crook

    Dear Sir/Madam I am disappointed that such a destructive scheme concerning the A303 at Stonehenge as has been presented by Highways England has proceeded this far. Therefore I take this opportunity... Read more

  • Simon Kemp

    Stonehenge and its surroundings are a unique site of human heritage and should NOT be despoiled by a road cutting through the nearby environment for the sake of short-term transport convenience.

  • Simon Mason

    My objection is two fold. I believe the site will be damaged by the construction of this tunnel. Either accidentally or in the interests of completing the construction on schedule. I also believe... Read more

  • Simon Wynne

    I object to these plans on the basis that the works that will be carried out may disturb or cause significant damage to a world renowned historical site, not to mention a holy site. As has been the... Read more

  • Steeve Oberzusser

    Hello, This is a symbol of the UK and the ancient world. There are billions of roads and highways but there in the world only 1 Stonehenge. Please don't allow desecration of this special and... Read more

  • Stephen Butt

    This proposals, if approved, would harm considerably a heritage site of international importance. It is therefore contrary to Section 16 of the NPPF (Conserving and enhancing the historic... Read more

  • Stephen Loughnan

    Unnecessary harm to a WORLD heritage site

  • Stephen Molyneaux

    I am concerned about the disturbance this tunnel will cause to a nationally important archeological site. The damage it will cause to the setting of other ancient features such as the nearby... Read more

  • Stephen Williams

    I’m greatly concerned that the extensive construction will destroy future opportunities for archaelogical investigation of the area surrounding Stonehenge, as well as diminishing the experience for... Read more

  • Steven Hodges

    I strongly believe we should listen to the UNESCO’s international advisers and not proceed with the scheme in its current form. I have profound worries about the damage that may result to Blick... Read more

  • Stonehenge and Avebury WHS (Stonehenge and Avebury WHS)

    Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site Partnership Manager, World Heritage Site Coordination Unit The Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site Coordination Unit (WHSCU) welcomes the opportunity... Read more

  • Stuart Jeffery

    I object to the plan as there will be irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. Plus UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Stuart McTeare

    I have worked and studied freshwater fisheries management for 40 years, the last 20 of which I have been based on the River Avon just south of West Amesbury, working for the Piscatorial Society who... Read more

  • Sue Butler

    Digging a tunnel has a serious risk of damaging evidence that remains underground. Future techniques and technologies may allow us to better understand the whole Stonehenge landscape, and to damage... Read more

  • Sue Preston

    I frequently travelled up and down this road when my daughter was at University of Exeter. Stonehenge is one of the treasures of the UK and there is so much more to discover. The tunnel will cut... Read more

  • Susan Baker

    The proposed expressway will cause irreparable damage to a unique, iconic, irreplaceable site. It is our duty to protect such places and the unique historical and natural beauties they possess, not to... Read more

  • Susan Chapman

    Our climate crisis demands that everyone should pay attention to the desperate science and to our failure as a civilisation to respond effectively to only 12 years in which we can salvage some sort of... Read more

  • Susan Francis

    I object to this proposal because it will cause damage to the World Heritage Site while simultaneously reducing access for the general public; because it will disturb rare bird species (Stone Curlew... Read more

  • Susan Harrison

    its a national momument and we as people have no right to interfer with it. leave it alone for future generations to enjoy ! LEAVE IT BE !!

  • Sushil Umrao

    There will be irreparable damage to the Stonehenge, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Suzannah Jenkins

    I feel it is a dreadful thing to do to such an ancient site for the sake of mankind, just so he or she can get from A to B more quickly. Damage to this beautiful site that is unique and full of... Read more

  • Suzanne Ormond

    As a tourist to the area on annual basis I can’t understand why this is a necessity. We should be protecting any major tourist/religious structure like most other countries worldwide. I am a... Read more

  • Suzy parker

    Many important Archaeological artefacts will be destroyed by tunnelling under Stonehenge. Please don’t!

  • T. Lockwood

    Reasons why I am objecting to the A303 expressway; I have concerns about irreversible damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. This site provides evidence (including actual footprints)... Read more

  • Terry Young

    To ensure that the impact of the lengthy construction period of the bypass around the village of Winterbourne Stoke is carried out with the least possible intrusion. Also that measures are put in... Read more

  • The National Trust (The National Trust)

    A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down (Stonehenge) The National Trust - Relevant Representation 1. Introduction 1.1 The National Trust is Europe’s largest conservation charity with over five million members.... Read more

  • Fowler Fortescue (Fowler Fortescue) on behalf of The Turner Family (The Turner Family)

    The Turner Family Manor Farm, Winterbourne Stoke. DCO Registration of Interested Parties. We wish to make full written and oral representations on many aspects of the scheme (an outline of... Read more

  • Thomas Edwards

    I am deeply concerned about the Irreparable damage to the iconic World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Thomas Rogerson

    New roads lead to more traffic. There are already too many cars on the roads, just look at the UKs illegally polluted air. The money proposed for this road should be invested in cycling... Read more

  • Tony Harry-Williams

    Too many of our national treasures are being destroyed by modern infrastructure, our monuments and national treasures should be given a wider berth by modern infrastructure. Arial photography should... Read more

  • Tony Weeks

    I object to this development as it will cause Irreparable damage to the archaeologiy of the Stonehenge area, which we need to protect for future generations and for all the world. UNESCO has asked us... Read more

  • Tony White

    For centuries – millennia – the view of Stonehenge from the road has been available free to all travellers, and as such it has been a source of inspiration to some of our greatest artists and writers,... Read more

  • Tracey Wilson

    This is a sacred archeological site and should be protected. Respect should be upheld for such a site that generates extensive income for the area by tourism alone. The road / tunnel should be... Read more

  • Trudy Turrell

    This proposal will have seriously damaging effects upon iconic and irreplaceable archaeological remains that are of national and international significance. Once damaged the information held within... Read more

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehnge (Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehnge)

    We feel the Western Portal is to close to the Ancient burial Mounds and the Eastern to close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more


    TURNER (WINTERBOURNE STOKE) LIMITED Company number 07366769, Manor Farm, Winterbourne Stoke. DCO Registration of Interested Parties. We wish to make full written and oral representations on... Read more

  • University of Buckingham (University of Buckingham)

    Blick Mead A) Background Blick Mead is of unique archaeological value. Situated on the eastern edge of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, the area has yielded extraordinary findings from the... Read more

  • Vanessa Bicknell

    Stonehenge is part of our heritage and the land surrounding the monument. There is evidence of many other monuments within this landscape which are very important to preserve. I therefore feel it... Read more

  • Vicki Steward

    I feel that this plan places the tunnel portals far too close to important archaeological sites, including ancient burial grounds. There are also issues with light pollution and ground water.

  • Victoria Hill

    I am concerned about Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to... Read more

  • Victoria Lane

    This road may cause irreparable damage to a site of both national and international importance. The archaeological and sociological impact of Stonehenge is immense, one of Britain's top tourist... Read more

  • Vikki French

    Having visited the area the last two years, I am hesitant to agree with disturbing this precious and ancient site by disturbing the ground under where it sits. Please consider alternative ideas.

  • Warren Marsh

    A303 Stonehenge Expressway For some time now I have studied the implications of the proposals to dual the carriageway and create a short tunnel across the World Heritage Site. I oppose the... Read more

  • Wendy Darling

    I object to the proposed tunnel being constructed under Stonehenge for the following reasons. Stonehenge holds many mysterious but is also a burial site as well as a place of worship. As a pagan I... Read more

  • Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust (Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust)

    The Hampshire Avon Catchment Partnership (HACP) The HACP brings together local communities and organisations to plan and deliver positive actions that will improve the water environment of the... Read more

  • WH Bottomley

    I am deeply concerned about this plan's inevitable irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Wiltshire Council (Wiltshire Council)

    The text below is the Executive Summary of a more comprehensive response, which will be submitted via email separately. Wiltshire Council is the host authority for the A303 Amesbury to Berwick... Read more

  • Wiltshire Fishery Association (Wiltshire Fishery Association)

    Written Representation by WFA as Interested Party for Examination of Highways England A303 Stonehenge Development Consent Order The Wiltshire Fishery Association The Wiltshire Fishery Association... Read more

  • Zoe Tees

    I am firmly against any further road developments. Based on these points: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Zoe Wilkins

    1. The proposal will damage UNESCO listed site. 2. This will damage archaeology of the site itself and surrounding landscape. Deep cut tunnels through barrows or close to them is terrrible. 3. The... Read more

  • Zoe Young

    please do not harm the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. Please listen to archaeologists. thank you

  • Sophia Smith

    Please See Attachment