
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1051 to 1100 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Will Calcutt

    Manston Airport represents a strategic and economic interest, both locally and nationally, and could, when reopened, carry a significant burden that would otherwise limit the capacity and capability... Read more

  • Anatole Franklin

    I am father of two small children ([Redacted]) and have lived in Ramsgate most of my life. While I have no objections against Manston airport being used for recreational aviation, I am strongly... Read more

  • Anne Moloney

    Manston airport will provide jobs, wealth, travel & security for the locals

  • Benecare Ltd (Benecare Ltd)

    Benecare sent a letter to: [Redacted] RSP Ltd Bircham Dyson Bell 50 Broadway London SW1H 0BL and they advised to submit the letter here and in this fashion. Please see letter pasted... Read more

  • Beverley Thomas

    Even as a cargo airport it will be an asset bringing jobs and a boost to the economy in the area. If it ever developed into a passenger airport, instead of going to Stansted, City Airport, Gatwick and... Read more

  • Christine Redmond

    *The desperate shortage of runway capacity in SEKent and the unique opportunity a state-of-the-art Manston Airport will provide for freight and passenger capacity. * What I feel for Manston as... Read more

  • David Gold

    Unacceptable noise day and night.Major risk to health.Lowering of quality of life major pollution and environmental damage. My wife and I would like to live out our remaining days without these... Read more

  • Dennis Jackson

    I support the opening of Manston Airport. It will bring thousands of much needed jobs to the area. Manston Airport is a site of strategic importance as indicated by the UK Government. There are a... Read more

  • Dorothy Catt

    I do not want the airport to become a cargo hub as this would be noisy and make traffic heavier and the roads a round here cannot take that .There must be a better use of this site .

  • Dr Sally Dixon

    The UK, and in particular the South East, has a rapidly increasing shortage of airport runway capacity. Government policy is to maximise use of the UK’s existing runways. Manston Airport has an... Read more

  • Graham Bayfield

    I and my family have lived at our current address in Herne Bay for circa 23 years. In that time we have experienced the low flying , noisy , polluting freight aeroplanes flying directly at low level... Read more

  • Helen Crittenden

    I am very concerned about the health and environmental impact of a cargo hub at Manston in Ramsgate, Kent. I recall the smell of fuel and pollution while standing in my father's garden in Ramsgate... Read more

  • Hilary Dyett

    I am in full support of Manston being made a cargo hub and returning to airport use.

  • John Faull

    I object strongly to the noise pollution and deterioration in air quality over our tourist dependant town and seafront. The hub will not benefit our area and will infact make significant reduction in... Read more

  • Linda Koch

    As a resident of Ramsgate and the owner of a house that is immediately under the proposed flight path (South Eastern Road), I strongly object to a cargo hub, or any type of airport, at Manston. As a... Read more

  • Linda stubbings

    Manston will give many opportunities for Thanet and help the area more regional airport s are thriving and giving job opportunities.

  • Lynne Webster

    I object strongly to the noise pollution and deterioration in air quality over our tourist dependant town and seafront. The hub will not benefit our area and will infact make for significant reduction... Read more

  • Michael Glover

    concerns over noise, night flights, pollution, loss of value to property and general upset to quality of life

  • Mr Lee Phillips

    I Live directly under the Manston flightpath so would like to express my concerns about the proposed re opening of the airport.

  • Mrs Polly Coburn

    When Manston Airport was used for freight traffic previously, by the time the aircraft flew over my house, which is located on the Harbour at Ramsgate, directly under the flight path, the planes were... Read more

  • Peter Moore

    Though broadly in favour of the application it does not go nearly far enough.Air traffic is estimated to increase twofold in the next 20 to 30 years and the U.K. has no provision to cope so at present... Read more

  • Shem Mackey

    1. A cargo airport will significantly affect Ramsgate, and its future. 2. Added pollution and damage to the environment. Major disruption to the health and wellbeing of the local population. 3.... Read more

  • Simon Turton

    Project is unsafe for the larger environment due to pollution, noise and hugely increased volume of traffic. In particular night flight disrupt sleep and disrupted sleep is increasingly recognised as... Read more

  • Stephen Cannon

    1. Objection to the commercial use of Manston Airport. 2. Ojection to the proposed night flights in and out of Manston airport. 3. Environmental issues in relation to the commercial use of... Read more

  • Steven Nixon

    Dear sirs, I aim to make a representation as an individual and wish to cover the following points in my argument against the proposed development/reopening of Manston Airport. 1- Primarily the... Read more

  • Susan Andrews

    I have lived quite close to Manston airport for 18 years. In that time I have seen it operate as an airport of varying types; cargo, passenger, chartered. None have been successful. The airport was... Read more

  • Sylvia Ross

    That a cargo hub will be detrimental to Ramsgate residents. That noise and pollution will have a negative impact on tourism and local wildlife. It was bad enough with just a few planes flying when... Read more

  • Alexander Sarafoglou

    An objection to the current proposals, principally on the basis of the quantity of potential night flights and the trajectory over the town of Ramsgate.

  • Anna MacFarlan

    As a family we are deeply concerned about the impact of the proposed RSP cargo airport plan. We oppose it for the following reasons; 1. Noise 2. Pollution and environmental damage 3. Health... Read more

  • Christine Robinson

    I am extremely concerned about the enviromental impact flights, especially night flights, will have. Along with the potential noise disruption, devaluing of property and the impact on growing tourism... Read more

  • Ian Kirkland

    Please don`t waste this golden opportunity.

  • Jennifer King

    The residents of Herne and surrounding areas already live with the noise created by the Thanet Way. I am an astro photographer and have built an observatory in my garden. As well as increased noise... Read more

  • Mrs Kay Norton

    My Children and Grandchildren deserve the best future that is possible and because of that I am totally against the application to build a freight hub at Manston. I live on the Nethercourt Estate... Read more

  • Paul Fuller

    My name is Paul Fuller and [Redacted] who live directly under the Manston flight path near Ramsgate town centre, I have also grown up and lived in Ramsgate all my life and commute to London working in... Read more

  • Philip Laycock

    I support the re-opening of Manston Airport . This country needs infrastructure such as regional airports as we have a large population and crowded roads and poor railways. We will need facilities... Read more

  • Susan Shove

    Application by Riveroak Strategic Partners Ltd for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Manston Airport. I am totally against the RSP proposal for a freight hub at Manston. I have been... Read more

  • A Taylor

    The west side of Ramsgate is approximately three quarters of a mile from runway 28 at Manston. Some people believe that this is a sufficient distance from the noise etc. But what many people do not... Read more

  • Adrian Clewley

    I am an ex-glider pilot myself who used to fly at Manston and have a passion for aviation. If the airport was to be re-opened I would have like to have seen passenger flights and not freight (for... Read more

  • Ailsa Ogilvie

    I live with and care for my 92 year old mother who has [Redacted]. We moved to Ramsgate because she had always wanted to live by the sea and loves beautiful architecture with historic importance;... Read more

  • Alan Ashby

    I am concerned about the re-opening of Manston airport.My concern is as follows,as I have grandchildren at a local school in the town of Ramsgate it is known that the noise and pollution from large... Read more

  • Alan Currie

    I have lived in Thanet for over 20 years and seen many attempts at turning Manston into a thriving passenger airport, unfortunately every attempt has failed and the leading low cost airlines have... Read more

  • Alan Razzell


  • Alasdair Ogilvie

    Please do not go ahead with this plan. It would destroy Ramsgate just as it is beginning to smarten itself up and become a thriving visitor destination. I can see that the runway should be kept for... Read more

  • Alec Anthony

    Previous experience of large four engine aircraft flying over the town of Herne Bay into Manston for training purposes was extremely negative. The noise in our house was very disturbing and prolonged... Read more

  • Barbara Cawte

    I fully support any MANSTON AIRPORT use hopefully someone will have the sense to bring back flights to foreign countries for passengers

  • Bryan Catt

    Dear sir/madam, as l live directly on the flight path and planes are only a few hundred feet over my roof it would have a detrimental effect on my health and safety, l also have concerns about low... Read more

  • Christopher Peter Ewins

    Manston is a National asset that would if lost be a tragedy. It could help alleviate the over crowding at the other london airports and also the m25 where many slow journies are made and overnight... Read more

  • Dr M Brown

    I wish to object to the reopening of Manston airport as a cargo hub as I believe the noise and pollution caused by low flying aircraft, cutting a swathe through Ramsgate day and night, will cause... Read more

  • Elaine Tanner

    I fully support RSP's Business Plan for the development and reopening of Manston Airport which has the overwhelming support of 90% of Thanet residents. The airport is of national significance and... Read more

  • Friends of Albion Place Gardens (Friends of Albion Place Gardens)

    As the representative of the Friends of Albion Place gardens I submit our opposition to the requested DCO for a cargo hub at Manston Airport. Albion Place Gardens is sited on the hill approaching... Read more