
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1351 to 1400 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Cllr Lin Fairbrass

    As Cabinet member for Planning and Community Services at the time of the second statutory consultation on the proposed project, I am appalled that the response from Thanet District Council has been... Read more

  • David Goldsmith

    After 70+ years of poor airport planning in the UK since WW2, Manston Airport is the last vital asset of its kind in the South-East which should be preserved. Lack of UK foresight is further... Read more

  • Eva Little-Cardozo

    I do not want a 24/7 major cargo hub airport on our doorstep, flying over our the house. This would mean significant noise day and night, it would be a risk to our health, it would bring harm to our... Read more

  • Gualtiero Nobili Vitelleschi

    It is with profound sadness that I am witnessing a situation, in Thanet, of greed, ignorance and lack of respect for the environment and the people living in it. This is what Manston Airport will... Read more

  • Heidi Newton - Edwards

    I support the reopening of manston as an airport as it will provide jobs and a boost to the local economy in an area of high unemployment. Building houses on manston will not benefit the area and... Read more

  • Jean Mancini

    I have been a resident of Ramsgate for 15 years, living under the flightpath - including when the airport was functioning. When cargo planes came in the flightpath took them over the pleasure beach... Read more

  • Jennifer Stevens

    1 Airport facility needed for easy movement of freight for trade post Brexit to overseas markets. Already Channel ports are unable to cater for the present demand. 2 Airport services will... Read more

  • Joanne Thomson

    I believe the airport will bring much needed jobs to the area. I have 3 children who will need jobs in the future and the airport can bring alot of prospects to the area

  • Jodie Hudson

    I strongly object to the RSP’s application for a DCO as it is not in the interest of our Community or Nation. Although it serves as a nice historical footnote to World War two, times have changed... Read more

  • Jospeh Cube-Romero

    As a resident living close to the airport, the noise reduction in the area since its closure is both a blessing and relief. I do not want the airport reopened, and feel that redevelopment is the best... Read more

  • Julia Morrissey

    I fully support the reopening of Manston Airport. It is an important part of the Heritage of the area. The airport has one of the longest runways in the country, it doesn't make sense to not... Read more

  • Katharine Walters

    I am writing a letter regarding the consultation process for Manston Airport. I moved to Ramsgate recently into an apartment close to Ellington Park. I have moved from London because I love the... Read more

  • Keith Jones

    more noise day &night more risk to our health harm to childrens education pollution @ environmental damage loss of valuable tourism income devaluation of my home

  • Keith Owen

    I would like to register as an ‘interested person’, and object to the RSP DCO application on the grounds that the health risks far outweigh any perceived benefit from opening a cargo hub at... Read more

  • Mia Little-Cardozo

    I do not want a 24/7 major cargo hub airport on our doorstep, flying over our the house. This would mean significant noise day and night, it would be a risk to our health, it would bring harm to our... Read more

  • Penelope Gimes on behalf of Minster Parish Council

    I am responding as Chairman of Minster Parish Council on behalf of the parish council: The majority of Manston Airport lies within the Parish of Minster, therefore Minster Parish Council maintains a... Read more

  • Mr Leslie McDonald

    I disagree with a cargo airport. because off noise all day and night and the risk to our health a huge drop in our quality of life pollution and environmental damage and the road cannot take it

  • Mr Richard Deane Langworthy

    Hi there I have been involved in the campaign to save Manston Airport since it began in Spring 2014. We were conned by the tycoon who bought it, who originally promised to run the airport for 2... Read more

  • Mr Richard Houghton

    I do not feel that the issue of noise and night flights has been properly considered in relation to its impact on the reviving tourist and community culture of Ramsgate.

  • Mr West

    I wish to register my opposition against the opening of Manston airport as a cargo hub, this is due to the negative impact this will have on my health and family that also live on the Nethercourt... Read more

  • Mrs B Farnan

    I would like it to be noted that I strongly oppose Manston as a cargo hub. The leaflet that came through my door said in large letters "MANSTON AIRPORT FOR AVIATION AND QUALITY JOBS." It should have... Read more

  • Mrs Karen C.L Reich

    APPLICATION TO BECOME AN “INTERESTED PARTY” 1. I have known what it is to live under a flight path after which I vowed to myself I would never subject myself to that again. That was without night... Read more

  • Mrs Simmonds

    I think manston should remain a airport it has a lot of history and will make a difference to the local area. We do not need houses as there is no jobs for people now

  • Nadiah Pasha

    I have lived in central Ramsgate for the past forty years and as I understand it my family and I would be in the direct flight path of the proposed Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP) cargo hub at... Read more

  • Neil Dalton

    I believe that the reopening of Manston as a operational airport is in the best interests for the surrounding area, it will create badly need jobs, it will stimulate the economy of the area, it will... Read more

  • Nicole Booth

    I object the RSP’s DCO. The air and noise pollution will negatively affect the health of my family who live under and near the flight path.With a number of family members having already suffered... Read more

  • Pamela Kelly

    My bungalow is directly under the flight path of planes descending to enter Manston Airport. The noise, especially at night would be unbearable. It would cause air pollution - particularly those... Read more

  • Peter Reynolds

    Dear Sir/Madam, With regard to MANSTON: I wonder if 1. I could ask you to consider the following in your deliberations? 1 Manston is Here (EXTANT) ready to go with all you need for an Airport,... Read more

  • Portia Wilson

    This application is flawed on numerous points. It is unrealistic in terms of actually funding and carrying out its plans; this is an airport that has failed numerous times to become a success despite... Read more

  • Rachel Miles

    I am a concerned resident of Minster. The volume of traffic we experience throughout the day is colossal. To add lorries transporting cargo to this would cause gridlock. The impact an accident or hold... Read more

  • Rebekah Smith

    I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed development of Manston submitted by RSP. There are many issues I have with its proposal including the difficulty in understanding their vast... Read more

  • Richard Kemp

    Why has RSP applied for a noise quota of 3028 QC per annum when Luton airport has 2645? Luton has 7450 night flights per annum. How many would Ramsgate endure? A great many more than the 8 per... Read more

  • Robert Beattie

    I am against the re-opening of the airport on both environmental and economic grounds: 1) Environmental. The airport would blight a large area including the entire town of Ramsgate with noise. ... Read more

  • Robert Brown

    I am concerned that a cargo airport so close to Ramsgate and Pegwell Nature Reserve will cause environmental damage and pollution, significant noise both day and night and the loss of tourism jobs and... Read more

  • Rupert Allason

    I object to the application on the following grounds:- 1. Consent would involve massive road use by aviation fuel tankers as there is no pipeline to Manston. This issue is omitted from the RSP... Read more

  • Rupert Berryman

    Manston can provide an operational base for both civilian and military aircraft. It has a long runway which is a national asset. With uncertainty over Brexit where the outcome is far from clear,... Read more

  • Samantha Little

    I do not want a 24/7 major cargo hub airport on our doorstep, flying over our the house. This would mean significant noise day and night, it would be a risk to our health, it would bring harm to our... Read more

  • Sandra Wood

    Thanet is an area badly in need of employment opportunities. This proposal would provide them at all levels. The last thing Thanet needs is a sink estate with all the related social problems. It is an... Read more

  • Sarah Quinton

    I fully agree with the comments already expressed by my parents, Mr & Mrs Quinton.

  • Lindsey Harris on behalf of Simon Harris

    I would like to register my strong objection to the application for a cargo hub at the site formerly known as Manston Airport. I am a local resident and the application is for large cargo aircraft to... Read more

  • Supporters of Manston Airport (Supporters of Manston Airport)

    Supporters of Manston Airport is a constituted organisation founded to support and pursue the re-establishment of Manston Airport as a viable regional airport. Our aims; to encourage the development... Read more

  • Tim Davies

    I object to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1. Noise pollution. I understand that I will not be underneath the main flight route, but am aware that these may be varied in... Read more

  • Trevor martin

    My main concern,like many others,is that Thanet as a whole will become a dumping ground for London boroughs to send their unemployed people to an already underfunded area of England,where theres... Read more

  • Trevor Roper

    I live in a Grade II listed building around 500 meters south of the runway. In RSP’s documentation the comments on our house are that “Modern background noise is likely to be limited and asset may be... Read more

  • Vicki Hillman

    It is very important to keep Manston as an airport It will bring jobs back into the area It will be ideal for cargo airfreight post brexit The runway is important for emergency landings 3rd... Read more

  • Virginia Da Costa

    . Maintaining national heritage . bringing permanent jobs . East-Kent hub for flights + freight . any other building development (housing ect.) would have a very negative impact on local... Read more

  • Abigail Beattie

    I am against the proposed development of the Manston site as an airport for the following reasons: 1) There are strong environmental arguments against this proposal. I live near Pegwell Bay and... Read more

  • Alexander Hay

    I totally agree with re-opening Manston for aviation and would welcome the benefits of commercial airlines using the facility with the added benefits of job creation, business opportunities etc.

  • Allan Winkworth

    I am a long time resident (40 years) of Herne Bay and have in the past experienced problems with air traffic to/from Manston. I believe RSP seriously underplays the environmental and human impact of... Read more

  • Amy Booth

    I object to the application by RSP for a DCO on the disused Manston site The freight traffic would add to the weekly incidents on the A299, M2 and A2. As well as cause more congestion Noise... Read more