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Transport links into London and the rest of the UK are incompatible with proposed passenger numbers. Noise pollution would blight areas designated as of outstanding natural beauty. Better air...
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I disagree with the expansion as the Gatwick area is already a heavy traffic area . Both noise pollution and air pollution is already a huge problem. Mainly in a time when our Wildlife is in crisis it...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today so this application is for a new...
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I have serious concerns for the impact the expansion of Gatwick Airport will have on the residents and communities of rural villages in surrounding areas of Surrey, Sussex and Kent. Already the...
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The proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport is disproportionate to the local infrastructure, and lacks sufficient investment in local communities to support not only housing and utility services...
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I object to the creation of news sewers around Gatwick Airport.
We live in a rural area outside Tunbridge Wells and moved to the countryside to get away from the noise and stress of London about 11 years ago. Within a couple years we noticed that a lot of aircraft...
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Dear Sir/Madam, I add my objections to Gatwick Airport's plans to vastly increase the flight capacity of the airport, The increased negative affect on those who are either live around the airport or...
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We live under the flight path to Gatwick albeit some distance from the airport. Despite the fact that night flights are not permitted, over the past five years there has been a considerable increase...
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Concern about the increase of the following problems the local community is struggling with already: a) Aircraft noise pollution b) Road traffic noise pollution c) Aircraft fuel air pollution d)...
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Gatwick Airport Northern Runway project Relevant Representation from Charles Lloyd 1. I strongly oppose Gatwick’s proposals. Expansion would blight the area in which I live and cause huge wider...
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This is a project to install a Second Runway at Gatwick, not just expand the use of an existing maintenance runway. It completely flies in the face of common sense with regard to Climate Change....
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I feel the proposed application for the emergency runway to be turned into a second runway at Gatwick Airport will have a detrimental effect on the environment, with greater pollution, noise and road...
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Possible doubling of flights from Gatwick will double the number of flights over Brockham village. It could also double the number of vehicles turning off the A25 and driving through the village on...
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I object to the unnecessary expansion of Gatwick Airport on environmental & climate emergency grounds; on the increase of road traffic grounds and on the grounds of an increase in air traffic.
I am particularly concerned about noise. I live in Reigate in an area which until 5 years ago was hardly ever overflown. Since the last flight path change, we now have days where flights come over...
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I wish to comment on several aspects of this proposed project. 1. The proposed increase in flights from a 2nd runway will adversely affect my day-to-day life because of increased air craft noise....
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The noise from planes taking off at Gatwick is already so loud I have to wear earplugs at night in order to sleep. A second runway would double the number of planes taking off and therefore double the...
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Noise impact bad enough at current level of capacity
Pollution both from aircraft and massive increase in car traffic, noise, timing with airspace review, what’s the impact on flight paths and already overloaded stack system. Seems crazy to even...
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The proposed Gatwick Airport expansion will irreversibly damage the environment and make life in villages and towns close to the airport and under the flight paths unbearable. It’s proposed by...
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I object to this proposal on several grounds, especially environmental harm.
I would like to express my concerns in regards to the devastating impacts that the new runway at Gatwick airport would have locally and globally. The expansion plan would: - increase the release of...
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Noise - Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. Climate change and air pollution -...
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We are under the flight path so NOISE and POLUTION and of course SAFETY
Following from the information I have been given by the team at Gatwick Obviously Not, I am deeply concerned about the environmental, social and governance impact that any increasing capacity could...
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I am against the expansion of Gatwick Airport because of the additional noise levels and the disturbance this will create. As well as the pollution to our local area which is already deemed to be an...
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The expansion in the number of flights can only worsen the current climate emergency. It would also worsen local air quality and noise pollution and the associated additional local infrastructure...
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It is, on some nights, a nightmare to try to sleep here in Penshurst. It is an act of barbarism to increase the incidence of this, especially in pursuit of money, which is all it is.
My concern is about the effects of allowing the routine use of a second runway at Gatwick airport. I am concerned that the entirely commercial motivation to increase flight numbers will further blight...
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This project is expects additional flights of 100,000 per annum. this is untenable. It is unreasonable and gives no thought to those affected by the flight path. It is already noise hell in Lingfield...
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Gatwick Airport should not be allowed to bring their reserve runway into permanent use. Gatwick is already the busiest of the airports around London with the exception of Heathrow. Any expansion of...
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I would like to object to the expansion on the basis of noise pollution. I live to the east of Gatwick (Edenbridge), and I have to stay indoors 75% of the time when the approach is over my house. The...
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I oppose Gatwick airport's application for a northern runway as this is actually for a new runway and does not comply with policy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it operates at the moment...
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I recently attended a presentation at Gatwick in my capacity as Chair of Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council. I asked how the dual aims of hugely increasing passenger numbers while hugely reducing...
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I am very concerned about the increased air traffic, noise and pollution which is already at a high level. I am also concerned about loss of the surrounding area in terms of homes, wildlife and green...
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The road in Sharpthorne is a C road and would not be able to take any additional traffic which would come with this application.
Each of the single track arrival options Gatwick has proposed would subject overflown communities to many times the number of aircraft they experience today. The impacts on those communities would be...
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We feel that some aircraft are too loud, especially at night time. There are some aircraft which have a whining noise which is most disturbing. There are already too many aircraft in the sky and twice...
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We have been living in Penshurst for the last twenty two years, and have suffered for all that time with air craft noise. We have made complaints in the past. I have attended public meetings and...
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As a local resident, living directly under the flightpath, I strongly object to the proposed second runway at Gatwick. Even now, the noise can be continuous, especially in summer, and it can be...
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I understand that the proposed project involves a massive increase in airport operations to enable many more flights. This will have a very significant impact on noise, light pollution, carbon...
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We already have a lot of aeroplane noice which has increased greatly over the last few months. So with another runway it will be dreadful to local people
I believe the Airports Commission “unequivocally and unanimously” selected a new runway at Heathrow over expansion at Gatwick a few years ago and this decision was overwhelmingly endorsed by...
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Concern regarding the road infrastructure around Gatwick as already traffic volume is high in the area. Also level of pollution on the ground an in the air. Clearly a balance between the economy and...
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Increased air traffic will cause more pollution and noise. I live under the flight path to Gatwick and any increase in air traffic will be additionally intrusive on everyday life especially in the...
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The regularity of the aeroplanes from and to Gatwick is already at totally unacceptable levels for residents of Lingfield and surrounding areas. At times there are planes one after another just...
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I am against the development of a second runway at Gatwick Airport. My primary causes for concern are: 1. The huge increase in aircraft noise, which is already a incessant and relentless burden for...
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Noise, noise and more noise. Following a number of changes since 2013 in flight paths, we already suffer far too much aircraft noise, rendering the garden unusable for long periods and being woken...
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The need for this project is based on projections of growth in future air traffic. These projections are in turn based on underlying assumptions regarding the economics of air transport as against...
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