
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 1401 to 1450 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Ian Rosam

    I am extremely concerned about the increased noise from all the extra flights. Presently at peak times there are aircraft overhead continuously, spoiling my enjoyment of being outside in the garden.... Read more

  • J Dore

    Affect my sleep even more. Fumes are causing problems Traffic and parking It's also affecting my health

  • Jackman Travers

    let’s do it. we love gatwick good for jobs

  • James Scarle

    Overall I am pro the decision to expand Gatwick. It will bring construction jobs to the area alongside increased economic activity in hotels and supply chain aswell as growing the local aviation... Read more

  • Jane Elizabeth Frith

    I endorse this project as Gatwick needs a second runway and will bring improved employment for the area, however I do hope that the increased air traffic is managed sensitively in regard to the... Read more

  • Jason Moorhead

    The main issue is increased flights - there has been a noticeable increase in flights from Gatwick (tracked via radar24) over my property already and the proposal would only increase the noise and... Read more

  • Jason Oates

    Totally object to this project. We do not need any more aircraft flying over the south of England. We are in the flight path and we can smell the kerosene on very still days.

  • Jeremy Peter Watson

    Gatwick is already degrading a major British AONB. Increasing traffic will degrade it even further. It’s not so much house I’m worried about, it’s the systematic destruction of English culture.

  • Joe Kaye

    I wish to object in strong terms to the very substantial increase in capacity proposed by Gatwick which impacts me as a resident below its eastern flight path approach and impacts me as a citizen... Read more

  • John Booth

    Gatwick has an adequate runway already, with a backup runway. This would be a significant expansion allowing more aircraft traffic. More aircraft traffic would increase carbon emissions, increase... Read more

  • John Matthew Fitzgerald

    My main concern is the destruction of the countryside and villages in an area that have historical significance and great beauty which once destroyed can never be replaced. There is also the huge... Read more

  • John Sweeting

    I am concerned that the process to date has been unfair and wish to investigate the processes that take place

  • Jonathan Edwards

    I oppose this application; 1. Gatwick has already been declined the opportunity to build a 2nd runway after years of review and analysis. 2. Gatwick is not located in a convenient place for users,... Read more

  • Julia Lacey

    Sometimes when I am trying to sleep I time the aircraft flying over and they are one every minute. It is very difficult to sleep when I am counting aircraft flying over instead of sheep. I work from... Read more

  • Julie Carole Hendley

    Gatwick is already big enough. It will have a terrible impact on my life if they open another runway. There are planes flying 24/7. At the moment it can be hard to sleep with the drone of planes... Read more

  • Julie Purcell

    Increased noise from aircraft above my property which is already on a flight path. Increased noise and pollution.

  • Karen Burge

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Klaus Jensen

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • L N Davies

    Noise Pollution Lack of Infrastructure and impact upon existing Night flights and impact on health Expansion at a time when we face climate change issues

  • Langton Green Village Society (Langton Green Village Society)

    Langton Green village society speaks on behalf of the vast majority of residents in relation to Gatwick's expansion plans. There is a small handful of residents who see no threat to the village or... Read more

  • Lara Ince

    Noise levels are too high!! Intrusive to what should be a pleasant living experience in the kent countryside! I can’t have a phone call in my garden without it disrupting what the person can hear on... Read more

  • Larratt Walters

    Proper planning procedures must be followed, with no undue influence from the Aviation Council who only have one ambition to enlarge Gatwick!

  • Leigh Parish Council (Kent) (Leigh Parish Council (Kent))

    Leigh Parish Council comprises of democratically elected Parish Councillors who represent the views of their electors. The Parish Council and parishioners of Leigh object to the proposal to expand... Read more

  • Leonard Alan Pryor

    A step too far for Gatwick Airport. 1. This part of Surrey does not have the transport links to sustain the traffic flow. 2. Air pollution will exceed Gov figures. 3. Night Flights and noise is... Read more

  • Les Gunbie

    We face a climate emergency, and a new runway would add a significant amount of carbon and greenhouse gases – that makes no sense at all. I am totally opposed to this plan.

  • Lesley Coppin

    I am already finding it difficult to sleep at night with the current increased night flights, especially in the summer when windows are open. The noise is almost continuous with the sound of one plane... Read more

  • Lianne May-Kirkham

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does... Read more

  • Liberty Suart

    The noise pollution from Gatwick is already unbearable. Particularly given there seem to be no time restrictions - low flying, large planes throughout the night (every 2 minutes at 11pm, 12pm, 1am and... Read more

  • Lisa Prifti

    Airport infrastructure cannot support this level of growth. Unbearable impact on residents in surrounding area, noise, pollution, traffic. Benefits financial and social are not felt by local area;... Read more

  • Lorna Dowson-Collins

    I do not agree to the expansion and additional runway at Gatwick airport, for the following reasons- As a country we need to be looking at curtailing our carbon emissions not creating more, we are in... Read more

  • Malcolm Ginsberg

    As an aviation expert with nearly 50 years of experience, I represent a number a organisations that express and represent the views and opinions of the senior players across the UK and international... Read more

  • Marion Perry

    I live in Beare Green, directly under the flight path. Any increase in the current air traffic will have a detrimental effect on air pollution and noise pollution. I live in an AONB and double the... Read more

  • Martin Ridgley

    Noise and environmental impact to an already overcrowded sky

  • Matthew J Dennis

    I object to any expansion of LGW. The aircraft noise is already intolerable . The environmental impact is already appalling. This airport needs to diminish its noise and environmental impact not... Read more

  • Michael Carter

    Noise and pollution

  • Michael John Plant

    To much more noise from more aircraft

  • Michelle Varey

    I have already seen the escalation of air traffic over my property in the last 2 years, 2023 has been the worst. I understand from local communication that Gatwick are already using the Northern... Read more

  • Miranda Hart

    As a resident in lingfield that lives in a road that is right under the flight path I highly object to a further expansion of the capacity of flights to Gatwick airport. Currently the planes travel... Read more

  • Mrs Alison Trigg

    We live in the flight path and I am worried about extra noise and disruption and our house price diminishing

  • Ms Karen Read

    Air traffic noise in Penshurst Kent is already unbearable at times, add the impact to the environment, Gatwick is big enough,

  • Ms Rosanne White

    I am concerned about added noise from increase in air traffic. Often planes go right over our garden, very disturbing I am unhapoy about increasing air polution.

  • N Whitaker

    I think an extra runway will adversely impact people in the SW Kent area specially in the peak holiday times of the year - main school holidays- and also at weekends when.a lot of passengers tend to... Read more

  • Nicholas Kerman

    I am opposed to second runway at Gatwick Airport An increase in size will cause huge problems locally and there is plenty of employment in the Crawley. It will be an environmental disaster.

  • Nick Weaver

    I am deeply concerned at the prospect of Gatwick Airport expanding. The management already show little respect to the views of locals. There is not the capacity either in the skies over our heads or... Read more

  • Nickey Price

    Proposing another runaway at Gatwick to increase flights by 37 per cent and emissions as well will not comply with the CO2 reduction targets and our contribution to global warming. Apart from the... Read more

  • Nicki Davies

    I totally disagree with the new runway going ahead at Gatwick …we live in the flight path our summers are already tainted by the noise bbqs in the summer and outside dinner parties are ruined by the... Read more

  • Patricia S Topping

    The environmental impact of Gatwick’s expansion is enormous The lack of a good public transport system The lack of homes to house the increased number of workers at Gatwick and lack of affordable... Read more

  • Paul Daley

    The proposed scale of the development of Gatwick cannot be effectively delivered and enabled by the subscale development of the supporting infrastructure. E.g. Proposed public transport infrastructure... Read more

  • Paul East

    The proposal to further develop Gatwick will have a significant detrimental impact on Tunbridge Wells and neighbouring towns. I have previously written to Gatwick regarding the environmental impacts... Read more

  • Paul Rietchel

    Inadequate roads, railway, parking in the area.