
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1050 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Dorothy Richards

    As my representations are unlikely to exceed 500 words, I am setting out what I expect them to be here. I am opposed to the building of Sizewell C Nuclear power station on the following grounds: There... Read more

  • Dowley Family Business (Dowley Family Business)

    Relevant Representation I run a farming business which will be directly affected by the building of the two reactors at Sizewell. I am especially concerned about a number of aspects of the project: 1.... Read more

  • Dr David Perry

    I have a number of concerns about the suggested project at Sizewell: 1. Living in Yoxford, I can see that the road-based transport plan provided now has not adequately been shown to be the best of the... Read more

  • Dr Jonathan F Dean

    Please register me as an Interested Party for this examination. I am particularly interested in the needs case for this proposed development, primarily the economics of integrating nuclear power with... Read more

  • Dr Kay Laskey

    1) This project proposes building works and permanent structures which will damage and/or destroy areas of the fragile Suffolk coastal area which are legally protected, ie:- - The Suffolk Heritage... Read more

  • Dr Michael V Dale MRCVS

    Suggested issues for your Relevant Representation I am a semi-retired veterinary surgeon, resident of Wickham Market. I wish to raise issues of concern about Sizewell C. I represent residents whose... Read more

  • Dr Stephen J Wright

    The success of the Minsmere Nature Reserve is dependent on the surrounding land having a low level of development and a low footfall. The plans for Sizewell C include developments for housing which... Read more

  • Dr Tony Hasting CEng FIChemE

    I have a number of major concerns regarding Sizewell C. - The proposed location is inappropriate due to issues associated with climate change such as flooding - There are impacts on local issues such... Read more

  • Duncan Armour

    One of the safest industries .... the airline industry has around 20 major crashes per year - every year. Human error and inefficient design and faulty automation all play their part. Reported nuclear... Read more

  • Duncan McGregor

    Edf have sadly rolled back on their promises to mitigate the damage that this project will cause.

  • East Anglia ONE North Limited (East Anglia ONE North Limited)

    Introduction This Relevant Representation is submitted by East Anglia ONE North Limited in relation to the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed Sizewell C Project (PINS ref:... Read more

  • East Anglia TWO Limited (East Anglia TWO Limited)

    Introduction This Relevant Representation is submitted by East Anglia TWO Limited in relation to the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the proposed Sizewell C Project (PINS ref:... Read more

  • Lawson Planning Partnership Limited (Lawson Planning Partnership Limited) on behalf of East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust )

    The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) provide accident and emergency services and non-emergency patient transport services across the East of England, including Leiston, and raise a... Read more

  • East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board (East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board)

    This representation is written on behalf of East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board (ESIDB), a Member Board of the Water Management Alliance. The development area is partially within the Internal... Read more

  • Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority)

    The role of Eastern IFCA is to lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries within our district, which extends from the Humber to Harwich, and six nautical miles... Read more

  • EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd (EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd )


  • Edward Pitt

    1. The public must be satisfied that there is a need for "baseload" capacity which can only be met by large nuclear power stations and that emerging technologies will not do the job better and more... Read more

  • Edwina Galloway

    Relevant representation about Sizewell C As a resident in a directly impacted Parish I wish to raise concerns about: Sustainability re: NPPF 27 8. Promoting healthy and safe communities & 30 9.... Read more

  • Roger Ball on behalf of Elizabeth Ball (Elizabeth Ball)

    Sirs, I wish to object to the building of Sizewell C because I believe it will; Spoil one of the most beautiful parts of the English coastline, and certainly the most outstandingly beautiful part of... Read more

  • Ella Parker

    I do not live in Suffolk at the moment but it is where I grew up and I visit my family their regularly. I object to this proposal. The development is too big for the site and the surrounding... Read more

  • Ellen Shailes

    I am a resident of the local area, living, working in and enjoying the beauty and wildlife of the Suffolk Coast. These are my reasons for opposing the construction of Sizewell C: destruction of... Read more

  • Emma Bateman

    Hi intend to make a representation about the fact that there is not enough fresh water in the vicinity to supply the required amount to Sizewell c water abstraction will damage the environment the new... Read more

  • Emma Sitch

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe the project is in totally the wrong place. I am concerned about the impacts on local communities. Flooding and the effect on... Read more

  • Enid Kimes

    I live just off the A12 in Martlesham, approximately 20 miles from Sizewell, and therefore am registering as an interested party. I am deeply concerned about the negative impact that Sizewell C will... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Representation sent to project email address Please see attached

  • Evelyn Thomas

    • Sea levels are rising and will continue to rise, posing serious risks for all coastal areas, and all adjacent operations, including the this huge unnecessary project • The possibility of flooding is... Read more

  • Feadora Morris

    I would like to state my opposition to the proposed development for the following reasons: The area is surrounded by designated sites of international and national ecological importance and sites of... Read more

  • Fiona French

    I am seriously concerned about the environmental impact of Sizewell C. It will decimate the surrounding area, including the area around the RSPB reserve at Minsmere. In view of the position of... Read more

  • Fran Crowe

    SZC would blight this protected area permanently. What I value cannot be mitigated for: I am appalled at the destruction of such a tranquil, unique and fragile area. The character of AONB landscape... Read more

  • Frances Barnwell

    My concerns are as follows - The proposed traffic numbers and the gridlocks that are likely to follow would isolate this community from access to emergency services as well as work and leisure... Read more

  • Frances Bee

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following main grounds: 1. The economic case for Sizewell C no... Read more

  • Frances Hedley

    I am concerned about the following: * location of the site in an area of coastal erosion, and with a construction road network * impact on local environment especially Minsmere nature reserve *... Read more

  • Geoff Bones

    1. Sea levels are currently rising in line with the highest predictions of meteorologists of 20 years ago, and will likely continue to outdo current predictions. The coast around Sizewell is unstable... Read more

  • Geoffrey Prescott

    To, Planning Inspectorate. Re Suffolk Sizewell C Reactors C and D planning permission and related issues. Dear Sir/Madam, Please register me as an interested party in the Sizewell C planning matter.... Read more

  • Geoffrey Tebenham

    a power station at sizewell will contaminate that area for many yeas leaving a problem for many generation with better technology and reusable energy onstream is the way forward that part of the coast... Read more

  • George Powell

    The cost of the Sizewell C electricity is too high in relation to other alternative forms of electricity. The technology is flawed. There are other forms of nuclear power being developed by British... Read more

  • Georgina Harrison

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. Looking at the plans it seems that there are a lot of impacts on the local environment and communities that far our weigh the benefits... Read more

  • Gillian Horrocks

    1. Site Selection The site is at risk from sea level rise and flooding owing to climate heating. It could become an island containing 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste. It poses an adverse impact on... Read more

  • Gillian Richmond

    My house is very close to the proposed parking site near to the Fiveways Roundabout at the junction of the B1116 and B1078. My house is situated on the B1078. I am extremely concerned at the... Read more

  • Graeme West

    Sizewell C I live near Bury St Edmunds and visit the coast frequently to visit family and friends, sites of interest and for leisure. Those people and we have expressed grave concerns about the... Read more

  • Graham

    REGISTRATION IDENTIFICATION NO.[Redacted] To test email was working I emailed the empty form a while ago which gave me a reg no I have included above. I would that just being an ordinary person with... Read more

  • Graham Peck

    I was born in Southwold where I grew up, I subsequently moved to Aldeburgh and now live with my family near Little Glemham. During that time I have experienced the building of Sizewell A, Sizewell B... Read more

  • Graham Riches

    Risks and suitability of Sizewell as a location for a new generation reactor: I am concerned that risks and foreseeable impacts associated with the Sizewell location, along with insufficient or... Read more

  • Great Glemham Farms (Great Glemham Farms)

    Thank you for the opportunity to present professional views and feedback on the application to build a new nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast. I am writing as a Partner in a family owned... Read more

  • GreenSnape (GreenSnape )

    GreenSnape is an environmental community group with over 100 members. We believe this application poses a significant threat to the environment and rural way of life of Snape village and the wider... Read more

  • Greg Lusted

    As an interested layperson, it is my opinion that Sizewell C needs to be approved as nuclear power is the only low-carbon power source that can truly match coal and gas on grounds of both scale and... Read more

  • Hannah Katinka Morris

    This is ruining the environment and nature conserves, causing pollution and offshoring the wealth. We must protect our planet and local communities.

  • Hayley Chilver

    I am against the construction and running of Sizewell C, for the following reasons; • Irreparable damage to the local environment, which include habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, vegetation and... Read more

  • Hayley Pitwell

    I would like to make representation on the ecological impact, the debts EDF has in France, the impact on the tax payer and the electric bill for UK citizens, the impact on the sssis, the climate and... Read more

  • Henry Turnbull

    I am opposed to the construction at Sizewell C because: It will do untold damage to local wildlife, particularly at RSPB Minsmere. Marsh Harriers and many other birds will be scared away, never to... Read more