
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1201 to 1250 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Beverley Gale on behalf of Dean Carter (Dean Carter)

    I do not want to live in a power plant. I am not adverse to solar power completely and understand that we need to move towards renewable resources, but the scale of the planned project is just too... Read more

  • Debbie Plowman

    I object to this proposal as it should not utilise greenfield land - we cannot afford to lose the farmland. This site is far too large, the dangers are unknown - Sunnica has no experience of a site... Read more

  • Denise Shea

    My daughter has lived in Newmarket for 20 years and I am planning to move to the area shortly, with the large scale development of a solar/wind farm just by Six Mile Bottom is it viable to use more... Read more

  • Derik Bawden

    1: Valuable countryside will be eaten up, we are losing our 'green' land at an alarming rate, we will have less and less to pass on to our children and there children 2: Valuable farm land will be... Read more

  • Douglas Hall

    There are three main points I wish to make: 1) The impact this development will have on the significant amount of productive farmland on which it is proposed to be built. Especially relating to the... Read more

  • Dr Catherine Judkins

    I object to the proposal because: 1) Loss of vast area of highly productive, arable farmland. This is meant to be avoided and is contrary to planning policy. Claims that land is ‘poor quality’ are... Read more

  • Emma Sutherland

    A disgraceful project-need to consider using brown field sites well away from housing and using up extremely valuable farming land. Yes to solar-no to using agricultural land. Use land next to... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Representation submitted by email.

  • Fenella Maxwell

    I am a resident of Chippenham and object to the Sunnica scheme for the following reasons: • The construction phase of this scheme will take a long time and be a nightmare to live through. The... Read more

  • Fiona Glenn

    The Sunnica proposal raises multiple concerns for me: - As a parent of a young family I am deeply concerned about the proximity of huge scale batteries to my home. These pose significant fire risks... Read more

  • Fiona Maxwell

    I object to the Sunnica scheme for the following reasons: • I have grave concerns about the safety of the siting of 77 acres of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). Sunnica have yet to determine the... Read more

  • Francesca Muldoon

    I do not agree with the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010106 I am deeply concerned of the impact it will have on the location and surrounding area in the following... Read more

  • Frederic Barrelet

    I oppose the Sunnica Solar Farm Application because of: - loss of 2500 acres of highly productive East Anglian arable land reducing UK food self sufficiency for humans and farm animals - conversion of... Read more

  • George Boughey

    As a racehorse trainer in Newmarket I can only condone the proposal to have such a large installation of these solar panels in such an historic setting. Newmarket is renowned worldwide as the Home of... Read more

  • Georgina Elizabeth Stewart

    I would like to register my objection to the Sunnica scheme and support the submission from tattersalls.

  • Georgina Gold

    I live near Newmarket and the proposed site for the Sunnica Solar Farm of 2,800 acres. I strongly believe this will be a disaster for the local area if this farm is allowed to go ahead. Not only will... Read more

  • Greta Crosbie

    I am not in favour of this at all, it will impact environmental pollution and takes away farming ground for much needed crops. Last thing we need in the area.

  • Grzegorz Smulko

    I am objecting to the scheme because of its size and ensuing lost of countryside and fertile soil, outdated technology of Li-ion BESS, its massive carbon footprint, and the effect it will have on... Read more

  • Hannah White

    The solar farm will destroy local community and farm land. Not to mention be potentially dangerous and unsightly

  • Hayley Keddy

    I am against this proposal as it is much too expansive I worry about the effects it will have on local wildlife and it will be an eyesore

  • Heather Evans

    I OBJECT to the proposals for the Sunnica Energy Farm: The Scale of the Energy Farm is massive compared to all existing solar farms. This scheme is projected to take up over 2700 acres compared to a... Read more

  • Helen Baseley

    I believe that the construction of this huge project will be detrimental to the rural countryside in so many ways. The machinery that will be needed for construction will be too big for our small... Read more

  • Helen Housden

    A scheme of this size is completely out of scale. The impact on the local area - wildlife, agricultural land - cannot be underestimated.

  • Helen Palmer

    My concerns about this project are as follows: - Size is too big - its the same size as Heathrow Airport. - loss of agricultural land - impact on local communities - of no benefit to local communities... Read more

  • Helen Palmer

    Objecting due to significant concerns about the impact of the proposed Sunnica solar and battery plant: Using extensive productive local farmland at precisely the time that the UK needs to become more... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    PINs Registration and Relevant Representation Form Section 56 Planning Act 2008 Response deadline: 17 March 2022 Our ref: PL00528152 Project: Sunnica Energy Farm PINs Ref: EN010106 Response by: Sheila... Read more

  • Hugo Lascelles

    I’m a thoroughbred horse breeder,and board mares in the Newmarket area,this will not be a good environment for animals,transportation is important,the size and scale of this project will hinder... Read more

  • Ian Shipp

    I object to the Sunnica proposal as I feel it is too large and will have a significant detrimental impact upon the local area, it’s heritage, wildlife and community. I also feel that the battery... Read more

  • Isobel Chalmers

    As a local resident I am very concerned about this extreme development for the following reasons: - the solar farm is the largest in Europe and will change the landscape of this agricultural area... Read more

  • Isobel Newport-Mangell

    MY EXPERIENCE OF THE LOCAL AREA - 5th generation of a family which has lived and worked within the area as defined by the Order Limits of the proposed scheme - considerable network of local relations... Read more

  • Jacqueline Clarkin

    1. Not as green as it’s portrayed, huge carbon footprint 2. Destroying too many habitats 3. Destroying too much farm land required for food production 4. Returns not worth the destruction 5. No local... Read more

  • Jadwiga Smulko

    I am objecting to the application in its proposed form. I am concerned about the amount of land it's going to take, from what was made clear to the public, it's agricultural-grade soil, and as the... Read more

  • James Golding

    As a UK arable farmer I see the need for the UK to become more self-sufficient in food production. Importing food is not carbon friendly, often provides substandard food, gives the UK little or no say... Read more

  • James Plowman

    I object to this proposal: Given what has happened in the past 2 years in terms of the Pandemic and a war in Europe, it is more important than ever to have food security as well as power security. I... Read more

  • Jamie Barker

    I totally object to the plans to build this solar farm for the following reasons; it's close proximity to currently healthy population of our villages. I'd like to protect our valuable, food... Read more

  • Jenny Bawden

    1: Valuable countryside will be eaten up, we are losing our 'green' land at an alarming rate, we will have less and less to pass on to our children and there children 2: Valuable farm land will be... Read more

  • Jessica Wright

    This scheme would be a travesty for the local economy and habitat. With no evidence that this scheme will ever become even carbon neutral, it seems we would be sacrificing a huge amount of high... Read more

  • Joanna Lascelles

    I object to the Sunnica scheme for these reasons. Firstly it is an area I know extremely well as we spent the first 20 years of our married life living next door to Herringswell and although we now... Read more

  • Joanne Fallowfield

    I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm Project going ahead for the following reasons: 1. Safety Concerns a. In the event of an industrial accident, I would be affected as a local resident and my... Read more

  • John Hadley

    The first thing is that it is far to big. The impact on the country side is far to great. The effects on the wildlife are insurmountable, with the loss of native birds and animals, that will not come... Read more

  • John Roberts

    I do not believe that thousands of acres of farmland should be written off as unusable for many years after the solar farm has outlived its usefulness. The amount of power generated is insignificant... Read more

  • Joseph Bryson-Hill

    I would like to make a specific appeal for the government planning inspectorate to look extremely carefully at the current Sunnica project on the supreme agricultural green land around Isleham,... Read more

  • Josephine Skillen

    I object to the proposed use of a huge are of arable land when we need to grow more food for this country the project is a danger to the whole area, as has been shown in USA. The Army/Government have... Read more

  • Joshua Dennis

    After seeing the excellent crops produced from soil types like the land that is proposed to be the solar park I feel that it would be wasted and we all benefit more from having it in an arable... Read more

  • Julia Wordsworth

    • prime agricultural land will be lost forever - this country is supposed to be aiming for food self- sufficiency. • habitat loss for hundreds of species • the batteries and panels are made in China... Read more

  • Justin Fuga

    I object to the Sunnica project for the following reasons: 1) Industrialisation of greenfield land. Vast areas of high quality, high yielding agricultural land will be lost. No guarantee that it can... Read more

  • Karen Allitt

    I am worried about the sunnica farm, not because I’m against solar but for the following reasons:- 1 The size of the solar farm. 2. The size of the batteries needed and the dangers there. 3. The loss... Read more

  • Kate Hodgson

    Having been brought up within agriculture all of my life and in more recent years having involvement in farming the land in surrounding areas to this proposed project of Chippenham and Isleham, the... Read more

  • Kay Beckett

    I think that it is stupid to use land that is needed to grow food

  • Kennett Parish Council (Kennett Parish Council )

    Kennett Parish Council is concerned about the Sunnica proposal. The parish is soon to have a 500 house development which will be build adjacent to one of the battery plants, divided only by the A11.... Read more