
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 501 to 550 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Lea Surs

    Please listen to the experience of UNESCO who are so much against this plan. I am very anti- this plan.

  • Les Hudson

    I am very concerned about the future of Stonehenge, it seems to me that English heritage are taking it upon themselves to close down all the surrounding roads that give a view of Stonehenge, in order... Read more

  • Lesley Arrowsmith

    As an archaeologist, I am very concerned about the entire landscape around Stonehenge, as well as the stones themselves. This is a site of global importance, and the links between the different areas... Read more

  • Lesley Docksey

    I have known Stonehenge for most of my life. The thought that I would lose the sight of it as I drive past is distressing, and the thought that I would have to pay to see it is worse. Our history is... Read more

  • Lesley Wertheimer

    Car ownership is dropping as recent data shows therefore creating more roads is not in line with this. Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • Linda Cadier

    I am deeply concerned about the damage that will be caused to this site. I do believe that the major earthworks proposed will cause irreparable damage to this site which is of major archaeological... Read more

  • Lisa Mills

    The proposal is to put the road into a tunnel where it passes the stones, but the tunnel would be at most only 2.9 km long. This would result in at least 1.6 km of above-ground 21st-century road... Read more

  • Louise Smith

    I am writing to object to this. I object because of possible damage to our stones. I mainly object..and really very strongly object, that this will stop the public seeing the stones, being anywhere... Read more

  • Lucia Nixon

    No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. If A303 widening at Stonehenge is felt to be essential it should be done by means of a deep bored tunnel at least 4.5km... Read more

  • M A Taylor

    I would like to object to the plans for the following reasons, 1 This may improve traffic flow in the short term but traffic will build again, indeed it will encourage traffic to use the route. - the... Read more

  • M king

    Stonehenge is an ancient site of international significance. We do not understand it fully; there is so much more to be learned. It is vital that this site remain undisturbed so we can continue to... Read more

  • Maggie Brotherston

    My representation is as follows on the grounds of objection due to: Wildlife: Rare bird species such as the Stone Curlew and... Read more

  • Marcus Naylor

    The current plan will render the neolithic landscape damaged beyond recovery!

  • Margaret Barrett

    1) The A303 Stonehenge Expressway will irretrievably damage unique and very important and fragile archaeology. (Irreparable damage has already occurred at Blick Mead) 2) The Expressway threatens the... Read more

  • Mark Robinson

    I strongly object to this scheme since UNESCO have advised that it should no go ahead because of the potential to damage a World Heritage Site. There has been no consideration given to alternatives,... Read more

  • Marshall Stapleton

    Damage to the world heritage site It goes against Unescos advisors Loss of view also being forced to pay in future Disturbing wildlife - rare birds etc. Faster,noisier traffic

  • Martin Ash

    I am most concerned about the potential for permanent damage to an ancient and world heritage site. This scheme is far to close to the monument and should the road should be moved to be further away... Read more

  • Mary Bates

    this site is a hugely important site to Druids and other Pagans. It is also a historical site with so much mystery.

  • Maxine McAdams

    I feel that the proposals would do irreparable damage to a site that is not only of importance to the UK but is unique in the world. Advisors from the WHS are also in agreement that this proposal in... Read more

  • Melanie Humphries-Cuff

    The crime of obliterating a great swathe of the most revered ancient site in the world is beyond comprehension. Does Highways England not understand that the monument of Stonehenge is only a small... Read more

  • Michael Carver

    Any alteration to the route of the A303, whether above ground or through a tunnel, should not in any way damage or compromise any archaeology of the Stonehenge site or any other related sites nearby.... Read more

  • Mick Cannon

    People will no longer be able to see stonehenge from the road. This is an iconic sight which is a large part of British culture. Slos it will mean that many people who are unable to afford the high... Read more

  • Mickey Gibb

    I profounly object to the proposed irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and lanscape UNESCO’s international advisers say the proposal should not go ahead in the way it has been... Read more

  • Mike Newton

    I object to the destruction of any areas simply to facilitate a road

  • Mr B J Craven

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and it's value to our nation is beyond price. Apart from the all clear objections about the damage to adjacent sites, threats to wildlife, loss of view from the... Read more

  • Mr Derek Langley

    This scheme would cause huge damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. Less damaging options should have included in the... Read more

  • Mr G L Rogers

    I believe the site is unique and of huge historic importance. I think what's being planned is an act of vandalism and not something we can undo with the benefit of hindsight! I think that... Read more

  • Mr Hugh L Williams

    my concerns over this project are principally on the length of the tunnel proposed and to the possible damage the proposed road will cause to the historic landscape that not only includes Stonehenge... Read more

  • Mr Phillip M Donegan

    I believe that the proposed road works will cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. It's unique setting will be ruined, and important archaeology will be lost forever. In... Read more

  • Mr Warwick Conway

    I am concerned that the proposed scheme will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and its environment. I also believe that insufficient consideration has been given to... Read more

  • Mr. Arthur Phillipson

    I strongly OBJECT to this proposal for the following reasons: This would DESTROY a Blick Mead World Herritage Site BEYOND REPAIR! UNESCOs' International Advisers have made it clear that the... Read more

  • Mrs Janet Collier

    Given the huge amount of disquiet and the world significance of this site and the pride and love felt for it: I urge you to reconsider the present proposals. Take a step back and ask for all to begin... Read more

  • Mrs Jenny Langley

    Described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’, this scheme would cause huge damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. Less damaging options should have included in the... Read more

  • Mrs Sara Bryant

    The proposal will not provide an effective answer to traffic problems. The proposal would destroy for ever significant sections of one of the largest and most important ancient sites in the world,... Read more

  • Mrs Shirley Brailey

    I am sorry but I do not agree with the tunnel, we desperately need the road to be finished as soon as possible. The tunnel is too costly and will disturb too much of the ground. There is plenty of... Read more

  • Mrs. Jennifer Combe

    Why spend so much money digging tunnel when you could easily take the 303 further south and take in Salisbury as well. This is NOT a World Heritage site.

  • Ms Lawrence

    Dear Sir/ Madame, I am concerned that Stonehenge is going to be ruined and the quality of life around it, Ms Lawrence

  • Ms Angie Rankin

    I oppose the scheme which I believe will damage the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and wildlife in the area.

  • Ms Emma E Landers

    I object to the development on the grounds that it will cause Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ I'm also... Read more

  • Ms Hannah Sassoon

    Irreparable damage to Stonehenge & it's surrounding area, risking the unique archaeology treasures instead of preserving them for the generations to come UNESCO’s international advisers do not... Read more

  • Muriel Passmore

    I am responding to this because I am concerned about the damaged that will be done to the area, its archaeology and the surrounding land. UNESCO have described this site and a 'landscape without... Read more

  • Neal Mason

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Neil Cosburn

    I strongly support the proposal, it will have a major impact on the villages surrounding Stonehenge such as Middle Woodford by reducing "rat-running" by drivers attempting to avoid the gridlock on the... Read more

  • Neil Taylor

    I am concerned about distruption to the archaeology of a World Heritage site, and that the scientific advisers at Unesco state that the scheme should not go ahead in its current form. The neolithic... Read more

  • Nicholas C Lutwyche

    I am old enough to remember taking my young son to Stonehenge when access to the enormous stones was permitted. (I'm a British citizen and lived for many years in Central Dorset and South... Read more

  • Nicola Gray

    I could argue and write an essay on these proposals. In its most simplistic form the key argument is plain. Once proposals are put in place this unique site its changed forever. We will never get it... Read more

  • Nicola Ogborn

    I Believe that the current plan to imporove the traffic congestion at Stonehenge has not been thouroughly thought through and has the potential to cause irreparable damage to wildlife and potentially... Read more

  • Nigel Foster

    This is a World Heritage Site and must be protected

  • Nigel Spring

    I am very concerned that the proposed scheme will threaten not just the World Heritage site but also much of the adjacent land which has extremely high biodiversity value.

  • Norman Burr

    I believe that the plans as they currently stand are not sufficiently ambitious, in that the tunnel is too short. This in turn will lead to approach roads etc being too close to the monument, thus... Read more