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I fully support the expansion of Gatwick airport on the current site.
I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not...
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I am very concerned about the increased noise from aircraft and the overall adverse effect on the environment.
I am very strongly opposed to the expansion of Gatwick Airport and believe their application to be mendacious. The impact on the community would be enormous and I don't believe has been adequately or...
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I would like to register so I can make comments about: - The ever increasing negative impact of the already existing expansion of air traffic emantaing from Gatwick over the almost 30 years I have...
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Gatwick already causes significant noise and fume pollution in my area, including vented fuel, causing significant disturbance to local people and wildlife. This is an area of outstanding natural...
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I support the use of the 2nd runway @ Gatwick
The expansion of Gatwick airport will mean a major increase in GHG emissions, which will contribute directly to the suffering and death of more people and animals from extreme weather events. This is...
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The main impacts that we are concerned about are the following 1. Road traffic. the increase in road traffic through our divisions and through the whole of East Sussex from the building work on the...
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Very concerned about the environmental impact and increased pollution through aircraft emissions, plus additional vehicular traffic on trunk roads such as the M25 and M23. From a personal point of...
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The increase in flight numbers will adversely affect the neighbouring environment by way of noise + increase in jet engine discharges. All bad for human + animal life.
My main concern is the increase in traffic to the surrounding area of natural beauty. The other surrounding airports should be expanding and spreading the footfall throughout the country to increase...
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Noise and air pollution Increased traffic on unsuitable A and B roads causing severe congestion
When we first moved to our house 13 years ago, it was a rural, peaceful haven, with little road noise and only the occasional plane. Gatwick have since ruined that tranquility without any warning and...
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Air pollution Increased road traffic Increased air traffic noise including more night flights Adverse health outcomes for asthmatics
New runway should improve arrival and departure schedules, reducing time aircraft spend circling above airport and ensuring speedy passenger mobility, ultimately reducing passenger delays
No issues at all and fully support the project
We already have too much air traffic over our house and another runway will make the aircraft noise intolerable . Gatwick is big enough already and shouldn’t be allowed yet another runway
The relatively light taxation of air transport (including holiday traffic) is highly inappropriate when there is such an urgent need to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. If the taxation was...
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Expanding an airport is insane while in the midst of a climate crisis. We need to massively reduce our emissions to minimise the oncoming catastrophe, which includes massively reducing the number of...
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Flying is the most polluting of all forms of travel. Our planet is close to so many tipping points with respect to climate change. By extending Gatwick airport we are increasing the amount of...
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It is madness to approve an expansion of air travel at this time of climate crisis.
The situation as it currently stands, is intolerable with flights during busy times having no more than 30 seconds between them. These go on throughout the day and most of the night. We find it...
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My concerns lie with the significant increase in air traffic and therefore pollution from aircraft and people travelling to Gatwick. Air travel needs to become more limited and expensive to support...
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My family and myself are already extremely affected by noise and pollution from aircraft flying very near to our house, in summer it is impossible to sleep with the constant night flights, 2 people in...
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I am opposed on environmental grounds
My main concerns regarding the proposal by Gatwick Airport to double its capacity to 75 million passengers per year by 2038 by developing the Northern runway into a fully operational runway are: 1....
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Please reconsider this planning. As a local resident I disagree wholeheartedly and would cite noise pollution, carbon emissions as obvious reasons this should not go ahead. Given our current climate...
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I have huge concerns about the increase in carbon emissions and air and noise pollution the large increase in flights will cause.
I am hugely concerned about the impact increased air traffic will have on carbon emissions and hence the ever worsening climate emergency. I am also concerned about the additional air and noise...
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I don't think we should be considering air port expansions until we are able to mitigate the carbon emissions associated with air travel. We are in a climate emergency, and already creeping towards...
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I consider the main issues to be: 1) Increase in aircraft noise. There are already a large number of planes overflying my village (Kirdford) when there is an east wind which create a substantial noise...
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I live in (Redacted). The noise from planes has become much more frequent in the last few years as the number of planes heading to and from Gatwick has clearly greatly increased. The noise and...
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We live under a flight path and are worried about air and noise pollution. There is also the question of the infra structure being totally inadequate for the amount of traffic that will be needed to...
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Expansion of Gatwick airport Already with flight paths change no there has been noise increase 10 fold over Old Oxted with noiser planes used or flying lower I am concerned re the impact on the roads...
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Enough is enough Pollution Noise House values
I am a Burstow resident of 38 yrs and currently live directly under tbe flight path . Any further development and increase in flights will be incrementally detrimental to ALL aspects of living in this...
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Flood risk/River management and global warming has not been considered sufficiently Sustainability of expansion does not match housing quota, jobs available. People will have to travel in to work in...
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I am very concerned about the impact of noise pollution over the High Weald AONB.
1/ Noise 2/ Pollution 3/ I have (Redacted)
I have real concerns about the climate impact of building a new runway. Flying has one of the biggest carbon footprints of any form of travel and building a new runway is not in line with the UKs...
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I don't see how expanding an airport can be in any way compatible with the low carbon future we need to work towards.
I totally agree with the development of Gatwick Airport and support the second runway.
Concerns about Carbon emissions, traffic pollution, noise pollution, seek better healthier solutions Pollution, noise, lack of forward thinking, obvious climate issue, disruption, unnecessary...
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I live under the Gatwick flight path and have no issues about extending the runway whatsoever.
How can any airport expansion can be justified if it is incompatible with tackling the climate crisis and achieving our net zero targets. The large number of additional flights would significantly...
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Should the runway go ahead, I understand there will be a 70% increase in passenger numbers and a 37% increase in aircraft movement, meaning more noise and visual pollution, together with CO2 emissions...
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My reasons: Area is subject to flooding; The disruption to the area whilst the runway is being built; Are local residents going to be able to secure jobs, decent ones on proper contracts and not on...
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I have huge concern about the carbon emissions and air and noise pollution that the large increase in flights will cause.
I am all for the new project at Gatwick! It will create more jobs and hopefully have more opportunity to travel! Living under the flight path in Tunbridge wells it’s not as bad as all the moaners like...
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Dear Sirs I am writing to express my very grave concern about the proposal to convert the existing taxiway at Gatwick into a second main runway. You will undoubtedly be aware that Gatwick had already...
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This will massively increase the UK’s carbon emissions which is incompatible with our declaration of climate emergency, our signing of the Paris agreement, our COP 22 commitments. Apart from...
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Gatwick Expansion currently struggles to provide an effective service with one runway and is unable to ensure the air traffic stays in the agreed air corridors over local villages. There is absolutely...
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Noise pollution is already too high. We live under the flightpath. In summer, the noise from the planes is unbearable at night, keeping us awake. We cannot open our windows (double glazed) in the heat...
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Expanding aviation at a time when climate chaos is ramping up in the UK (see recent storms and flooding) is immensely dangerous and destructive.
Excess pollution. Bad to concentrate pollution in one area like this. Put the runway somewhere else. Not enough capacity for surrounding roads to cope with excess traffic meaning disruption to...
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I object to the expansion of Gatwick airport Flying is the fastest way to burn fossil fuels which are causing climate breakdown. Airport expansion is incompatible with maintaining a habitable planet.
This application will promote further expansion of a highly polluting mode of transport. In view of the governments 'Net Zero' targets and climate change, is it either advisable or acceptable?
I live almost directly under the flight path and planes pass over us at about 1 minute intervals about 75% of the time [when the wind blows from the west]. The amount of noise polution is already...
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Uk should be committed to making London net zero by 2030 and reducing air pollution. The aviation sector needs to play a part in this and not undermine our efforts to achieve this goal. I fail to see...
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I fully support the the Gatwick Northern runway project. It represents an excellent private investment in the local area that will bring substantial benefits likely to greatly exceed costs as assessed...
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This project has not considered the impact on communities surrounding the airport for increased traffic , noise pollution, lack of housing and infrastructure, and also to obtain a second runway by...
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I oppose the second runway due to the inevitable additional noise and the extra traffic that it will generate in the local area on roads that are often gridlocked
Quite happy for the project to go ahead
I am a resident, I have lived locally my entire life and I oppose the proposals from Gatwick. The claims about them being a good local employer are laughable. They have stripped that airport and...
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I object to the further expansion of Gatwick. Extra noise pollution: already many homes and villages are subjected to loud, regular aircraft passing overhead. This would increase substantially....
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I strongly object to this proposed project for the following reasons: NOISE: My property is constantly exposed to aircraft noise flying directly on the overhead flight path above it. These occur...
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Carbon emissions Noise pollution Not enough space
The current noise levels over(Redacted) from flight arrivals to Gatwick Airport are already at an unacceptable level. These proposals would markedly exacerbate that already unacceptable situation....
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Providing new infrastructure to support the further expansion of flight-based travel and tourism seems to deny the existence of climate change, or at least ignore the reasons for it.
The noise pollution is already distressing with a majority of planes circling over our property as they stack to land. I can only foresee this issue getting worse should a further runway be approved....
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I don’t believe there is a good enough reason to pollute the air further than is happening already. Flight paths and road traffic already impinge on my day to day life, more road traffic in the local...
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It is very noisy at night especially and every day in nice weather hard to sit in our garde feels like they are very low when planes coming into land and keeping us awake at night it will be even...
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* NOISE I understand the proposals for Gatwick would allow it to grow to the size of Heathrow. The amount of air traffic noise is currently unbearable, particularly in the spring/summer/autumn months,...
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Turning the emergency runway into a full time runway will further increase aircraft noise disturbance from its already unacceptable levels. Furthermore, there is a significant safety concern.
It goes against all the efforts to reduce green house gasses both directly, aircraft emissions and indirectly by the added vehicular traffic and its associated pollution. It compounds an existing...
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I strongly oppose the expansion of Gatwick. It is an environmental disaster to increase air traffic in terms of the contribution to global heating which is now reaching crisis points. It will increase...
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I support the development of the northern runway at Gatwick provided that, if it goes ahead, it will eliminate the need for a new runway at Heathrow. This is on the assumption that the cost of the...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not...
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I am concerned about the increased carbon emissions along with additional noise and pollution which will be suffered by people living nearby. Net 0 requires fewer flights and we should be working on...
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the noise is at the top of the objection the smell of aviation fuel is another
I object to the increase in noise and air pollution that will be over Horley Reigate & Redhill. It is incompatible with climate change targets & reducing air pollution and CO2 emissions to net zero
I support the expansion of Gatwick to have a second runway, I think it would be a positive move for the region
Noise, pollution, increased traffic on M25 and M23 are just a few issues. We suffered living under the flight path with low flying aircraft despite living 25 miles away. We ended up having to move....
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The SE is already overcrowded. M25 cannot cope now. It will be made worse. There will be an increase in pollution. In a time of severe climate change, this should not be encouraged. I will experience...
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We are in a state of climate emergency, expanding aviation capacity and increasingly flights should not even be an option on the table. We should be reducing flights and emissions to help tackle the...
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The fuel emissions from the aircraft are already excessive making it unpleasant and unwise to go outside some mornings. The local infrastructure could not support the increase in population and all...
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I am opposing the development of the second runway at Gatwick Airport. This will have a huge impact on the Surrey Hills Area of outstanding natural beauty, in respect of noise levels and light...
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I am deeply concerned about the carbon footprint of aviation globally. Also the terribly selfish noise pollution that a small number of passengers inflict on local residents.
The increased Noise, Nuisance and environmental pollution will directly impact my daily life. The transport infrastructure at Gatwick airport is currently inadequate for the existing number of...
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I am interested in local infrastructure (eg roads), and also the impact on local journeys during the construction phase. Noise, smell and light pollution are also important to me.
My issues with the second runway are: increased noise and frequency of planes coming over. The impact of pollution with the increase in planes and traffic. An increase in traffic, our village is...
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I am very concerned about the increase of carbon emissions, air pollution and noise from an expansion to Gatwick airport.
I’m concerned about the pollution in Three Bridges area - we’ve experienced worsening effects in air pollution over the last year ie oily deposits in bird bath water and when the wind is in our...
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Until there is zero emission fuel we should be stopping flights, not generating more. This proposal poses an existential threat of ecocide to the UK and the planet. People who put these actions into...
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I object strongly to the expansion of Gatwick Airport as suggested in the application on the grounds of detrimental impact on the environment, health, quality of life and amenity value of the area....
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I am already affected by aircraft noise,& do not want that increased. It is absolutely necessary to make the planet more green to reduce climate damage by sensible means, that doesn't include...
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Our family live under the Gatwick flight path to the east of the airport..our home is already blighted by air traffic which overflies the surrounding AONB. We can not reasonably be asked to endure...
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I live under the flight path for Gatwick Airport and hear flights coming into land from early morning to late at night and any increase in noise will adversely affect my sleep and quality of life.
I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not...
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