Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
We live (redacted). Planes making their approach to Gatwick do not increase their altitude over the hill so their approach at this point is low and noisy. The approach is also very close to the...
Darllen mwy
The expansion of Gatwick Airport by adding the additional runway will help to secure this important asset for the future, as well as improving the safety of both incoming and outgoing flights. Whilst...
Darllen mwy
I am against the proposed development for a number of reasons. This proposal is wholly unnecessary and not justified. It will lead to significant environmental impacts, which in many cases cannot be...
Darllen mwy
The current roads and other infrastructure can not support this expansion
I live under the flightpath of Gatwick Airport and there is already too much air traffic and noise pollution.
I believe the development will impact climate change. When we are in an era that is on the brink of climate collapse, and carbon is being released into the atmosphere at a rate not seen before, it is...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about aircraft noise in my community.
I am opposed to the expansion of Gatwick airport and it’s proposed conversion of an emergency runway into a second runway. Gatwick is already one of the busiest airports in Europe and it’s operations...
Darllen mwy
It seems complete lunacy to allow Gatwick airport to expand its runway capacity, and hugely increase the number of flights. The Committee on Climate Change have said there should be no airport...
Darllen mwy
We do not have the infrastructure. There is only one dual carriageway to the airport. When other airports expand there will be no need.
Salfords & Sidlow Parish Council OBJECT to Gatwick Airport’s application to enable dual runway operations at Gatwick Airport through altering the existing northern runway, lifting restrictions on the...
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I believe that expanding airports during the climate emergency is totally irresponsible. Gatwick Airport is in a busy area of residential and road networks and increase access roads would have to be...
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I am concerned about the effect of this proposed project on local infrastructure and about increased noise and air pollution. Local train services are already often very busy, as is Gatwick Airport...
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Air travel is the most pollution-emitting form of transport. Fossil fuels need to be kept in the ground, when we use them we contribute to global heating and the climate catastrophe. Other forms of...
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Inadequate road infrastructure to support drastic increase in road traffic. Harmful and unnecessary noise pollution underneath proposed flight path.
We live close to Gatwick Airport and are severely impacted by the continual noise of aircraft low overhead. The approach used to change so some days better than others but then without any warning...
Darllen mwy
The Long-Horned bee faces extinction if this project goes head. Bees are on the decline as it is and all species of bee are vital in maintaining the biodiversity of the UK. The UK is one of the most...
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To whom it may concern , I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, specifically the addition of new runways. As a resident living directly under the...
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The environmental damage with excess flights on already congested airways .Both Heathrow and Gatwick already use the skies above reigate from my understanding.Getting round planning laws through the...
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I am concerned that these plans will lead to an increase in pollution, both environmental and also noise
I am totally in disagreement with an additional runway at Gatwick Airport. We are constantly being told how climate change is a huge issue so it seems inconceivable that making what is already the 2nd...
Darllen mwy
In light of Gatwick Airport's expansion plans, I, as both a pilot and a local resident, wish to voice my concerns regarding the current operational challenges stemming from the insufficient number of...
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Darllen mwy
I very strongly object to the proposed increased in size of LGW
I reside at [Redacted], and as noted in Gatwick Airports Environmental Statement Chapter 14, paragraph 14.9.103 and 14.9.104, I am one of 20 properties that is expected to be subject to “MAJOR ADVERSE...
Darllen mwy
I object to this development. It will cause unmeasurable pollution and disruption to the local community. At this day and age we need to reduce carbon emissions not encouraging more pollution
My wife and I moved to South Godstone in 1999 with one of the main reasons being to escape the everyday hustle, bustle and noise of South East London, where we'd lived for the previous 40+ years. At...
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I am concerned that the proposed changes would cause a meaningful increase in air traffic flying over my house. If so, this would create a corresponding increase in daily noise pollution. It may also...
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Darllen mwy
The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a nationally protected landscape. One of the main qualities and public benefits of the Surrey Hills is its relative tranquillity within easy...
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Dear Sir or Madam I would like to register in order to write with objection to the further expansion of Gatwick Airport. I feel that facilitating an increase in aircraft is contradictory to the green...
Darllen mwy
As a local resident, I object to this additional runway on the following grounds: - increase in aircraft noise that will impact on my ability to enjoy my home and garden - impact on climate change and...
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We are concerned that the noise from aircraft will increase significantly if this 2nd runway is put into general use instead of being only used in emergencies. The number of flights will double and so...
Darllen mwy
Further expansion of Gatwick airport is unnecessary and detrimental . Any increase in air transport should be centred to the North of England to help obtain the levelling up being sought by Government...
Darllen mwy
There has been zero information or announcement made to the surrounding residential areas of Gatwick airport on this change which will undoubtably lead to an increase in flights in and out. This in...
Darllen mwy
The proposed expansion would have a significantly negative impact on nearby villages, notably Brockham where I live, in a number of respects: aircraft noise would increase significantly, and night...
Darllen mwy
I support the project. Expanded Gatwick is good for local area and wider region.
I am opposed to this proposal for the following mains reasons: 1.The deleterious impact on the natural environment of the Kent & Sussex Weald caused by increased noise and air pollution from more...
Darllen mwy
my main concerns. increased flood risk in BROCKHAM, and much of River Mole basin; also more river pollution, already amongst worst nationally, and sewage overflows. needs a town the size of Crawley,...
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I believe any expansion of services at Gatwick Airport is seriously detrimental to global warming. I do not want my 5 grandchildren to live with food shortages, social unrest, dangerously high...
Darllen mwy
The infrastructure in the local area cannot cope. There is enough aircraft pollution and we do not need any more night flights
The facts: - passenger increase by 19% (comparing 2047 with expansion and no expansion) - people working increase by 9% (comparing 2047 with expansion and no expansion) - aircraft movement (...
Darllen mwy
I am asking you not to approve the use of the emergency standby runway at Gatwick for everyday use . My community is already suffering from intrusive noise from aircraft day and night . I would also...
Darllen mwy
I am against the expansion of Gatwick Airport due to both the environmental impact and the additional strain it will place on an already overloaded local infrastructure.
Background. Abinger Parish Council (APC) is a democratically elected body representing some 2,000 people. The parish lies to the west and north west of the airport at a distance of about seven miles,...
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An additional runway at Gatwick is a retrograde step for Kent in particular. The constant roar of jets going over our house will be very irritating and difficult for the quiet villages of the county....
Darllen mwy
Airport Industrial Property Unit Trust (‘AIPUT’) hereby sets out its relevant representation on the application made by Gatwick Airport Limited (‘GAL’) for a development consent order (‘the DCO...
Darllen mwy
I am opposed to airport expansion anywhere in the UK. We are in a Climate Crisis as is obvious by the many extreme weather events from droughts and fires to floods and storms that we've seen around...
Darllen mwy
The proposed LGW expansion will mean the following pollution to our area: Over 1,200 Air Traffic Movements (aka flights) at peak, per day. An aircraft over us less than every two minutes 35% more...
Darllen mwy
Any increase in flight traffic at Gatwick is not acceptable. We live in Crowborough and can regularly read the airlines names on the sides of planned, as they are so low. The noise is impactful and...
Darllen mwy