
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2001 to 2050 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Sarah Heidi Kitley-Spencer

    Lingfield and Hever and the surrounding areas are all areas of beauty and currently already have a high amount of flight traffic - I oppose the new runway at Gatwick for this reason. It is detrimental... Read more

  • Shahab Amir-Ebrahimi

    I am writing to express my concerns regarding the new runway at Gatwick. The new runway will bring significantly more overhead traffic and noise to the village of Crockham Hill and will undoubtedly... Read more

  • Shannon Cullen

    I am concerned about the impact of additional flights on my village and personally for my family’s quality of life. Also the environmental concerns of expanding airports and runways when we should be... Read more

  • Sharon Turner

    I wish to appose the project to expand the northern runway because this will contaminate the already very busy skies with more aircraft flying low over the AONB. There are enough aircraft flying over... Read more

  • Shelagh Patricia Walker

    Am on the flight path and subject to planes currently every 3 minutes! Do not want this to increase as it’s unbearable especially during summer and at night! If this additional runway is approved will... Read more

  • Sherri Wood

    I regularly visit Hever and live in Sevenoaks. It’s such a beautiful and historic site which would be significantly impacted by constant flights going over. It’s a peaceful haven and a fascinating... Read more

  • Simon Burrows

    I'm hugely supportive of the plan to use the northern runway in the way Gatwick are proposing. More jobs for the area, and giving passengers more choice and not having to travel to Heathrow all the... Read more

  • Simon Holmes

    My parents live about 50 metres from the sound barrier [REDACTED] and have done for decades. It is the house I grew up in. [REDACTED] and if the proposed application is approved their quality of life... Read more

  • Simon Norton

    Gatwick’s proposal would massively increase its capacity, causing excessive aircraft noise for a wide range of rural communities and destroying the peace and mental health benefits of a large areas of... Read more

  • South Downs National Park Authority (South Downs National Park Authority)

    The application site is outside of the South Downs National Park, however the proposals will have some impact on the National Park, in particular in respect of tranquillity and dark night skies.... Read more

  • Stephanie Jeffery

    Hever Castle is a Grade 1 listed heritage attraction set within a Grade 1 listed park and garden which, in itself, is within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (a designation that is... Read more

  • Stephe James Wood

    We do not need all the additional pollution and noise that all the extra flights will produce especially when we are supposed to be doing all we can to reduce global warming

  • Stephen Moore

    I oppose this on grounds of noise pollution primarily

  • Stephen Morpurgo

    I am completely against the proposal to add more flights to Gatwick. This is a terrible idea for the planet, for the noise emissions, extra air pollution and adding extra traffic getting into an often... Read more

  • Stephen Rapicano

    Why don't you consider the lives of ordinary people for a change?

  • Steven Mark Clayton

    The South and West perimeter of the M25 is already serviced by 2 very large Airports namely Heathrow and Gatwick. The traffic and infrastructure cannot support existing demands never mind creating... Read more

  • Steven Rains

    I think this needs to happen to avoid the night flights, although it must be safe to do so

  • Stuart McLachlan

    The Noise Preferential Route 4 passes very close to the Surrey Hills AONB which at a height of 750 feet is much closer to the aircraft than surrounding areas. The persistent noise and pollution from... Read more

  • Sue Mcfarlane

    The roads around Gatwick airport are already extremely busy and expansion of the airport will only exacerbate this problem. Expansion will also make it necessary for more houses to be built in an area... Read more

  • Tandridge District Council (Tandridge District Council)

    This relevant representation is being submitted by Tandridge District Council (TDC) in its role as a Host Authority for the Gatwick Northern Runway (NRP) Project Development Consent Order (DCO). Due... Read more

  • Teresa Speirs

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick airport on environmental grounds . As a country we are supposed to be aiming for net zero carbon emissions. Adding an extra runway will put even more carbon in the... Read more

  • Richard Bush on behalf of The Bushes (The Bushes)

    Before any expansion of Gatwick Airport is even considered there needs to be several changes to the way aircraft are always flown down the same corridors when approaching to land. This has been a long... Read more

  • Tina Strong

    My village lies in the Weald of Kent - an AONB & one which needs to be preserved for all future generations to enjoy. We already have our lives blighted by increasingly large aircraft flying low over... Read more

  • Tom Denley

    Concerned about permanent rights to Church meadow. Concerned about increased traffic Concerned about increased air pollution and noise pollution from more aircraft.

  • Tom Edwards

    Low flying flights to and from Gatwick are already causing significant noise in the area. On some days a steady stream of flights 30s apart can run from dawn till dusk. I do not support this expansion... Read more

  • Tony Bennett

    I support the project to use the North runway, it will support local jobs and the local economy.

  • Transport for the South East (Transport for the South East)

    Transport for the South East (TfSE) is a sub-national transport body (STB) that represents sixteen local transport authorities. These are Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, Medway,... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Valentin Vasile

    I don't think the second track is useful because: Traffic in the area is already congested, The highway is not lit, Because the airport charges prohibitive parking fees, many travellers park in the... Read more

  • Wendy Fuller

    I and other members have been asked to support Hever Castle in opposing the second runway at Gatwick. I agree with the castle’s reasons for opposing as this is an area of outstanding beauty and a... Read more

  • Zoe Peers

    This proposal would affect my wellbeing due to already being on the Gatwick flight path.

  • Abelardo Clariana-Piga

    I understood an existing runway was going to be brought into regular use but this is not what is being considered now. A new runway aims to allow many more flights. Consequence: much more CO2, far... Read more

  • Alan Rowe

    I object to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway project on a number of grounds, increase in noise, increase in night flights, increase in pollution and CO2 emissions and simply the inability of... Read more

  • Alexander Bennett

    I absolutely object to the proposal that Gatwick airport should be allowed to expand and build a new Northern runway. This would be a disaster for the 1.climate 2. for local air and noise pollution 3.... Read more

  • Andrew Neil Mackenzie

    I do not think the expansion of the airline industry is consistent with responsible behaviour as we head towards a climate emergency.

  • Angela Ward

    Detrimental impact of increased noise and pollution upon the environment. Negative impact on the sensitive Area of Natural Outstanding Beauty and the SSI status of the Ashdown Forest. Will add to... Read more

  • Beatrice van Grutten

    There are a huge amount of planes passing over our area. Flying low (5 - 7000 feet) and regularly 1 per minute. It destroys the peace than many people were searching for when they moved to this area.

  • Ben Armstrong

    I would like to express my concerns regarding the potential negative impacts of adding an additional runway to Gatwick Airport: Noise Pollution: With an additional runway, the frequency of flights... Read more

  • Caroline Tilbury

    I am very unhappy that this project should even be considered under the circumstances. I think it is wrong to expand for a number of reasons. A huge increase in already serious air pollution, from... Read more

  • Carolyn Potts

    When i moved to my home there were no aeroplanes flying above my property. I bought a home free of air traffic and air pollution. Now there is a steady flow, day and night, of aeroplanes flying in the... Read more

  • Chris Jeffery

    I am a member of Hever Castle Golf Club and of Hever Castle, and make regular visits to both. Hever Castle is a Grade 1 listed heritage attraction set within a Grade 1 listed park and garden, within... Read more

  • Christopher Andrew Glover

    I am already negatively impacted by the noise of aircraft using Gatwick Airport. I understand the need for airports and, as a user of Gatwick myself, I accept the current level of activity. However, I... Read more

  • Cynthia Cole

    I am strongly against the development of the 2nd runway at Gatwick airport: • the additional flights of up to a cap of nearly 400,000 a year would massively impact noise, air quality and pollution in... Read more

  • David John Jaques

    It is ridiculous to use the excuse that there is already a spare runway. The amount of work required to get this ready to use, along with all the services necessary, makes this an almost wholly... Read more

  • Derek Potts

    I am strongly opposed to the further expansion of gatwick and concentrated flight patterns.

  • Diane Toye

    I am very concerned about further destruction to the Countryside in this part of Britain and further loss of habitats in Sussex. The idea of more traffic on the road and in the air is very worrying... Read more

  • Dorrie Willis

    object to the proposed expansion of the airport. There is already antisocial amounts of noise from landing and circle pattern aircraft over our village in Kirdford. This is the point where most... Read more

  • Dr Abdelaziz Aboelsood

    The South East has few places left with acceptable noise pollution and so please help us to keep and look after these place and Hever Castle is one of those national heritage ...thank you

  • Ernest James McLaughlin

    The audible effects of the existing single runway at Gatwick can be at certain times and certain parts of the area I live in can be overwhelming. For instance, on my frequent visits to Hever Castle... Read more

  • Gemma Findlay

    I wish to voice my concern and objection to the proposed expansion at Gatwick. Currently the noise pollution is unacceptable, flights run throughout the night - residents where I live in Tunbridge... Read more