
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2451 to 2500 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Peacehaven & District Chamber of Commerce (Peacehaven & District Chamber of Commerce)

    Additional noise and congestion are a concern.

  • Petrina Voelcker

    If the application to use a second runway is given permission to go ahead I fear that the potentially massive increase in air traffic will have a deleterious effect on the surrounding area. There is... Read more

  • Philip Goddard

    The noise pollution and air quality reduction caused by the existing volume of aircraft movements, and traffic/parking problems caused by the existing number of airline passengers, already has a... Read more

  • Pootings Residents Association (Pootings Residents Association)

    Pootings Residents Association (PRA) represents over 60 members and their families who live in Pootings and the surrounding areas of Crockham Hill and Mapleton Road situated in Green Belt land in the... Read more

  • Ramblers (Sussex Area) (Ramblers (Sussex Area))

    Sussex Ramblers oppose Gatwick Airport’s application for a northern runway for the following reasons. 1. The applicant claims that it is a development of an existing runway but Gatwick does not have 2... Read more

  • Richard Butler

    I have lived in Edenbridge since 1969 (54 years). I have witnessed the ever increasing noise and pollution as a result of the continued growth of Gatwick traffic. The main aircraft traffic travels... Read more

  • Richard Heis

    The large population that is affected by this planned measure, has seen a significant increase in flights since Covid, which seem to carry on later and later into the evening. Gatwick have... Read more

  • Robert Charles Clay

    Further expansion of Gatwick goes against all the UK's commitments to reach net zero. Air travel is unsustainable. Transport policy needs to change to reduce the number of flights to and from the UK,... Read more

  • Robert Duggan

    I object to expansion of Gatwick airport. It is inconsistent with the UK govt. declaration of a Climate Emergency; It will worsen traffic congestion in the area; It will worsen noise and air... Read more

  • Roger Easton

    Noise pollution. Environmental Pollution. Won't help UK meet net Zero targets

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail (Royal Mail)

    Royal Mail (RM) does not have an in principle objection to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway DCO proposals but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its operations during the construction and... Read more

  • Ruth Margaret Sweet

    My concern relating to Gatwick airport expansion plans

  • Sandra Jean Mortimer

    Noise impact on my day to day life. Pollution impact on my day to day life. Pollution impact over whole area. Decline in air quality. Significantly more aircraft noise. My home is under the flight... Read more

  • Sarah Witheridge

    The airport is big enough. It is already extremely noisy for residents every morning and evening.

  • Sharon Taylor

    I support the application for the Northern runway at Gatwick Airport.

  • Shere Parish Council (Shere Parish Council)

    This is a provisional response from Shere Parish Council and is subject to ratification or amendment by the full council. The parish of Shere, particularly the hills in the southern section of the... Read more

  • Shirley Wise

    I am totally opposed to the Gatwick expansion on many grounds. The first objection will be yet more horrendous noise from the planes themselves, I hear them now every day and every night and during... Read more

  • Simon Gill

    The introduction of PRNAV has had a significant detrimental effect to our quality of life due to increased aircraft noise. Departure Routes 3 and 4 both fly over our home and in addition we are... Read more

  • Simon Witheridge

    Will be detrimental to the local area.

  • Stephanos Panayi

    Apposed to 2nd runway. For a quieter and green future.

  • Stephen East

    Concerns about increased aircraft movements and associated noise especially night time flights

  • Stephen Lark

    I object to the further development of Gatwick Airport. We live in a rural area of West Kent and already suffer from an excessive amount of noise from Gatwick’s operations from taking off and landing.... Read more

  • Stephen Nigel McDonald

    I have huge concerns about the growth in CO2 emissions as a result of Gatwick expansion, estimated to rise from the 2019 figure of 281,000 aircraft movements to 318,000 aircraft movement by the time... Read more

  • Stephen Short

    I object to this application by Gatwick Airport for a second runway. We already suffer with unreasonable aircraft noise and disturbance and a second runway would increase this significantly. It is... Read more

  • Steven Paul Birch

    To enable the runway will lead to increase car traffic both within the local area and on the motorways M25 and M23, this will be driven by extra passenger journeys to the airport and additional staff... Read more

  • Stewart Berrymen

    I object to the Gatwick expansion proposal

  • Valerie Barbara Cahill on behalf of Sunhill South Godstone RTM Co. Ltd (Sunhill South Godstone RTM Co. Ltd)

    [Redacted] which is managed by the Sunhill South Godstone RTM Co Ltd is a house built in the 1890's now converted into six dwellings. It is directly in the flight path when taking off to the East and... Read more

  • Susan Cash

    We already suffer from excess noise with aircraft flying over, particularly under certain weather conditions. Any increase in flights will spoil the beauty of this area for walkers and others seeking... Read more

  • Susan Mitchell

    I strongly object to Gatwick Airport’s proposed addition of a 2nd runway, mainly in view of the anticipated increase in aircraft noise and the impact on climate change and air pollution. We live near... Read more

  • T G Gourlay

    Yes, I understand the need for more runways, but I am also concerned about the level of noise and air pollution. Having lived, and worked, directly beneath the flight path in the past, it is very hard... Read more

  • Stephen Maurice Bird (Stephen Maurice Bird) on behalf of The Bird-Hellsten Family (The Bird-Hellsten Family)

    We are about 20 miles from Gatwick. We moved here 20 years ago knowing of the noise from aircraft. We have learned to cope and are grateful for some degree of respite by the use of alternative... Read more

  • The Stirling Family

    From: Jeremy & Valerie Stirling (Redacted) To: The Gatwick Expansion Consultation advisory Committee Web address:... Read more

  • TUI (TUI)

    TUI Airways is one of Gatwick's largest airlines operating short, mid and long-haul flights to leisure destinations around the Europe and the rest of world. Our interest in the project is around the... Read more

  • Valerie Barbara Cahill

    [Redacted] is already inconvenienced by noise from existing runway usage, expanding to two runways would increase the aircraft traffic noise extensively. The flight path is already full to capacity... Read more

  • Martyn Warr (Martyn Warr) on behalf of Warr family (Warr family)

    We object to this proposal. Our main objection is about the inevitable increase in noise pollution. We live under the flight path of Gatwick. The increase in traffic in recent years, which we... Read more

  • Wizz Air (Wizz Air)

    London Gatwick is constrained in terms of capacity, therefore this scheme, if approved, would allow additional capacity to be released to the benefit of airlines and passengers.

  • Adrienne Dixon

    Living under the flight path to Gatwick has become very uncomfortable especially as planes now seem to fly 24 hours a day and the noise levels so high you cannot sleep with a window open.

  • Alexander Koeppen

    Having moved from Newdigate where Gatwick introduced concentrated flight paths I have first hand experience of the misery an increase in flights has on those overflown. There is already very little... Read more

  • Alexandra Maule

    The protection of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with Environmentally Friendly Businesses I live in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt. Where we live is a part of... Read more

  • Alison Wright

    My views on increasing the size of Gatwick Airport: 1. Climate change is an existential problem which most governments seem to be pushing out of the equation. Travel in many forms contributes to... Read more

  • Andrea Francis

    The environment, the noise, the infrastructure- and not necessarily in that order.

  • Andrew Roe

    Noise of aircraft using the new runway that will be much nearer to Horley especially during the night period. The increase in the number of departures recently can only get worse in the future and... Read more

  • Andrew Simon Cadman

    I have lived in Rusper for over 25 years and during this time Gatwicks attitude to local residents has gone from bad to worse. Disingenuous at best with mis-information and false marketing, more... Read more

  • Andrew St Pierre

    Gatwick’s Expansion plans will create so much motorway and local road congestion that they will damage the rest of the economy and leave no room for extra travel capacity for journeys , both car and... Read more

  • Ann McCue

    The South East already has far too much pollution and congestion related to its airport, the airplanes that fly from them and the passengers who travel to and from them. We need to solve the pollution... Read more

  • Anna Jarvis

    Below are the words of CPRE Sussex. I completely agree with everything they've said below, they put it much more succinctly than I would. Thanks, Anna • The plans would effectively give Gatwick a new... Read more

  • Anna Worthington

    Air traffic noise and pollution is already an issue, adding a second runway will create more noise, pollution and carbon which will have a detrimental affect on health and well being of our family.

  • Simon Fellows on behalf of Anne Fellows (Anne Fellows)

    Climate change & air pollution: Expansion on the scale proposed would significantly increase the CO2 emissions that drive up global warming and discomfort for human life on earth. There are currently... Read more

  • Anthony Brimelow

    I am concerned about the impact of aeroplanes flying low over or nearer to my property. At present we are north of the runway by a margin that reduces noise, but if the planes are closer, this will... Read more

  • Anthony Woodward

    I am strongly opposed to the expansion of Gatwick Airport on the grounds that we are in a climate emergency that is already causing large scale human suffering and unless we drastically reduce CO2... Read more