
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 2551 to 2600 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • John Bernhard Bandler

    Personally I am against it on the basis of air traffic noise & pollution and the consequent increase in road traffic through the town travelling to and from Gatwick from East Kent.

  • John Hines

    Totally not needed with other airports opening in the south of there is an abundance of airports Also with the demands of cuts to reduce and even eliminated Carbon emission Air Travel has to be... Read more

  • John Kenwright

    Gatwick Airport Expansion Plans I live in Edenbridge on the northern edge of the flight path of aircraft approaching from the east, the predominant direction, and I strongly object to GAL’s plans to... Read more

  • Jonathan Fitz Inman Cook

    Around 100,000 more flights and passenger numbers doubling to 75,000,000 . Gatwick the size of Heathrow? 1 Carbon Emissions Carbon and CO2 emissions would increase at an unacceptable rate. COP 26... Read more

  • Joseph Wales

    I think this could be good for the surrounding areas in a lot of ways, but I personally think it would be very good to see some money going towards the local environment to compensate for any addition... Read more

  • Judith Mary Lusted

    My concerns are the CO2 emissions that this will produce, the total lack of local infrastructure and increase in water and waste management. The tax payer will be funding all of this, not the Airport... Read more

  • Judy Craddock

    I object to the Gatwick expansion plan because of the health impacts on the surrounding villages, because of the extra noise pollution and because of the extra road use in our area.

  • Jules Crossley

    I am very unhappy about all aviation expansion which is currently being planned in the UK and this expansion in particular. Aviation expansion the areas affected by the airport's operations should... Read more

  • Julia Catherine Tingle

    This is yet another example of the "will of the people" being dismissed. I have a further comment about the validity of those who call themselves Inspectors. Who appoints them and on what basis? Which... Read more

  • June Elizabeth Roff

    The proposed expansion of air traffic at London Gatwick Airport. This will negatively affect the area in numerous ways, from traffic in the roads to air pollution, to noise and also climate change.... Read more

  • Justin Norman

    This is a white elephant. The world is moving online. We need to travel less for business, and that will happen over the next few years. We should be moving away from accepting environmental... Read more

  • Justin Walker

    I believe a new runway at Gatwick will be counter to our commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions on which we are already failing according to the Parliamentary Climate Change Committee. It will... Read more

  • Karl Goldstraw

    As a local resident, I’m concerned about the lack of real information about additional air pollution that the second runway will bring to the area. There are already oftentimes when our street smells... Read more

  • Kathleen Siobhan Jenkins

    1. Climate Crisis - SE England in heart of pollution zone - this will add to pollution and affect people's health with respiratory issues (same as Heathrow) 2. SE Eng is an Area Of Outstanding Natural... Read more

  • Kathryn Harman

    Enough is enough. How on earth are we going to meet the greenhouse gas emissions targets with a prediction of 75 million customers using Gatwick by 2030? The Government have set up a Climate Change... Read more

  • Keith Frederick Ireland

    Main local concern - Noise caused by increased aircraft movements over the village mainly from departure Route 3, also Route 4 (and Heathrow overflights which will increase at same time due to... Read more

  • Keith Gibbins

    In favour

  • Kenneth John Bloomfield

    I object to the proposed expansion because it is unnecessary and would cause a huge increase in Carbon Emissions and Air Pollution right from the beginning of construction work and continuing to the... Read more

  • Kristina Anne Banner

    If we are to reach net zero emissions and avoid major climate catastrophe, we need to reduce air travel, not increase it. Also the health of the local population will be diminished with increased air... Read more

  • Lavender Katharine Jones

    I live in Sussex and there is a continuous stream of planes passing overhead day and night. I worry that if there is to be another runway traffic will increase and thus pollution and noise. It would... Read more

  • Lawrence Mason

    We live directly under the flight path of Gatwick, and the aircraft noise is currently hellish, with aircraft passing over every few minutes and at a low level as they approach / leave Gatwick. The... Read more

  • May Chew & Associates (May Chew & Associates) on behalf of Lee Ah Heng family (Lee Ah Heng family)

    Our firm represents the owners of properties surrounding the area of Gatwick Airport. These are the concerns of the runway development:- 1) Air pollution from increasing gas and carbon emissions of... Read more

  • Leonie Creed

    We do not need more planes, I don’t know how the idea of expanding the airport can even be suggested when climate change is the dominant issue of the time. The noise and pollution in the area is... Read more

  • Lewes District Council (Lewes District Council)

    Northern Runway project Gatwick Airport - Lewes District Council object to this in principle given the increase in emissions that would result.

  • Lorraine Kordecki

    I live near to the airport where already hourly flights overhead, (we are on a flightpath), make life difficult. Having studied the new expansion plans, I am now concerned that building encroachment,... Read more

  • Lucy Kernick

    I am very concerned about the plans to expand Gatwick airport. The amount of airport noise and disruption is already excessive in this rural community and local roads cannot support an expansion.

  • Lucy Raby

    In previous consultations it was decided that one new runway in the South was needed and as a result of the enquiry, it would be at Heathrow. This proposal therefore contravenes that decision. A 2nd... Read more

  • Malcolm Davison

    My family was associated with the construction expansion of Heathrow and Gatwick from 1950 - 1990. Over 25 years I have supported Gatwick by being a regular business flyer. I support the steady... Read more

  • Marie Fiona O’Connor

    the new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Marion Jessami Butler

    Gatwick moved their 2 main departure runways northwards in 2012 towards Redhill/Reigate towns and their communities notwithstanding the fact that they were fully aware these towns/communities have... Read more

  • Mark Ronald Wood

    I agree with the Northern Runway at Gatwick. It will lessen pollution as the aircraft will not have to wait for long periods of time to take off and land.

  • Martin Naughalty

    I object to this proposed expansion on several grounds • The policy seems to have been (deliberately?) misinterpreted by the airport as this is an application for a new runway which does not comply... Read more

  • Mary Symes

    I live on the Gatwick flight path in part of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural beauty. Our peace is constantly interrupted by the wine of jet engines and on some days it is every few minutes... Read more

  • Matthew Graham-Hyde

    My concerns are environmental, not a sustainable activity, noise disturbance, mental health impacts of aircraft noise and frequency, pollution caused by aircraft and airport activity. Cost and safety... Read more

  • Maureen Spence

    I support Gatwick's application to bring their standby runway into routine use. This will be great for the local community by providing more job opportunities and also for the airport's passengers who... Read more

  • Melanie Ayres

    I am very concerned about the addition pollution the additional runway will create around my home as I have a (Redacted) and I moved to this home to improve my general and mental health. Having a huge... Read more

  • Michael David Morley

    That it is beneficial for the town of Horley. It will create more jobs at the Gatwick Airport. The extra travellers will create business for local shops, restraunt, hotels and pubs. Also it will bring... Read more

  • Mike Tyzack

    An increase in flights will exacerbate climate change at a time when all parts of the economy should be reducing their impact on the climate.

  • Miranda Gwendoline Alderton

    We Live under the flight path to Gatwick there are planes every few minutes as it is.. in the winter you can see 5-7 planes coming.. we need more airports in differant locations so the car traffic is... Read more

  • Mr J F Hubbard

    This proposal should be rejected due to adverse effects of this project on noise, pollution from extra aircraft in the skies over the locality, pollution from extra traffic using the airport and... Read more

  • Mrs Mavis Kathleen Monk

    The increased number of flights will have a detrimental effect on the lives of people living in Surrey and Sussex disturbing the peace of rural areas both in the day and during the night. The... Read more

  • Mrs Valerie Miles


  • Mrs. Penelope Brenda Clear

    Combatting climate change should be the top priory. we need fewer flights not more. No new runways at Gatwick, Heathrow or elsewhere, thank you

  • Nancy Hubbard

    Judging by the sheer numbers of aircraft already flying in and out of Gatwick Airport it seems to me the sky above RH12 4DD is already extremely crowded. Pollution: It is not unusual for there to be a... Read more

  • Neil John Spalding

    The current approach pattern is directly above my house in Tunbridge Wells, this is the largest town by far on the normal Gatwick approach path. In recent years the number of planes appear to have... Read more

  • Neil Williams

    1 Environmental Impact: The expansion of Gatwick Airport is set to have a disastrous impact on the environment. It is common knowledge that aviation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas... Read more

  • Neville Side

    Key points are: Gatwick staffing resources currently unable to cope with one runway, thereby leading to numerous flight cancellations. A second runway will exacerbate this problem. Numerous flights... Read more

  • Nick Green

    Climate change and air pollution. Expansion on the scale proposed would increase very substantially the CO2 emissions and other climate effects associated with Gatwick’s operations and flights. There... Read more

  • Nicola Mulligan

    The M25, M23 and local roads will become even more congested with Gatwick traffic, particularly as there is only one train line into Gatwick, already at capacity with no plans for expansion and so... Read more

  • Norman Beattie

    I have lived the last 36 years in Crawley. While it can be handy living near an international airport I feel that Gatwick Airport has managed with one main runway and an emergency runway, so why do... Read more