
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2601 to 2650 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Norse Atlantic Airways (Norse Atlantic Airways)

    Gatwick Airport, one of the busiest airports in the United Kingdom, has faced constraints due to its limited runway capacity, leading to congestion and delays for both airlines and passengers.... Read more

  • Olive Jane O'Dowd-Booth

    The Committee on Climate Change states - "There should be no net expansion of UK airport capacity unless the carbon-intensity of aviation is in line with or ahead of the Government's pathway and can... Read more

  • Patricia Anne Price

    I object to the proposed change of use of the emergency runway and expansion of Gatwick Airport for the following reasons: This would have a massive impact on the local area in terms of noise,... Read more

  • Patricia Brown

    Seriously want to challenge the arrival of a suggested second runway at Gatwick. Take off and landing arrangements along with general adjustments to airport flight approaches have already been altered... Read more

  • Paul Daniels

    The increase in Route 4 traffic is already interfering with our work and leisure and this will increase considerably if the proposed application to widen the Emergency Runway and bring it into regular... Read more

  • Paul King

    I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. Nothing has changed since the publication of the Sir Howard Davies report in 2015 that recommended that any expansion should be at... Read more

  • Paul Reeves

    I am opposed to it on the basis that the impact of a second runway on flights will damage the area severly and will contradictory to the net zero climate change objectives of the UK

  • Pauline Dianne Bell

    Growth at Gatwick Airport will have a huge adverse environmental effect on our communities and countryside. The plan doesn’t meet the Airports National Policy Statement and if approved will have far... Read more

  • Peter Andrew Kibby

    I am a retailer in Sevenoaks of 36 years standing and have lived in Leigh near Penshurst since 2006. I am whole heartedly against Gatwick's proposal for a second runway essentially because of the... Read more

  • Peter Rusbridge

    Climate Crisis How can a significant expansion of air traffic at Gatwick be justified in light of the climate crisis? The increase in air traffic alone will generate a huge rise in CO2 emissions and... Read more

  • Peter Symes

    I live on the Gatwick flight path and an additional runway will increase the number of planes day and night creating a noisy disturbance. Night time flying is unacceptable except in very limited... Read more

  • Phil Belden

    I strongly OBJECT to this proposal for a second runway at Gatwick Airport. We are at a time of unprecedented damaging climate change for the whole of humanity and life on Earth, yet we are doing... Read more

  • r. David Alan Hedges

    I live under what is called the flight path for the airport. I am unable to understand why people are up in arms about noise, disruption etc. I believe the large number of the persons complaining... Read more

  • Reuben Mychakeckyj

    Airport is expansion is not viable for our net zero targets. We need to concentrate are time and money into finding solutions to the energy crisis and transitioning, also inventing green jet fuel, not... Read more

  • Richard Hoare

    Infrastructure around Gatwick is inadequate and noise pollution is bad enough already. Having a house 6 miles from the airport makes another runway less than appealing.

  • Richard Paul Martin Wigham

    Many reasons why this should not go ahead: 1. Gatwick is already the busiest airport with many short haul flights 2. The noise level from airplanes in the Outer Noise band is already unacceptable 3.... Read more

  • Richard Tittle

    My main concern is over additional flights resulting in added noise which would affect my and my family's quality of life. Further, I do not believe we should be doing anything to increase carbon... Read more

  • Rob Gussinklo

    To whom it may concern, I would like to register my concerns over Gatwick’s proposed expansion scheme. The proposals certainly don’t lack in ambition but can that ambition be achieved in Kent, Sussex... Read more

  • Robert Anthony James Stephenson

    There should be no expansion of Gatwick (or any other) airport because it will increase the process of climate change, add to air pollution, noise pollution and road traffic.

  • Rodney Bird

    The plans would effectively give Gatwick a new second runway, but Government policy is that any new runway in the South East should be at Heathrow. (Though we think that there shouldn't be any new... Read more

  • Roger Monk

    I believe that there are enough flights over Surrey and Sussex at the moment. Millions of people on the ground suffer from the noise of the plains at the moment. It should not be allowed to increase,... Read more

  • Roisin Hines

    Gatwick is a London Airport and currently functions as a back up to the main London Airport- Heathrow which has planning permission for another runway. Heathrow is a major hub for business orientated... Read more

  • Rosamund Mahne

    You would think that with the ever increasing climate change emergency, and the inevitable increase in air pollution the last thing any serious county needs is this second runway with thousands more... Read more

  • Ruth Merson

    In my lifetime the key negative impacts will doubtless be noise pollution and the effect on the traffic in an already very difficult area. My key objection however is the impact on the future quality... Read more

  • Ryan Pagden

    I outright oppose the expansion. Our day to day life is already massively impacted by the flight path being directly overhead with the Emirates Airbus A380 causing the most noise every evening; we... Read more

  • Sally Lefroy

    I am against a second runway at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons: The expansion of flights will exacerbate climate change. The air quality in West Sussex will deteriorate; it is already poor... Read more

  • Sandra Barrett

    The major effect that it will have on the surrounding area’s, not only the additional planes noise and pollution but also the additional traffic, on our roads. We are all doing our best to reduce the... Read more

  • Sarah Jayne Day

    This new runway is an unnecessary addition. Air travel should be reducing not expanding . Fossil fuels are creating climate change & destruction of the planet . Air pollution is already killing people... Read more

  • Sebastian David Dew

    I live directly under the flight path. The majority of aircraft fly over my building. Objections: 1) Noise 2) Pollution. Increasing the amount of flights is obviously contrary to all the science on... Read more

  • Serena Penman

    The project will result in more flights from Gatwick, thereby worsening climate breakdown, at a time when nothing should be more important than reducing or eliminating fossil fuel use. The Committee... Read more

  • Shan Daniels

    The increase in Route 4 traffic is already interfering with our day to day lives and this will only increase if the proposed application is approved. The current levels of aircraft and noise spoil our... Read more

  • Sheila Simpson

    Expanding Gatwick's capacity to handle extra flights is contrary to the well-being of UK residents. It exacerbates the damage done by air traffic to the peace and mental health of those who live... Read more

  • Simon Baldwin

    I live in Horley. My main concerns are health. The smell of aviation fuel from the airport on certain days is considerable and probably not good for anyone's health. This is probably made worse when... Read more

  • Simon Braid

    I am concerned about aircraft noise and the environmental impact of additional flights

  • Simon Byerley

    As a resident of Bidborough in Kent I would like to object to Gatwick airports Planning application on the following grounds: Noise impact My family and I live under the arrivals and departures... Read more

  • Simon Fellows

    Climate change & air pollution: Expansion on the scale proposed would significantly increase the CO2 emissions that drive up global warming and discomfort for human life on earth. There are currently... Read more

  • Speldhurst Parish Council (Speldhurst Parish Council)

    This submission is made by Speldhurst Parish Council representing the more than 5000 residents of our four villages and the businesses in those villages. We have been vocal over many years with... Read more

  • Sports Coach Simulator Limited (Sports Coach Simulator Limited)

    The proposed project sounds like a very good idea, as the Vice Chairman of Wotton Parish Council. I attended the meeting around 3 weeks ago where an anti-Gatwick person, moaned about everything, but... Read more

  • Stella Pentecost

    We should not be expanding air travel in any way during a climate crisis. I fundamentally oppose expansion.

  • Stephen Clarke

    This expansion will go a long way towards meaning it is impossible for this country to reach its legally binding climate targets. We need to listen to the CCC and call a halt to all airport expansion.

  • Stephen Hitchens

    Increased CO2 emissions (no plan except incremental fuel efficiency gains) Increased traffic & aircraft noise Increased traffic jams on M25&M23 (no plan to increase capacity) Increased overcrowding on... Read more

  • Sue Taylor

    I live on the flight path and the noise is already excessive with next to no respite. Large area of AONB blighted by aircraft. Significant amount of extra pollution. Airport does not have the... Read more

  • Sue Waton

    I do not want this airport expansion to go ahead. In the current climate breakdown any expansion of air traffic will exponentially increase the likelihood of planet earth becoming uninhabitable for... Read more

  • Sue Willis

    The timing of this proposed expansion is nonsense at a time when our environment is crumbling around us, you are considering giving the green light to yet another “mail in the coffin” Gatwick’s impact... Read more

  • Susan Harrington

    GATWICK EXPANSION Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise for the rural villages living near the airport and those further away under flight paths. My neighbors and I are... Read more

  • Susan Kendall

    Air pollution from aircraft and increased number of cars Inadequate infrastructure

  • Susan Mary Dennis

    Objections to Gatwick Second runway We are already suffering from significant noise & pollution from planes at Gatwick. It is impossible to have the windows open in hot weather because of the noise.... Read more

  • Susan Smith

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of changes at Gatwick.

  • Susan Thorne

    The need for this proposed expansion in this location does not realistically exist. The impact upon the environment with potentially even great air pollution and noise is totally unacceptable . We... Read more

  • Susanna Helga Braid

    Concern that a new runway will have a terrible effect on the environment and noise pollution in the affected areas around Gatwick