Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 350 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Gina Perella Lewis

    As a freeholder of LAND REGISTRY REF WSX 228882, in Lyminster, West Sussex, I would like to register my objections to the Rampion 2 cable route which would directly impact our land. I wish to advise... Read more

  • Mark Webb

    I think that building further wind turbines of the coast of Bognor regis shores is a fantastic scheme as this is a posative step against global warming.

  • Michael Stevens

    Serious concerns regarding rampion 2 project to install cable and roadway close to our holiday home in Lyminster, West Sussex.

  • Paula Newman

    The corridor will cut my smallholding of 17 acres in half and run very close to my house. The impact on my livelihood and well being is worrying.

  • Philip Alan Wayman

    First of all, I own a holiday caravan in Littlehampton, near your proposed relief road and my concerns are as follows:- 1) The Nolse, this is my holiday home and I come here for piece and quiet. 2)... Read more

  • RAM2-GDPR001

    As a resident of [REDACTED] the first point of objection is regarding the cable plan EN010117-000161-2 sheet 32 which shows that [REDACTED] will be subject to public right of way closures in two... Read more

  • Stephen Whitchurch

    It will have a detrimental effect on the recovery of the whole bay area, especially on sea life (crustaceans and bottom dwelling fish) and will radically increase the number of seabird deaths that the... Read more

  • Susan Davies

    Rampion 2- Cowfold I strongly object to Rampions proposal of the substation at Oakendene/ Kent St because this decision has not been properly researched or analysed and it will cause an enormous... Read more

  • Toby Chapman

    I am writing as the owner of [REDACTED] (WSX122084 and WSX357265) regarding the Rampion 2 draft project development consent order to raise multiple objections and highlight a failure to consult... Read more

  • Antony Brian Aurelius

    The proposed turbines are too tall and too close to the shore. There will be a negative impact on views for residents and tourists. Fishermen will lose vital breeding grounds. Off shore cables going... Read more

  • Cara Cousins

    I am opposed to this application for the following reasons: Visual Impact and Inefficiency I love the local views to the open, natural seascape that can be currently enjoyed from my part of Sussex –... Read more

  • Charles Robert Denys Arbuthnot

    The proposed route cuts across two of the four fields we own, which is does not need to do. There is no Plan B and I have been told that I either agree to these proposals or I will have land taken... Read more

  • Clair Chapman

    I am a resident on [REDACTED] The planned works for the wind farm are going to have a devastating effect on our home, land and wildlife at [REDACTED] and the surrounding area. We moved here 3 years... Read more

  • Clare Christian

    I strongly oppose this proposal on the following bases: * Lack of proper consultation. It is clear that the correct consultation process has not been adhered to, leaving local people unaware and/or... Read more

  • Genevieve Reed-Allen

    There has been inadequate- if not utter failure of - communication with the residents of Washington Village. An alternative route was proposed and has been dismissed without consultation. The negative... Read more

  • Henry Smethurst

    I object to the Rampion 2 windfarm and its effects on Oakendene and Cowfold. My main concerns are: Traffic and Pollution: Traffic in Cowfold is a big concern for the residents of not only the A272 and... Read more

  • Horsham District Council (Horsham District Council)

    PLEASE SEE ATTACHED: Horsham District Council’s FULL Relevant Representation and PADSS will be submitted by email under separate cover. Horsham District Council’s Relevant Representation EXECUTIVE... Read more

  • John ORourke

    The amount of my land that is included as part of the DCO application

  • Jonathan Dittmer

    Not enough time was given for consultation, the whole 3 options process was a joke. You should be ashamed of driving this through whilst COVID was going on

  • Linda Saberi

    I am a caravan owner on the site at [REDACTED] Brookside is an oasis of peace and quiet from busy city life which as caravan owners we enjoy our time relaxing there. The proposed works will have a... Read more

  • Maria Tozzi

    1)Lack of appropriate information and consultation. 2)Traffic chaos on the A272 affecting my daily trip along the A272 to Bolney and unsuitability of local rural lanes for traffic diversions. 3)Affect... Read more

  • Middleton on Sea Coastal Alliance (Middleton on Sea Coastal Alliance)

    Middleton on Sea Coastal Alliance (MOSCA) A community organisation Interested Party Registration Comment Comment Registered by Melanie Jones – 5 November 2023 I have Registered on behalf of Middleton... Read more

  • Nicola Jane Hanley

    I live off Cowfold Road and only 400m from the proposed route for the underground connecting cable corridor from the new substation at Oakendene to the Bolney National Grid substation. My family has... Read more

  • Patricia Ann Taylor

    The proposal is within inshore waters not offshore and the height of the turbines will impact on the South Downs and coastal properties. Breeding grounds for fish will be lost and tourism adversely... Read more

  • Richard Keirnan

    The scale of this project is becoming ludicrous, the size of the extension does not respect the environment and is wholly for the profits of the operators, this is a highly populated area of coast and... Read more

  • Robert Comolli

    To whom it may concern, I oppose the proposals. I feel the Cowfold community hasn't been consulted properly. I, and others I know of in the area, haven't received any information about the proposals,... Read more


    I have not received any communications from Rampion 2 and when I asked why at one of the meetings I was told that it would not affect me. I live directly opposite Oakendene.I am very concerned to note... Read more

  • Sandra Daniells

    The advertise impact of these things and their short life and challenges of disposal outweigh the benefits. Cancel them and get fracking/mining. They're an eyesore and damage the marine environment,... Read more

  • Stephen Christopher Turner

    This will be an unwelcome intrusion into farming life, affecting a lot of land owners unnecessarily who already face many difficulties in the current climate. Difficult to understand why land adjacent... Read more

  • Susan Mary Holder

    1.The sheer huge oppressive size of the turbines and the impact this has upon the Sussex seashore/sea side communities; the closeness to the shore - this will have a massive negative influence on the... Read more

  • Terence Alan Wells

    I have many concerns on the width of the road on the A272 with the size of the lorries that would be needed if this development was to be permitted. It may be that we would need emergency services... Read more

  • Theresa Newman

    This will impact me with all the traffic on the A272 as I have to travel along it constantly. Also just getting out of Fairfield road even now is horrendous. This will only get worse with more... Read more

  • Thomas Burchill

    I would actively support and encourage building the wind farm!

  • Timothy Wright

    The proposed wind turbines of Rampion 2 are just too big. The benefits of clean energy must be offset against the destruction of the natural beauty of the South Coast

  • Valerie Knight

    I am opposed to this application for the following reasons: 1. Visual Impact and Inefficiency I love the local views to the open, natural seascape that can be currently enjoyed from my part of Sussex... Read more

  • Yvette Kiley

    I would actively support and encourage building the wind farm!

  • Andrea Simmons

    My registration comment is to reinforce calls for the Examination Authority (ExA) to request or advise the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), to whom the ExA will submit its... Read more

  • Andrew and Gillian Bridges

    We purchased No [REDACTED] earlier this year. Not only as a haven from our busy work life but also to rent out to prospective holiday makers. The proposed works will shatter the peace and tranquility... Read more

  • Andrew Porter

    In regard to DCO EN010117, I object to the adoption of the Oakendene site for Rampion 2's proposed substation, and related cable route, on the following grounds: > inadequate exploration and... Read more

  • Savills UK Ltd (Savills UK Ltd) on behalf of Angmering Park Farms LLP, The Angmering Park Estate Trust, (Angmering Park Farms LLP, The Angmering Park Estate Trust,)

    Dear Sirs RE: The Duke of Norfolk, Angmering Park Farms LLP, Trustees of The Bernard 16th Duke of Norfolk’s 1958 Settlement Reserve Fund, Trustees of The Angmering Park Estate Trust, The Personal... Read more

  • Annie Lewis

    I feel that the close local residents have been completely ignored and tricked by Rampions lack of honest canvassing at the beginning of their proposals. We knew nothing about it until the last week... Read more

  • Aquind Limited (Aquind Limited)

    RAMPION 2 OFFSHORE WIND FARM RELEVANT REPRESENTATION BY AQUIND LIMITED 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 AQUIND Limited (AQUIND) are the promoter of AQUIND Interconnector, a proposed bi-directional electricity... Read more

  • Ardent on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (Ardent on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc)

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (“NGET”) in respect of the Project, and in particular NGET’s infrastructure and land which is within... Read more

  • Arun District Council (Arun District Council)

    Relevant Representations on behalf of Arun District Council This letter is Arun District Council’s (ADC) Relevant Representation for Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm (hereafter referred to as the... Read more

  • Ashington Parish Council (Ashington Parish Council)

    Representation from Ashington Parish Council. Ashington Parish Council wish to register as an interested party. Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm project - this matter was discussed at parish council... Read more

  • Barbara Morley

    I do not approve this proposed project. The effect on Cowfold residents will be enormous. Just this morning at 10am we drove across to Bolney. There was a very short section of traffic lights, but... Read more

  • Brian Conrad Whiting

    Wind turbines to close to my caravan [just over hedge] to noisy and will disturb local wild life

  • Charlotte Mansell

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed Rampian DCO EN00117 project plans, which I believe will have a negative impact on the local environment, wildlife, and residents. I have the... Read more

  • Chistopher Bird

    My registration comment is that the Examination Authority can and should ask for system value analysis to be carried out on the Rampion 2 Wind farm proposal and that the Examination Panel takes that... Read more

  • Chris Page

    I am writing to formally express my strong objection to the proposed planning application for the installation of wind turbines at as referenced above. While I understand the importance of renewable... Read more