
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 500 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Demi Hetherington

    Ruining the view from our home/work Devaluing our property Waste of productive farmland

  • Derek Bell

    I have lived in the local area all of my 70 years and welcomed change for good (not only the local community but also for the environment) heartedly, however in this instance although I welcome green... Read more

  • Heather Hall

    My first comment is that there are numerous solar farm planning applications in this area, we are on the borders of Stockton-on-Tees and Darlington councils and are being inundated with solar farms on... Read more

  • Joanne Johnson

    Hi, I’d like to oppose Byers Gill Solar Farm. My reason beings are as follows; 1) the devastating impact it will have on local wildlife and their habitats 2) They are unsightly and will ruin our... Read more

  • John Bernard Jack Adeney

    I object to the proposed plans for Byers Gill Solar Development. I am a local resident and my home directly overlooks panel area D of the proposed development. The property shares a boundary with... Read more

  • Lee Johnson

    I completely disagree with the idea of this solar power station as I think it is totally unsuitable for the area and also taking into account that the inefficiency of solar farms compared to other... Read more

  • Liam mcdermott

    They look horrendous and a blight on the landscape

  • Margaret Todd

    I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm development for the following reasons: As someone who has visited Great Stainton area many times, I am particularly impressed by the feel of the... Read more

  • Marinos Chalilopoulos

    I am not happy with this proposal, i wish to express my negative opinion on this matter


    There are are more barren disused site within the North East this needs to be considered. Increase in traffic, leading to more risks to the road users currently. Risk to the environment, wildlife,... Read more

  • Michael Thompson

    I am strongly in disagreement this project because I feel that these sort of Solar Power Stations should not be built close to residential areas. They are not appropriate for this area and should only... Read more

  • Peter Bernard Galvin on behalf of Mr Peter & Mrs Ann Galvin (Mr Peter & Mrs Ann Galvin)

    Our property lies in an agricultural area (1mile west of Great Stainton village) and is surrounded by fields. To the south east we have views of the Cleveland Hills and to the west views towards the... Read more

  • Nathaniel Allen

    I don’t agree with the development of the solar farms because I think they in inefficient, highly damaging to our environment and they are taking away the views of the countryside which has been... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England intends to submit its official Relevant Representations by email by COP on 17th May.

  • Nick Hetherington

    Spoiling my home and work views Property devaluation Taking farmland out of production

  • Paul Anthony Springett

    I am totally opposed to the Byer’s Gill Development proposal. We are fortunate to have been able to create a well established wildlife haven here at Carr House which is classified as a SNCI / Local... Read more

  • Peter Godson

    I am stronly against this proposed Solar Farm because The sheer number of solar power stations already approved in the area (8 in total already approved or installed) surrounding the Byers Gill... Read more

  • Philip Watson

    1. Arable land grading. Solar PV Generation should not be constructed at the detriment of good, high yield active farmland. Byers Gill solar farm results in the loss of highly productive farmland and... Read more

  • Philippa Tunney

    It will spoil the whole amenity of the village. It will cause local businesses to close. It’s far too close to the houses and schools. This is just 1 of approximately 9 proposed solar farms... Read more

  • Robyn Ashleigh

    “not at any cost… not in any place… not if it rides roughshod over the views of local communities. As we take solar to the next level, we must be thoughtful, sensitive to public opinion, and mindful... Read more

  • Rosemary Robinson

    “not at any cost… not in any place… not if it rides roughshod over the views of local communities. As we take solar to the next level, we must be thoughtful, sensitive to public opinion, and mindful... Read more

  • Shane Ibbotson

    I am not in agreement to this as I think it will have a terrible effect on the local mammal and bird population which are in serious decline in the UK already, there are areas on this site where the... Read more

  • Stephen Johnson

    I am disagreement with thie solar farm because enjoy walking in the area of the Tees Valley I find getting out in nature very good for my mental health and well being but if this is allowed to go... Read more

  • Stuart Hobbs

    I strongly oppose this project because Solar farms are industrial installations, not farms. Placing them in rural areas like Byers Gill means sacrificing precious agricultural land, which just doesn't... Read more

  • Sue Phillpott

    I object as this development is far too big and means a huge loss of agricultural land, countryside and wildlife turning massive areas into brownfield sites for future generations. We are already... Read more

  • Tony Harker

    Disruption on road while being installed. Unsightly for the surrounding area of the village Impact on my house value Building on arable farmland which should be used for growing food and grazing... Read more

  • Wendy Merry

    I oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on behalf of the residents of Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great Stainton, and Little Stainton villages, whose... Read more

  • Ailsa Jane Hall

    The Developer's Byers Gill location context states:- 'Limits and surroundings comprise of agricultural fields, interspersed with individual trees, hedgerows, farm access tracks, woodlands and local... Read more

  • Andrew Larnach

    If this solar farm goes ahead, it will be at the detriment of these very beautiful villages. These villages are surrounded by beautiful trees, wildlife and natural views. The residents choose to work... Read more

  • Anderson Planning (Independent Town Planning Consultant) (Anderson Planning (Independent Town Planning Consultant)) on behalf of Bishopton Villages Action Group (Bishopton Villages Action Group)

    Please see attached document.

  • BYER-GDPR002

    I support solar energy however I do not believe that Byers Gill should be so close to villages such as Bishopton. There are plenty of other options in more remote locations, as evidenced by many other... Read more

  • David Tunney

    I object to the proposed development based on the following; The visual impact of a development this size in an agricultural setting. The proximity to residents homes and villages and subsequent... Read more

  • Edwin Robert Harrison

    Horrendous visual impact on character of area. Poor use of agricultural land. Industrialisation of the countryside and its effects on wildlife. Proximity to residential properties and effect on... Read more

  • Ellie Turner

    I strongly oppose this application due to the following factors: Detrimental effect on agricultural land Damage to countryside Damage to wildlife and endangered species Damage to communities The use... Read more

  • Emmanuelle Twentyman

    I object to the development of the Byers Gill Solar farm. As a lover of the outdoors, of wildlife and of nature I am intimately familiar with the area and regularly stay with family in Great Stainton.... Read more

  • Fraser Watson

    There are many issues associated with the plans of a solar farm surrounding the Bishopton village First, it is using viable arable land when there is already a food crisis. The energy production to... Read more

  • Gillian Harrison

    Five days a week I go walking 5 miles down Mill lane to Stillington and coal lane to Gilly flats. This is my daily exercise and mental health wellbeing. There will be considerable disruption... Read more

  • Gillian Hadwin on behalf of Hadwin family (Hadwin family)

    When we have visited our daughter at Great Stainton there have been several occasions when the roads have been flooded and impassible meaning that we have had to turn around and find an alternative... Read more

  • Martin Turner



    I strongly oppose the Byers Gill Solar Farm project for a variety of reasons: My property is over the road where the substation, numerous panels and several battery storage units will be. RWE hasn't... Read more

  • Nicola Middlemiss

    I wish to object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm proposal entirely. It will significantly damage and destroy the land, property, trees, flowers, high grade agricultural land, wildlife in all its forms.... Read more

  • Norman Guillaume

    Firstly my main issue regarding this proposal is the shear size of it and just how it is going to severely impact a part of our beautiful countryside but mainly about the close proximity of this to... Read more

  • Paul Brown

    I wish to object to the Byers Gill solar development for the following reasons. Environmental; The scale of the proposed development Is staggering in size proposed on land which for centuries has been... Read more

  • Prudence Mary Wilks

    This will have a detrimental affect on the migratory birds, geese, lapwings, curlews, sky larks, we also have hares and deer. I [REDACTED] have lived in the village born and bred, [REDACTED] The... Read more

  • Redmarshall Parish Council (Redmarshall Parish Council)

    This is one of many proposals for very large scale solar farms in and around the Parish of Redmarshall. There is an existing solar farm nearby off Letch Lane and plans have been approved for other... Read more

  • Stillington and Whitton Parish Council (Stillington and Whitton Parish Council)

    The members of Stillington and Whitton Parish Council are concerned that the Byers Gill development will bring a significant number of additional heavy goods vehicles to the area which will add... Read more

  • Stockton Borough Council (Stockton Borough Council)

    Stockton Borough Council (SBC), together with Darlington Borough Council are the host authority for Byers Gill Solar Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The majority of the ‘order limits’ of... Read more

  • Susan Howard

    We moved here 3 years ago from Wiltshire which is a beautiful county. The appeal was the unspoilt countryside around us here. We love going for walks and seeing the wildlife around. I think the solar... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • GFW (GFW) on behalf of Victoria Wood (Victoria Wood)

    Byer Gill Solar Farm- Pre-examination representations [REDACTED] 1. On behalf of my client, Mr and Mrs Wood, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral... Read more