
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 500 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Phyllis Brewin

    1)The reopening of Manston Airport will bring employment to Thanet, one of the most deprived areas in Kent. This employment will encompass both high-level cerebral and more manual jobs, and will... Read more

  • Mrs Rosemarie Treloar

    Marsden airport will bring much needed employment to this area and may in part alleviate some of the pressures on our larger central airports Gatwick and Heathrow. As well as commercial flights... Read more

  • Mrs Tracy Alexandrou

    I work in a school not under the flight path although I live under it, it is difficult enough to keep the children of our secondary school focused as children will be children however how will the... Read more

  • Musa Jarju

    I strongly believe that re-opening the Airport will be very important to the community of Kent perticularly those leaving around the area benifits include job creation many people from this area... Read more

  • Nathaniel Richards

    I am of the opinion that this Cargo Hub will be a unique asset to the area of the East Kent Region that could inject a much needed influx of employment This area has one of the highest poverty levels... Read more

  • Nick Toy

    Manston Airport is a locally and nationally important asset which stands on the threshold of meaningful integration into the national (and indeed international) aviation infrastructure with the... Read more

  • Nick Toy on behalf of Philippa Toy

    The prospect of this DCO for Manston Airport with RSP is very good news for Thanet, Kent and the UK indeed. At last there is a serious and cogent plan to develop the airport into a really modern... Read more

  • Rita Burns

    I live very near the Airport (Nethercourt Estate) and I am absolutely shocked by some of the things I have read within the DCO documentation. 1.No Public Safety Zones, they expect to carry on with... Read more

  • Ronald Blay

    I have lived in this holiday resort of Ramsgate for 83 years a pleasant town with a harbour that is visited by many foreign yachtsmen. If it is over flown by heavy old freight planes every few... Read more

  • Samantha Smith

    Having read various studies regarding Airports and Health I am very concerned about a Cargo Hub being proposed on the old Manston Airfield. 1. My greatest concerns are regarding my child’s health... Read more

  • Sharne Brown

    To whom it may concern It is my belief that the Manston site should be returned to its former state as a fully operational and working airport, not only to create much-needed employment and jobs in... Read more

  • Simon Kirby

    I have had first hand experience of living with previous cargo flights over Ramsgate and have to report that although there were relatively few flights compared with what is proposed they had a large... Read more

  • The Hall family

    We wish to register an interest as set out in Advice Note 8.5, paragraph 6, "Participating at Hearings". We are happy to accept the inspectorate's methodology, but wish to contribute to the later... Read more

  • Winston David Tidy

    It is wise to keep the present airport open for air cargo and maybe passenger flights at a later date. This would act as a release of pressure not only for Gatwick but also Heathrow and maybe Stansted... Read more

  • Adrian Hilton

    Manston is an Airport with one of the Longest and Widest Runways in the UK. It should be reinstated as an Airport. The UK, and South East in particular, needs additional runway capacity. Manston... Read more

  • Alfred Day

    I don't want the airport to go ahead with plans to re-open. This is going to have an affect on people health and well being there rights to live in a community that is not blighted by noise and... Read more

  • Angela Pavey

    * Many different categories of jobs * Attracting more business from Europe * enabling local businesses to easier access to Europe * Minor tweaking to upgrade Road and Rail services *... Read more

  • Anna Nerilli

    I object to the proposals as I feel it will be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the residents under the flight paths, from exposure to the resulting air and sound pollution. 24 hour noise... Read more

  • Anthony Austen

    The chance to reopen Manston airport would be a great chance to revitalise the entire southeast corner of Kent. Currently the nearest “proper” airports are Gatwick and Stanstead. Just the removal of... Read more

  • Anthony Goulden

    I live about 1000 metres from the Manston runway. my wife and I moved to Cliffsend four years ago to enjoy our retirement on the south coast. This is a popular area for retiring to and most of us... Read more

  • Brian Gilbert

    If Manston Airport is reopened as an airport then we will see once again experience low flying planes flying over Ramsgate High Street, the seafront, destroying the local tourist industry and local... Read more

  • Bukky Adeleke

    1. Manston Airport to be saved for quality jobs and Aviation 2. It is a great heritage in Kent, and it must be preserved for future generations. 3. This will reduce the rate of psychological... Read more

  • Chris Burley

    I support the re opening of Manston airport it will make more employment for Thanet and the surrounding area the roads are more than capable to handle the increased traffic . This airport has been... Read more

  • Christine Lees

    I would like to register my support for Manston Airport re-opening. We have nothing in the south east for air travel nearer than Gatwick and Heathrow, Manston used to be so much more convenient... Read more

  • Claire Miller

    Personally I just think that having an airport in the facility is just so great for so many people. Apart from generating income for the area but the two main airports, Gatwick and Heathrow can only... Read more

  • Clive Houghton

    Clive Houghton Objection to RiverOak Strategic Partners DCO application 10 September 2018 Manston DCO Introduction I have lived in Thanet for over 40 years. I object to RSP DCO application... Read more

  • Edward Silvester

    Most people that are against the airport reopening are saying that is due to the noise that will come with the flights and also an increase in HGV traffic. The HGV traffic will come off the dual... Read more

  • Francesca Day

    As a resident of Ramsgate i am against the proposed plan for Manston airport to be made into a freight airport. I moved here from London to have a quieter life away from all the hustle and bustle and... Read more

  • Francis Porter

    I believe thanet needs a airport, For needed jobs, Not more houses, More people looking for jobs that are not there, And claiming unemployment and benefits, And there be Less congestion on the roads,... Read more

  • Gary Silvester

    I think that Manston as an airport would be a great thing for the area of Thanet putting much needed wealth into what is a depressed area , creating many jobs for local people as well as people who... Read more

  • Gillian Lurie

    Manston would be a good centre as a cargo hub, especially in the light of our new trading arrangements following Brexit. The airport had specialist food importation facilities for worldwide imports... Read more

  • Jane Lee-Hopkinson

    I am a resident of Broadstairs. The company applying for DCO is not viable or fit to construct and run an airport. The cost of acquiring the land and building a freight and passenger carrying... Read more

  • Jane Roberts

    I am Jane Roberts and I live with my husband in Ramsgate directly under the flight path of the proposed Manston airport. I would like PINS to investigate further the distances used by the Applicant... Read more

  • Jayne Pragnell-Eschalier

    I think re instating it as an airport , with a runway that concord could land on , that took many planes on the dreadful 9/11 night proves how useful and needed it is. It will give much... Read more

  • Jean Tedder

    I moved to my current address in the early nineties. The years when the airport was active were amongst the most miserable I have ever had in my own home. The vibration made me fear for the very... Read more

  • Jennifer Finch

    Am a member of the East Kent community and want the historical Manston Airport to reopen to provide much needed jobs and encourage investment from outside the area!

  • Jennifer Gasston

    The plans indicate a fire training school at the bottom of High Street Manston. The prevalent wind direction is South Westerly this will cause a health hazard to the villagers and livestock when fire... Read more

  • Jennifer Munns

    Good afternoon, I live locally and work locally at the windfarm in Ramsgate. I have seen a very strong need for an airport in the area. We have workers flying in from all sorts of countries and if... Read more

  • John Dunkley

    This airport would support the local economy, give jobs to local people and relive London Airports of some of their freight traffic

  • John Murdoch

    I would make the following points in a personal capacity, but with the interests of my children (who are minors) very much at heart: 1. The proposed minimum of 33 flights a day by heavy cargo... Read more

  • Julia Heckles

    I am representing myself and members of my family. We are live and own a small house on West Cliff Road Ramsgate which will be deeply effected by noise. Additionally, I want to make the following... Read more

  • Leon Hales

    My wife and I live on High Street, St Lawrence, Ramsgate. We have lived in this house for 14 years and the house was built approximately 150 years ago, long before aviation was even thought about. We... Read more

  • Leslie K Bell

    I strongly support the development of a major cargo hub, passenger operations, general business and leisure aviation, training and engineering at Manston. I will argue that the area does not have the... Read more

  • Linda Richmond

    As a frequent visitor, I have family in the area, I'm very opposed to the application for the following reasons, all of which would stop me visiting the area in the future. - Increased noise - Air... Read more

  • Louis Mark Negin

    A resident of Ramsgate since 1988 the airport at Manston has always been a factor of local life: it has now reached its sell-by date and permission should be given for use as a brownfield site and, if... Read more

  • Margaret Watts

    I fully support returning Manston Airport to an operating airport. This will bring much needed jobs to the area, not just in the running of the actual flights, but associated businesses. The jobs will... Read more

  • Mark Snape

    the return of an airport to kent would be most welcome as the jobs are needed in the area and would bring more people into kent ,more houses are not needed jobs are .it could provide cheaper flights... Read more

  • Michael Poulter

    Manston Airport is urgently needed to provide additional runway space for Kent and indeed the United Kingdom. The runway is two miles long and extremely wide and is within an hour of London via... Read more

  • Mr John Wickham

    I support the DCO application by RiverOak Strategic Partners to re-open Manston Airport as an international air freight hub. Their plans are well researched and show they will reinvigorate the local... Read more

  • Mr Richard Brammer

    Manston, an airport that already exists and has one of the longest runways in Europe should not just be left to rot, or be redeveloped. Other, so called London (look at a map)! airports should NOT be... Read more