
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 2051 to 2100 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Gillian Elizabeth Tucker

    My objection to the proposed new runway is that it will change the lifestyle of those of us who live near Gatwick & under the flight path as I do in Smallfield. Currently planes take off or land in an... Read more

  • Grace Brennan

    increasing the number of flights out of Gatwick should not be allowed for several reasons: More air pollution from planes and cars driving to the airport More noise pollution More carbon emissions

  • Graham Leslie Rumsey

    The expansion of Gatwick is completely at odds with the vital need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The potential doubling of capacity will have a seriously deleterious impact on the quality of... Read more

  • Graham Quinnell

    [Redacted], where I live is in a a quiet rural area of small villages but is under the Gatwick flight path. The noise of aircraft taking off and landing is more continuous now that strict take off and... Read more

  • Ian Swann

    Flying must be reduced to combat climate breakdown.

  • James R Marsh

    I am opposed to the proposed expansion of Gatwick. We already have a lot of traffic over Penshurst, some of it very low, and at anti social hours. The infrastructure is also already stretched. I am... Read more

  • Jane Ann Golds

    With additional runway there will be an unacceptable increase in aircraft noise above our house which already suffers both day and night from incessant flights overhead.

  • Jean Elizabeth Scott

    For me, the outstanding issue about the proposals to increase capacity at Gatwick Airport is related to climate change. I am totally against any proposals that will increase our greenhouse gas... Read more

  • Jean Gardner

    I oppose this proposed Gatwick expansion because it will bring more noise and air pollution to the area.

  • Johannes Maatman

    Expansion of a second runway at Gatwick Airport will significantly increase the noise pollution over my house and garden. The single runway in use today is already unbearable, with planes overflying... Read more

  • John Burke

    The noise is relentless due to low altitudes (that seemingly vary) and funnelling into a narrow flightpath which seem inexplicable due to the many miles I live away from the airport. I suspect some of... Read more

  • John Chilvers

    I object to the Gatwick Expansion plan or any expansion of Gatwick on health and noise grounds. Our home is directly under the flight path. Another runway will obviously increase the number of... Read more

  • John Widdows

    The reduction in safety with two main runways too close together. The potential for wingtip damage from taxiways too close to each other The dangers of incorrect identification between runways and... Read more

  • Jonathan Fry

    I want to express my support for the project. I think it would generate more connectivity and flight options for customers. I also think that the country is being held back by a lack of investment in... Read more

  • Nicola Jones on behalf of Jones Family (Jones Family)

    Too much road congestion Bad air quality

  • Julie Reed

    There will be a significantly increased audible impact on households living under the flightpaths and on the High Weald AONB which will also be affected, including important places where people visit... Read more

  • Lauren Mackenzie

    Air quality from the planes, road and rail traffic will really increase. We are in a climate emergency.

  • Lina Jones

    No, no, no! This will result in more noise, more pollution. No to expansion!

  • Lindy Batchelor

    Environmentally any extra flights is an appalling decision. Living with more aircraft overhead, with their noise and pollution is unthinkable.

  • Lisette Ormsby

    N Umber of aircraft already unacceptable and so many planes very low. Sitting in the garden is already impacted by the interruption of loud planes and this would be significantly worse.Noise... Read more

  • Lorna Cooper

    There are many issues which would impact should the Gatwick expansion go ahead. An increase in aircraft noise, which is worse throughout the summer months when windows are open. The world is on fire... Read more

  • Margaret Beeson

    I am against Gatwick's plans to make the emergency runway into a second runway .If permission is granted we will have significantly more flights over our area - Hever parish . Hever Castle is a grade... Read more

  • Marion Theresa Berry

    Where l live, just outside Penshurst is directly under the Gatwick flight path. The noise of the airplanes, flying in late at night and very early in the morning is already unacceptable- the existing... Read more

  • Mark Granger

    A second runway with minimal disruption to immediate area is a good idea. I support this project.

  • Mark Trudgeon

    We know the new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Martin Allison

    I object to the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick Airport. My reasons are: a) There will be a significant increase in noise levels. The number of flights has already increased significantly in... Read more

  • Merryl Paul

    Object to standby runway being used due to elevated noise and pollution.

  • Michael Douglas Berry

    I accept that Gatwick is Britain's second busiest airport and after Heathrow the only significant provider of long haul flights. However, it is situated to the south of London whilst the majority of... Read more

  • Michael Goodman

    Gatwick flights directly over my home already are a blight on my daily life, with almost continuous noise both day and night,! It’s impossible to hold a conversation in the garden when aircraft are... Read more

  • Michael MacDonagh

    My main issue is the potential for a significant increase to the already intrusive amount of noise from aircraft flying over our village

  • Michael Taylor

    I would like to know about environmental impacts on the local water system including the River Mole. Also traffic impact across Mole Valley of extra capacity at the Airport.

  • Mr Robin Maher

    • The policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, or the Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2... Read more

  • Mr Simon P. Ward

    I am extremely concerned about the potential for increased noise pollution

  • Mrs Angela Flood

    I object to the Gatwick plans to make their emergency runway into a second runway for the following reasons: *Significantly more flights over a larger area including the High Weald Area of Outstanding... Read more

  • Mrs Rebecca Hall

    At our rural cattle farm location we have noticed a disturbing increase in air traffic over the last few years (excluding the obvious lull during COVID). The planes are also unusually physically low... Read more

  • Neville Patel

    I object to the northern runway because it will cause an increase in noise pollution.

  • Nicholas Barnett

    First, this idea is barmy -- wildfires, floods, droughts, storms and sea level rises are now occurring every year as a result of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, put there by burning fossil fuel.... Read more

  • Nicola McGuckin

    I chose to live in beautiful quiet countryside in 2003. Over the last 20 years the aircraft noise has become incessant. I sleep with earplugs and have the double glazed windows shut yet the planes... Read more

  • Patrick Jennings

    Our residence lies between the Heathfield stack and LGW and in certain wind conditions we have a series of flights above us or close by, both day and night, which is a surprisingly frequent... Read more

  • Patrick Nolan

    There are numerous ways in which this proposed expansion would negatively impact the quality of my life. There are also numerous ways in which this proposal is inconsistent with the government’s legal... Read more

  • Paul Farthing

    I want to oppose the development of the 2nd runway at Gatwick airport. The airport already causes excessive disturbance to neighbouring communities, especially with the high level of night flights... Read more

  • Paul J Mitchell

    I have lived at this address for well over 30 year’s in my village, which is located just outside the M25 junction 5, with the A21 running North and South less than a quarter mile from the village. As... Read more

  • Rachel Morpurgo

    Increasing flights ftom Gatwick will do irreparable damage to our environment which is already in dire straits.

  • Richard Ewbank

    I am 100% opposed to the expansion of Gatwick airport and in particular to it being allowed to change its emergency runway into a second operational runway. My objections are due to: 1) Resulting... Read more

  • Rob Peers

    I work and live directly under the current flight path, and the current level of noise pollution is already too high. this summer when the night time temperatures were hot and the windows had to be... Read more

  • Robert Turnbull

    I am concerned about the substantially increased volume of air traffic over my house which will result in significantly increased noise and air pollution levels should this proposal proceed.

  • Robin Anthony Smith

    I’m particularly concerned about the removal or reduction of the earth immediately both west of the 08 runway threshold. This will have a significant noise impact on Charlwood.

  • Robin Charles

    I fully support the expansion and use of the existing northern runway, it will be good for the local economy and for future travel destinations.

  • Roger Nunn

    There is no need to expand any airport as there needs to be a reduction in flights to reduce emissions and lessen the burden on local residents I feel that aviation as a whole creates too many... Read more

  • Rosemary Horton

    I am concerned that we are considering more air travel when we know what damage it and the accompanying buildings and roads does to our environment. The evidence is clear, we are creating huge... Read more