
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2401 to 2450 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Elizabeth Smith

    My concerns regarding the Gatwick expansion are regarding the increased levels of noise that will be inflicted on residents living under the flight path. As we already know the noise is 24 hours and... Read more

  • Fiona Lake

    I am strongly opposed to the expansion plans. The public transport is not adequate to cope with the increased demand and the additional traffic will be hugely detrimental to an already very congested... Read more

  • Flavia Sousa

    By having the northern runway approved, I believe it will generate more employment within Gatwick airport and surrounded areas, as we will have a higher passenger flow to the area allowing for smaller... Read more

  • Flight Free UK (Flight Free UK)

    The UK government's advisers, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) strongly recommends that there should be no net airport expansion across the UK. Their advice for the most effective way of reducing... Read more

  • Gail Lesley Clarkson

    Noise pollution for surrounding areas More flights coming in low over villages Traffic pollution Gridlock on peripheral roads and M25 Fuel pollution A doubling in flight numbers will be redundant... Read more

  • GATW-016

    This will help Gatwick and the rest of the world it covers

  • Gnina Balchin

    I'm really doubtful that the local economy or residents will benefit from increased traffic into Gatwick. Visitors will fly in and disappear into mainly London, as they do currently, unless we put... Read more

  • Godstone Village Association (Godstone Village Association)

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – The policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Grant John Faulks

    Expand aviation for the south east and the country as a whole.

  • Hannah Godfrey

    Gatwick Airport is vital to the local economy of West Sussex and Surrey, providing employment opportunities for thousands of people. Gatwick has supported my career for many years and I'm really proud... Read more

  • Heather Fraser

    I am opposed to the project because I think it will increase the release of greenhouse gases. It will also create more pressure on the rail and road networks serving the airport, with 76 million more... Read more

  • Heather Rogers

    I oppose Gatwick Airport’s application for a new, northern runway. I object because: - We are facing a climate emergency and should be working on every option to reduce CO2 emissions, including... Read more

  • Hever Castle Golf Club Ltd (Hever Castle Golf Club Ltd)

    Members and guests of Hever Castle Golf Club visit us to unwind, relax, play the sport they love and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of our secluded grounds. We already have a significant number of... Read more

  • Jacqueline Scobell

    I object on 6 main counts. 1. I don’t believe that the use of the emergency runway is the reuse of existing resources. There is no facility that they can reuse. They will need to rebuild the entire... Read more

  • Jane Hilling

    I believe that the development of the additional runway will be detrimental to the quality of life in the area which surrounds Gatwick Airport as it will increase air pollution, noise pollution,... Read more

  • Janice Brenda Andrews

    Outside activity or sleeping at night is very difficult currently and the proposal will make it worse because of aircraft noise. Also I am very concerned about the pollution being caused. There are... Read more

  • Janice Rose Wallace

    I live on the Gatwick flight path although a good 15 miles from the airport. The frequency and noise of landings over the summer and holiday periods throughout the year significantly disrupt my... Read more

  • JetBlue Airways (JetBlue Airways)

    JetBlue supports the addition of the proposed Northern Runway. It is likely that we will want to increase our service level at London Gatwick in the coming years and adding another runway will provide... Read more

  • John Mario Spiteri

    The policy of all governing parties to continue to further fund strategic development projects in south east England such as the proposed Gatwick expansion, further exacerbates the over development of... Read more

  • John Quincey

    I oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway as it is a new runway. Gatwick currently has one runway and an emergency runway/taxiway, i.e. not two runways that can operate... Read more

  • Jonathan Carr

    I am a regular user of Gatwick Airport, and particularly of the North Terminal. This year has been a disaster for airport users, especially during peak times. I think it's important for Gatwick to... Read more

  • K Baker

    I would like to object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport on the grounds of increased noise, building development and traffic for the surrounding areas and the immense impact on climate change that... Read more

  • Kate Clifford

    It is important for wildlife , the climate and for Surrey to remain tranquile as an area of outstanding beauty that is already facing more and more pollution and expansion of Gatwick airport will... Read more

  • Kate Lockey

    I have several concerns regarding this development; Climate Change and Air Pollution - this expansion will increase the CO2 emissions substantially from what we see today, and from what we had prior... Read more

  • Kathleen Lewis

    I moved here with the full knowledge of the airport and it provides a necessary service, plus jobs for locals. BUT the expansion of the airport, the sneaking in of a second runway by using the... Read more

  • Kathryn Lees

    I am wishing to comment on the proposed plans to use the north runway at Gatwick in order to increase airport capacity. Having lived under the flight path for 10 years I am aware of the significant... Read more

  • Lisa James

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, a project that, in my view, poses several significant environmental and societal concerns. While I recongnise... Read more

  • Lodewikus Schoeman

    Air traffic above Oxted is already non stop at certain times of the day. Another runway will make the constant noise unbearable.

  • Madeleine Lewis

    I oppose the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway project. As a climate scientist myself this proposed expansion of use will greatly impact the local and national contribution to fossil fuel usage and... Read more

  • Martin Davis

    Concerned about the environmental and noise pollution likely if permitted

  • Martin Milton

    I see this as an initial comment and will provide more fulsome comment once I am registered. My concerns are in relation to the negative impacts this will have on the local environment and also on the... Read more

  • Martin Thomas Wright

    Hello, I live local to Gatwick with my family. Were this application to go ahead, of course we would lament, and object now, to the obvious increase in flights that will occur. It will mean a massive... Read more

  • Mary Teresa Martin-Quirk

    Where I live is often directly under the flight path to Gatwick, both for incoming and outgoing aeroplanes. Night flying between midnight and 6 a.m. should be banned as it disturbs sleep, which has... Read more

  • Maurice Huw Radley

    Since the CAA change in Farnborough Airspace, we have encountered a significant increase in Outgoing Gatwick traffic at much lower altitude - frequently below 9000 ft and sometimes even 7000ft. The... Read more

  • Max Priesemann

    I object to this Gatwick airport expansion and urge that the advice from the government’s own Climate Change Committee (CCC) is taken seriously. The last report from June 2023 includes following key... Read more

  • Melanie St St Clair Alcock

    I object strongly to the proposals. We live under the flight path and whilst we moved here, knowing this, the prospect of 1000’s of additional flights a year fills me with dread at a time when the... Read more

  • Michael John Arnold

    An un/acceptable increase in aircraft noise over the village of Fordcombe and Penshurst

  • Michael Lewis

    Noise pollution harm Air pollution harm Infrastructure and construction Traffic Destruction of peace and green spaces

  • Fiona Gall (Fiona Gall) on behalf of Mr Henderson Alexander (Sandy) Gall (Mr Henderson Alexander (Sandy) Gall)

    On a daily basis we are suffering from the noise and air pollution of frequent planes coming over our house to land at Gatwick. This is continuous and especially noticeable since the emergency runway... Read more

  • Mrs Jane D Wagstaff

    Noise level of even more flights directly over our house, impacting our sleep and the fact that even though we are at quite a distance from Gatwick, we have to stop our conversation in the garden as... Read more

  • Nancy Clarke

    We should not be expanding airports at all. We must fly less, not more. The planet is suffering a climate and ecological crisis and more flying will only increase CO2 emissions. The government’s own... Read more

  • Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

    1. We act for Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and have been instructed to submit relevant representations on its behalf. As a statutory undertaker affected by the proposed DCO we... Read more

  • Neville Bulgin

    Gatwick’s expansion opponents have calculated that if the expansion plans were to be enacted in full their CO2 emissions would rise by over 50% and generate 5.5% of all UK CO2 emissions by 2038. It’s... Read more

  • Oliver Davies

    Your plan should not be advertised as Northan runway. you only have an emergency runway. it's policy is flawed. it will be disruptive to the wider community with only a short term gain due to it... Read more

  • Patricia Lycett

    The noise pollution is unbearable at present and this will significantly add to it

  • Patrick David Cahill

    One runway at Gatwick is sufficient Infrastructure could not cope with more road and rail traffic Noise level already unbearable - more would be a disaster A new runway would add to the existing... Read more

  • Paul Bryant

    The extra runway at Gatwick, would be far better than the third runway, and would cost considerably less, as part of the second runway is already in place, it would also reduce the impact on the... Read more

  • Paul Charnaud

    The blight on all property values in the area is terrible. My house can not be sold at its full value because of the planning application

  • Paul Lovatt-Smith

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – · Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Paul Whitehouse

    I wish to oppose the planned project on the following grounds:- 1. Extra air traffic will increase carbon emissions which will have a direct effect on pollution and hence drive climate change. We need... Read more