
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 2651 to 2700 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Suzanne Lloyd

    We as a species need to work together for a sustainable future. Expanding the airport is not in line with all that we know about the climate issues and how human activity is impacting on this. We must... Read more

  • T Rimmer

    The number of low flying and noisy aircraft is already very large over Fordcombe and the surrounding area, and is particularly bad from June to September. The situation is already beyond stress-free... Read more

  • Tarisha Finnegan-Clarke

    I’m worried about climate change & not reaching our net zero targets

  • Terence Steele

    It is simple - of all the available and normal modes of travel, aviation is the most polluting in terms of greenhouse emissions. We should be investing in rail ( the best apart from walking or... Read more

  • Andrew Coates (Andrew Coates) on behalf of the Coates family (the Coates family)

    The increase in air traffic over our property will have a negative effect on our mental well being and also the value of our property.

  • The Merry Opera Company Limited (The Merry Opera Company Limited)

    HEADLINE: Gatwick's Expansion Master Plan 2019 shows that number of extra car journeys PER DAY will between 24,449 and 31,983, assuming average 4 people per car. This is equivalent to a traffic queue... Read more

  • Thomas Jarvis

    Whilst investment and upgrading of the airport is in general a good thing, providing additional jobs during construction & airport staff as well as improving the reliability of the airport, there are... Read more

  • Timothy Charles Brown

    Unreasonable airplane noise over built up areas . Why can’t they route planes over farmland

  • Timothy Simon Care

    Noise for surrounding residents Pollution Traffic Parking

  • Tina Harris-Ross

    I oppose this development for the following reasons: 1) The increase in Co2 emissions that will be produced as a result, both during the build, and as a result of the increase in flights and transport... Read more

  • Tom Bailey

    In the context of rapidly accelerating climate change, the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport is nothing short of madness. As a society we should be reducing the capacity of our airports, reducing... Read more

  • Tom Macfarlane

    We need this to happen This must happen we need this too happen

  • Trevor John Thorpe

    further expansion to the airport at Gatwick will place extra pressure on the existing infrastructure which is already used to near capacity. The burden of accommodating any additional flights should... Read more

  • Valerie Shirley Morfield

    I strongly appeal against any enlargement of Gatwick Airport. This airport is very busy as are the surrounding roads, A23 and others in the area and an increase in the size of the airport would place... Read more

  • William John Chilcott

    Gatwick has two runways now, but the second one is only used when the first one can't be. The plan is to have two runways that can be used simultaneously. The purpose of the second runway is... Read more

  • William John Dugdale

    I object on three grounds, all of which will affect my and my family’s daily life: 1. The noise level will increase. I do not believe that quieter aircraft will come into service any time soon. 2. The... Read more

  • William Stober

    Environmental disaster and hugely impacts quality of life of local residents

  • A Davies

    I am concerned the impact this will have on the area we live in and have objected to the application and the significant damage and impact it will have on our village and local area. There are great... Read more

  • Airlie Fleming

    I could not take any more planes, noise, disruption and misery. Another runway would be too much for our communities to take. Summer is already a nightmare with much bigger planes than before flying... Read more

  • Alice Backlog

    As a resident who lives on the Gatwick flight path I wholeheartedly object to the converting of a second runway and would like to have the right to express my concerns.

  • Alison Douglas

    Already very crowded airspace with attendant pollution, noise especially night & early morning. Years of disruption & expense building new roads & infrastructure. Negative impact on local community.... Read more

  • Amanda Jakes

    Am fully supportive of this plan as it will bring local jobs to the area giving career options across a range of different disciplines and driving economic growth

  • Amy Sheppard

    - Having grown up in Hookwood and now living in Horley I am concerned with the increase in pollution, light polution and noise levels that the proposed runway would bring. - Climate change and CO2... Read more

  • Andii Bowsher

    As this is a "national infrastructure" matter then national voices should be taken into account: I cannot see how taking measures to increase airline traffic can be compatible with our international... Read more

  • Andrea Bragoli

    We strongly oppose to this development due to extra noice caused to the area, in addition to extra airplane noice we are getting already

  • Andrew Horscroft

    Objection based on the increased emissions caused by construction work and increase in flights. Concerned that the negative impact to the environment is not justified by the economic benefits. Also... Read more

  • Ann Margaret Hennings

    Noise from planes and loss of countryside

  • Annie Beardsley

    I would be worried about the impact on the UK’s Net Zero commitments; noise, air pollution, increase in passenger numbers when we need to DECREASE air travel to meet Net Zero commitments, etc.

  • Aurigny Air Services (Aurigny Air Services)

    Due to congestion at Gatwick Airport in having one runway results in the lack of ATC slots

  • Awa Kone Le Gal

    Pollution that accumulates overtime with the use of car over the matter of days and times .

  • Belinda Watmore

    What will be done about improving the local roads which are already in a very poor state. The extra traffic will have an even bigger impact on these. How can we be moving forwards to an industry that... Read more

  • Breda Kingston

    Airport expansion is not compatible with acting responsibly during a climate crisis when we need urgently to reduce all possible sources of carbon emission

  • Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN) (Bristol Airport Action Network (BAAN))

    We have seen in Bristol that MBU and the ANPS are out of date and not fit for purpose. The local decision makers rejected the airport's expansion plans but the Inspectors decided that aviation... Read more

  • Bryan Scurfield

    We live 8 miles from Gatwick but also directly under the flight path which takes planes leaving Gatwick to go east (when the runway is operating in the normal east-west direction for take-off). We... Read more

  • Capel Parish Council (Capel Parish Council)

    • An expanded Gatwick Airport will impact on the environment and economy of our community. • There will be an increase in noise, congestion and a decrease in air quality. • The increase in traffic on... Read more

  • Carl Flinn

    Additional day and night noise from aircraft Additional fly overs from emergency aircraft actions Insufficient infrastructure to cope with the additional passengers Insufficient housing and... Read more

  • Caroline Evans

    I am totally against any increase in plane noise and any proposal for a runway to be changed .

  • Caroline Frances New

    This proposal goes counter to our legal obligations to reach net zero emissions by 2050. It will not breach them in itself, but if passed the extra emissions would have to be compensated for in other... Read more

  • Caroline Julia Susan Royds

    I wish to express my support for CAGNE, the group campaigning against the planned construction of a second runway at Gatwick airport. I believe that because of climate change we must limit emissions... Read more

  • Catherine Scurfield

    Need to make a statement to defuse a massive project in a heavily congested area with poor infrastructure.

  • Charlie Goodship

    I thought we were supposed to be using less fossil fuels not more?

  • Chloe Bates

    I object to the building of a second runway at Gatwick

  • Chloris Gormly

    There aren't many places in the south-east which are relatively tranquil, but Betchworth, Buckland, Brockham, Leigh, Holmwood and the surrounding villages are. Generally speaking, we have very little... Read more

  • Chris Ardron

    Concerned about the impact on local area - lack of investment into local infrastructure and services plus impact on environment in terms of noise and aviation pollution

  • Chris Marshall

    I am opposed to any activity whose aim is to increase flights at Gatwick Airport. Nearly all pressure on airports for more capacity comes from demand for leisure flights, and increasing air travel for... Read more

  • Christine Robertson

    I object to it, being built, because it will create too much noise.

  • Christopher Stickland

    We don’t need or want more aircraft flying over us, more traffic in the area and more carbon burning from all of this. Flight traffic has to decrease whichever way we look at it. Growth is not an... Read more

  • Christopher Stride

    It’s just ridiculous sort out the approach paths stack flights over the channel take a direct route from the channel to the airport

  • Claire Donegan

    The main reasons for strongly objecting are: Noise Levels, Night Flights Increase, Climate Change & Air Pollution Impacts, Impact on other Transport Infrastructure, Flood Risk, Need not Justified by... Read more

  • Claire Longley

    We live directly under theGatwick flight path. Although we are 19.4 miles from the airport, our lives are already gravely affectled by the noise of the air traffic, which now seems to continue through... Read more