
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 850 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • David Henry Francis Robb

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about the Sizewell C proposal. 1. Site Selection • This is not the place to build a twin nuclear reactor! • Highly active coast, ignoring potential... Read more

  • David Jackson

    Coastal erosion; rising sea levels; flooding; environmental damage, wildlife threatened; AONB, traffic, pollution; adverse effect on tourism; accumulative and simultaneous new energy projects in this... Read more

  • David Mears

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern over the proposed Sizewell C installation. My principal objections are as follows: - Location - This is clearly the wrong project in the wrong place.... Read more

  • Dr Thomasin Andrews

    Firstly, I think a digital consultation process is wholly inadequate for this huge infrastructure development which will impact on the lives of the people of East Suffolk and on our fragile coastline... Read more

  • Edward Creswick

    I am a resident of Suffolk and a retired engineer with experience in managing major industrial projects (eg aluminium smelters). I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed Sizewell C... Read more

  • Elizabeth Matterson

    I wish to raise my concerns about the Sizewell C project. - The serious environmental impact on this very fragile coastal area. . I feel the unpredictability of climate change and the latest... Read more

  • Eva Loeffler OBE

    I object to the proposed plans for Sizewell C on the ground that not enough attention has been given to the long term erosion of a sensitive coastal area. The Proposed building is in a designated area... Read more

  • Eyke Parish Council (Eyke Parish Council)

    Eyke is a small village, bisected by the totally inadequate A1152, which already suffers disproportionately from heavy vehicles travelling to and from Bentwaters Business Park at Rendlesham. In places... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Farnham Environment Residents & Neighbours (FERN)

    1. FERN (Farnham Environment Residents & Neighbours) is an unincorporated association of people who live at or in the vicinity of the Grade II* listed building, Farnham Manor; as well as the Manor... Read more

  • Fiona Cramb

    I am a local resident.I strongly object to EDF’s plans to build two nuclear power stations at Sizewell. The construction will have a devastating impact on East Suffolk and our fragile coast and is... Read more

  • Fiona Judge

    I am very concerned about the Sizewell C project for the following reasons: 1. Site location • This project is situated in the wrong place and would have the following negative impacts on the area •... Read more

  • Fiona Raison

    For many years I have been mildly in favour of Sizewell B and its much talked of, and planned for, successor, Sizewell C. For a long time I worked with young people in Leiston, and felt the benefits... Read more

  • Frances Charlesworth

    As a member of the Alde and Ore Association I am concerned about the long term affect on the rivers and the coast below Aldeburgh.

  • Friends of the Earth Grassroots Nuclear Network (Friends of the Earth Grassroots Nuclear Network)

    We would like to address: The issue of waste disposal of radioactive waste from the proposed facility. The costs of its eventual decommisioning and how this will be paid for. Whether the development... Read more

  • George Knight

    i. the extensive papers submitted by EDF do not begin to address the issue of coastal erosion outside the narrow Sizewell Bay. The proposal assumes that nothing will change south of the Great Sizewell... Read more

  • Gill Clare

    The proposed construction and operation of Sizewell C will harm large areas of marine environment. Greater Sizewell Bay extends northwards from Blyth Piers, southwards to near Thorpeness, and out to... Read more

  • Graham Booker

    Location: The proposed nuclear power station is I think the incorrect project for the site, given the following : Site is vulnerable to the vagaries of the sea, given that sea levels are set to rise... Read more

  • Greenpeace UK (Greenpeace UK )

    * National policy statement EN-6 does not have effect for the purposes of determining applications for sites not deployed by 2025, including the extant application (see Written Ministerial Statement... Read more

  • Heather Russell

    Please take account of the following points, which will have been raised by others, but are none the less valid.... I object to the EDF Sizewell C project for the reasons as under - and many more that... Read more

  • Helen Bridgeman

    I do not want Sizewell to have an affect on Minsmere Nature Reserve.

  • Helen Rolfe

    I am a local resident and have strong views about Sizewell C and its impact on my home area. The proposal to consturct this power station was poorly concieved initially, and is now even more... Read more

  • Hilary Mills

    The long term effects of the Sizewell plan I feel are quite horrifying. The permanent damage to the surrounding area and destruction of a vast area of natural beauty it will cause will be There will... Read more

  • Ian Cocking

    I Belive this project and others are essential towards the UK reaching the net zero target by 2050. Nuclear energy is a safe and mature source of reliable very low carbon electricity. It is essential... Read more

  • Ian Craig

    The dangers inherent in the building, operating and storing of spent nuclear waste mean that we cannot allow any new reactor to be built if there is any doubt about its future operation. We have this... Read more

  • Ian Fergusson

    The impact on the adjacent land at Minsmere along with other land that has been designated SSSI or of ecological importance has not been adequately addressed. This could cause rare species such as... Read more

  • Institute for Resource and Security Studies (Institute for Resource and Security Studies)

    The so called “Sustainability appraisal key findings” on nuclear benefits generally and Sizewell C specifically to combatting climate change, as presented on page one of the Sustainability Statement... Read more

  • Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG (Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG)

    This representation is composed by members of Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on behalf of the Suffolk and North East Essex CCG's Governing bodies. Consideration has been... Read more

  • Jacqueline Smith

    I had followed closely the procedure for building Sizewell B, as both a teacher of Environmental Science in the area and a local resident. Subsequently I studied for and gained an MSc from UEA in... Read more

  • James Gatehouse

    I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I think the Sizewell C application is probably unsuitable for a digital examination process. The following are my issues of... Read more

  • Jan Dicks

    I am writing to OPPOSE the building of Sizewell C on our beautiful Suffolk coast. I am totally opposed to nuclear energy in principle for many reasons, but the main one is the storage of waste. I... Read more

  • Jane Anderson Craig

    I have grave concerns over the development of reactors that have never safely operated at Sizewell, an area rich in diverse and endangered wildlife, along with many other issues. I therefore wish to... Read more

  • Janine Edge

    I have lived in Aldeburgh, Suffolk since 1998 and have owned a house in Aldeburgh since 2004. I live, work and exercise in the area including swimming in the sea almost daily. My main objections are... Read more

  • Jenny Labbett

    My submissions That there should be no Park and Ride at Wickham Market for environmental and safety reasons Wickham Market is a small, and - until now - a relatively quiet village with narrow roads.... Read more

  • Jenny Nutbeem

    I wish to register my concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: The construction of the link road will impact hugely on the area In which I live. Environmental concerns: Natural habitat and... Read more

  • Jenny Rawson

    I am very concerned about the potential disturbance for wildlife through this development. The construction stage is referred to as temporary but is an extended and considerable length of time, which... Read more

  • Jiho?eské matky, z.s. (Jiho?eské matky, z.s.)

    It is not clear if a new NPP is needed at all in UK. At this point in time, when renewables have already become cheaper than nuclear energy it is necessary to update the assessment of alternatives for... Read more

  • Jocelyn Bond (Jocelyn Bond)

    The following combines and tries to reflect the very relevant views of as many of the residents I represent in the Ward (who have contacted me, and also my fellow Ward member Cllr Haworth-Culf) as... Read more

  • John Huntingford

    I am concerned about the effect of this proposal on the fragile and valued environment of the East Suffolk coast, including the permanent effect on coastal erosion. It seems to me the economic impact... Read more

  • John Law

    Dear Sir/Madam, I write as someone whose family home is in Suffolk. I am also the founder of [Redacted], an organisation campaigning for an effective transition to clean energy sources in the UK, as... Read more

  • John Sutherell

    I wish to represent the following issues of concerns on Sizewell C: Throughout the consultation period EDF have failed to address or provide sufficient detail on many of the issues arising from their... Read more

  • Joseph Morrice

    Following a review of the planning application submitted by EDF in regard to the construction of Sizewell C I feel that this project should not be approved. My concerns and objections are briefly... Read more

  • Eamonn O on behalf of Judy James (Judy James)

    I am strongly against another power station being built at Sizewell. Firstly, I don't agree with nuclear power, and secondly the roads feeding into Sizewell are not suitable for the congestion which... Read more

  • Julianne Morgan

    I would like to object to the plans submitted by EDF for Sizewell C due to lack of information on the following: 1) long term impact on the Suffolk coast given the size and scale of the construction... Read more

  • Kathleen Lording

    My personal objections along with 'Stop Sizewell C's' document, which I fully endorse. I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place . Nuclear energy in this form is outmoded, uneconomical and... Read more

  • Katie Redgrave

    Site: - I believe this is a wholly inappropriate site, further expansion and adaption of Sizewell could cause significant impact to coastal processes - The site would have a serious and adverse affect... Read more

  • Laxfield Parish Council (Laxfield Parish Council)

    Laxfield Parish Council are concerned about: ADVERSE IMPACT ON LOCAL AREAS • eco-systems such as Minsmere • noise/light pollution • vibration on old/historic buildings • tourism - workers are already... Read more

  • Liberal Democrats - Suffolk Coastal (Liberal Democrats - Suffolk Coastal)

    For some years now I have been looking at the concept of Sizewell C/D. Given my extensive research in to nuclear power (NP0, here in Suffolk and across at Hinkley point - plus my issues pertaining to... Read more

  • Lizzi Thistlethwayte

    Concern for the fragile and constantly changing natural environment. Concern about the lack of transparency over matters concerned with disposal of radioactive waste and the hundreds, perhaps... Read more

  • Louise

    The Suffolk coast area around Sizewell is ANOB land, this alone is reason. Enough not to build two nuclear reactors on its land. Added to this is the world famous and important Minsmere reserve just... Read more

  • Louise Gooch (East Suffolk Council Cllr)

    I write as an East Suffolk Council Cllr. I am opposed to Sizewell C for the following reasons: The site itself is a nationally and internationally recognized SSI and AONB; as such, the project is... Read more