
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 1251 to 1300 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter William Winfield

    I object to the Gatwick expanision because of intrusive noise (we are already on a flight path and aircraft cross our home very early in the morning and late at night), air pollution, additional... Read more

  • Rebecca Jeans

    This will cause too much traffic, too much noise, air pollution, it will warrent a lot ofnworkers, all of which will make the already bursting roads busier, there is not the infrastructure in place to... Read more

  • Rob Esdaile

    Incompatibility of Gatwick Expansion with government Net Zero goals and sustainable transport policy

  • Robert Shepherd

    This proposal will involve thousands of extra flights every day causing air and noise pollution, extra traffic, loss of wildlife, massive expense etc. It goes against our commitment to net zero by... Read more

  • Rowan Harding

    The negative impact is fundamentally on all people and future generations and nature. We know the damage greenhouses gases have, it is indisputable! We cannot continue with such short term view... Read more

  • Sally Ann Usher

    I live in (Redacted) which is very close to Gatwick airport. At present the noise from the aircraft is very load and disturbs our sleep, my husband now has to use earplugs as he was (Redacted) due to... Read more

  • Stephen Arnold

    The impact of a new runway will increase the release of greenhouse gases, exacerbating the climate crisis. Existing infrastructure will be severely affected, resulting in the worsening of air quality... Read more

  • Stuart Grant

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Susan Rickards

    This will increase the number of flights by a very large number at a time when we need to be flying less, because of greenhouse gasses. Please invest this money in green infrastructure which can take... Read more

  • Tim McDonald

    I object to this additional runway as there is no real need for it, along the additional negative environmental impact. I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a... Read more

  • Venice van Someren

    Our planet is on fire. The climate crisis is here. We should be urgently cutting air travel to and from the UK, not expanding capacity. A second runway at Gatwick would allow more than 100,000... Read more

  • Victoria Hoareau

    I am opposed to the building of a new runway at Gatwick Airport. The increase in flights and road traffic to the airport will result in: - more green house gas emissions which will worsen global... Read more

  • Vivien Sallows

    I strongly object to this proposed project. We have lived here for over 30 years and in recent years, since Gatwick trialled and then adopted new flight paths, the noise from the aircraft has... Read more

  • Andrew Furtek

    Gatwick’s proposed expansion would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport, like myself, and for those further away under flight paths. A ban on night flights... Read more

  • Ann Michele Spencer

    We have a climate crisis to which air pollution is a significant contributor. In my view, any expansion of air travel indicates a completely wilful and ignorant response to this global challenge. I am... Read more

  • Burstow Parish Council (Burstow Parish Council )

    For Gatwick Second Runway Project, I represent BPC and wish to be registered along with the BPC Clerk. Being close to the airport, flights have affects on our residents whether it be noise from... Read more

  • David Blake

    I am concerned an additional runway will obviously produce more air traffic over the Dormansland/Lingfield area as at present the night time noise is only just bearable with all windows shut at night

  • David George Walter Turner

    The noise from Gatwick already considerably affects us on a day to day basis. The expansion would only make the situation significantly worse. Gatwick have yet to put in place the anti-noise proposals... Read more

  • David James Bright

    Concerned primarily about night noise. If the airport expands can it please be with a ban on night flights. We are currently woken up in the summer by night flights. Infrastructure problems. The roads... Read more

  • Emma Allen

    The proposed expansion of Gatwick airport will have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan will: Increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Fiona Langford

    The development will only increase the release of more greenhouse gases, which contribute to the climate emergency we’re facing in the UK and globally. This project will create more pressure on the... Read more

  • Graham Roland Nash

    I wish to object to the proposed project for the following main reasons:1/ This is a huge infrastructure project involving not just on site at the airport but all the surrounding areas and will impact... Read more

  • John Bartlett

    I am concerned by the lack of apparent consideration given to the wider area surrounding the airport; more frequent flights and the fact the management will not rule out night flights cannot fail to... Read more

  • John Shelley

    I strongly object to this application, Gatwick is a bad neighbour. I believe this Northern Runway application should be thrown out immediately, such is its potential to significantly damage the... Read more

  • Leonie Ledger

    The airport already causes unacceptable and stressful levels of noise to surrounding communities. An expansion will increase both noise and pollution. This will negatively impact the day to day lives... Read more

  • Maggie Morgan

    * As a member of the local community I am concerned about: 1. Impact on local people (personal impact, environmental impact, pollution,) 2. Impact on UK governments targets as set out in Paris COPT 3.... Read more

  • Margaret Abu-Nimeh

    I am extremely concerned about the proposed extension to Gatwick Airport and the impact it will have on the Southeast and specifically the local environment. Local residents already suffer from noise... Read more

  • Margaret Florence Turner

    The change in flight paths instigated by Gatwick has already had a considerable affect on our lives as the noise is constant. A second flight path would only make it worse. Gatwick appointed an... Read more

  • John Shelley (John Shelley ) on behalf of Marion Dallison (Marion Dallison)

    I believe this Northern Runway application should be disregarded immediately, such is its potential to significantly damage the world's future, through potential increase in greenhouse emissions. I... Read more

  • Martin Heath

    In a normal year aviation accounts of 7-8% of the UK's greenhouse gas emission. These emissions have grown by over 80% since 1990. We should be reducing these emissions not increasing them. The vast... Read more

  • Miranda Chubb

    Aviation accounts for around 7-8% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions have grown by over 80% since 1990. Greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the climate emergency we’re... Read more

  • Nicholas Timms

    Increase in noise and visual impact over the village of Lingfield and in particular our garden. Additional infrastructure needs not being fully met and leading to increased local road congestion.

  • Pamela Kennea

    I believe this proposed Northern Runway application at Gatwick should be totally disregarded. , such is its potential to significantly damage the world's future, through the likely increase in... Read more

  • Paul Beevers

    In a normal year aviation accounts of 7-8% of the UK's greenhouse gas emission. These emissions have grown by over 80% since 1990. We should be reducing these emissions not increasing them. The vast... Read more

  • Paul Toynton

    Expansion of the airport will increase our contrtibution to global warming when we are supposed to be trying to reduce it. It will bring more noise , more traffic and increased pollution We should be... Read more

  • Paul William Harding

    I am registering my objection to the proposed second runway at Gatwick Airport. I believe the proposed additional flights would inevitably lead to an unacceptable increase in pollution and noise... Read more

  • Peter England

    Increasing the runway capacity will have an expected increase in noise and pollution in the area , that effect our life’s as on side of flight path

  • Robert Leathley

    Expansion of airport capacity and flights at Gatwick is fundamentally the wrong direction to be taking given the climate emergency. There is no credible way with current or envisioned technology for... Read more

  • Robin Paul Spencer

    I wish to object to the proposals for the expansion of Gatwick Airport, and to the consequent intensification of its activities in terms of a greatly increased number of flights, on a number of... Read more

  • Sarah Williams White

    I'm evermore shocked by the governments lack of concern for the future of our planet - the new runway at Gatwick airport will have devastating impacts locally and globally. Please do not allow this to... Read more

  • Maria Phillips on behalf of Setchfield (Setchfield)

    My family want to know the impact on their homes in the.area.

  • Sheila Peacock

    I am not in favour of an additional runway at Gatwick Airport. The technology does not exist to decarbonise flying at present scale within the timescale of net zero by 2050 and therefore flying must... Read more

  • Stephen Newman

    Concerned by the amount of extra air traffic this may cause.

  • Stuart Milloy

    My main concerns are aircraft noise and pollution as well as the potential increase in road traffic on the M25 , M23 and around Gatwick. I am also concerned as a user of Gatwick airport about whether... Read more

  • Susan Rotberg

    The plans for expansion of Gatwick Airport has not considered the impacts on the wider region. I live near Crowborough that is over 25 miles (as the plane flies) from Gatwick. Crowborough is 800 feet... Read more

  • Suzanne Cull

    The local infrastructure is not sufficient to support the anticipated additional passenger numbers nor the required additional employees. It is difficult enough to get a primary school place, Drs... Read more

  • Suzanne Hazzard

    We have seen a big increase in air traffic directly over our house in recent years and expanding Gatwick airport will only increase this further. When we asked various airport authorities why more... Read more

  • Vanessa Chick

    Noise from aircraft on flight path will be even worse with two runways. Pollution from planes, and from cars getting to the airport. More congestion on the roads and loss of land and wildlife where... Read more

  • Zoe Varnava

    We know the new runway at Gatwick airport will have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan will: • increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Adrian M Lee

    The need for additional runway capacity is overwhelming. It is an indictment on the UK's ability to deliver major infrastructure projects within anything even resembling a reasonable timeframe that... Read more