
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2701 to 2750 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Clare Louise Collinge

    The expansion should not be allowed. It should not be considered in an already polluted country

  • Cllr Georgia Taylor

    Noise: I live within a 20 minute drive from Gatwick and I already am affected by the noise of flights. the expansion of the airport will increase this significantly. Also, as I am a County Councillor... Read more

  • Councillor Julia Hilton

    I am concerned about the lack of consideration of the impact of this proposal on public transport infrastructure and the impact on our UK carbon budgets if this goes ahead.

  • Craig Scott

    I strongly reject this application on the basis of noise, road traffic, pollution and flood risk. In December 2013 experiencing extreme weather Gatwick discharged its holding tanks into the River Mole... Read more

  • Crowborough Community Orchard (Crowborough Community Orchard)

    I represent a community organisation that is developing a new community orchard in Crowborough. Our work is to help combat the climate emergency and biodiversity loss by planting fruit trees and... Read more

  • Daryl Joyce

    The infrastructure around the airport with increased thoroughput of people and vehicles - roads, services and industry

  • Dave Johnstone

    The construction of a further runway at Gatwick must, by its very nature, increase the number of flights; therefore, more greenhouse gas emissions, more noise pollution (I live on the incoming flight... Read more

  • David Castle

    Far too much air traffic already without another runway. The existing “second” runway is a back up runway and not in use at same time as main runway so we are looking at doubling air traffic and... Read more

  • David Christopher Mitchell

    Expanding Gatwick airport will cause an increase in air and noise pollution. But more importantly it will lead to a big increase in greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the global climate... Read more

  • David Martin

    I am extremely concerned about the damage to the environment and on our personal lives as we already have huge numbers of planes flying over our house. I am doing everything I can in my personal life... Read more

  • David Roff

    I believe that the expansion will in effect exacerbate a situation which is already unsustainable. In fact, the current flight path arrangements heavily affect our whole parish both during the day and... Read more

  • David Ware

    The government's own CCC have stated that there must be no net increase in airport capacity across the UK. But the government are not controlling, or even monitoring this. So the public must.

  • David William Madill

    I am objecting to this proposal due the increased air & noise pollution that would be an outcome, also the increased traffic in the local area.

  • Davine Andrews

    I want this proposal to go ahead as I think it will boost the local economy and furthermore more jobs

  • Deborah Moynihan

    Currently Gatwick fail on significant number of days to stay within allowed flight paths . Noise and pollution have increased significantly. As they cannot keep within the flight limits now I feel... Read more

  • Dougal Crowder

    The last thing this planet needs is another runway. The fact it is even being discussed beggars belief. If the UK really needs more airport capacity it certainly doesn't need it in the south east

  • Douglas George Horner

    Gatwick air traffic overflies the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is also within the Metropolitan Green Belt. Planning Policy protects certain qualities in those areas, and the... Read more

  • East Sussex County Council (East Sussex County Council)

    PLEASE NOTE: ALSO E-MAILED TO PINS GATWICK PROJECT E-MAIL 26.10.23 This Relevant Representation sets out a summary of East Sussex County Council’s (“ESCC”) concerns with the Gatwick Airport Northern... Read more

  • Edgar Aubrey Marriott

    As we live high on a hill, as the planes come overhead, they are very low and the subsequent noise and pollution will be increased.

  • Eileen Castle

    Already the area is busy with air traffic we are concerned at increased noise, pollution, road traffic, devaluation of housing stock

  • Eleanor Bowie

    This is in direct conflict with government commitments to reach net zero. It will increase co2 emissions by over 50% and increase pollution, congestion and wear and tear on local roads and... Read more

  • Elizabeth Clay

    The expansion plans are contrary to the UK’s obligations on net zero. The measures the airport cites to explain how it will mitigate the pollution construction and operation of an expanded Gatwick... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate Team GATWICK AIRPORT NORTHERN RUNWAY DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER APPLICATION Please find below our Relevant Representation on behalf of the Environment Agency in relation to... Read more

  • Flora Bigham

    The resulting expansion of flights would be a significant contributor to climate breakdown, and the Government's own climate advisors, the Committee on Climate Change, say that there should be no new... Read more

  • Fran Rawlinson

    The plans would effectively give Gatwick a new second runway, but Government policy is that any new runway in the South East should be at Heathrow. (Though we think that there shouldn't be any new... Read more

  • Freya Steele

    An ever increasing capacity at airports and the additional vehicle movements associated with that expansion is contrary to the need to reduce UK global warming emissions.

  • Garry Saunders

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise for those further away under flight paths. The Environment Gatwick Airport is situated within an area valued for its unparalleled... Read more

  • Gary Clarke

    There is absolutely no need for an additional runway at Gatwick. I am a frequent air traveller and, if anything, observe that the volume of travellers at Gatwick and other airports has significantly... Read more

  • Gemma Hiley

    Living close to the airport, I am concerned about the increase in air pollution and the impact of this on our health and that of our future family. The impact of having substantially more planes in... Read more

  • Geraldine Cohen

    My concerns lie with the additional noise as well as the detrimental effect of carbon emissions where the UK is already dismally failing. In addition there will be an impact to road congestion and... Read more

  • Global Airlines (Global Airlines)

    Global Airlines is a new, British based carrier, with ambitions to enhance the passenger experience and provide additional, much needed, connectivity and capacity from the South-East of England to the... Read more

  • Gordon Campbell

    there are many reasons to oppose a new runway at Gatwick, but the most important of all is the fact that we are living in a climate emergency - declared by our own government in 2019 (despite the... Read more

  • Gordon Lee-Steere

    I am concerned by the expansion being proposed. I understand the time to comment has been extended. Dear Sirs, I, Gordon Lee-Steere of (Redacted) oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern... Read more

  • Graham Mytton

    I am totally opposed to having a second runway at Gatwick Airport. This is for several reasons. The world needs less flying and it is becoming increasingly unnecessary. We face a huge crisis and need... Read more

  • Greensand Holdings Limited (Greensand Holdings Limited)

    Dear Sir/Madam Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Statutory Consultation Response from Greensand Holdings Limited 1. Please note that Greensand Holdings Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reigate... Read more

  • Greyhound Trust (Greyhound Trust)

    Oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – it is NOT using existing infrastructure and should not be accepted as such. 1. Policy has been misinterpreted... Read more

  • Guy Lester

    Increased harm to the natural environment in the Surrey Hills area caused by additional noise, pollution, associated traffic to and from the airport and the planes themselves. The effect on climate... Read more

  • Hannah White

    I'm so concerned about this, how we can an extra 100,000 flights a year be a good idea? This will have such a significant impact on our environment, climate, and all the communities in the surrounding... Read more

  • Heathrow Airport Limited (Heathrow Airport Limited)

    This relevant representation has been submitted separately for both LHR Airports Limited and Heathrow Airport Limited, which are related companies within the Heathrow group corporate structure. For... Read more

  • Helena Hoare

    The local infrastructures are unable to cope with present day needs, schools, GP surgeries, roads, parking, trains. Increased noise and pollution from aircraft and local service traffic and... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    In the view of Historic England, under this scheme proposal there is the potential for harm to a range of heritage assets, including: • to a number of undesignated archaeological heritage assets in... Read more

  • Hugo Youngman

    I make the following comments in respect of any planned expansion of the airport at Gatwick Environmental Impact The proposed expansion would significantly increase Gatwick’s CO2 emissions and other... Read more

  • Iain Cochran

    Increasing accessibility to the airport, free drop off and parking (redacted) for the increased air travel. While managing the traffic flows in and around Gatwick and the town of Horley. Ensuring long... Read more

  • Ian Clabby

    Concern about negative impact on environment and existing infrastructure. Anxious that it represents another South East investment contrary to levelling up agenda.

  • Ian Dayus

    We do not need airport expansion due to health and environmental reasons. We already have too many aircraft along with noise. We can smell aircraft fuel on a daily basis which is terrible. Think bc... Read more

  • Irene Elsey

    Gatwick Airport is already used to capacity. Local areas are blighted by the noise pollution ( and probable air pollution) of continuous flights taking off and landing at the airport.The impact of... Read more

  • J Davies

    I am concerned the impact this will have on the area we live in and have objected to the application and the significant damage and impact it will have on our village and local area. There are great... Read more

  • Jacqueline Angus

    I am concerned that the increase in proposed aircraft movements if the Gatwick expansion is allowed to go ahead will cause greater aircraft noise and pollution over my property, which is already... Read more

  • James Seward

    Air pollution from the extra flights. The flight path would then make to much noise in my area could effect my sleep as I do shift work. The expansion would also effect people living in the areas... Read more

  • Janet Jones

    Climate change - impact on UK's greenhouse gas emissions from airport expansion before low emissions aircraft (of the passenger capacity envisaged by these plans) have been developed. Please see the... Read more