
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 551 to 600 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Ivan Pullen

    When Manston was operating, we, my wife and I, used it many times , and found it excellent, a handy, easy way to travel. Also, on a broader scale, why on earth build an expensive, disruptive new... Read more

  • James Chappell on behalf of James Chappell & Marva Rees

    Reasons for objecting 1) There is no NSIP case. RSP’s proposal depends on its claim that there is substantial unmet demand for dedicated freight aircraft in the SE of the UK. However, their own... Read more

  • Joe Bradley

    I am opposed to this application to re-open Manston Airport. The people of Thanet do not need the noise and pollution living under an airport flight path. I do not want my children exposed to this... Read more

  • John Mills

    Dear Sir As a resident living on the Nethercourt estate I am extremely concerned as to the impact the proposed cargo airport will have on me and the people of Ramsgate. Having lived through the... Read more

  • Jon Boulter

    Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to object to the River Oak application for a freight airport at Manston because of the potentially disastrous impact it would have on the local area. In Herne Bay, we are on... Read more

  • Julian Vince

    Both Gatwick and Heathrow are operating clues to maximum capacity. The road network to both is offen extremely congested leading to missed flights. Manston has a superb runway capable of... Read more

  • Julie Jarrett

    I would love the airport to be in use again as, apart from the generated employment, I think that the convenience of being able to take a flight with ease, and not have a 2 hour commute to London... Read more

  • Kevin Webb

    I would like to see Manston Airport reopen as soon as possible, for the good of the Country, the good of Thanet and employment. The history of Manston is long and memorable and in my opinion is... Read more

  • Leslie Murray

    I wish to see Manston Airport reopen as a fully operational airport, not for the land to be used for house building. We already have problems with lack of water supplies and serious road traffic... Read more

  • Marcus J Russell

    I want Manstin Airport to re-open to bebrfit the free RAF Manston Spitfire and Hurricane Museum with extra visitors. We eant to stay a free museumandwe need extra footfall donations.

  • Martin Weller

    NEED The history of air freight operations at Manston is one of failure: failure to attract freight operators, resulting in economic failure and the loss of large sums of money. It is time to put... Read more

  • Marylyn Vincer

    I fully support Riveroaks Plans for Manston Airport. Thanet and Kent is in desperate need of the jobs that will be generated by re-opening Manston Airport. It will help to regenerate the area and... Read more

  • Matthew Burton

    I would like to see the airport open for jobs and save going to London to get to a airport for travel. manston has allways been a airport long runway

  • Maureen Stovell

    I have flown to Cyprus from Manston & the experience was fantastic. The improved infrastructer is relatively good. Not only the environmental footprint but also time saved by not having to travel to... Read more

  • Max Tilling

    Thanet,and surrounding areas NEED EMPLOYMENT and TRAINING OPERTUNITIES Exiting EU open opportunity to create an additional transport/aviation links to UK Lead times to create and establish... Read more

  • Michael Murray

    Mansion Airfield/Airport has existed for over 70 years in various formats. The Airport is far to valuable an asset to be lost for ever as a strategic aviation centre. The current owners & proposed... Read more

  • Mike Harman

    I confirm ii have read the above statement.......I strongly believe that MANSTON AIRPORT should be retained for aircraft use... Read more

  • Miss Sheila Mary Patricia Bransfield

    I have friends and family involved in aviation and have attended or worked at Aerodrome, Airfield and Airport events throughout England for over 30 years. I am aware of the shortage of training... Read more

  • Shirley A Large on behalf of Mr K Williams

    Pollution As I live in Thanet and am only 1.3km from the runway I am worried about : 1. The Pollution. In Thanet is already high so the addition of further pollution from freight aircraft, old... Read more

  • Diane Campbell on behalf of Mr Keith Skelsey

    Manston has been an airport longer than i care to remember as I was born in Thanet. Never been any bother. It has created employment, accessibility to other parts of europe and the UK. Thanet is... Read more

  • Shirley A Large on behalf of Mrs H Williams

    I would like to object because I believe Grade 1 Agricultural land should not be used for housing when we have a redundant airfield site ideally situated in the centre of Thanet. The Manston... Read more

  • Mrs Ingrid Page

    I think it will be of benefit to local people to have Manston Airport as a functioning airport. Having used it in the past, it would be very helpful to have the availability to fly from Manston in... Read more

  • Mrs Tracey Seal

    Due to chronic health conditions, noisy night flights will be severely detrimental to my health. As such I would like to oppose the plans to reopen Manston, especially for night flights.

  • Nicolette Mckenzie

    New resident (3 years) committed to town, financially, and it is now my home. Civic matters of great interest to me. Manston plans of crucial importance to the area. Riveroak prsentations in 2017... Read more

  • Page & Sons (Page & Sons)

    I believe that the retention of Manston Airport will provide jobs, both directly and indirectly which will be of benefit to the local economy. My firm has previously supplied goods to the airport... Read more

  • Patricia Jupp

    Infrastructure Since 1998, when Manston became a commercial airport, 3 owners have failed to make the airport profitable. The new proposal moves from mainly passenger flights to freight flights... Read more

  • Patricia McKeown

    Please let us have Manston airport back - hate the hassle of driving to Gatwick/Heathrow/Stansted - just such a pain and always takes hours. Plus good for the area to help people get jobs, so yes yes... Read more

  • Peter Abel

    1/ I am in favor of the airport development as it would be a massive improvement to the local economy. 2/ Thanet needs regeneration the Airport could bring with it's already in place... Read more

  • Peter Borrough

    I am a resident of Ramsgate, living under the flight path, less than 3 Km from the end of the runway. I have the following concerns about the proposals set out in the DCO documents. 1 That the... Read more

  • Peter C. Gilbert

    Noise and safety of surrounding areas I was living here when the 'airport' was operational for cargo service and the flow of what looked like old, noisy and dangerous aircraft constantly threatening... Read more

  • Peter James Thomas

    I believe that a resurgent airport will have a detrimental effect on the local economy. I am a local businessman who sells home furnishings in the Thanet area. As such I have experienced an upturn in... Read more

  • Peter Thompson

    I am looking forward to Manston Airport re-opening, not only to provide some passenger services to the local community, but also for the potential employment opportunities.

  • Rebecca Baty

    I am a former resident of Ramsgate and maintain an interest in the regeneration of Thanet and it's future development. I wrote the original white paper on options for the airport site that was used as... Read more

  • Rob Harrison

    I am so cross that this is still an. Issue. Since I have lived in ramsgate, the airport has been a constant source of bewilderedment to me. Enabling night flights, and cargo in general will add... Read more

  • Robert Bristow

    Keep Manston Airport open.

  • Roger Mellor

    The most frequently used flight path for aircraft landing at and taking off from Manston Airport passes at a very low level over the central area of Ramsgate. During past use of the airport this... Read more

  • Samantha Secomb

    As a long term resident of Thanet I have experience of the local situation both current and historic. We need projects that encourage commerce in the overcrowded, well resourced and prosperous area... Read more

  • Sarah Mcternan Bland

    As a resident who lives directly under the proposed flight path I strongly am against the application of a cargo hub being opened on the mansion sight. I argue that this proposal will have deep... Read more

  • Selwyn Davidson

    we all need this airport as soon as possible . people and freight .

  • Sharon Chubb

    I am local to the Airport, and feel not only is it a waste at the moment, it is also very sad. The history that goes with the airport will be kept alive when the airport reopens. It will also provide... Read more

  • Shirley A Large

    Please don’t let this happen, we in Thanet are not just an Isle of old and socially low class people, but even if we were, are our lives any less valuable? I was born in Ramsgate Hospital and grew... Read more

  • The Coal Authority (The Coal Authority)

    I have checked the site location plan against the information held by the Coal Authority and confirm that the proposed development site is located outside the defined coalfield. On this basis we have... Read more

  • William Gary Latham

    I moved to Ramsgate from Walthamstow, East London in March 2017. My reason for moving was for a better quality of life. A more peaceful and quieter life away from the noise and pollution of London. In... Read more

  • Jill Iggulden stevens

    Reasons why Kent International Airport (AKA Manston Airport') should be reopened. 1. On a purely practical level, it would take the pressure off Heathrow and ease the growing congestion in... Read more

  • Andrew Hodder

    I am catergorically against the DCO for several reasons: - The Airport has never been financially viable, due to location. - if the airport reopens it will mean mass housing developments in the area... Read more

  • Andy Latham


  • Anne Belworthy

    I wanted to ask the question re the proposed development of Manston Airport to a Cargo Hub. Will the flights pass over the Studd Hill area of Herne Bay again as they did under the previous... Read more

  • Anne Ward

    Good day, I have been a resident of Westgate for 30 years and have been following the progress of Riveroaks' bit very closely. and am strongly in favour of re-opening the airport. I used the services... Read more

  • Richard Horlor on behalf of Bowen Court Residents, Ramsgate

    As residents of Ramsgate who live under the flightpath, close to the end of the runway of Manston Airport, we are well aware of the significant noise disruption and nuisance large aircraft cause... Read more

  • Bruce Gowland

    I agree that RiverOak are give planning to reopen Manston Airport for Aviation