
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1801 to 1850 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Ciaran Brogan-Dove

    I wish to make objections to the proposal on the basis of the health effects and future development of my [Redacted] old daughter. I live under the flight-path in Ramsgate.

  • Clare Dove

    Objections to the proposal for a 24/7 365 air-freight cargo hub:- Background I moved to Ramsgate from London in 1991. This was to enjoy the amenity of living in a beautiful part of Kent and to raise... Read more

  • Clifford Sax

    Ramsgate’s economy is dependent on tourism. A cargo hub with the noise and pollution that accompanies such an enterprise is wholly anathema to a burgeoning tourist industry. There is no clear need... Read more

  • Clive Holland

    I am a Ramsgate resident living under the flight path of Manston Airport. I am objecting to a 24/7 cargo hub on a number of grounds. Firstly, as a cargo hub it is in the wrong place. A hub tends to... Read more

  • Clive Smith

    . The advantages of Manston Airport to The Isle-of Thanet . The advantages of Manston Airport to the County of Kent . How Manston Airport,under R.S.P's plan could affect and enhance the U.K. . Why... Read more

  • Colin john Bandick

    Below the main areas of concern: 1. Transport Links in and out of airport. 2. Business opportunities for the community. 3. Noise levels. 3. Rail links to London from airport. 4 Links to Ramsgate... Read more

  • Colin Sisk

    Dear Sir/Madam, I support the plan for Manston Airport to be retained as an operational airfield for the benefit of local jobs, the UK's regional airport infrastructure, in support of the UK... Read more

  • TR Fennell on behalf of Commuters Against The Cargo Hub Facebook Group

    I write representing the Facebook group Commuters Against The Cargo Hub. The 2018 Airport National Policy Statement states that the DCO applicant should demonstrate: ““that its scheme is... Read more

  • Conor Masterson

    I feel strongly that an airport is not necessary for many reasons. I have listed a few below: 1. Climate - we must be responsible and cut back on air travel and air freight 2. Increase in local... Read more

  • CPRE Kent (CPRE Kent)


  • Dale Hayton

    I oppose the plan for a cargo hub at Manston. This is not an application which has national strategic importance, only a small percentage of cargo is carried by air, and that percentage seems to be... Read more

  • Daniel Deegan

    As a secondary school teacher, I feel I must raise huge concern about the ‘actual’ affect this development would have on children in the area. I understand that 3 schools will find themselves under... Read more

  • Daniel Donoghue

    as a local resident i feel it is extremely important to the future of the local economy of East Kent that proposals for Manston Airport to be used for aviation are given the due recognition they... Read more

  • Daniel Whitehead

    As a private home owner in Ramsgate I wish to state my intention to oppose the intended application by RSP to turn Manston into a 24/7 Cargo Hub. Having lived in Ramsgate for almost 12 years I have... Read more

  • Dave Payne

    I am very concerned about the DCO that you are considering that has been submitted to your committee by a group of businessmen calling themselves RSP regarding a potential reopening of the old Manston... Read more

  • David Alphonso

    I believe that if it goes ahead the airport and the associated noise and traffic will have a negative effect on tourism, house prices and air quality, as well as being noise polluting.

  • David Macmillan

    Living within about 1000 metres of the runway, I confirm that we have not received any correspondence detailing the airport plans which is not what has been reported. Living this close to the airport... Read more

  • David Mann


  • Deborah Zaman

    I live in a household in the Central Ward of Ramsgate and my daughter goes to school at [Redacted] both of which are under the intended flight path – the flight path of an airport that had firmly... Read more

  • Dennis Flint

    A new, bigger airport at Manston will inject life into this deprived part of Kent. Never before before has Thanet had such an opportunity for new jobs for all skills, especially with RSP working... Read more

  • Dominic Murphy

    Firstly we do not need the extra air cargo capacity. It will not make money. There is enough capacity elsewhere, especially as Heathrow is now set to expand. Secondly, River Oak themselves told me... Read more

  • Donald Ross Campbell

    I would like to register my opposition to the Manston DCO. I have lived in Ramsgate for 17 years, initially with my wife in Vale Square, and then with my nephew in Ellington Road, Ramsgate. I... Read more

  • Doreen Shrubsole

    I support reopening of Manston Airport to give much needed aviation capacity in the south east and to provide local jobs

  • Dr Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt

    I am making this representation as South Thanet’s prospective Member of Parliament. To the extent that I will be able to influence the future of the Manston site, I believe it my duty to represent the... Read more

  • Dr. R. John Pritchard

    I’ve lived and worked in Thanet since 1989 and have been active in the campaign to save, redevelop and re-open Manston after its closure in 2014, so I’m very familiar with Manston Airport’s importance... Read more

  • Duncan Castles

    1) The Impact on the environment 2) The Impact on Health 3) Noice Pollution 4) Local infrastructure 5) Long term an increase in more flights using the Airport from the London Hubs

  • Easterly Cox

    i am very distressed at the possibility that there may be a cargo hub at Manston. i reject this idea and of aeroplanes flying low over Herne Bay. I remember a few years ago, when a cargo plane flew... Read more

  • Elaine Newton

    We must have an airport at Manston. Its crazy not to. Supported by the majority of local people. There's desperate need for another airport. There's a fast train to central London nearby. It would... Read more

  • Michelle Meyer-Masterson on behalf of Elegantly Papered Limited

    I wish to register my opposition to a cargo hub at the old Manston airport on behalf of myself and the company of which I am the CEO of (Elegantly Papered Ltd), and which employs several local... Read more

  • Elizabeth Green

    Having lived in Ramsgate for over 20 years I am well aware of the impact of flights, particularly cargo and night flights from the former airport. I am most concerned at the detrimental effect it will... Read more

  • Elizabeth Warner

    I would like to register my objection to the current DCO by Riveroak SP to open a 24/7 Cargo Hub on the former Manston Airport Site. Which closed in 2014, without any negative effect to the area, in... Read more

  • Emma bassett

    I would like the airport to reopen to bring jobs to a very deprived area we do not need more houses when we already lack jobs and infrastructure.

  • Eric Hill

    I fully back Manston reopening for the jobs it will create and boost Thanet as a whole

  • Fiona

    I am making a registration for 2 key reasons !. Noise disruption. When I moved to Ramsgate 9 years ago I remember the first day I went to collect one of my 3 daughters from their schools based... Read more

  • Fiona Simmons

    I am writing as a local resident on the flight path to oppose granting a DCO 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston. The main points I intend to make in relation to the application are the effects of noise... Read more

  • Fiona Stewart

    I intend to make points concerning the health and safety concerns I have in regards to the opening of Manston airport as a cargo airport. I will include in this concerns to our families health due to... Read more

  • Fiona-Sue Humphries

    I own a retail outlet on Harbour Street Ramsgate. I moved to the town in 2008 and in 2010 gave up my existing work in London to start a business here, to create income for myself, a member of staff... Read more

  • Five10Twelve Limited (Five10Twelve Limited )

    I am a co-director of Five10Twelve Ltd - a company based in Ramsgate. For the reasons set out below an Examining Authority comprising a panel of 5 Examining Inspectors should be allocated to this... Read more

  • Frances Purcell

    I’m a resident of Ramsgate. I’m beyond alarmed, despairing and depressed about this proposal. It heralds the destruction of Ramsgate’s unique & stunning features which should be preserved for ... Read more

  • Gabrielle Spickett

    Having moved into the area from outer London, I was so pleased to find a ‘working’ airport. The convenience of both its position and distance from my home was a real bonus, when I needed to travel! I... Read more

  • Geoff London

    I have lived in the Thanet area for 15 years and remember the airport as it was then. There were minimal flights compared to the proposals we have in front of us now, but I clearly remember the... Read more

  • Geoffrey Quinton

    Agree Manston should never have been closed or sold for a pittance! East Kent needs an airport to divert freight away from London and also for passenger flights, not only short haul. Infrastructure... Read more

  • George Rusiecki

    I have been working on getting interest in reopening Manston airport for more than 4 years now and have expressed interest by no less than 5 companies who are all willing to spend in excess of £300... Read more

  • Georgina MacFarlan

    I am worried about night flights and the noise which will disrupt sleep of me my family and community. Also air pollution from all the flights. The flight path is directly over schools which will... Read more

  • Gillian Emans

    The opportunity that RSP's plan offers in opening a new, bigger Airport at Manston will be the best opportunity for Thanet ever. This part of East Kent is officially one of the most deprived areas,... Read more

  • Gillian Lyons

    I am opposed to the application to open a cargo hub at the former Manston Airport site. As a teacher, a mother and now self employed artist living under the flight path I am sure this will be... Read more

  • Glenys Miller

    I would like this to be reopened as an airport

  • Graeme Campbell

    Completely ruin the future development of Ramsgate as a tourist location and a business hub as well as the lives of all the residents. The strategic thinking regarding future use related to... Read more

  • Graham Coxon Registering as an Interested Party to the National Planning Inspectorate: Graham Coxon ... Read more

  • Graham Martin Cosby

    Dear Sirs, My representation is a personal one, which is largely based on prior experience. I previously lived in Langley, Berkshire, where my house was very close to the Heathrow flight path. I was... Read more