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I object to any proposal to extend Gatwick airport or build an additional runway. The grounds for my objection are environmental - air pollution, noise, consumption of non renewable resources and...
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Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council (HTNC) is very concerned that the expansion of the Airport will negatively impact the Trafalgar Neighbourhood and HTNCs position is to oppose additional runway...
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This expansion is not in line with what humans need to do to fight climate change. Unless zero emissions aircraft technology is discovered and zero noise pollution, this proposal is merely benefiting...
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Absolutely no need for this,aircraft held off. Stands for 30 mins plus as no staff available , how is increasing capacity going to improve this. More pollution and noise, May create jobs but not good...
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Gatwick needs expansion and the area can only benefit
I fully support the proposal by LGW to fully utilise the standby runway in a joint-operation format alongside the existing runway ASAP
This is a relatively simple way of adding capacity to London airports. It will reduce planes holding while they wait for runway capacity, and allow airlines to move some flights from night time to day...
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I wish to object to the second runway at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons: 1. The airports at Southampton, Luton and Stanstead have excess capacity (i.e. they are operating at less than full...
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I support the expansion of Gatwick and the new runway. It is the engine of economic growth in the area.
The use of an emergency runway as a second runway flies in the face of government objectives of zero carbon emissions. The use of a second runway will result in a large increase of traffic in the...
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I wish to object to the proposal for Gatwick to change use of its second runway from emergency to normal scheduled use. There are already enough planes overflying this area and it will impact not just...
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Great idea
It’s important to expand Gatwick. Good for the economy good for local people
precisamos realmente de mais carbono no ar
1. The noise from air traffic landing and taking off from Gatwick is already very invasive in the area around Gatwick, and the development of a second runway would make this unbearably worse. 2. The...
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Will benefit the local area/community - will give more jobs -would hopefully allow those in employment there the opportunity to stay and not be made redundant
The planning permission for a second runway at Gatwick has only just been turned down in favour of Heathrow. Increased flights would lead to increased noise and increased air pollution. The current...
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By opening another runway for use, a positive impact may be less holding times for aircraft waiting to land, therefore reducing the environmental impact of flights
I believe this project should go ahead. Though I do not live in immediate proximity to the airport, I fly via Gatwick Airport every month. I understand there are concerns about this project, however,...
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1. The proposal is against "levelling up”, does not comply with Airports National Policy Statement, or the findings of the Airports Commission. 2. Gatwick have misrepresented local support and...
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What are the changes to the flight paths and how this will effect residential areas
I am concerned about the additional pollution that will be generated. The skies above East Sussex are already full of aircraft noise. The use of the Northern runway can only make the situation...
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I support this fully, the local community needs jobs
The proposal isn’t serving a wider public good and will cause a great deal of social, environmental and economic loss to those living beneath the flight paths. There is no evidence that those who...
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I think this should be supported, it is great expansion for our area and the huge economic benefits it will bring to Sussex
I want to register my objection to expansion of Gatwick Airport
I am very concerned about Gatwick's plans to open the emergency runway for routine use. The airport maintains that doing so will create hundreds if not thousands of jobs in the Crawley/Horley area,...
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Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not...
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More traffic in Reigate Object to the charge to drop off /collect Airlines not able to cope with extra capacity as shown by cancelled flights in June 2023
We live in the path of flights both landing and taking off from Gatwick and can hear them clearly even inside the house. The plan to add an additional 100,000 per year would be an inordinate increase...
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I have lived in Horsham for over 20 years and have lived in North Horsham for nearly 14 years. Since then, the number of planes flying over my house has increased and the disruption from low flying...
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I wish to register my objection to the planning of the expansion of Gatwick Airport. As a local resident, my family and I are already negatively impacted by the airport with regards to noise and...
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My main concern is the noise impact if flight paths are permitted over Horsham. During a previous trial, the noise level was very intrusive and impacted thousands of people adversely
I object to the proposed Gatwick Airport expansion of capacity on the grounds that it will be detrimental to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and it will increase noise pollution under the...
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I believe such expansion with newer generation of planes will be good for the airport and Crawley. A vibrant and modern airport has got to evolve to meet the demands of tomorrow’s technology.
I support it.
I am against this proposal. The local environment is already impacted by noise, light and air pollution and this will get worse with the northern runway being used.
As a small landowner in the neighbouring / surrounding area, I want to know what the impact of the expansion will be. How far will supporting and industrial infrastructure spread from the vicinity of...
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Happy for Gatwick to expand promoting job opportunities
I oppose. Too noisy, too much traffic and houses already. Infrastructure lacking to support more people living here. E.g. hospitals
I am concerned with extra noise from nightflights( directly over my house ). Air pollution increasing in the vicinity. I have (Redacted) Roads in the area are becoming highly congested already Housing...
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In principle, I am in support of the project but would like to see credible plans to: 1) encourage and support local jobs 2) encourage and support the local supply chain 3) ensure adequate...
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With the right preparation and planning, Gatwick can unlock its runway's full potential and it would boost Gatwick's resilience and flexibility bringing positive change to the airport and surrounding...
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I am against this proposed project for reasons of pollution and impact on the local environment.
Stop pollution, the noise is appalling, the planes come so low over our houses we can read the names. They start early and go on til late, in summer with windows open they wake us up but this is a...
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increase in aircraft noise impact on climate change devaluing your home affecting your wellbeing through increase in aircraft movements lack of surface transport decline in air quality lack of...
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its dope
I want to be kept up to date with the planning process. I live locally and work at the airport
I am concerned that any restrictions on operations as a condition of planning consent will be breached, as has been the case with the existing runway. I am worried that noise and fuel pollution, which...
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1. Environmental concerns - climate damaging fuels are used in increasing quantities and the carbon footprint grows 2. Disruption - noise and traffic are inflicted on local people in a very wide...
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To go ahead and complete the proposal to operate a second runway at LGW
I live 30 mins drive from Gatwick and on certain days am woken between 6am and 630 am by aircraft going to or from Gatwick I find this unacceptable now and any increase in capacity at the airport will...
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I think it’s a good idea to use the second runway because Gatwick need a second runway
I am in favour of Gatwick being able to increase the number o& flights as this will be good for the local economy
As a local resident and a worker at the airport, I am looking forward to Gatwick getting approval to use it's northern runway for normal operations. It will be a great economic asset for the local...
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Human caused climate change is causing harm to people and environment. A second runway will increase flights and therefore CO2 emitted. I understand that this could be an additional 1.5 MTPA of CO2....
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Expanding the capacity of Gatwick Airport would increase its contribution to the climate emergency and, hence, reduce the sustainability of the local, national and international economies, damaging...
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No to extending more air traffic because …… Air traffic control can’t cope with existing air traffic Living under a flight path means continuous air traffic night & day Congestion on road routes into...
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We oppose the second runway at Gatwick. We are already suffering noise pollution from the airport which is disturbing our daily lives both during the day and at night which is affecting our sleep.
At a time when we should be cutting back on pollution shouldn't we be discouraging expansion over such a populated area. The noise level has increased over Crawley and surrounding are and this will...
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It’s about time Gatwick had a second runway, I fully support the project. Why my local council HDC would object makes zero sense.
This will be an asset to the south of England and I hope the go ahead is given
I support the changes only if action is taken to reduce overcrowding in trains that pass through Gatwick Airport station. Southern have withdrawn services and reduced the length of trains and services...
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I am happy for the plans to go ahead
I object to the proposed use if the e.ergency to way for routine flights, on the grounds of noise,safety, environmental impact and lack of sustainability.
Flying and driving reductions must happen ASAP. Extremely difficult to do, but what alternatives does the world have ? NOT making any more provisions for more flights would be a significant start....
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Looking forward for Northern runway
To whom it may concern sir/madam, Applicant reference: TR020005 I do confirm this is my property I am extremely glad you have extended the date for our views to be heard. I had invested in the...
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Concerns about increased noise, air pollution regarding the Gatwick expansion especially to the built up area of Pound Hill and local areas.
In favour of the project
I support the project as this will bring additional employment to the area as well as increased revenue.
Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not...
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This is totally unsustainable in terms of the environment and prevention of climate change. It would significantly affect the UKs commitment to combating climate change and sends a very wrong message....
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Increase in noise, increase in air pollution, increase in traffic on local roads
I am a resident in the local area. My concerns are with regard to additional environmental impact from additional flights, additional pollution, traffic to and from the airport and noise. It is...
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Aircraft Noise, Light Pollution harm the area around the airport not just the close environs which should be expected but even where we are 40-50miles away. The constant air traffic with large and...
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My view is that a second runway can improve the efficiency of the airport and thereby assisting the local environment with less planes standing on the runway and flying in the stack over the region.
Having worked for Virgin Atlantic for 13 years it is important we stay updated as a 1st world country & infrastructure. This would also relieve LHR of traffic etc we therefore need the additional...
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Impact of increased flights on my community. Lack of need by virtue of the permitted extension to Heathrow and environmental impact
The reasons I'm against the Airport expansion are the obvious ones, pollution already at a high level will only increase if the runway expansion leads to added daily flights and continuous flying...
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In a year when we are witnessing worldwide the devastating impact of climate change, it is beyond belief that Gatwick Airport’s expansion plans can be seriously considered. The impact of increased CO2...
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There are Three main issues. 1) An increase in Noise pollution . 2) An increase in an already very hi airborne pollution level. Of note. In the Crawley area this is already above the legislative...
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The increase in noise day and night,lack of transport infrastructure with no way to expand an already overstretched system.Poor air quality,expansion area is a floodplain.we’re still suffering...
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I am all in favour of expanding capacity at Gatwick. From where I live it’s the only airport within an easy commute by public transport so it makes total sense.
There is no northern runway but an emergency runway, a new runway will mean extending Gatwick. Increased noise Increased pollution Increased infrastructure Major Increased local traffic
Living on the Gatwick flight path the second runway will further increase noise, pollution and stress levels
I am concerned that basic operational factors are skewing the analysis of what would otherwise be a very short discussion about an obsolete technology being protected from critical views.
I am concerned about the proposed extension plan. Primarily due to the overall environmental impact. I am also concerned about the additional noise and pollution which will impact local residents....
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I agree with using the second runway
I object to Gatwick Airport's application for a northern runway on the following grounds: - This is an attempt to gain a second - i.e. new - runway at Gatwick Airport, as demonstrated by the fact that...
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I am writing to formally object to the proposed planning permission for the expansion of Gatwick Airport, specifically the construction of a second runway. As a concerned resident in the vicinity of...
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strongly oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – The policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which...
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It is needed
This is a grotesque abuse of local resources. Please do not let this go ahead
It is definately needed.
As a GP in Sussex, I am opposed to expansion of the airport due to the impact on the health of nearby people who would be exposed to increased noise pollution. This is associated with increased...
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I'm for the 2ndv runway and wanted to ensure this is represented
I object to Gatwick’s application to operate a full time Northern runway. My house, (Redacted) is situated directly beneath the current flight path and thus I am one of those who will be hugely...
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Gatwick desperately needs more runway capacity to help enable it to grow the economy in towns and cities surrounding it from Crawley to Brighton. I appreciate that noise is an issue, and plans should...
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