
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3601 to 3700 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Martin Arnold Hills

    This application will promote further expansion of a highly polluting mode of transport. In view of the governments 'Net Zero' targets and climate change, is it either advisable or acceptable?

  • Martin Steibelt

    I live almost directly under the flight path and planes pass over us at about 1 minute intervals about 75% of the time [when the wind blows from the west]. The amount of noise polution is already... Read more

  • Matthew Allcock

    Uk should be committed to making London net zero by 2030 and reducing air pollution. The aviation sector needs to play a part in this and not undermine our efforts to achieve this goal. I fail to see... Read more

  • Mattias Bjornfors

    I fully support the the Gatwick Northern runway project. It represents an excellent private investment in the local area that will bring substantial benefits likely to greatly exceed costs as assessed... Read more

  • Michaela Catherall

    This project has not considered the impact on communities surrounding the airport for increased traffic , noise pollution, lack of housing and infrastructure, and also to obtain a second runway by... Read more

  • Mr Antonio Larraz

    I oppose the second runway due to the inevitable additional noise and the extra traffic that it will generate in the local area on roads that are often gridlocked

  • Mr Christopher Chandler

    Quite happy for the project to go ahead

  • Mr Jordan M C Lewis

    I am a resident, I have lived locally my entire life and I oppose the proposals from Gatwick. The claims about them being a good local employer are laughable. They have stripped that airport and... Read more

  • Mrs Anne Golds

    I object to the further expansion of Gatwick. Extra noise pollution: already many homes and villages are subjected to loud, regular aircraft passing overhead. This would increase substantially.... Read more

  • Mrs Elizabeth Whitmarsh

    I strongly object to this proposed project for the following reasons: NOISE: My property is constantly exposed to aircraft noise flying directly on the overhead flight path above it. These occur... Read more

  • Nancy Campbell

    Carbon emissions Noise pollution Not enough space

  • Neil Barrington-Johnson

    The current noise levels over(Redacted) from flight arrivals to Gatwick Airport are already at an unacceptable level. These proposals would markedly exacerbate that already unacceptable situation.... Read more

  • Nicholas Marks

    Providing new infrastructure to support the further expansion of flight-based travel and tourism seems to deny the existence of climate change, or at least ignore the reasons for it.

  • Nick Cornford

    The noise pollution is already distressing with a majority of planes circling over our property as they stack to land. I can only foresee this issue getting worse should a further runway be approved.... Read more

  • Niki Tomlinson

    I don’t believe there is a good enough reason to pollute the air further than is happening already. Flight paths and road traffic already impinge on my day to day life, more road traffic in the local... Read more

  • Patricia Smith

    It is very noisy at night especially and every day in nice weather hard to sit in our garde feels like they are very low when planes coming into land and keeping us awake at night it will be even... Read more

  • Patrick Prifti

    * NOISE I understand the proposals for Gatwick would allow it to grow to the size of Heathrow. The amount of air traffic noise is currently unbearable, particularly in the spring/summer/autumn months,... Read more

  • Paul Marson-Smith

    Turning the emergency runway into a full time runway will further increase aircraft noise disturbance from its already unacceptable levels. Furthermore, there is a significant safety concern.

  • Peter Alan Wilcox

    It goes against all the efforts to reduce green house gasses both directly, aircraft emissions and indirectly by the added vehicular traffic and its associated pollution. It compounds an existing... Read more

  • Rachel Foggitt

    I strongly oppose the expansion of Gatwick. It is an environmental disaster to increase air traffic in terms of the contribution to global heating which is now reaching crisis points. It will increase... Read more

  • Richard Martin

    I support the development of the northern runway at Gatwick provided that, if it goes ahead, it will eliminate the need for a new runway at Heathrow. This is on the assumption that the cost of the... Read more

  • Richard Matthews

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Roberta Brockman

    I am concerned about the increased carbon emissions along with additional noise and pollution which will be suffered by people living nearby. Net 0 requires fewer flights and we should be working on... Read more

  • Robin Stuart Andrews

    the noise is at the top of the objection the smell of aviation fuel is another

  • Rosalind Lunberg

    I object to the increase in noise and air pollution that will be over Horley Reigate & Redhill. It is incompatible with climate change targets & reducing air pollution and CO2 emissions to net zero

  • S Hawkins

    I support the expansion of Gatwick to have a second runway, I think it would be a positive move for the region

  • Sally Marson-Smith

    Noise, pollution, increased traffic on M25 and M23 are just a few issues. We suffered living under the flight path with low flying aircraft despite living 25 miles away. We ended up having to move.... Read more

  • Sally Smith

    The SE is already overcrowded. M25 cannot cope now. It will be made worse. There will be an increase in pollution. In a time of severe climate change, this should not be encouraged. I will experience... Read more

  • Samantha Watts

    We are in a state of climate emergency, expanding aviation capacity and increasingly flights should not even be an option on the table. We should be reducing flights and emissions to help tackle the... Read more

  • Sandra Clarke

    The fuel emissions from the aircraft are already excessive making it unpleasant and unwise to go outside some mornings. The local infrastructure could not support the increase in population and all... Read more

  • Sarah Reeves

    I am opposing the development of the second runway at Gatwick Airport. This will have a huge impact on the Surrey Hills Area of outstanding natural beauty, in respect of noise levels and light... Read more

  • Sophie Broadbent

    I am deeply concerned about the carbon footprint of aviation globally. Also the terribly selfish noise pollution that a small number of passengers inflict on local residents.

  • Spyro Sorotos

    The increased Noise, Nuisance and environmental pollution will directly impact my daily life. The transport infrastructure at Gatwick airport is currently inadequate for the existing number of... Read more

  • Steve Grace

    I am interested in local infrastructure (eg roads), and also the impact on local journeys during the construction phase. Noise, smell and light pollution are also important to me.

  • Sue Sturges

    My issues with the second runway are: increased noise and frequency of planes coming over. The impact of pollution with the increase in planes and traffic. An increase in traffic, our village is... Read more

  • Susan Bacchus Mrs.

    I am very concerned about the increase of carbon emissions, air pollution and noise from an expansion to Gatwick airport.

  • Susan Carraher

    I’m concerned about the pollution in Three Bridges area - we’ve experienced worsening effects in air pollution over the last year ie oily deposits in bird bath water and when the wind is in our... Read more

  • Susan Goodwin

    Until there is zero emission fuel we should be stopping flights, not generating more. This proposal poses an existential threat of ecocide to the UK and the planet. People who put these actions into... Read more

  • Susan McIntosh Broom

    I object strongly to the expansion of Gatwick Airport as suggested in the application on the grounds of detrimental impact on the environment, health, quality of life and amenity value of the area.... Read more

  • Terence David Gill

    I am already affected by aircraft noise,& do not want that increased. It is absolutely necessary to make the planet more green to reduce climate damage by sensible means, that doesn't include... Read more

  • Rick Brookes-Smith on behalf of The Brookes-Smith Family (The Brookes-Smith Family)

    Our family live under the Gatwick flight path to the east of the airport..our home is already blighted by air traffic which overflies the surrounding AONB. We can not reasonably be asked to endure... Read more

  • Thomas Witter Faulkner

    I live under the flight path for Gatwick Airport and hear flights coming into land from early morning to late at night and any increase in noise will adversely affect my sleep and quality of life.

  • William Joe Dixon

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • William Rawle

    Gatwick expansion will have a severe detrimental effect on it's hinterland To accommodate the additional flights, and consequential passenger numbers, a significant additional infrastructure will be... Read more

  • Wisborough Green Parish Council (Wisborough Green Parish Council)

    - Noise from increased arrivals - Concentration of flight paths - Noise from increased departures - Night flights - Overflight of areas not previously overflown - Lack of/restricted access to Gatwick... Read more

  • Alan Burnet

    In summary this is a ludicrous scheme for so many reasons. Unnecessary & contrary to the UK green policy, building another active runway will increase noise & pollution in an already busy and... Read more

  • Andrew Griffiths

    Before proceeding with the project, please factor in the cost of upgrading local properties with soundproofing/insulation to mitigate the noise from an additional runway. Currently the noise from... Read more

  • Andrew Smith

    I am concerned about the increase in noise pollution and traffic to the area. This will be even more of a problem during construction.

  • Andrew William Wear

    An extra runway at Gatwick Airport will add to climate change and make it more difficult to achieve net zero. It will impact on the health of people below what are now narrow flight paths. Mitigation... Read more

  • Anita Aldous

    Rejection of additional runway at Gatwick. Damage to the environment, noise and air pollution

  • Anthony Budd

    The amount of regular, low flying or antisocial hours flights is already unacceptable. The peace and quiet of the countryside does not exist as flights are diverted away from urban areas to rural... Read more

  • Bianca Morrison

    Increasing air traffic when there is a climate and ecological emergency is insane. Flying has by far the most damaging environmental impact and it is utterly irresponsible to expand Gatwick.

  • Brenda Skinner

    I object to anything at Gatwick that will increase capacity for more flights. I live right under a flight path and the level of flights has increased so much over the last 30 years too much already.... Read more

  • Brian Luke West

    The addition of a second runway at Gatwick airport would be terrible for the area for many reasons: - massive increase in carbon emissions from the airport - increase in noise for local residents -... Read more

  • Carole Gosling

    I consider Gatwick to be big enough.The M23 already struggles with current traffic to Airport ,Noise pollution will increase. Light pollution will increase. Air safety within the airport will decrease... Read more

  • Charles Edward Sargent

    Fully support the Northern Runway Project, it will benefit the local community far more than any negative impact will have.

  • Charles Wadsworth

    Please do not progress with the additional proposed runway at Gatwick for the following reasons: Flying due to the carbon released is bad for our troubled natural world. Additional flights cause... Read more

  • Chris Westwood

    The local infrastructure cannot currently handle the amount of traffic so increasing that traffic by 50% will bring the local area to a standstill. The local air quality will decrease and the noise... Read more

  • Christine Oddy

    There is already too much air traffic immediately overhead. Directly above our homes. This has increased enormously in recent years. Despite regulation on noise at unsocial hours the peak of such... Read more

  • Claire Fisher

    I object. Too many flights already out of Gatwick adding to lots of local pollution and noise pollution. We should be thinking about the environment not facilitating money making. It will increase... Read more

  • Clare Serjeant

    I think there are enough daily flights with anymore being needed and a second runway is not necessary, we need to cut down on pollution not add to it!

  • Claudia Friday

    Enormously concerned by the level of congestion and impact of the proposed airport works affecting our area

  • Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP) (Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP))

    From: Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy I am an independent environmental consultant. I object to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway: (1) The Examining Authority is respectful... Read more

  • Clive

    Not environmentally compliant

  • Colin Martin

    Gatwick Airport I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway... Read more

  • Colin Waite

    I oppose the 2nd runway

  • CPRE The Countryside Charity (CPRE The Countryside Charity)

    During a climate crisis and the need to reduce carbon emissions and in light of air, light and noise pollution and its impact on humans and wildlife, particularly for those people and wildlife using... Read more

  • Dan Verbeeten

    I strongly oppose a second runway at Gatwick, the local roads are already heavily congested , the nearby river systems are floundering and frequently flood and more noise from the airport will have a... Read more

  • Danielle Verbeeten

    I think you need to clarify what this public consultation process is detailing. Is it a new wide spaced 2nd runway to the south of the existing one, or is this a consultation to widen and use the... Read more

  • David Bower

    The Gatwick flight path is often directly above us. The noise is significant and sleep deprivation is a particular problem.

  • David O’Sullivan

    Frequent Gatwick user who hates driving past LGW to get to Heathrow. I have lived in Crawley for 35years plus. I worked at Gatwick for 20years and saw what a valuable resource it is for the local... Read more

  • Deborah T Fisher

    We do not need any further runways enough planes take off here the fumes are shocking at times and the planes some are so noisy, and do not stick with time restrictions of when they can fly at night... Read more

  • Deborah Woodham-Jones

    Since 1992 there has been a marked increase in noise pollution from circling planes waiting to land at Gatwick and this has further increased over recent years. Flights late at night and early hours... Read more

  • Debra Harrington

    I am worried if the north runway project takes place there will be an increase in noise and pollution levels, loss to property value due to the above , loss of the Riverside Park to the wildlife,... Read more

  • Diana Saunders

    The proposed, unexceptable increase in Gatwick air traffic.

  • Douglas Cox

    This planned Runway is unneccesary. Gatwick Airport primarily provides services to holidaymakers and as such is a primary exporter of foreign currency. Aviation generally is a major polluter and... Read more

  • Dr Jessica Upton

    We simply do not need an expansion of any airport. The money, time and energy should be being used to reduce the carbon output of people’s transport not add to it and air pollution.

  • Elizabeth Parker

    Increased noise from aircraft, which I already suffer, including night flights The proposal will impact on roads, and result in an increase in traffic. Many of the roads surrounding the motorways are... Read more

  • Emma Williams

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Faye Ballard

    I live with constant aircraft/noise pollution and the fear that the air that we breathe is laden with heavy metals from the fuels used in aircraft travel. Therefore I feel there us an immediate health... Read more

  • Florence Moon

    Dear Mr Bishton Your predecessor as CEO of the CAA, Andrew Haines, coined the phrase "noise sewers" to describe flight paths that subject communities to constant, intensive, aircraft noise. Last week... Read more

  • GATW-019

    The North Runway being put into regular use has major climate impacts by increasing air traffic, further worsening the impacts including sea level rise, worsened storms, heatwaves, wildfires and more;... Read more

  • Gatwick Obviously Not (Gatwick Obviously Not)

    Gatwick Obviously Not (GON) is a community group that campaigns on behalf of people living in west Kent and surrounding areas whose health, wellbeing and quality of life is adversely affected by... Read more

  • Giles Gooding

    Expansion of any airport directly contravenes the UK's commitment to net zero. We are not hitting our intermediary targets meaning the likelihood of hitting the ultimate target is slim. The... Read more

  • Hannah Williams

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway. the policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such... Read more

  • Heather June Butt

    Addition flights will cause: more noise, more pollution, more traffic, more infra structure will also cause more negatives for the environment.

  • Ignatius Venacio Fernandes

    My peace and quiet would’ve excessively impacted by planes flying over my house making it unbearable for me to sit in my garden,also the wildlife will have adverse effect with all the noise generated... Read more

  • James Giles Lee

    Aircraft Noise is an enormous problem. It is much greater than the owners of Gatwick Airport [GAL] admit. This is largely because of the application of imperfect noise metrics. As a result, a very... Read more

  • James Thorndyke

    I fully support the application. If granted this will undoubtedly generate economic benefits for the area. It will also hopefully mean new routes and more services to avoid travelling to other less... Read more

  • Jeanette Blackwell

    Gatwick airport I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway... Read more

  • John Chalmers

    London Gatwick has needed a new runway for years .better a new runway than a new airport.infrastructure is already in place.

  • K Molloy

    Why encourage electric cars, heat pumps etc to go green and then allow an extra runway which will add an additional 0.5m to 1.5m tonnes of extra carbon from two runways, with flights 24/7. This makes... Read more

  • Keith Sinclair

    I am concerned about the increase in noise and air polution in the surrounding area.

  • Kevin Beckitt

    Like hs2 it seems to be more money just being wasted. Is it really going to be as amazing as they advertise. I don't think so. Be honest with us for once. Politicians haven't got a clue. Let's stop... Read more

  • Lisa Common

    I already get disturbed every night several times by aircraft noise. Often through the night and between 5am and 7am. It is unreasonable already and really affecting my quality of life. My sleep and... Read more

  • Lucy Cresser

    I feel with climate change being such an mportant change we should not be increasing air travel

  • Madi Bliss

    Noise from flights Traffic on roads Environmental impact

  • Marco McNulty

    Many aircraft en-route to Gatwick fly directly over Tunbridge Wells, a town with an estimated population of 115,700. To minimise disruption as much as possible, it would be quite easy to avoid the... Read more

  • Maria Esperanza Freeman de Freeman

    I am very worried about the suggested expansion of Gatwick Airport on account of the following aspects: 1) Noise - Expansion of Gatwick would increase aircraft noise to the region. We understand the... Read more

  • Marilyn Bull

    My objections to the application include the fact that, unlike Gatwick’s claim that it is repurposing an existing runway, it would require the construction of an entirely new one, including taxiways... Read more