
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 600 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Vanags

    Currently the land needed for this project has allocated areas of land which carries our sewage system and septic tank pipes. The land owner is refusing to allow us to inspect, repair, renew or... Read more

  • Roger Paul Camp

    The Railway Level crossing in Narborough will not be able to accommodate the number of trains, up to 32 per day, all 3,000hp diesel powered. A bye pass needs to be provided from the B4114. All this... Read more

  • Sarah Wynne

    I object to this proposal. The impact of the proposals on wildlife in this area would be terrible. It will destroy habitats while being built and after development the traffic pollution, light and... Read more

  • Sasha King

    1. This will affect my property as there is development on my road. This will devalue my property. 2. I have young children who cross this road to go to school, this is already a very busy, unsafe... Read more

  • Sheila Marriott

    Ther are enough hold ups with the trains going through Narborough as it is

  • Stephen Brown

    - Building it will directly affect one of the best and free open areas for the public in Hinckley - Burbage common and Woods is one of the only green areas that is accessible on foot/bike to many in... Read more

  • Stuart Wilson

    On Friday January 21st I attended a public exhibition by Tritax Symmetry at Stoney Stanton Village Hall. After speaking to the members of Tritax staff in attendance and carefully studying their... Read more

  • Susan piccaver

    I live in a [Redacted], I bought my dream home in October 22, with a view to living out my life there. However since moving in, I have suffered nothing but misery. New Road is the most dangerous... Read more


    It will have a negative impact on the area traffic wise

  • Austin Charles Reeves

    I am [Redacted], so use text only with the phone. I have two broad comments, Burbage Common and effect on M69. Burbage Common. The site is very close to the Common. It is not clear what impact the... Read more

  • Charles G Dunn

    I wish to oppose this development because it is totally unnecessary. We already have or in process of being built, in very close proximity, at least 7 rail freight interchanges. ALL of them underused.... Read more

  • Christopher Paul Wren

    All my comments apply to both Stoney Stanton and Sapcote. I am worried about increased heavy commercial traffic loading through the villages causing noise and vibration. There is already a large Rail... Read more

  • Dr Luke Evans MP

    I am the member of Parliament for the constituency of Bosworth. Although the proposal itself is not within my constituency, it has the potential to significantly impact Hinckley, the surrounding... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments Forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much relevant information to enable the project to reduce any impact... Read more

  • Frank Burgess

    5th February 2022.Rev B 18th Feb 2022 Rev C 4th March 2023 Rev D 3rd June 2023Rev E 13/6/23 [Redacted] Summary. This proposal, to install a National Rail Freight Interchange, near J2 of the M69 near... Read more

  • Frederick Guy Hector Jackson

    Major impact on gate down time at Narborough Railway station. Queues already often up to half a mile long. Current proposals take no regard to impact on communities of Narborough and Littlethorpe

  • Greg Johnson

    Concerns about: 1. Pressure on infrastructure - roads/ traffic 2. Pressure on environment and loss of open spaces 3. Wider planning decisions not being integrated ie singular developments not being... Read more

  • Helen Smith

    This project is not suitable for this area . We already have far too many warehouses etc for the roads to cope with any more traffic, and that will be just the traffic to build it! We do not have... Read more

  • Jonathan Densham

    There is already a rail depot at EMA near Castle Donnington. HS2 has ruined so much of the countryside and its inhabitants have had to move. It is not needed, there would be extra pollution & noise to... Read more

  • Kilby Parish Council (Kilby Parish Council)

    Kilby Parish Council has concerns about the necessity for this project at its potentially adverse effect on rural village communities, high value public amenity space, as well as wildlife habitats and... Read more

  • Leicestershire Local Access Forum (Leicestershire Local Access Forum)

    We have had earlier discussions with the developer. The impact on travel throughout the area will be unimaginable and has not been adequately addressed - the roads will be a nightmare but if the... Read more

  • Linda Humphreys

    I am concerned over the impact on local traffic through and round my village. I am concerned over the welfare of the local wildlife, during and potentially after construction. I am concerned over the... Read more

  • Michael anthony Hanson

    The argument to get more freight on the rail network via this hub is fatally flawed. A few trains (up to 16 MAX) may use the facility. The rest will be by diesel truck to overload the already... Read more

  • Mr Roy Alan Smart

    This speculative proposal lacks justification and has no benefits for Hinckley and the surrounding villages. The overwhelming impact will be a catastrophic increase in traffic flow caused by 9000 HGV... Read more

  • Office of Alberto Costa MP (Office of Alberto Costa MP)

    Like many of my constituents, I am deeply concerned about a number of aspects of the proposals for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI). One of the primary concerns is the proposal's... Read more

  • Patricia Kerr

    The proposed location is totally unsuitable from an environmental and infrastructure viewpoint, the South Leicestershire area is already saturated with warehouses, distribution depots and a major rail... Read more

  • Rugby Borough Council (Rugby Borough Council)

    The proposed development has the potential to impact on the highway network some distance from the site itself. The impact on the highway within Rugby Borough must be assessed in conjunction with the... Read more

  • Victoria Brown

    I live in the Village right next door to this proposed site. The amount of traffic that is likely to end up using the site will end up being in the hundreds per day, including large and heavy goods... Read more

  • Alyson Kay Wren

    I am concerned about the impact that the proposed Rail Freight Terminal will have on my life. I am a keen runner, walker & cyclist and the additional traffic will certainly negatively impact on all of... Read more

  • Barbara Wistow

    I am a Hinckley resident and having attended two local consultation meetings and read widely about the subject, I wish it to be recorded that I am totally against the plan to develop the area adjacent... Read more

  • David John Wood

    You say this will bring 800 job to the area. This is not a high unemployment are so this will mean being more people in to work. That will mean more houses to house the 800 workers, more cars on the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Webb

    I object to the proposal because: It would have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area particularly Narborough where there is a big problem with cars queuing while the barrier is down, the... Read more

  • Gillian Holyland

    It will scar the countryside. Our town has suffered enough destruction of natural habitat. It is fast becoming not a nice place to live in our area of what used to be a beautiful county. Not to... Read more

  • H Goswami

    I have considerable reservations with regard to this project as from an ecological and biodiversity stance taking up 662 acres of rural land seems unnecessary when there are so many brown field sites... Read more

  • Iain Duncan Kinnis

    Objection as the environmental cost (post-mitigation) of developing, constructing and operating the scheme is disproportionate to the potential societal benefits.

  • Jack Robert Feast

    The impact of this project will stretch far beyond Sharnford, I'm surmising an area around 15 to 20 miles will be affected by the increased volume of traffic generated by this rail hub. Which is only... Read more

  • Jeremy Reginald Davis

    I am concerned about the likely increase of traffic flowing through our village and consequent rise in noise and pollution level. My access to Hinckley and the city of Leicester is likely to be... Read more

  • John Alan Padbury

    Light polution affecting wildlife, impact to wildlife in fields and hedgerows, impact of industry onto the current beautiful peaceful woodlands. I have enjoyed walks on paths around and through the... Read more

  • Mary Louise Sherwin

    I do not agree with this freight terminal. It is in an inappropriate location. Adjacent to an area of natural beauty used by a great many people all year. The proposals to construct a road through the... Read more

  • Mr Jitesh Chandarana

    The site of this project is in the area where I go for my walks into the woods. The infrastructure around here would not be able to cope with all this extra Traffic and the impact will catastrophic on... Read more

  • Mrs Ann Crabtree MBE

    The Hinckley Rail Freight Interchange is not required in this area. There are many very large freight depots in the Midlands area and existing or approved rail freight interchanges already - namely A5... Read more

  • Nicholas Andrew Lewis

    As a Hinckley resident, I question the necessity for another RFT so close to the one already in operation, just 15 miles down the A5 in Daventry. Is it worth the destruction of yet another popular... Read more

  • Valerie Moore

    I am concerned about the location of this proposed project and the rational for it. My concerns arise from the following points: 1. The proposed site is right next to Burbage Common, an SSI and an... Read more

  • Anthony Family (Anthony Family)

    Impact on local traffic, impact on wildlife, impact on the enjoyment of Burbage Common. Air pollution and the noise, it will create.

  • David Charles Selby¹

    When the M69 becomes blocked due to say an accident, how will this site be reached. Increased noise through winter months as is the present case with the M69 The increase work operative access via the... Read more

  • Elaine Grewcock

    I am a resident of 6 1/2 years of Elmesthorpe and feel I must express my concerns relating to the plans for a Rail Hub proposed very close to my village.  Elmesthorpe  is a very close knit community... Read more

  • Elenor June Smith

    Infringing on people right to nature and outdoor space, current infrastructure is not able to support this proposal

  • Jane Carroll

    I have serious concerns about the proposed HNRFI and how it will have a detrimental effect on the surrounding ecology and environment if it should go ahead. It will alter the heritage and identity of... Read more

  • Janet Amanda Blow

    I am concerned about the impact this project will have on the village of Narborough in relation to the increased number of trains that will be running along the Birmingham to Leicester line which will... Read more


    As a resident of Narborough, I have grave concerns about the impact this proposal will have on Narborough and Littlethorpe villages due to the number of freight trains that will be passing through the... Read more

  • Linda Montgomery

    * Why is it necessary? There are a number of existing hubs locally, no automotive industry locally, massive distribution parks already exist Manga Park still being increased in size and warehouse... Read more

  • Mark Ingham

    Concerns; Traffic flow directions. New air pollution and the impact on the area, country and globally Number of vehicle movement increases Existing infrastructure ability to move vehicles Driver... Read more

  • Mrs Jacki Weightman

    The congestion in the village is terrible already and extra traffic will create mayhem . My house shakes now with the number of lorries that pass through.The air quality for those suffering with... Read more

  • Mrs Karen Wardle

    Considering we have the environment as massive consideration nowadays, more common land is being ruined yet again and the impact to wildlife will greatly suffer. Noise and night time light pollution,... Read more

  • Pat Shields

    I am very worried about the projects affect on traffic in the neighbouring villages e.g. Stoney Stanton which already has a traffic problem. I also worry about the environmental effects.

  • Terry Hunt

    * WHY IS IT NECESSARY? Number of existing hubs locally, no automotive industry locally, massive distribution parks already exist, Warehouse space availability locally, * ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT removal... Read more

  • Anthony Lee

    The impact on the road infrastructure in the area, not just Sapcote, Stoney Stanton, Sharnford, Emlsthorpe, Earl Shilton, Barwell etc but for all the other villages in the area. Hinckley is already... Read more

  • Anthony Smith

    I strongly object to the proposal. With Segro/East Midlands Gateway and DIRFT rail terminals there is no clear requirement or benefit for the rail terminal here. As a local resident of Sapcote there... Read more

  • Barry Eaves

    This project will have a major impact on the villages that surround toe planned site with increased air pollution both during and after the construction. The additional traffic that will be passing... Read more

  • Blowers Family (Blowers Family) on behalf of Blowers Family (Blowers Family)

    HNRFI Objections * Environmental impact: Loss of open landscape and arable farmland: Development destroys countryside, neighbouring SSSI/woodland and wildlife habitat. * Traffic congestion: Inadequate... Read more

  • Charlene Adcock

    I object to this application due to the severe impact it will have on pollution, traffic, environment, noise and future ongoing impact creating more applications for further commercial development.

  • Cheryl Cashmore

    Insufficient infrastructure on trunk roads, there will be a significant impact to fosse park area and junction 21.

  • Rob Chippendale on behalf of Chippendale (Chippendale)

    This development will seriously impact on us and our environment. Firstly, the hub itself will annex our only free space for miles. This will affect the local fauna and flora and will impact the views... Read more

  • Chloe Denton

    I do not believe this should go ahead as it will yet again destroy our green areas and rural land! It is vital we maintain our relationship with the great outdoors and nature not only for the... Read more

  • Dale Coleman

    This will completely destroy our area and our way of life. Our grandparents house been highlighted in red, has already caused massive stress and anxiety and at 86 years old we do not appreciate. The... Read more

  • Daniel Brookes

    I think building on all these green land around the area would be terrible for the environment, there is so many large warehouse spaces down at Dirft and Magna Park, it is ridiculous! The villages of... Read more

  • Darren Whitelaw

    As a resident in the nearby village, I don’t feel appropriate consideration has been placed on impact of traffic going through here. This will be from both the interchange and traffic from the... Read more

  • David Wassell

    My main concerns are the impact on wildlife and environment.

  • Derrick Stephen Crumpler

    The rail link is not needed since several others close by. Adverse effects on the environment Adverse effects on flora and fauna Increased traffic on unsuitable roads with associated pollution leading... Read more

  • Dr JB Peters

    I have concerns about the impact of this project in the local villages in particular Sapcote given the lack of proposed additional road infrastructure in our village which already has problematic... Read more

  • Dr suzi holland

    Very concerned over noise and extra traffic this development will cause.

  • Elinor Victoria Grimsley

    I am concerned about excess noise, pollution, excessive traffic, the impact on wildlife.

  • Elizabeth Wright

    We moved into the village of Sapcote from a very large town in Bedfordshire to get away from traffic and congestion. We are very disappointed to see that the government feel they have a right to build... Read more

  • Ellie Thorne

    Myself and my partner live in Sapcote and are concerned about the level of noise and the traffic. It will devalue the area and our house and destroy the countryside.

  • G Whiting

    I live locally and am keen to be kept informed about how this application progresses. There is a lot of nervousness in the local area about this proposed development. We’ve seen a huge amount of... Read more

  • Heidi A Hollingbery

    This will have detrimental effect within the local communities surrounding the proposed site. First the impact of the loss of the farming land that produces food. Then there the impact of the nature... Read more

  • Ivan Moore

    The development would have a huge detrimental affect on local wildlife, road network and local villages.

  • Jackie March

    I am very concerned about this application for a lot of reasons. In my opinion it is too close to areas of Burbage common, the noise of building and running the rail freight interchange, the 24hour... Read more

  • Jade bullock

    We purchased a house and moved to the area for the common for more space and less noise. Since working for the NHS and with stress I enjoy listening to the birds and having calm walks to relax and... Read more

  • Jaimi Alicia Marsh

    M1/M69 roundabout cannot handle the proposed development. Traffic is awful at peak times and backs up along the Motorways. Local roads & Villages are not equipped for the mass amount of vehicles... Read more

  • James Edward Dakin

    This project is all about Developer and no doubt Government ( ie whats in it for them ! ) This possible development WILL HAVE A TOTALLY NEGATIVE IMPACT on those who live in the local area the... Read more

  • Jane Norman

    Extra traffic on already overloaded local roads ,we already have bad congestion it will cause an immense increase in air and noise pollution in burbage, Hinckley and the surrounding villages. The... Read more

  • Jean Baird

    I am concerned that this huge undertaking is not necessary, there is plenty of capacity without desicrating this area.

  • Jemma arnold

    I am completely against this planning. It will not only affect next to where I live. It will affect traffic wildlife, green spaces that we all enjoy. The roads cannot cope with anymore traffic, it's... Read more

  • Jeremy Holt

    The infrastructure in the local area cannot cope with this additional build. There is considerable more land and infrastructure available at DIRFT, Daventry. Regardless of restrictions put on large... Read more

  • Jillian Speer

    I'm concerned about the amount of traffic that will affect the whole area when there are any issues affecting the M69/A5/M1 etc.

  • Judith Davies

    It is too large and will cause traffic problems within Sapcote and ?M 69

  • Kayleigh whitehurst

    The massive impact to the usability of Burbage common, which will no longer be tranquil countryside, but will be polluted by noise, light and undoubtedly fumes from trucks and trains. The local road... Read more

  • Keith Wright

    Having moved within the last 12 months into the village of Sapcote, I find this proposal of the warehousing and additional road links just outside Sapcote village appalling. If these plans are to go... Read more

  • Kellie Lane

    I am deeply concerned about the volume of traffic which will come from the freight centre through the village.

  • Kenneth William Reeves

    Why are they wanting a rail-head distribution area serviced by a line that can barely cope now? The new Magna Park industrial developments on the A5 already has speculatively built empty units and a... Read more

  • Liam Hanlon

    Impacts on surrounding villages on opening the m69 up.

  • Mark Pattison

    I am concerned about the environmental impact on the local area this project will have also the degradation of village life with increased noise and light pollution and the increase traffic passing... Read more

  • Matthew Alcock

    This plan will cause a lot of noise pollution in a quiet peaceful area and cause disruption to many, it will also take up a large amount of beautiful countryside

  • Michelle Rickerby

    I am concerned about impact on rail traffic through Narborough village in Leicestershire Causing extra pollution due to queuing cars, trains already every 15 minutes

  • Mike Jelfs

    I wish to understand how impacts to the level crossing in Narborough will be handled. I fear that with the motorway junction improvements that this will actually become a road haulage hub rather than... Read more

  • Mohammed Rakeem Khan

    I think this project will benefit many in the community, primarily time related as there will no longer be the requirement to drive through burbage to joint the m69 south bound and it will also it... Read more

  • Narinder Singh sahota

    Site is too large, will create more pollution. Infrastructure is not in place to cope, toouch noise pollution. Will make the area busy and impacts village life. Unacceptable!

  • Neil Tyack

    The construction of the site will create major road traffic problems throughout the villages of Sapcote and surrounding area as the infrastructure is not adequate enough. If the m69 is closed, HGVs... Read more

  • Pele orton

    The wild life Traffic Taking up green space to are never replaced Family walks through these woods have helped me live I was at a very low point in life ans only place I could go to escape