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Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 600 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Keith Sansby

    The A5 already has warehouses virtually its entire length between Hinckley and the M1. A similar development would destroy the peace and tranquility of Burbage Common. An area we and many others like... Read more

  • Kenneth Wallace

    The local infrastructure is simply unable to cope with the inevitable increase in traffic and, potentially, housing demand

  • Kerry baker

    Why do we need freight terminal in Hinckley when there is one in Rugby? Why not expand that one instead of planning it where traffic is already a problem. The surrounding roads simply will not cope... Read more

  • Kevin Bragg

    The proposed buildings will be a visual encroachment for anyone using Burbage Common. This leisure area and green space will loose its environmental and mental health benefits. Without doubt there... Read more

  • Kevin Sherrin-Jones

    I am not adverse to progress and moving forward with projects within our area. My main concern volume of traffic on the A5 approaching the Longshoot and progressing towards the M69 junction. Likewise... Read more

  • Kim Liggins

    My concern is about the likelihood of increased traffic flow along the A5 corridor between the M42 and the M69. I live in Witherley and access to and from the village from and on to the A5 is... Read more

  • Laura carvell

    I am so disappointed to see such a gorgeous part of our countryside disappearing to much a huge project. I worry for how this will affect the traffic on an already dangerous road on clickers way. What... Read more

  • Laura Phillpot

    I don’t want this project to go ahead as it will be detrimental to the local green space, increasing pollution for local residents and wildlife as well as damaging wildlife habitats. Additionally... Read more

  • Lee Shaun Bewell

    I think the plans are perfectly acceptable for the local area and have my support 100%.

  • Leicester Forest and Lubbesthorpe District (Leicester Forest and Lubbesthorpe District)

    My constituents of 5000 are veermently against such a ridiculous proposal on infrastructure that will just not support all the additional traffic

  • Leon Adam Pegg

    Having seen the effects of large scale development on what was a village i am concerned about the impact of this very large development on the quality of life of local people through increased... Read more

  • Lesley Mitchell

    The loss of habitat for the wild life major concern as there is a mass decline that is happening across the uK through rural land being lost, increase of traffic and its effects on our environment and... Read more

  • Linda Khalid

    This application is lacking in detail. There is no joined up infrastructure planning in the area. The Midlands is already a logistics nightmare for those living in it. We have several hubs already in... Read more

  • Lindy Marietta Littleton

    I would like to know more about the impact it will have on the environment and the surrounding area

  • Lorraine Spicer Leigh

    It will be in direct to our Property Noise pollution will have a direct impact on us Light pollution from the flood lights and the lorries Air Pollution from the lorries loading and unloading 24 hours... Read more

  • Louise Hough

    Will damage wildlife and people's homes and well being

  • Louise Newbury-Smith

    The local area has already had significant changes as a result of large scale distribution centres on the edge of Hinckley on the A5. Even with development to the surrounding roads, the increased... Read more

  • Lynda Hodgkins

    This will impact with traffic increase. Too close to Burbage Common a well loved open space for the residents of Hinckley and Bosworth borough. The infrastructure in this area cannot cope with the... Read more

  • Lynne Laine

    Will there be an increase in heavy lorries moving freight

  • Malcolm Bryan Lees

    Site – Greenfield. No review of brownfield sites. No review of other better ? development sites. The site is a water storage/flood avoidance resource Provides well used access routes to Burbage Common... Read more

  • Malcolm Clayson

    In my opinion this development should not go ahead for a number of reasons: First the massive increase in traffic movements will lead to increased levels of air and noise pollution from diesel rail... Read more

  • Mark Kevin Malin on behalf of Malin (Malin)

    Increased traffic along brookside and Burbage village without new infrastructure and also the roads between Burbage and Hinckley that cannot cope with the traffic as it is. The increased noise levels... Read more

  • Mandy Copson

    Area not suitable for such a huge development.Burbage common and local wildlife will suffer, roads not suitable for all the additional HEAVY TRAFFIC that will have to be used to build it and to... Read more

  • Margaret Patricia Smith

    My main concerns are the impact upon Burbage woods and common and the local environment. We also have only a small amount of truely wild areas around here and the farmland and open land surrounding... Read more

  • Marian Eames

    Rail Freight Terminal Burbage Common An unnecessary and environmentally destructive proposal. Many people enjoy Burbage Common and this would be detrimental to this as it is an easily accessible area... Read more

  • Marie Palmer

    I am concerned about the impact this project will have on the local environment and infrastructure.

  • Marisa Asbury

    I am really concerned on impact of environment and infrastructure. There is already major developments all around this area. There is already a freight area not far away congestion will only be added... Read more

  • Mark Bernard Wassell

    I am in opposition to the proposed rail freight terminal on environmental and road infrastructure grounds. I am also convinced by the arguments that an additional freight terminal is not required in... Read more

  • Mark DasGupta

    The proposed project may affect my day to day travel and the value of my home

  • Mark James Wilson

    This would appear to be an unnecessary development, when similar projects are not running at capacity. The intended depot is in a residential area, which will be changed beyond recognition - for the... Read more

  • Mark Kelly

    This will increase traffic congestion from the M69 junction into Burbage down Sapcote road which is already and overly congested, over polluted road without this development

  • Mark Pitman

    Restricts animal natural movements in an area already under hard constraints. Noise of operations will negatively affect sleep and personal performance. Noise also inhibits quality outdoor time and... Read more

  • Martin John Farnsworth

    Why is there a requirement for another distribution complex ? There are already 12 existing or planned warehouse and freight facilities within close proximity: the Amazon and DHL distribution... Read more

  • Matthew Copley

    The proposed development covers a huge area and promises to dwarf surrounding villages which will suffer hugely as a result; owing to a decline in local amenity of nearby green spaces (Burbage common... Read more

  • Megan Parish

    Burbage Common is an SSSI and should be kept untouched from infrastructure. Hinckley is busy enough as is, more tariff if will be unsustainable

  • Melvin Thomas

    I am against the proposal because of the damage to the beautiful open space at Burbage Common. It is a valuable area of nature in the town and should be left alone. I'm also concerned about the... Read more

  • Melvyn Littlechild

    Totally unnecessary development not needed and in wrong place

  • Michael Edwards

    Hinckley and Area have very limited green spaces like Burbage woods and common the proposed development alongside this peaceful area will have massive negative impacted from light, noise and air... Read more

  • Michael Foley

    The impact of such a large project on a semi rural environment .

  • Michael Foxall

    Unacceptable impact of noise and vibration on Burbage common. Impact on already overloaded A5 - 2 huge DPD depots. Impact on tree life, water quality, drainage and local wildlife Ensuring views are... Read more

  • Michael Steele

    Traffic management and volume, including generating particulates and associated environmental concerns

  • Michelle Auger

    Feedback regarding proposal for the construction of HNRFI Dear Sirs, As a resident of Bostock Close in Elmesthorpe I am seriously concerned about the proposed development of the Hinckley National Rail... Read more


    If this goes ahead it will be disastrous for wildlife, there are a lot of different species that rely on that area to live. We are constantly being told about the decline in hedgehog numbers, and... Read more

  • Miss Sarah Phoenix

    The main issues are the detrimental effect on our green spaces, especially Burbage Common, the negative impact on surrounding rural villages and we already have many interchanges in the region, we do... Read more

  • Mr Christopher Miles Manning

    Dear Sir/Madame, I wish to raise significant concerns over the impact this development will have on the on the those living on through roads in Stoney Stanton, in my case upon the residents of... Read more

  • mr j g poole

    we object to this development due to its size and position and the increase in noise, light, and traffic pollution.

  • Mr Jamie Lawrence

    It is an unnecessary destruction of a beautiful nature reserve and will congest an already over congested town - traffic has become obscene and this will result in lorries coming and going at all... Read more

  • Mr Jason Alexander Cortese

    The environmental impact on the surroundings will be unacceptable, and from the plans the mitigation does not appear to be sufficient

  • Mr John Derek Allbutt

    It seems from the company that is trying to get the freight terminal at the Burbage Woods, there main reason for the terminal is to service Magna Park it makes no sence to put the terminal in Burbage... Read more


    Local resident that is affected by the rail transfer site that isn't required in the vaccinity of such a popular place to exercise, walk, enjoy a little peace and quiet from the every day stresses.... Read more


    The traffic into Burbage is horrendous and having this hub will only make things worse. I am against this

  • Mr. Tim Birtwisle

    Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed Rail Freight Interchange and road-focussed warehousing and logistics centre at Hinckley. I am a resident of the nearby large settlement of... Read more

  • Mrs Elaine Francis

    I totally disagree with this project. The infrastructure is not sufficient to sustain such an enormous endeavour. There is also no off or on ramp at that juncture for and from Coventry. The common is... Read more

  • mrs nicky poole

    myself and my husband object to this application for a number of reasons:- 1 noise pollution - operations to run 24/7 2 light pollution - operations to run 24/7 3 increased traffic on our roads- there... Read more

  • Myer Rees Phillips

    Traffic in area.lots of road accidents happen as it is the local roads can't take more cars. Local schools and hospitals ext would need expanding to alow for the extra population that would be working... Read more

  • Neal Wheatley

    The level of building and development in and around Burbage is excessive to say the least. To have a major railway development on the edge of Burbage common is a step too far with the implications... Read more


    Traffic gridlock in local area. Noise & pollution locally. Lack of infrastructure to support such a large development. Destruction of green space. Why here? Why is this development needed? With... Read more

  • Nick Wilson

    Major traffic issues Destruction of countryside

  • Nicola Jones

    I live [Redacted] from Burbage Common. My [Redacted] is on the same road leading to Burbage Common. I work just over the border in [Redacted] and the commute is horrendous as it stands. There are only... Read more

  • Nigel Harrison Patrick

    I am concerned about the loss of woodland, damage to the environment and the increase in traffic that I believe this project will cause.

  • Nigel Robinson

    Living near to the A5 with its many logistic hubs, you cannot fail to see the detrimental impact on the local infrastructure and local peoples’ daily lives. The road system is very often log jammed... Read more

  • Nikolaos kontoudios

    This will have a significant impact on our environment and can’t see why this is not moved to one of the many logistics parks near by. The area can’t doesn’t have the infrastructure required for this.

  • No name provided

    Concerns regarding impact on environment

  • Odette Lynne Foxall

    This development is not needed. We already have 2 enormous parcel delivery developments around Hinckley. The overall atmosphere of Burbage Common and woods will be devastated and it will be... Read more

  • Patricia Kathleen Badcoe

    This is an uneccesary way to destroy Several villages and a swathe of countryside including common land valued by a large community. The exhorbitant expense cannot, in my opinion be justified as the... Read more

  • Paul Baddeley

    This project would increase the vehicle for to the local infrastructure. I can’t understand how one of the main roads into the area would be in a road without some kind of significant investment to... Read more

  • Paul barwell

    Just don't want it Maybe very noisy

  • Paul Graham Harvey

    Concern with regards to impact on local wildlife and the availability of beautiful open spaces for the local community.

  • Paul Sandford-James

    Need to understand traffic volumes both freight and workers and details of possible further expansion

  • Paul Sharman

    The original concept is now outdated as the rush for carbon neutral transport is being fast tracked. We have the advance in electric vehicles and other forms being trialed. The movement of goods by... Read more

  • Penelope Johnson-Adams

    This proposed project will impact the lives of local people including myself and my family. It is not needed in this area as there is already a facility not too far away. The project will have a... Read more

  • Piyush Bhargav Sarmah

    I live in the village of Sapcote. I am concerned about the impact that this proposed infrastructure will have on not just my village but the surrounding ones, and the local environment. I do not... Read more

  • Priscilla Bennett

    This is a necessary step to keep the UK on track. The central location is perfect because of the road links. The improvement to our road network will also help everyone. Jobs will be created locally... Read more

  • Rebecca Wilson

    The roads will not be able to cope This is too close to an important green space

  • Richard Edwin Stirley

    This development is completely unnecessary and simply seeks to duplicate existing facilities in this area. Indeed a new industrial development has just been approved by the local authorities of Rugby,... Read more

  • Richard Gate

    This will be taking away a wonderful green common area and creating a lot of noise and other polutuon.

  • Richard Green

    I beleive there will be a detrimental effect on the local environment, noise, pollution, extra traffic and congestion.

  • Richard Gunn

    I want to understand the impact on green space, and subsequent wildlife. The impact on the the current infrastructure. Timeline for proposed project.

  • Richard Hardman

    Unsuitable development for the location based upon the significant negative environmental impacts the development will cause. Additionally the need for the site in this location and if the location is... Read more

  • Richard Lake

    We live next to the Trainline, What will the frequency of trains be? Will they run all night and all day and affect the current scheduled passanger trains?

  • Richard Moran

    I work in distribution, have seen the entire A5 road from the M1 to Hinckley become an ugly set of warehouses with little care for the environment or the future lives of our children. It’s time to... Read more

  • Richard Reading

    Key adverse impacts: Damage and loss of greenfield land. Increased HGV traffic which may not use M69 Environmental impact in loss of habitats. Key advantages: May get some freight off the roads by... Read more

  • Rick Johnson

    My concerns being increase on demand for local amenities, infrastructure, pollution and the environmental impact this will have on the surrounding areas.

  • Riyaz Somani

    I strongly oppose this project. The noise pollution will have a significant impact on the living environment and the local community.

  • Robert Grassby

    Employment opportunities for local residents

  • Robert payne

    Very concerned about the effects on the wildlife in the area. Also as the rail line is Not electrified what level of euro engines will be fitted to the trains pulling those goods . The road network... Read more

  • Stephen Robinson on behalf of Robinson (Robinson)

    The project will destroy one of the few nature beauty spots in the Hinckley area ie Burbage Woods and Common. The road infrastructure nearby especially the A5 is already virtually nose to tail with... Read more

  • Roger Bennett

    The proposal could bring a lot of jobs to the whole area not just Hinckley. The road network will be improved all around the local.

  • Roger David Ellis

    Iam registering my interest in the planning application because of the effect it will have on my local environment. It will have a overpowering effect on the local green spaces together with the... Read more

  • Roger Guy Booth

    I consider that the construction of HNRFI will have severe consequences for the area such as: - Severe Environmental impact including potential flooding, and increased noise pollution - Highway... Read more

  • Roger Waterhouse

    To my mind there are sufficient depots of this nature in the area especially DFRT. The road network at present is inadequate to service the construction phase let alone employee and service traffic... Read more

  • Roger Young

    This is not wanted! There will be a loss of green belt land and environmental damage as well a a loss to wildlife and habitats. This area has lost enough and many would argue too much already to... Read more


    Why is there a requirement for another distribution complex ? There are already 12 existing or planned warehouse and freight facilities within close proximity: the Amazon and DHL distribution... Read more

  • Russell Abbott

    The whole project is not needed and taking up space that is used for leisure, as well as as all the nature, habitats it will destroy. The roads in Hinckley and surrounding areas struggle to cope with... Read more

  • Ruth Bevan

    Hinckley does not have the infrastructure for a development of this magnitude. Local roads are already overwhelmed particularly the A5 this will have a negative impact on the local community and cause... Read more

  • Ruth Gill

    This development will have a detrimental effect on the whole area. It is not wanted or needed. There is already a rail freight terminal at East Midlands airport and Rugby to serve this area.

  • Sandra Chamberlain

    Additional traffic to the area and impact on Burbage Woods

  • Sandra Elizabeth Ann Fretwell

    This is yet more unacceptable intrusion into an already rapidly depleting countryside around Burbage and Hinckley. Traffic congestion and large HGV vehicles using minor roads in Burbage already create... Read more

  • Sapcote Parish Council (Sapcote Parish Council)

    Sapcote Parish Council oppose the development of the HNRFI because we consider: 1. The need is not properly established, both in terms of the level of need and the provision of other sites. 2. It has... Read more

  • sarah elliott

    I believe the rail freight development will impact severely on traffic through the local villages without the infrastructure to handle it. It is also reducing rural and agricultural land at a time... Read more